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The "I hate weather" thread.


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Figured I'd make this thread since my area is getting terrible weather lately. >:(

Periods of freezing rain will become mixed at times with drizzle this afternoon from the first system. Precipitation from this second system will begin in the form of freezing rain later this evening and could be of an extended duration..Possibly 6 to 9 hours. Total ice accretion could be significant on exposed surfaces.

This is the 3rd or 4th ice storm we've had since December (2 of them had devastating power outages, both most expensive in history). Normally we get maybe 1 ice storm a year. Every 5 days we get a new storm, weather it is freezing rain, or blizzard, depends on the temperature.

Winter storm batters eastern half of Canada

This storm is sounding bad, since northern parts of the storm are getting 40 cm of snow, the middle part of the storm is getting lots of freezing rain, and lower parts of the storm are getting 80 mm of rain. Also high winds will make this bad. Entire Eastern Canada is getting hit with this storm :(

Anyone having bad weather lately? What bad weather conditions do you normally have?

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This is the 3rd or 4th ice storm we've had since December...

Sorry man, the complaints department is closed.

I haven't been too affected by the storm just yet, here in Ottawa.  Got some heavy snow yesterday, which made walking home annoying.  For every step I took, the force would slip my foot back a few inches (damn you, physics!) because of the slush under the new snow.  Thankfully, my sense of balance is pretty good, except for earlier this week when I slipped into a puddle in my favourite suit.  :(

It's lightly snowing right now, but it's likely to get a lot worse before it gets better.  I'm glad I have a full weekend off, for the first time in months.

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I just saw yesterday on CBC news that you guys in Ottawa pilled up snow higher than a house in one neighborhood. I tired to find the photo back failed.

I am also tired of shoveling snow. There is already a pile 1.5 meters high opposite my house. It serves as a wind breaker but I don't like throwing snow so high and today we are getting more.

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Sorry man, the complaints department is closed.

I haven't been too affected by the storm just yet, here in Ottawa.  Got some heavy snow yesterday, which made walking home annoying.  For every step I took, the force would slip my foot back a few inches (damn you, physics!) because of the slush under the new snow.  Thankfully, my sense of balance is pretty good, except for earlier this week when I slipped into a puddle in my favourite suit.  :(

It's lightly snowing right now, but it's likely to get a lot worse before it gets better.  I'm glad I have a full weekend off, for the first time in months.

This is supposed to be the biggest storm of the year, but it doesn't look that bad outside now.  I don't think we're gonna break that snowfall record they're talkigna bout.

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It is supposed to get worse Mahdi. There are two storm fronts with this storm apparently. The first front isn't that bad (I think it already passed ottawa or is in the process of doing so), but the second one is supposed to be worse (more wind).

Ottawa weather warning says potential for 40-50cm of snow, then 70km/h winds.

I just saw yesterday on CBC news that you guys in Ottawa pilled up snow higher than a house in one neighborhood. I tired to find the photo back failed.

I am also tired of shoveling snow.

That used to be normal for the winters back in the 80s. we would normally have a snow bank next to the house about one story high (I have a picture of me standing in front of it and  it was about 3 times my height). Several places on the nearby road have high piles of snow built up. Usually higher than the snow plows. After one blizzard many years ago it took the plows a day or two to get to our place, they couldn't plow through the road. They had to get snow blowers.

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Well England has had really weird weather over the last year, plenty of flooding all over the country, a couple of mini tornado's and we're apparently in for severe gales and heavy rains again this week.

If we had your kind of snowfall the country would no doubt grind to halt, an inch of snow always causes chaos.

Oh and of course our earthquake, which was a non event but featured heavily in the news.

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A prolonged period..Up to 9 hours..Of freezing rain is forecast. Significant ice accretion will occur on exposed surfaces.

Freezing rain has started. I can see it on the ground, power lines and trees. With medium winds of 50km/h there will be damage. If it lasts another 9 hours and builds up before it can melt tomorrow (supposed to go to 5 Celsius tomorrow morning with rain, so that should melt some of it) don't expect me to be online. I filled our bathtub up with water. Gonna unplug everything.

When can the war on weather begin?


1 hour later and still freezing rain. A bit more ice on stuff. The next two hours looks like some intense precipitation.

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Ice all melted this morning off of trees and stuff. We got a crew on the road next to our house moving snow for the water to stay in the ditch. Our road is flooded and they need to get it off the road before it freezes later today. Lots of water. Normally don't see this amount until spring when the snow is melting.

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We had that storm in NE Ohio earlier this weekend. All snow. It really wasn't nearly as bad as people around here took it. Only dropped 2 feet or so. Problem was that this city has shit for snow response and even less for plow funding. So two days in, they still don't have streets completely clean, morons are still getting stuck (and needing me to help push them out) and sidewalks arn't even a consideration for pedestrians. It's times like these I *wish* I was in Canada where they actually know how to deal with it.

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It's times like these I *wish* I was in Canada where they actually know how to deal with it.

/Most/ people.  You'd be surprised how many people try to get their crappy little hatchbacks down unploughed sideroads, and get all surprised when they're up to their windshields in snow.

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But, against long-term series of data, 2007 appears to be a blip rather than part of a trend.

Summers do not appear to be getting wetter - in fact there was more summer rain around during the 19th Century than there is today.

Records for maximum flows on the Avon and Thames, which both date back into the 1800s, show no long-term increase.

What has changed since then, the researchers conclude, is the growth of urban centres, particularly on floodplains.

"Extreme flooding in the UK is historically rare; but vulnerability to flooding has increased markedly as a consequence of floodplain development," said Mr Marsh.

That's quite interesting.

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