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I missed that particular issue, but then I havent played for about a week. PLayed some today. New patch is different, in that Jumping to shoot is now something I cant do (I dont never bunny hop, I mean just jump to shoot once, maybe to shoot over someone, or throw c4, I think thats been stuffed too ?). But it is good. Is the new 1.21 out ?

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No patch v1.21 is not out yet

EA have released a community update stating that they're aware of the problems with the latest v1.2 update and that they're working hard to get the v1.21 hotfix out.

    The patch will be tested in a limited beta starting the end of this week. We're working around the clock to minimize your wait on the release of 1.21 but at the same time want to make sure that the patch is thoroughly tested before it goes out officially.

The v1.21 hotfix will include, among other things, the following bug fixes:

    * Crash bug when using Hummer with TOW in the Special Forces expansion pack has been fixed

    * Screen capture is now working

    * Performance issues with certain ATI cards has been addressed

    * Server browser can now filter by map name

    * Claymores - the number that can be dropped at any one time has been reduced to 2

Stats problem was already resolved when i played this morning  ;D

The GameSpy stats server, responsible for storing Battlefield 2 account details and scores, is currently unavailable. As a result, players may be having trouble logging in, or viewing their points, ranks, etc. This is most likely only a temporary glitch and nothing to worry about.

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Funny tho..

* Claymores - the number that can be dropped at any one time has been reduced to 2

I can only place 2 claymore now with the 1.2 patch so that will they include in the 1.21 ?....( Claymores rules to get the Explosive ordinanse,KARKRAND )


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Funny tho..

* Claymores - the number that can be dropped at any one time has been reduced to 2

I can only place 2 claymore now with the 1.2 patch so that will they include in the 1.21 ?....( Claymores rules to get the Explosive ordinanse,KARKRAND )


I've always only been able to drop 2 claymores at one time.

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I had some %^&* keep ramming me then getting me teamkilling me, then punishing me. Man that made me mad.

I couldnt see any admins on, so I didnt know what to do, but I dont even know why he did that.

He started off by coming up to me and shooting all around me while I was repairing a artillary position. So I was looking down concentrating on the job, and some joe runs up and starts shooting at me, so with my super reflexes, I Filled him full of pellets with one shot hes dead. Just as I saw his name in blue...and I thought "sheet, what have I done ?". I then thought wtf, he deserved it.

Of course, he punished...bah, these things happen. Except he respawns and by now I got an apc, and he manages to somehow get form behind me to being run over by me (when I am starting off forwards). Punish again. Then he respawns, gets a car, rams me, and punishs again !

Man I ripped in to him verbally, but that may have only made him happy.

I just moved off the server. Man you meet some real jerks online.

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Hell was it you erj 8)

sorry bout that man,didnt recognice your language. hehe

Well I have experienced it too and its very frustrating.

I`ll  take you up on that scar.

I had a funny time on Kark yesterday.Heres the scenario for one of the games short:

I  was at the ground defense on the MEC side of the train accident,(was MEC)a APC was shooting at me from the bridge,I could`nt see him but he for sure could see me. Well I shot after the flames from his canon and after 3 tries I rammed him and hes mate(2 KILLS).Moved over to the gr def at the USA side of the bridge.There comes a hummy and tried to catch the flag and bang hes dead

(3 kills)I sat on the cannon and a soldier comes running down the ramp and took the car right beside the defence,bang he was dead(4 Kills).Heres the funny part, he comes running once more without checking the gr defence spot, jumped in the car once more and BANG for the 2nd time

(5 kills) and cybo gets a Ground Defence Ribbon. LOL

cybo commander

P.S  this is me stretching out after  a artillery attack.Just chillin out

[attachment deleted by Gobalopper]

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A little tip for you guys: when a guy punishes you, you do not get a worse point penalty. It only adds up how many times you've been punished and through punkbuster you'll get kicked after so many times. What a relief when I found this out.

The penalty system is set that if you kill a guy really quickly (like a frag, GL, or head shot) you'll just get -4. But if you shoot him over and over until he dies, then you'll get -6 because of the -2 from team damage (whether or not you kill him).

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I'm getting this really strange bug after installing the 1.2 patch. My screen occasionally flashes (turns black for a second, then resumes) at unknown intervals. I have no idea how or why this happens, and considering that I'm using an nVidia card (albeit a relatively poor one) this should not be happening.

I really do hope they release 1.21 or something soon, this needs to be fixed! And perhaps start adding co-op support soon...

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I'm getting this really strange bug after installing the 1.2 patch. My screen occasionally flashes (turns black for a second, then resumes) at unknown intervals. I have no idea how or why this happens, and considering that I'm using an nVidia card (albeit a relatively poor one) this should not be happening.

I really do hope they release 1.21 or something soon, this needs to be fixed! And perhaps start adding co-op support soon...

BF2 is a harsh game in terms of grphics... if you are running graphics or resolution too high and your card is poor... you will suffer.  This is considered a top tier game... ever more advanced than Doom 3 or HL2.  So using a poor card and saying "This shouldnt be happening"  may not be entirely true.  :P

Some people dont realize how powerful some of these games are.

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Yup, for instance I just added another 512 ddr Kingston stick to my board and man what a difference just that made. Finally have matched great memory sticks running in duel high performance mode. Very noticable difference in just that little upgrade alone.

Another good thing to do is always check your graphic options to see if they changed. It does happen sometimes.

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Lifted from TweakGuides

Enter the console in the game (that white screen with junk on it ;)) and enter:

renderer.drawFps 1

Basically will show your Frames Per Second, an indication of how fast your computer is drawing the game screens. The higher the number, the faster it is, and the better/smoother the game.

I range from lowest of 55+ up to 100+. The plus being up to the next whole 10.

Post what you guys get !

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I get 85 FPS with resolution and graphical quality maxxed out.  But that is because i have vertical sync enabled which means my game cant go higher than my monitor refresh rate (85mhz).  IF i disabled vertical sync then it could go well into the upper 100s i am sure.  Havent tried it.

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Well I got 66.7 to around 70. Now that is using a 5500/256 keep in mind, also had it set on medium. The way I checked mine was in a hele as gunner shooting the TV guided missles, and mini-gun. That has to be graphic intense I would think. Still not too shabby for an unsupported low end card.  :D

BTW the medium set was only for textures in video sets, it wasent everything set to medium.

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Mines were on the ground, and vary according to detail levels. My setts are almost completely medium @800 x 600 :(

Average of about 75 -85 frames. May up the res a bit to lose a few frames and make it look better.

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I set it to the lowest possible, and this bug did not exist, ever. It only turned up after the 1.2 patch, so I'm positive it's something got to do with the patch. It's not too major though, it does not really make playing extremely hard.

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