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Battlefield 2


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Spicy that's kinda silly when you think about it,I mean I am playing with bare min. specs right now and have been. Also, about the servers I know  the ones your complaining about, they are called unranked take what you get,crap servers. The ranked ones are much more choosy in terms of ping,rules,size etc. and yes it makes a huge difference. I mean dunno what the rest are bringing up but I can choose through around 4 or 5 thousand servers on any given day. And those are the populated ones and ranked. Also, I don't think your patched and updated like the rest that makes a difference as well.

The specs,well I mean damn man,the game has sys. specs like any other game. Chances are if you don't meet those req's. then you will run into some problems.

The planes you can fly on the empty 64 plyr maps online, thats not gonna lag much when your the only one in there, I do it all the time for flying practice. There are tons of empty servers available for flying at any time. Btw, flying jets and heles are gonna kinda suck with a 5200, especially when you try to use the guided-missles.Thats why I had to do a mini upgrade to a 5500.

But i'm now getting something a little more beefy for the game for better graphics. I mean even the 5500 is under sys. spec req. but playable.

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well am on the demo servers atm... and my system are not up to the chalnge by anymean (dc,high ping,craches)evrey few secounds. u dont need to patch the demo man my  vga is just not meatting with it...all i wanted to say is its not totaly my fult i mean u can get most of the games working fine on a 128mb vga.  bf2 is not like other games.. maybe its way too pefect or its just ahead of its time and it belongs to the next generation of pc games

which some player including my self are not ready for it..

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I haven't even played the demo before, but from what i've read it's just Gulf of Oman with a 12 min. time limit. If and when you ever try the real version with all the little extras, i'm sure you would see a difference, but the game doesen't appeal to everyone either I guess.

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dont get me rong man.. the game appeal allright to me, but it dosnt appeal to my consumed poket who had to get the new system i got few weeks ago.. if i cant get the demo working properly with 16 player..

haw am i going to get the full game to work?? all i will do is pay 50$ for it then sit with my hands on

my chin not beeing able to playe the 62 maps i want . and geeting disapointed when i get kicked out every few secounds....a pc upgread is out of my range for the present...

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For your information, the demo has no patch. Thus, you only need to get the demo and you can play online. Most servers have overcome the problem of 12-min time limit anyway, and you can overcome the 10-min singleplayer time limit easily. The 32-player version is only available for online play. You cannot progress in the demo, so no rankings, no unlocks (though it's possible to hack the game to get all unlocks to play in the demo). The problem is that most servers cram 64 players into 32-player Gulf of Oman, which makes gameplay rather unenjoyable because you tend to die in less than 5 minutes after respawning due to air strikes.

That's why the demo is a lot less enjoyable than the retail.

Many players can fly jets decently well even on 32-player maps. And no, you cannot cover Gulf of Oman 32-player with an F15 in 3 seconds. It does take a while, especially if you start off from the aircraft carrier. There is a reasonable amount of airspace, and thus dogfights can still occur, and so can bombings.

Anyway, we respect your decision not to get the game. I know how bad it sucks not to have an Egyptian server. I wouldn't enjoy my games if the only 2-3 Singaporean servers didn't exist either.

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man i have no intrest in haking any games or servers.. i injoy fairplaye as you all know me in emp..

i would buy the game no problem there.. but what has been done is done,,, i allready bought my pc

not long time ago thinking it will at least match the minimum requirment of any game... sadly i cant sell those brand new hardware cards now for less than half the price i paid.. it will be a waste of money and pride.....personly i dont mind egyption servers but those dont even exsist.

i did a search on game spy and there nothing called bf2 servers in lots of countryes in middle east

including egypt so i am out of this one  :'(

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Hey gun, why are you not you registred on xfire ?

When playing as medic, and you want to use the defilibrator, where to direct it on your mate?standing, lying ?

It seams like I`m lucky to bring one back hehe.

I`m on xfire now.....heading for battle.


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Oh man ! I played late last night, even though I had to go work the next morning, just so I could get ranked (couldnt wait). And I passed the Global Score of 2500 points needed to get Sergeant, but nothing happened. I really want to unlock the Special Ops upgrade weapon, but it isnt acknowledging I am due a promotion, even though you can see my sig says I am at 100%, and I am above the 2500 points now (2560+).

Damn stoopid servers not serving me my promotion. I am going to defect :P

Spicy, I totally sympathise with you. Sometimes I get stoopid ping times, like <15..and other times, well I think the 1023 was a bit off :P It wasnt even lagging, maybe thats like the Emp 1000 ping, showing that it cannot detect.

But I joined scar and co on one American server, which I kept getting kicked from for high ping, fair enough. but it was annoying, there I am, having done a decent kill (and those who know my play know thats a special thing ;)) and am capturing the flag, great ! Points !, and then get kicked, disconnected. That is very annoying, time after time. I had to play with Europeans after that  :'( hehe.

