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One of the problems with that is, for Atheists, agnostics, etc in countries like the UK, people are counted christian when they're not. Legally, I am of the Church of England. Since I was 4, I decided not to believe in such things.

eg on that page: "... If one eliminated from the total number of Christians in the world all those who are counted as Christians only because they identify themselves as such in a survey or census, even though they never actually attend Christian services, study Christian literature, or make behavioral changes based on Christian teachings beyond general societal norms, one might obtain a ..." You get the picture.

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What I want to know is how people that are Christian could have friends, and at the same time "know" the friends are going to Hell. Wouldn't they have to doubt their religion in order to be best friends with someone going to Hell? Just seems strange to me.

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Man, I go away for a few days and everyone starts worshipping Gob... ;)

If you're starting a Dune Religion, I'll be in charge of Missionaria Protectiva. ;D

Back on topic:

My God, atheism is in 4th place on the world religions listing? This is VERY bad... again, I see a bleak future for mankind. Maybe it'll inspire me to write more in Godlike (the small novel I'm writing).

But even WORSE, Scientology has 750k victims... uh, adherents. What is this world coming to? :(

Nema and Acriku: We really can't know how many "greedy" christians there are, because we don't have anything like a survey. You can't speculate on their number. But you might notice that Pascal's Wager is a total failure as an argument, so that suggests the percentage of "greedy" believers is very low. Personally I've never met one.

Notice that many charitable organizations are Christian. Does Mother Teresa ring any bells? (I'm tempted to say Saint Teresa, even though I'm not a Catholic) But I've NEVER seen or heard of charity being done in the name of atheism, humanism, secularism, etc.

Acriku, the New Testament is what defines Christianity. We share the full OT with the Jews and parts of it with the Muslims.

Christianity is "the fulfillment of Judaism".

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Yes, it (CoE) is anglican... my point was that while I was CoE at the age of 3, I am no longer... but I am still a 'registered member', since I can't move to a church of atheism - there isn't a proper one.

Edric, religion does not have a monopoly on charity. You also misrepresent the figures... since by definition, you can't do something in the name of atheism as you can in the name of some god. More charities than not are 'agnostic'... they don't do things to please a god or whatever, they do it because it is right.

Religious charities have religion in their names or wherever for one of 2 reasons...

1 - They want to please their god (Greed?)

2 - They want to promote their god in the world, i.e. propaganda

3 - They are actually of good intent, and the founder decided to bring their relgious community together by making the charity (which they were going to make anyway) in the name of the particular religion.

Thus, religion itself has no REAL effect on charitability etc for the good of being good.

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Actually, having non-christian friends has nothing to do with doubting whatsoever! What made you think it does?

So I know my best friend is going to hell. Does that mean I stop being friends with him? NO! It means I try to lead him to the path of Christ.

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Edric, think of it, priests tell little children incentives to stay Christian, e.g. Heaven, does that not make the little kids become greedy of this Heaven? Also, you say Scientology has victims? Try the Christians using their whole life worshipping something they have no idea exists. Try the Christians killing themselves hoping to get into Heaven, only to find themselves 6 feet below and no where to go. Victims of early impressions, victims of lies, of masked good. And just what do you mean Christianity is the fullfilment of Judaism? (Yes, I still get offended, because Judaism is a way of life, not just a religion - like Christianity). Explain!

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Those little children will grow up and greed will no longer be a factor... If greed was the only thing keeping them christian, chances are they'll just turn atheist.

Priests also give advice as well as they can and help their community.

Scientology is the only religion I do NOT respect. It has victims because its members are required to pay money and follow insane restrictions. Recently the Church of Scientology gave all its members a free CD with computer stuff, including Netscape. They also incorporated a censorware program into the browser which could not be removed. This program banned users from viewing certain sites - the ones that criticize Scientology.

YOU show ME a Christian that kills himself to go to heaven, THEN we can talk about it.

Masked good? How is charity and love EVIL? What about all the christian aid organizations? What about nice priests that support their community??? WHAT DOES ATHEISM OFFER? NOTHING!

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I did NOT mean to offend Judaism. Far from it. I respect Jews as our only "allies" and as God's ancient chosen people. Christianity is the fulfillment of Judaism because it fulfills the ancient prophecies, it's as simple as that.

Atheism equals death as far as I'm concerned. It has NOTHING, except the acceptance of death. If you feel fine believing your life is a meaningless fluke of nature and you'll be worm food in a few decades, go right ahead.

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"chances are they'll just turn atheist"

Why? Greed still exists, and they've been indoctrinated to believe that there is a heaven... The point was that religion promoted/promotes greed, not the (so much) other way round.

"YOU show ME a Christian that kills himself to go to heaven, THEN we can talk about it."

St... what's his name... the guy who protected the priest by pretending he WAS a priest. He effectively did so.

"How is charity and love EVIL"

They are good things, but misused, sometimes as propaganda.

"Priests also give advice as well as they can and help their community."

So do solicitors, and plumbers, and civil servants.

"It means I try to lead him to the path of Christ"

Ironic - I have a catholic friend I'm currently bringing around to logic.

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"If you feel fine believing your life is a meaningless fluke of nature and you'll be worm food in a few decades, go right ahead."

If you wish to delude yourself that you really are special to an overgrown superstition, and when you die, you'll be transported to a wonderful place where everyone's happy, go right ahead.

If your priorities lie in allaying your fears, fine, be religious. Mine lie in the truth.

Religious charities:

I'm merely suggesting other reasons by which to explain the pheneomenon of more religious charities than not. These are reasons that could fit, therefore your point is invalid without further logic to support it. That's why I posted it.  

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What I was offended by, was that you assume you are right and that Judaism can not stand on it's own pillars without Christians holding it up. My fellow friends at my Synagogue think Christians to be crazy, ignorant, and plain rediculous. How are we your only allies? We are a different religion and do not "back you up" on your "truth". And yes, Jews are God's Chosen People. So what are Christians? Not is what they are.

Since when do Atheists not accept death? And in 100 years, I will be rolling over in my grave laughing and  remembering how you found out your life is a lie.

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"Since when do Atheists not accept death? And in 100 years, I will be rolling over in my grave laughing and  remembering how you found out your life is a lie. "

Poor Edric. I'll be laughing too. With my body given to research though. No graves for me.

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I actually go work on my mock yearbook and you all worship Gob!?  Anyhow I am back and full of fire.  www.creationseminar.net  go to "its a young earth" section.  Also if u really wanna argue goto www.religioustolerance.com  a very intollerant message board.

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