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best subhouse?

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To project and duplicate any unit in the game. The projections then will be yours to use until shot and hit or come in contact with another enemy unit. Scouts pretty much can take care of these though by just walking them into the projected unit.

Almost any unit.

A few fremen wil knock out the projector, unless ts hidden in your base, in which case I find its difficult to get your projected units into the enemies area to cause a nuisance. Becuase its so fast, I tend to move it close to enemy, say out of the way where heis unlikely too look. But then his fremen tend to sort that out.

IX bombs can be very useful if you can spare the cash.

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man i am telling you the bomb is usless if the base gates are closed and most of the players wont let any of ure bombs in there base i tryed it befor.olso i remind that scatering dublicats of ure units will not protect ure base becaue 1  scout can  make them all disapeer. well in case of projecting  laser tanks u need to be ordos to use that future

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the problem with ix, or let me say the advantage of fremen and sards is, that i can use ix only a short time. if my oponent has closed his entrances in case of infiltrators, they r useless. i can surprise him with ix, but than i cant use that house well enough. frems and sards are usefull in early AND in later games.


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It's like saying which is better...an apple or an orange. It comes down to personal preferences. Any house or subhouse can be lethal in the right hands. You need to find your own playing style and pick what houses fit you. If you do that you will be that much better.

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man i am telling you the bomb is usless if the base gates are closed and most of the players wont let any of ure bombs in there base i tryed it befor.olso i remind that scatering dublicats of ure units will not protect ure base becaue 1  scout can  make them all disapeer. well in case of projecting  laser tanks u need to be ordos to use that future

Wow you are wrong. You dont need to be ordos to duplicate any ord units, you just need to be able to click on a ord unit you want to duplicate.

Also, most players tend to leave their base open pretty much, an I used it sucessfully for a while, before realising that I could use frems and sards better for the reason Kalnoob explains 2 post back.

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well what i mean realy is that u  need to be an ordos player to use lazer tanks in a good way

actuly i dont playe ordos and i dont know what to do with 50 lazer duplecat tanks. by the time

i click 50 times on the moving  hover craft i can make a lot of real units with good spice


beating players with ix bombes?? then they are nobs and u could beat them any other eazy way

  an avrege player will not leave his base open when he see u choose the ix sub house at start

  he knows u will be making bombs man i told you,,, i tryed it i dint even smugle in 1 single bomb

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well spicy, if u use ix bombs, use the surprise....especially in the beginning where every unit counts, u have often chances top bring in some bombs. only in later games we use light inf for massive base covering...

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Sards are brute force. My criteria was the number of ways you can use the subhouse and in that fremen are superior.

To clarify this a bit, there are situations where fremen shine while sards can't do much. Sards are just powerful and the easiest subhouse to use. Not necessarily the most effective way. It takes some skill to do that. But anyone can put a group of sards in his army. But controlling fremen or any other house isn't that simple.

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Tell me how they shine more?  Calling a worm?  A sufficient force can take out multiple worms. Elite sards have the anti-air capabilities and fremen don't...  Fremen are not hard to control either if you know what your doing.

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But controlling fremen or any other house isn't that simple.

using almost sub units not need much control. niab, fremen, leech r easy to handle.

Just using IX need delicate control. (hallucination, ix bomb) Thats what I doesnt like to try Ix. ::)

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Tell me how they shine more?  Calling a worm?  A sufficient force can take out multiple worms. Elite sards have the anti-air capabilities and fremen don't...  Fremen are not hard to control either if you know what your doing.

They can call a worm. They can inflitrate base. They can sneak behind the enemy army and attack it, or sneak within and cause havoc. They own mortars. They can form a large powerful group if need be (not as strong as sard but strong enough).

They can do a million things and that's mainly because they 're stealthy. You call yourselves the last elite emp players ... I 've seen what worms can do in the hands of a master...and I saw none of you using one effectively.

They shine more - but it needs more skill to use them properly than it takes for sards.

Other subhouses aren't that simple. Ix like you said need delicate control. Guild? It sure is easy to teleport niabs in enemy's base. But to get a niab horde you really need to know what you are doing. Tleilaxu leeches are simple but you still need more time to put them to use than with sards.

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I once tried to run an Imperial Sardaukar (non-elite) into an area where I knew a Fedaykin was hiding, and let him stay there on guard mode. Sure enough, the Fedaykin showed himself, and obliterated the Imperial Sardaukar with one nice blast from his Weirding Modules. That should tell you something.

Personally, I use (I ALWAYS use) Fremen with Ix. It has worked best for me. I use Ix for the infiltrators mainly, though Ix has always been pivotal in my beating of the Gunseng/Copec mission. Once using infiltrators with a Harkonnen mob to hasten Palace destruction, the other by duplicating tons of missile tanks and sending them to blast the Palace.

I like Sardaukars too, but I can only have 2 subhouses at most. And yes, Sardaukar's do not need much skill to play. They are the "Beginner's Subhouse". But note that Sardaukar do cost more than Fremen (a Fedaykin costs less than a non-elite Imperial Sardaukar). Surely that should tell you something.

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Heh I wouldn't call them beginner's subhouse. Sure they 're easy to use but the more skilled the player the deadlier they become. Not because the skilled player employs them differently but better bos allow him to get them earlier and in greater numbers. Still, a beginner could do stg with his sards but a lot less with fremen.

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Are we talking about campaing or online ? Campaing play, whatever. If its online, then you need to come online and try that with average players and see how well you manage to micro and how well you manage to sneak into their base and take out buildings, or cause whatever havok you meant.

Fremen have their uses. But there is a very good reason people go for sards first...

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this is units what i think great deal of micro-management

atr- sandbike, airdrone, sonictank

hark- ass tank, missile tank(you know why ;)

ordos- dusty, laser

in subhouses- ix(infiltrator, projector)fedaykin(i think its just when ride a worm n purpose kill units near inf rock)

other subhouse units cant compare with dusty laser drone handle. thats my opinion.

have u ever experianced lasertank  micro management? maybe all guys try it alive. that is what i mean why niab micro easy. handle niab compare with laser.(look niab real power....health like a kobra, teleport, self repair)

leech...yea it has weak armor so die easily if u not alert it, but leech has a good merit, really fast speed.

well fremen...my eng not good so cant explain well. I will be happy someone tell me about fremen. :)

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As ever with Emperor it totally depends on what your talking about, online play or campaign games.

IX vs the computer devestational. IX vs experienced human opponent takes loads of micro time to be effective which can cost you the match, They are easy to counter.

It's the same for telex.

Sards and Feds are the 2 most used Subs in online play but in my experience players will nearly always go Sards 1st.

Guild are devestational even in online play in the hands of an elite player and usually make it a rush game.

Try completing the copec/gunseng missions using Infantry only with minimal vehicles to defend your base !

and you will soon decide that Sards are better that Feds. ;)

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They can call a worm.

Not hard to kill a worm.

They can inflitrate base.

Scouts and turrets nullify that.

They own mortars.

Who keeps mortors by themselves?

I 've seen what worms can do in the hands of a master...and I saw none of you using one effectively.

Never seen me with one and whoever you saw using worms was probly up against someone who doesn't know how to stop them.

I once tried to run an Imperial Sardaukar (non-elite) into an area where I knew a Fedaykin was hiding, and let him stay there on guard mode. Sure enough, the Fedaykin showed himself, and obliterated the Imperial Sardaukar with one nice blast from his Weirding Modules. That should tell you something.

Try putting a elite sard against a fed instead of the lower imperial sard, the elite will survive the blast and turn around and slit the feds throat.

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