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When schools become killing fields...


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My worst fear nearly came true.  This morning, my school was put under lockdown along with an elementary school.  By the time the day was over I walked into a parking lot swarming with Police Officers and National Guard Troops.

Apparently the middle school I graduated from only two years ago nearly had a school shooting.  A girl had been fighting with her friends and said she was going to shoot them and left the school during the day,and came back with a gun apparently.  It was only a 6th grader, holding a gun on her friends.  The police took the gun from her, but...all other schools in the area (like mine) were put under lockdown.  and well let's say if u yelled gun in my school at the end of the day it wouldn't have been pretty.

Shortly after Columbine I had my first school shooting nightmare, it was set at that school and today it nearly came true, at the hands of a 6th grader.  No one was hurt or killed, thank God, but still the psychological terror remains within me as well as those middle school students who were faced with a gun.  Never say that it cannot happen in your community, it can.  

This all comes of course, two days after my dad was working at Rite Aid and got caught in a hold up for the pain killer oxycontin, wear a man pulled a gun on the pharmacist and demanded the pills.  And then yesterday was Valentine's day which s*cked for me, and today while I was locked into Journalism I got to hear all about my friend Ashliegh getting high with her boyfriend on Valentine's Day and my friend Amber (Who's had a baby once) telling me about having sex with her boyfriend in the back of his car.  

So yes I am in a bad mood, yes I am cranky, yes I am scared as sh!t about what might happen next.  The Secret Service was enough when Tipper came to give a speech, I won't be able to stand armed troops in fatigues in my hallways, I hope they aren't back Tuesday.


(I found out that some seniors didn't get out by lockdown that had college classes, apparently they were excused for the absence.  There is actually a provision for being held against your will in the County Policy Guide.  And the lockdown counts as being held against there will.)

SO since I did this rant for my sanity, anyone have anything to say on school shootings?

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I live in a small town of about 17,000 people, it is probably far worse in a bigger city.  *shakes head* Nowhere is safe from violence, though I'm sure I don't need to tell you Edric.  I know people who have been to Romania and were actually busted for illegal prayer or something by the form of the "Secret Police" or the equivalent.  Worse part is none of the ROmanian guys spoke English and the American that could speak Romanian was too terrifed to speak.

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It seems you need better friends, no offence ment or anything but one with a baby and another a druggy? and they should stop making oxy contin(or hill billy heroine in my book) due to the simularities to heroine.

If I were you I'd move to a diffent city.

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ordos45. I know you are a good christian and all that. But your mellow dramatic attitude is annoying me. lol I mean bad things happen. You shouldnt feel sorry or scared for yourself or others. It is what it is. The lord will take care of it all in due time. It doesnt help when you are so goody goody. all these stories and stuff. Its like you are one of those "caring" preppy types. just chill out.lol:)

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oh and also. I have been throguh that before. I have had a pistol put to my head by a kid from school. I am not lying. There are bad things. Things I wont get into that happened to me. but it doesnt help to spout out this stuff. big deal. the world isnt a good place to live. relax in that.

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Hey, dont feel bad Ordos or TMA, bad s*** happens every day and you just have to live with it. I grew up on the "bad" side of town, and just about every day had its violent events. Someone beating his wife and kids, cops beating "thugs", thugs shooting thugs all became something i saw on a daily basis. When I was six years old, i witnessed my very first drive-by. From that day forth, i never left that house without someone else or a bat. But the thing that kept me going was that hope that one day it would all stop and/or I would leave (which I did). Years later, I still breathe and live as a human, with a strong distaste towards violence.

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No it wasnt a friend. it was a friend of a friend. we were hanging out and at that time I was into the "bad" crowd. I have always been a strong christian and even then I was. As all humans though I fell through. It seems that christians do it more then non christians. anyways this kid that is a friend of my friend decided it would be funny if he put his pistol to my head and threaten to kill me. just to see my reaction. of course I was scared and I never hung out with them again.lol It goes to show that the world isnt a nice place to live. But at the same time not to judge. because we all are sinners. I shoudlnt have gotten involved with the stuff and I did. Now I am stil lfriends with that one guy. I wnot judge him. but he knows how I feel.  he also knows to watch himself. I too live in a poor family so generally we get stuck with people who arent good people usually. This stuff happens ordos. I know it sucks. It just happens because of man's sin. We cant fight it through ourselves or through a mass  of people. but through God. now I know I always fail with this. but its true. you are a great guy ordos and seem sensitive. keep that it is rare. I only have one friend. he too is like that.

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Well. The worse i have ever seen is when my family was on vaction in flordia we were on datona beach. Some one pulled a large macheate on someone and swung the guy like fell down he had a huge gash in his chest. The guy who did it ran off. But cops were there in like 30 secs the guy servived and they captured the guy aparently it had something to do with a girl

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It sounds like a warzone compared to where I live. Someone vandalizes a sign and its big news, although I live in a fairly small town of 5000 outside of a larger city of almost 700,000. The city is a worse but still there isn't much violence... must be the northern climate.

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Well I live in a little town about 20,000, and there's lots of drugs if you know where you can get it. And once one of my friends got into a fight and the police came, the day after we could read in the paper that the guy had help a gun when the police came, my friend didn't see that.

And Sardukar-Kirov I got such connections too, but I'm not proud of it, it doesn't help to rid of the violence it just make it worse.

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