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Peter Berg no longer directing Dune


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Good catch Dunenewt.  I think a week or two someone was saying that there was a rumour to that effect here in the boards and it's nice to get confirmation.

David Fincher only has one upcoming film according to IMDB, he may be free for another project....

(Personal hope, not knowledge or rumour)

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I really don't understand why he'd choose all these other films over Dune...did he not feel up to it?

Dude, it was Battleship!  Battleship!  How could he refuse?!  Imagine the challenge of adapting that epic story, the balancing act between the political machinations and religious themes, the spellbinding action scenes and tender romantic moments.  Battleship! is a story.  Dune, well, it seems a little simple and childish in comparison, don't you think?

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Did anyone catch last nights Colbert Report?  There was a long bit on Berg's Battleship!

Yep. I had no idea you guys were talking about battleship board game, I thought it was some sort of computer game or 70s/80s remake.

Sounds stupid, unless some sort of kids movie.

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I had no idea you guys were talking about battleship board game, I thought it was some sort of computer game or 70s/80s remake.

Is that true? Battleship! is going to be a film adaptation of the eponymous game? I didn't pay attention at first after reading this topic, then remembered that Battleship is indeed the English name for a classic game (it's Russian name roughly translates as "Naval Battle", so I did not immediately recognize it), and joked to myself that it must be a film about the game. I thought it was just my quirky sense of humour... What's up next, a Tetris movie, or what? :P

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I really don't understand why he'd choose all these other films over Dune...did he not feel up to it?

Did YOU really feel he was up to it, I mean with your McDune GAGA glasses off, with all his interview crap about a "more muscular adventure"?


In a way I'm sorry to see him go, because I wanted this to be a MASSIVE FAIL, you know, especially for the Herbert Leech Parade and good ole boy KJA, and Berg seemed the most likely director able to deliver one. :D

Oh well, there's still Michael Bay! ;D

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  • 4 weeks later...

... a little over a month later and other sites are finally also reporting this (CHUD and Aint it Cool).  Little more "information" on them.  $175 mil budget, potential replacements Neil Blompkin and Neil Marshall.  Keep in mind the sources....

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