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Movies other than Dune


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Hey scar, have fun with the movie! It's a refreshing view of vampires from all the old "romantic" vampire stories. These guys are just pure beasts. The storyline is not too deep, as it is mainly a survival movie but it does have very interesting ideas and twists.

Um veK, I'm still having retroactive nightmares of watching Event Horizon alone in the dark. Sam Neill was so different from his Jurassic Park character that it was very chilling.

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  • 2 months later...

Watched Jesus Camp last night. Scary how they brainwash children. A couple times I LOL. Great seeing the repressed homosexual drug addict Ted Haggard on there.

They filmed the first 15ish minutes of that documentary in my hometown, suburb of KC.  Yes, that documentary is scary.  No, I never had any of that stuff from the video done to me.

Anyway, just saw the latest Tim Burton/Johnny Depp film.  Awesome movie.  The extreme throat slashing is quite projectile at times.  Great film adaptation.  Here's my only beef: I know it was a cinemized version of a musical so burton was probably trying to stay true to those fans, but seriously Danny Elfman is leagues ahead of Stephen Sondheim.  If it's not broken, don't fix it.  Danny Elfman rocks.  Sondheim.......not so much.

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That new Johnny Depp movie looked interesting, some people said the music was borderline repetitive though.

Aliens v Predator: Requiem was very satisfying in the gore/violence department. Definitely makes up for the first movie (and then some). Predalien is awesome!

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What influences do you think del Toro would have had on the film? I imagine the ending would have been [hide]less cheesy/fairy-tale happy? [in regards to the human race as a whole] (I much prefer the book's ending to the movie's)[/hide] Perhaps that's wishful thinking...

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Anyone see Juno?

It is supposed to be one of the best movies of 2007 (released late December).

Has 8.4/10 on imdb (#132 of top 250) and 93% at rottentomatoes.

Has a well known overall cast as well. Same director as Thank you for Smoking which was a good movie.

Damn, I think I just convinced myself to find someone to go see it with.

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Juno looks interesting, the main guy is from Superbad... From what I read on it the script is really well thought out, with a lot of wit in it.

If you really want to know the book's ending Kokiri:

[hide]Neville finds out that the vampires are developing low-level societies, then after losing the dog he found [yes, he found the dog midway into the book, instead of having it all along as in the movie] and being betrayed by the woman he found [a vampire in disguise, the movies allude to the vampires growing smarter against Neville which was great] he is captured by the vampires and taken to the leader vampire(s) lair and learns that among the low-level societies, he is feared. He is Legend. dun dun dunnn! Then he presumably is killed and humanity is wiped out. I more satisfying ending, if I do say so myself! [/hide]

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  • 1 month later...

I saw Superman Returns recently on DVD, which was pretty good.  Not amazing but, it was a good comeback for the franchise.  I've also seen Perfume, which I thought was a girly film when my friend bought it, but I was pleasantly disappointed.  Anyone here seen Sunshine?  I watched it really late at night, and those flashing frames scared me quite a bit!

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  • 1 month later...

Just saw 'I AM Legend'. I thought it was ok due to Will Smith's great acting. But the problem I had is with the CGI effects of the infected,I mean it's what around 15 years since Jurrasic Park and this is the best they could do...shit.I think it would have been alot more effective using real makeup but thats me.

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I like pokemon movies 1-3, although I doubt anyone here likes pokemon (although I generally like everything nintendo). I watched this terrible Pokemon movie called "Pokemon 4-ever".

Cool/funny movies:

Kung Pow: Enter the fist

Austin Powers in Goldmember

Dead or alive

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I watched Cloverfield some time ago, and found it quite bad. A pretty pointless plot, the first half of the movie is plainly boring, the second is a little less boring. I only liked the scene where the soldiers attack the creature and the main characters are caught in the middle. The shaky camera didn't make for additional realism. It's just another trend in cinema these days.

Anyone seen The Constant Gardener?

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