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How to stop Devo's ?


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A few devastator alone maybe easily to stop, but a group of devastator with some anti-infantry support would be extremely hard to stop.

Who could tell me how stop a group of army including 4 devastator,2 flame tank, 3 missile tank, 2 inkvine and each unit are covering each other as group with only Atreides unit?

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A few devastator alone maybe easily to stop, but a group of devastator with some anti-infantry support would be extremely hard to stop.

Who could tell me how stop a group of army including 4 devastator,2 flame tank, 3 missile tank, 2 inkvine and each unit are covering each other as group with only Atreides unit?

WOW...that be extremely tough to beat...

I'd send out about 3 ornithopters to get the missile tanks attention so they'd have to wait for a while before next salvo,then i'd pound them with

6-8 minos and more backed up with mongooses and atleast 6-7 of my repair vehicles...followed by a hit-run attack with 2-3 sonic tanks...i really dont know if this would wurk...but whut the hell

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build 6 minos to destroy the devastators, build some mongooses and some mongooses to cover the flame and missile tanks. Then use sand bikes to destroy the inkvines. Also if you have the fremen, use the fedaykin in groups of three to destroy them.

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I balanced Hark force like that would be hard to stop.

The best way to stop it depends on what you have at the time. I'd suggest getting rid of the flametanks and Inkvines first, if possible, because then you can easily march in Feds to take out the Devastators. It's hard to comment without seeing the exact unit placement of his army and what you had at the time. A really good solution would be Hawkstrike if you happen to have one powered up, but most good players have much better things to do than make Palaces, at least not until very late in the game.

I've used Atreides/Sards/Fremen against many of the best players in QM and my conclusion is that Sards suck against mass Minos, mass Inkvines, or mass Kobras. My new strat is Minos/Fremen/NIABS. If the Hark guy does not kill me before I get Minos/NIABS out in strong numbers, he's toast. As long as you micro your NIABS properly and make sure your Minos follow close behind so that if he attacks your NIABS with Fedaykin or Sards, then your Mino fire will wipe them all out in a matter of seconds, you'd be in really good shape (make your Minos attack-move as they follow your NIABS to make it easier, and assign both to separate group numbers). NIABS own Hark, including Devastators and (most happily for me personally, Inkvines ;D) , and if you have Minos right behind your NIABS, his Fedakyin/Sards/Light Infantry is not going to accomplish anything other than giving your Minos free chevrons. ;D

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If you are asking how to destroy that Hark combo with ONLY Atreides units, that would be very, very tough unless you have enough minos to tip the balance in your favor. Another way to kill it with only Atreides units would be about 20 Atreides ornithopters if you take out the devs and missile tanks first. However, if you use minimal subhouse units you could easily counter that combo. For example, that group could easily be taken out with about fifteen to twenty sard elites if you do it right, especially if they have some infantry ground cover such as infantry rock or barriers. The first targets would be the flame tanks and inkvines. After that, the missile tanks and even the mighty dev are a piece of cake. You left out some good Hark infantry--flame troopers for example--or some buzzsaws in your Hark combo, so there would be no infantry around to help deal with the Sard Elites. How do I know the sard elites would work? Because I have beaten that type of Hark mech combo many times with sard elites. Now, if you want to ensure victory against such a combo, a few fedaykin to kill the inkvines while the sard elites move in would guarantee success against that Hark combo.

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But the the inkvine will burn the infantries off in long range while the flame tank would in short range, the missile tank will be there as a support for the devastator, reducing any air & ground unit into crap metal in second, the missile tank will do the job at long range while the devastator will at short range.

It'll expect this to be the ultimate combo for the Hark's.

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Yes man, you're right, that's way I say the Inkvine is overpowered and people think I'm stupid for saying that.

Without Guild, you're gonna be in really bad shape vs. any good Hark player. I learned this the hard way. Sards or Sard Elites are *not* gonna help you in the least bit against a good Hark player. Take Fremen and Guild and use the strat I suggested, and if you can get Minos/Guild out before he kills you, and you micro everything properly, you will win.

The *only* reasonable counter to good Inkvine players is Minos/NIABs.

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Probably this deva wasn`t escorted by flamer.

Did you read this: A few devastator alone maybe easily to stop, but a group of devastator with some anti-infantry support would be extremely hard to stop.

Who could tell me how stop a group of army including 4 devastator,2 flame tank, 3 missile tank, 2 inkvine and each unit are covering each other as group with only Atreides unit?

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Hehe, I know this is not a tactic, but if living world is turned on, that many units would be in very danger of a large sandworm attack... ;D ;D ;D

And if you got any units not far away, you can get them upgraded too!

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10 Minos and all those Harks are dead. I know 10 Minos are more expensive than the army you described, but some of them will survive and you can always repair them.

Besides, if you want your Hark group to stay united, you'll have to make them all move as slow as the Devastators... so you can take a nap before they get halfway to the enemy base. :)

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Well, right off the bat i beleive that Atreides is better. Long range, strong units. But with a good strategy, or just overnumbering :P and Hark player could take care of a Atreides player any day ;D

Some does have better range than the Hark units, but i'll doubt about the strength, all Atreidies units have weak armour.

Only Atreidies or Ordors will need to over-number or act like a lame by sneak over here and sneaking over there(e.g Laser crap), actually not just acting like, they are in-actual fact.

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or, have the devastators be airlifted, while the units follow behind, then land infront of the base, but for enough from the defenses.

No, i could move the group bit by bit, large steps when its clear in the front and small steps when i see incoming enemy in front. I'll stay the devastator in mid-air unless i see in-coming enemies, i'll put it back in the group and keep the adv.carryall at the back.
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10 Minos and all those Harks are dead. I know 10 Minos are more expensive than the army you described, but some of them will survive and you can always repair them.
Against this group you describle would be even easier, it'll just use 5 ADP. If only ground units is allowed, it'll use 3 devastators and 5 missile tanks. First rush the 3 devasator in front, while the minotaurus are handling the devo's i'll rush the missile tanks and victory is mine with only 1 or 2 deaths.
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