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best subhouse?

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guild niab best units in subhouse. like a moving buiding(more health than mino)n even they have a power of self repair..(why ppl doesnt allow to use em) ::)

fremen sardaukar...most ppl played em as subhouse(they re not expensive n good support mainhouse units)

ix, tleiraxu sometimes it worth of try use it. but not most used houses(they re expensive n easy to stop em. if opponent get ur tatics of em)

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leeches die easy...only if u can surprise ur opponent in earlier games, they r usefull....than u can make him verry busy and hit his econemy....if he knows u have leeches, he will place a few inf.

sardaukeur r verry strong...the strongest inf....c it like a light vehicle.....thats what makes them so important, coz u can built them early in the game without upgrading something.

niabs r so strong, that no1 is alowed to play em online, because, if u play them, than the elites will do it too, and believe me, u wont live long if they use niabs...in a skilled hand, they r

R O C K ! ! !

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When a person picks guild as a subhouse, normally one of their opponents does to.  So then it's a race to either wipe out your opponent with guild or kill the other guys base to help your ally.  Using guild becomes one big chess match.  Course playing a game without guild is to at times.

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in most cases my games end in 10 to 15 min  maybe a  little bit more which  i need most of the time to make ref . bar . fac.  and at this time only limeted chance left for sub houses and if u are in  the middle of a shock and owe  attack  its critical  that the mighty  imperial sards must be a part of this battle.  ignor them and your dead. like wardaddy  allwayes say 

  (SARD RULE)  no leech master can stop them from killing ure base

then after that i dont usaly have time for another sub house  amether winner or looser by that time

well maybe some time left to roll a couple of devs  i guess.. 

not:  who got time for niabs anyway??

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yet another reason i belive subs ruin the delicate balance of an already perfect game..

they all break the rules somehow..esp elite+fred both cheesy units with more than 1 use each..imo a bit overpowered

but from what iv heard, some people just cant win without them.. 

another good point to pik on the  GON house is the space and power they take up lol  its a joke

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As far as me saying "sards rule". I am speaking from experience. I was an average player at best before I started using sards in my normal bo. Once I did that my game rose to a new level.

Also looking at the replies...no one mentioned the single most important factor about Guild Niab Tanks. THEY CAN TELEPORT ANYWHERE ON THE MAP!!! All you do his hit "D" like you're going to deploy an mcv or kinjal or something...than you pick a point on the map and left click. Your Niabs are instantly teleported to that point on the map. This is a great way to get behind your enemies front lines and destroy their base before they can react.

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While I dont play anymore, I do recall Niab tanks being to expensive to dedicate to this style of play,

You will be killed by your opp. before a good fleet is made.

and Inf are so cheap to keep the base safe

But then what do I know.

I dont play

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well thats what i said didnt i about guild?  anfter all this talk i never saw any player not using the sard

  i think this post topic  was over befor it start.  best is sard.  they allwayes been the strongest

on arrakyes.  there the empror army man thats not some cheap smugglers  melissia  in all dune games they were called the fearless  the mighty  terrefing. just look haw they  look man hehehe

  no funny projector will stand to them.

one more thing i noticed in our elite friends way of playing, they have a way of putting them in one group and making them get ranked, i still didnt find that secret way i just mix them with inf so they dont get sniped

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Well IX can work well once in a while but in the long term they are too easy to counter. Same with Telexians they are easy to counter.

Guild are devastational in the right hands but you need to be a real good player to handle them right.

Sards and Fremen are the best all round subhouses hence why almost everyone takes them versitile, strong and relatively cheap. ;) and easy too use too.

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yet another reason i belive subs ruin the delicate balance of an already perfect game..

i believe subs make good balanced 3 main houses. each house not already perfect balanced when just their mainhouse existance.

everyone use 2sub-house, so no one has bit adventage. how it ruin already perfect game let me know.

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To project and duplicate any unit in the game. The projections then will be yours to use until shot and hit or come in contact with another enemy unit. Scouts pretty much can take care of these though by just walking them into the projected unit.

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