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World of Warcraft


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For Christmas I recieved World of Warcraft as a present.. I've been hooked on this game sinse then and haven't been able to really visit this site much, ect. So if any of you play it out there, just post here.. Something like this:

Byzarro - Level 28 Undead Warrior @ Azjol-Nerub Realm <PvE>

Dally - Level 3 Human Paladin @ Darkspear.. <PvP>

Or just check my sig.

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I read plenty of good reviews, but also some points of criticism. Does it truly get boring quickly, and do all quests look alike? (always kill this, then kill that?)

The one and only (!) reason why I will never play this game is that you need to pay per month in order to play. And not even a normal price, but you need to pay $50, and then $15 for every month after the first. (Even in euro's it is still much) While normal games have a one-time only price of $45 or something similar...

Other than that, I would love to try the game...

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Yeah I hate the concept of pay for play, and I will never play WoW just out of spite :P

I also read that the servers are down very often (several days per month), and that in return they do not compensate this by returning part of the fee. Sounds like a rip off to me.

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Well, here is what I have to say about the reviews:

The quests they give you sometimes can be the same..I haven't really looked at a quest though myself and thought "Hmm, that quest looks like the one I did 5 minutes ago." The game is quite fun actually, interaction with people and trying to get good gear for your character, which mostly takes your mind off anything that can be a pest, not that I've found any yet.. The P2P isn't really a problem for me since I have a decent amount of income and I'm still in my youth, so I don't have anything better to spend money on, lol. I haven't quite got bored yet, the land is so spiced up and huge..I created my own active guild and it's still active to right now.. I have 25+ members. The game is really worth a try in my oppinion.

About the server-downtime..

I find it really isn't that much of a problem.. the server only goes down on Tuesdays in the morning (my time) for about 4 hours..when I'm in school. So I don't really mind it. But I think they are resolving it anywho, example: These servers go down then, these go down then. But I guess maintenance does have it goodsides..

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

Just bought the game today.  Downloading the patches now. :P

I had been playing it on a free server for about half a week, but it seems to have devoured my soul.  I am totally addicted to this game, and after playing all the way to a Level 73 Human Paladin (I know, it isn't possible normally, but this is SPECIAL server), I've decided to have my main character be a Night Elf Druid.  Healing, Offensive Spells, De-Buffs AND (of course) shapeshifting into bears, cats and sea-forms... it's all just too good. :P

Not sure which server I'll be joining yet... but it will be UK or Europe based and will be PvE.  The free server where I just came from was PvP, and it seemed to suck more than it ruled.  PvE sounds a hell of a lot better.  Take this as explanation as to any lack of posting on my part. :D

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I've heard some good things about WoW, but I'm never buying it because:

1) I was greatly disappointed by WarCraft III

2) I have pledged never to buy another game from Blizzard until they release StarCraft 2.  (Which could be accurately truncated to "I have pledged never to buy another game from Blizzard.")

3) You know my feeling on pay-to-play games.  *cough*SCAM*cough*

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Definitely worth the money.  Think about it... you pay per month about what an average take-away costs, for unlimited play time of an awesome game with thousands of others. :)

I'm severely addicted.  Got me a Level 25 Night Elf Druid, now.  I just hope Dante doesn't lynch me for being a bit less active in Fan Fiction. :P

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3) You know my feeling on pay-to-play games. *cough*SCAM*cough*

It's only a scam if you're actually being mislead, wich is obviously not the case. If you want to pay monthly fees for a game you've already spent for at the store (or not), it's your decision.

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Yeah rip-off Britian and all that jazz...

To the game developers it makes sense to charge customers monthly (or yearly, whatever) for the maintanence of such online extravaganzers dubbed as MMORPGs. A one-off payment of $49 for a online based game might not be enough to keep the games' servers running, and more importantly, running to a profit. Also, when developers are constantly updating and upgrading the game (for example, Diablo II with its many patchs, and Half-Life) they will need to justify the update or upgrade in terms of profitability. What is the point in updating a game, if though popular, is no-longer profitable? Pay-to-play somewhat solves this issue. But there are alternatives.

The concept of Steam (note I say concept, as we all know the implementation of the concept is utter shite) - is one of a centralised software deliverance platform. All of Valve's games, old and new, now run through this system, and thus any changes to the new games and new platform will also improve the old games too. This way old games can be kept online, together with new games as they use the same update/internet gameplay system (Steam). Keeping old games running will therefore never be unprofitable and any needed upgrades or updates can be paid for out of revenue from the sale of new games. As long as Valve keep selling games, they will be able to keep Steam alive and thus will not have to resort to pay-to-play schemes.

But yeah World of Warcraft. I just don't have time for it at the moment, but I never view MMORPGs with much respect. To me they are just a complete waste of time... the game will never be over, no-one will ever win, no real satisfaction is to be gained from playing them. I dunno, maybe I'm just too old to appreciate such things anymore. :-

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To me they are just a complete waste of time... the game will never be over, no-one will ever win, no real satisfaction is to be gained from playing them. I dunno, maybe I'm just too old to appreciate such things anymore. :-

Nah you just dont understand the concept... For instance in EVE: Online....the whole joy is in the evolution of your character... the acquiring of loot... the possession of territory... the building of fortresses and starbases... crafting supplies and building starships for your guildmates.

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Perhaps I shouldn't have slagged all MMORPGs, because Diablo II is sort of a mini-MMORPG so to speak, and I enjoyed that all the way through. But its the games like Planetside that I find a waste of time. It is impossible to win, whatever side you are on. I much prefer RPGs or Strategy-based games to First-Person Shooters.

You should try Battlefield Vietnam, it is a bit like planet side but you can win, and games tend to last for a while, 20 - 30 mins sometimes. :D

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