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Best defence against (and use of) super weapons

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Hawk strike- Work best against fast units like ordos and big masses of units.Best defence is to form some kind of unit wall so they can't run away.I like to use it especially against Gunships or Ornithopters on helipads close to each other, you can't stop them to run away.It doesn't work so good against slow Hark and Atreides ground units. 8)

Death hand-Great for destroying buildings close to each other. It's great to destroy enemy's palace while he's super weapon is almost ready for use. It's also great to destroy he's outpost so you can surprise him with rush. Best defence? Build buildings far from each other (if it's possible, if not, always have two of important buildings:Con yard, factory...) 8)

Chaos lightning-It's great to target few enemy turrets and watch how they are destroying everything around them. It's also good with minos in base so they damage all buildings around them.I like to use it against bigger number of enemy units together when they are moving towards my base so I stop his rush in one simple move. Best defence against it is to build turrets not so close to each other and not to keep many units in base together. 8)

What do you think?


Death hand can destroy building if you put it on building and in tha same time you send gunships to finish it. And death hand destroys barracks. Its usefull put it on factory and next destroy con yard with gunships. And against hawk strike you can have units far from each other and have some AC to take up vehicles that were hawked.


Put turrets far from buiding entry and mainly far from buildings. Have units in small groups. Its worst when you have defence in enter put together, when lightning is close, I mean when it was long ago and is going, take units from defence group and put far from each other. When chaos will be put, take your units back.


And when facing someone with chaos lightning...whatever you do, don't put 2 devastators too close to eachother (dont let it be possible to affect both at the same time).

2 devastators wreak havoc on defending forces.


And not close to turrets. If enemy use lightning, I have devas in the far front of base: it can cope with worms if they are and can`t destroy much in base if its lightened. Missiles are still in their range so deva is safe and isn`t as dangerous.


If you play Hark you must be extra careful. If missile tanks in base are infected they can destroy all around itself and finally they will destroy each other. Since one cost 1200 the looses are very big. It's same with gun turrets only they don't destroy each other. I always keep missile tanks outside my base. They are fast so there's no need to keep them inside the base.(all ordos tanks too) 8)  Does anyone have some good tactics against hawk strike? I'm ordos and it really bugs me. ???


1. Project some units if you are with Ix and make with them biggest units group in base. Hawk will be put on projected ones and you won`t lose money.

2. Keep units in small groups but isn`t good tactic if enemy often attack.

3. You can keep your units even in big group in enter and if you think hawk strike should come soon, move them in small groups and when hawk will be out, move them again in the positions.

4. In the bigger group put deployed kobras. It takes time they undeploy and desapeared. It works when you have kobras far from edge of the map or you have wall.

5. Always have some advanced carryalls. When your units will be hawked, pick them up with ACs and put them on ground when they be normal.

Hawk strike- Work best against fast units like ordos and big masses of units.Best defence is to form some kind of unit wall so they can't run away.I like to use it especially against Gunships or Ornithopters on helipads close to each other, you can't stop them to run away.It doesn't work so good against slow Hark and Atreides ground units. 8)

shoot the hawk strike in front of the planes when they come to attack, then they do not have ot be parked near each other. Also hit in front of Air drones when they come to harrass carryalls.

One great thing about hawk strike is that affected units won't shoot. So If missile/devas/deviator/mino/APC(ord) attack, hit them with hawk, and kill them as they leave.

Since they won't fight back, this can be useful for leveling up light infantry.(to become drill seargeants.)


How much it takes to charge super weapon?(It would be great to have few alarm clocks when you are playing so you can set them and alarm warns you when the enemy super weapon is charged.) ;D


That also happened to me many times. Units moved across whole map and they never got away, I was ordos so they were almost undamaged because of their speed. ;D


i like your idea of death hand. :)

dont use choas lighting when the mino are stand too close with each other...they cant attack by that!! >:(


But Hawk Strike don`t do any damages and can`t be use against buildings. Don`t work with slow units and if you have units far from each other, it works only on small group. Lightning even if is put on small group can do damages in units weren`t lightened and death hand can destroy building and do damages after. I like death hand most. But its not fact just opinion.


Death hand is good when barracks and factory are close. During death hand working every infantry that goes from there is soon dead if death hand was mainly on barrack and if its closer, its destroyed already and if you have gunships enough you can finish factory with one of them and send main group to destroy con yard. Its better when enemy is as reckless and didn`t put repair at time. Or after storm.

  • 3 weeks later...

Well, if you get hit by Chaos Lihtning and got many strong turrets IN your base (Gun turrets for example), you can sell a windtrap and be on low power until turrets are back to normal. :) Cheaper than selling turrets. (not good when you really HAVE to keep producing units, but most of the time your base is more important).

Hawk strike is best in big tank v tank battles... Send in minos against ordos, enemy sends in laser tanks, Hawk hawk hawk, enemy army gone, and your minos can 'peacefully' walk into the enemy base :)

Chaos Lightning is especially good against enemy defenses (units, turrets)

Hawk Strike is good in big tank or Infantry battles

Death Hand is good against enemy buildings

Seems well balanced to me... But i hate enemy Chaos Lightning most...

  • 2 weeks later...

You forgot one thing, you can slow down the units effected with hawk strike by putting a blockade of tanks at the entrance/exit, I used that a few times on campains against Atreadies.


theres no point in that. when i played against atreides, they used it on my units. i made a blockade, like u said earlier. And instead when the infected units touch a normal unit the will also be infected by hawk strike

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