I think if you havent tried, set everything to minimum, make sure all background processes are stopped, heck, stop everything, including stuff you dont need, like Print Spooler and stuff. Are there no servers even in the Middle East ? I accept Iraq and Afghanistan might not have any right now, but what about Isreal ? UAE ? Turkey ? Saudia Arabia ? Europe, even ?

It sounds like a closer connection might help. New servers must be popping up often enough. I usually search for about 200-300 servers, then sort by ping, then find ones with lowest ping that has a good number of players.

Cybodude, aim the defilingy at the body, either standing or lying down. Just use the crosshair to "shoot" the dying guy.

By the way, whats a ten - 10 - ten ? is that another way of saying tomatoe tomato ?

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Woah, the case of the missing post !

Yeah, I realise I should get the promo when I next login, but I didnt get the "you have been recommended for promotion" thing, nor did it give me a promo after several logins. I noticed the sigs HAVENT updated, so I assume either my games yesterday will not count, or will count later.

I always play only on ranked servers, so I dont know what has happened. I have unlocked 2 weapons so far (without buying SF - glares at the rest ;)) but this one isnt happening.


Huh ? Now I am Corporol Erjin with only 2% completed to next rank ?! Didnt someone suffer from this earlier ? Scary stuff.

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if i want to buy a game.. so i will buy it.. i will not buy half a game (having to playe on small maps or retarded servers) and after all i will not pay 2000$ to buy a pc that can satify ea fantazys

man.. i can upgread my car to latest modle with little more than that..(about 3000$) hehehe!!!

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Huh ? Now I am Corporol Erjin with only 2% completed to next rank ?! Didnt someone suffer from this earlier ? Scary stuff.

Don't worry, Ive been at around 4% before I actually got the in game promotion. I think its just stats server updating is all, it's all there trust me.

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Huh ? Now I am Corporol Erjin with only 2% completed to next rank ?! Didnt someone suffer from this earlier ? Scary stuff.

When I was like an infinitesimal percentage away from hitting Lance Corporal (I was still private 1st class then), I suddenly went down to 3%, still at private 1st class. This darn thing is faulty.

Regarding the defilibrator (can't spell that thing): It's preferable you aim at the chest, but normally as long as you aim at some part of his body, you'll revive him. It's good if you prone and do it to maximise accuracy. Sometimes, it fails, and that's mainly because the person who is to be revived must NOT be viewing the Kit or Squad screens if he is to be revived. If you try to revive him and he happens to be picking his next Kit, you'll fail. Keep trying until the body disappears. It's not likely he'll be staring at the map or something for the whole 15 seconds.

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I have been viewing the other screens when revived. Quite a shock (realistic, I suppose :P) to be revived, I didnt expect it and started to change respawn point.

So I am not shure about the times it fails. I know I have tried many times to revive someone not revivable, such as those who are hit by artillary on the head. Blap. No coming back from that one way street :>.

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Yeah, thats what I meant by the artillary strike. You know when you are really dead, the monitor shows you the view of the area surrounding your dead body, rather then the view you would get if you were stil inside your body.

If you dead, you get a out-of-body experience. The medics can tell, because you dont have a heart symbol over your body, and you dont show up on the minimap as a symbol. Only I dont sometimes look, and just run around trying to revive anyone/thing, even the enemy (arent doctors meant to save lives, even if they are the enemy ? I realise I am not a doc, but a medic, but hey, I want the points. Of course, some bugger [me ;)] would kill, revive, kill, revive... :P

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Yeah, thats what I meant by the artillary strike. You know when you are really dead, the monitor shows you the view of the area surrounding your dead body, rather then the view you would get if you were stil inside your body.

Hehe, I like the blown in the air 1500 ft. effect myself. Sometimes it looks as if you will never hit the ground your blown so high up. I think once on Fushe pass map I was high in the mountain, got artilleried and blown clean across the damn map, it was a long ass free-fall.

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I couldnt stop laughing when I first saw myself fly high like that. Its now easier to read when artillary strikes will hit, the most obvious one being when you are in a nice big group, and you are capturing a flag, or about 4 tanks generally hanging out together...someone spoils the party  ::).

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I kinda learned the hard way I guess, what I do now when trying for a flag is, when it's around halfway down, get the hell outta the area for a min. then come back and finish it. Usually artillary hits you when the flag is around halfway.

The end result is usually something like this...


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I got the picture with the defi. THX.

I will share a little story for you happend to me yesterday.

I`m on wake, USA, and this little bug called ZAMOSS somtin` did kill me.Good but he was on my side.He killed me for a JET, well not only me : I looked at the scoreboard and he had

global point: -139

team  point   -129

killer point   97 sometin`absurd

man he was a major team killer,funny thing was he was not banned.

so stay away fron this little pesant.


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Yeah, I been shot for a plane, bu tnot killed.  :'(

Some poeple piss me off, so I go stand right IN the spawn point, so screw them up :) If I cant get the plane, they cant either. Short of killing me, and losing points, nothing they can do.

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