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Hi fellow earthlings.. :P

Today its 07-07-07..

Some people then marry, others think yeah so what..

But this day is actually a little special...

Today its the day the whole world stands still to the Climate Problems

Greenhouse gasses etc.

Today its the day of Live Earth

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Snoop dog is on now in Hamburg.

Too bad global warming is now too politicalized and the only people interested in it want to profit from it.

My province is putting up 55 wind turbines, then selling the electricity they generate to the north east USA. I don't get why they would sell it so far away. Why cant the locals consume it? Power is lost the more it travels...

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this whole event is so ridicolous. in fact what happens is: a lot of garbage lying around, a lot of power is needed for stuff like the lasershow in japan and also most people go to the concerts by car. so actually this event harms mother earth but does nothing else because nothing will change due to some folks making music...

by the way: it's raining the whole day in hamburg today so the concert won't even be fun at least  ::)

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global warming is really disappointing . . . yours truly only bought summer clothers and slippers and yet still we don't have 40 degrees but the regular 30 like always.. .Hope the winter will be better as I don't have any winter clothes anymore... ::)

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Definitely commercialism. It's on TV right now, and the commercials are all of companies saying they are environmentally friendly and that people should shop there.

I'm sure the music industry loves it too. Free promotion for lots of artists, which would probably lead to an increase in sales. Just like Pink Floyd's album sold out within a week of Live 8. Or when MTV cut to commercial in the middle of a Pink Floyd song (they were forced to play the entire concerts commercial free after that screwup a week or two later).

Getting a commercial for a companies green grocery bag

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Ahh yes, Maddox. I love:

At least 1 in 3 people chosen at random will necessarily be "African American," even though only 13% of the US population is black.

It is very true with all marketing. Most universities have every minority possible in their marketing campaigns (probably >50% of people shown are minorities), even though they only make up 5% of the student population. Its like they don't care for the average white male, because there are plenty of them. That's discrimination! :P

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I wonder how much sonar pannels could be bought with the money spent that day? I bet it could save a lot of energy consumption per family.

My father-in-law had a sonar pannel on his roof, and it saved him a lot of money. It was heavily encouraged by the government, so he did not pay (much) for the pannel itself.

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We would have to plant 100,000 trees to offset the effect of Live Earth


I know someone with a solar panel on roof for about 15 or more years. I'm guessing solar panels are much more efficient now.

There are definitely lots more wind turbines where I live. Individual businesses and homes are putting them up (along with commercial wind turbine farms). I guess being one of the windiest places in Canada has that effect.

Interestingly where my family lives is one of the windiest places in the province, and we live right next to a major power facility that brings power from another province that powers half our province. Wouldn't be surprised if in the future we put wind turbines up. Although it is a huge cottage industry in the area (~100 cottages). So there would be ots of opposition (you get paid $10,000 per year per turbine from the wind turbine farm people for using your land).

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Not pointing a finger, but I often find it very naive (or deliberately stupid) of people trying to point out such flaws in such events. It's like when leaflets are distributed advicing people to recycle paper, people complaining that the leaflet itself costs paper.

It's typical that people do everything to find flaws in others, so they won't have to look for their own.

Sure the event may have costed a little extra, but its not much compared to the normal daily consumption. You have to make effort to make people aware, and effort costs energy/resources. The goal is that eventually the daily consumption will be reduced. That is called investment. Sure there are good questions to ask on the political motives of certain participating parties, but don't use that short-sighted argument about cost...

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