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Kirby Gotenks absorbed

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I remember being one of the main instigators of that whole mess. All I can do is apologize for making Gobalopper's job difficult here on this website. The Landsraad was a place that certain people could go to, a kind of VIP club. I remember the reasons for being so upset behind it, and all of my reasons were foolish at best. Apologies to all of those who were involved!  thats all I can say.

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Is Nav/Naveros supposed to be considered an a-hole?


Chani was the last girl/woman poster, correct?


Hehe... I think I remember seeing some ancient posts like that those days. I was kind of surprised you said things like that last time. Alas, we all mature, don't we? ;D I daren't look at my old posts, in any case...


You all were probably very immature in the past. xD (am I right or wrong?)

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The original being "He who controls the present, controls the past. He who controls the past, controls the future." from George Orwell, 1984; also used by Kane in the C&C series.

I was actually quoting Seth from TD, but you're right, like Kane's "He who controls the present, controls the past etc." it's the rephrase of the same line in 1984. However, I like Seth's version more ;) It has more of the "know history" approach, rather than "rewrite history", which is what both the Party and Kane did, albeit in different ways (BTW, Nod TS ending -> Chronosphere?)

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It is true. Think about it:

If you control what happened in the past, then you would have shaped the future. In that way you could say that you command it. You create the events in the past when you are in control, because the future comes from the events of the past you would command it.

If you command, or decide what happens in the future, then you would decide what people think happened in the past.

If you did not control the past in the future, and you command the future, then you would have conquered the past because of the first statement. The past decided something for the future, but now you control the future, therefore you have conquered what the past intended with the future.

This is my understanding of it, don't know how much sense you can make of it  :P

I don't know how much of a philosophic weight this statement has been given, though


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Still, if you conquer the past it doesn't mean you can conquer the future, maybe the other way around.

It works both ways philosophically. History is written by the victors. That gives you control over the past. Likewise, with control of the past, you can determine how the future would proceed. It's a two-way causation, actually. It sort of describes how an absolute power can remain absolute for a very long period of time.

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You can view the past from several different views, and for example whether a ruler was a tyrant or not would often be decided by those who write the history in the future.

Think about it, europeans would never acknowledge their flaws in history 100 years ago. But now it is the culture who has admitted the most flaws. We see the past in another way, than they did 100 years ago. The way we see it is not necessarily the thruth, neither was perhaps the previous way to see it, but we are all affected by the time we live in when we retell the past.

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