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We had a game this morning where my partner and I did something that we haven't seen in awhile. I moved my mcv(we were on knife fight) to one of our opponents bases at the very start of the game. We immediatley caught a whole lot of attitude over the move. It isn't something that anyone seems to do any more. We just thought it would be fun to try it out and see if could still work. For us it was just a way to break up the monotony of every game following they same set of bo's. We had fun doing it. After all aren't we playing to have fun? Does anyone else seem to have an opinion on the matter?


I think that is a perfectly fine move, just hope their ally isnt atr and doesnt have a quick reaction to build turrets as well... you could die just as easily lol.


Last time I heard of that was about a year ago when I first started playing. Wasnt shure what happened, just Mords swearing at rostok for being a *&^% and something about moving his MCV into mords base straight away. So you basically do a mcv walk and then act like you would with a mcv drop, turrets and engies ?

...it can be ok, like slappyhappy said, it is a gamble...


Its a risky move but it can be fun.

I even get surprised once when the other team also used it at the same moment we did

I had a few games like that before, i think they may have been with you rigel :)


Yea that's all we were trying to do is have some fun and mix things up a bit. Too many 10k games on fishers lately. Just tryin different map and some obscure tactics. The risk is worth it because we're doing something different and having fun. Don't you guys ever get tired of 10k no pre on fishers?

  • 2 months later...

I remember someone doing this to me on sandy pass, i went ref first the barracks and sent scouts up the map, next voice 1 of your buildings has been stolen by the enemy. a sneaky but risky tactic. ;D

  • 3 weeks later...

mmmm i just read this topic, wasnt that u and me des doin that to spaze and sadian ? i laughed my ass off watchin spaze goin ballistic that kinda shit always makes my day  ;D


I will have to agree with DES.

anything different is nice.

while playing the normal since is still fun.

whne the game came out everyone did all kind of whacked builds

and that was great.

loved playing games with no spice or ROCKS that werent fair.

it was part of it after all.

QM always made random maps. wish you could still do that


I will have to agree with DES.

anything different is nice.

while playing the normal since is still fun.

whne the game came out everyone did all kind of whacked builds

and that was great.

loved playing games with no spice or ROCKS that werent fair.

it was part of it after all.

QM always made random maps. wish you could still do that

yea it was fun.. but people have evolved to the point where they want "skill" to decide who wins a game .. not "luck".


hm gun that might be true, but i guess it works the other way around aswell, we get bored measuring other ppl's skill and return to doing wacky stuff again


hm gun that might be true, but i guess it works the other way around aswell, we get bored measuring other ppl's skill and return to doing wacky stuff again


About the time ppl stopped playing for fun and started playing for the title of "I pawned you all" is about the same time I stopped playing. I felt ppl were taking the game too serious. You can't always have a 100% winning streak, especially with me as an ally ^-^. Stop playing to show off your skill and start playing for the love of the game. Learn how to take a loss without it chipping your ego. Accept a partner (handicap) that you know is a lot worse than you, your ego wont bruise that much from one loss.

And about moving your MVC, I remember having this done to me one time. My ally had warned me he was coming for me. But to my luck a create spawned right in the path out my scouts as they came out of the Barracks. *pop* Theres a brand new Deviatior all for me. Waited for the MVC, gassed it, deployed it and now I had Hark and Ordos to play with. To bad he dc'd cause his plan didn't work.

Bring back the old days of playing for the hell of it, not caring for that 100% winning streak. We know your good, you don't have to crush us every time with the same BO with little variation. Have fun, play to loose, do tactics that are just plan dumb. Build 20 Devastators and drop em into your enemy base just to self destruct them. See how many worms you can get a ride on at the same time. Use FOW, LW, Non-Spice Maps and Creates. Stop playing on skill and trying it. See if you can make a come back from a game where your enemies first scout out the gate *pops* a Guild and the first place it warps to gets it an invisible create. Stop playing games with the same 6 ppl, invite the noobies in. I know you want to win, but they want to play too. Stop kicking them out of a room they were waiting in for 45 mins for a game just because someone else you know joined and you and now you have one to many ppl. Stop caring about the wins and start caring about the community! *presidential music plays in the back ground* Cause this is the only one we've got. And when it's gone how are you gonna remember the game, how are you going to be remembered? I for one want to be able to reminisce on the fun I had playing not oh yeah I pawned every one that ever stepped up to me. You cant win all the time, and if you think you can, take me as a partner. Long live Emperor Battle for Dune and Long live Fed2k! Ya Hya Chouhada!!

err, umm.... I guess I'm done ranting now.


Dj, third paragraph sounded like a Eminem rap !

As for what you said...what can I say ? I have always felt like that, but when you selfish lot took off when people started playing to pwn, you left us newbs open to that culture. Now if its not fishers, its not online... :(

I tried Fog of War, and idiots (I will notmention any names, like Muds) moaned about how wrong it was and unfair and a handicap (dont ask me how  :O).

I would love to play a game where things were different from the norm. We recently had a guild war (Wahay ! innovitive, huh (!)..you may be sarcastic, but for us now thats freaking new) with 30k. Well, to be ultra different, I didnt go guild and turtle like the rest, I went for engies, and got completely hammered. I got scar though ! mwahah..sorry. Back to what I was saying.

Within the last month, maybe 3 weeks, I have done FoW and a guild war. Maybe slowly people are getting the idea we need to try to vary it a little. Nothing major...sheesh, I put setts on usual and  cash on


I guess thats directed at DjDude ? Cos I see your sorry *** online often enough, I am sure you would agree ?

Also, its not about playing on "our terms"...dont you want to play on all the other setts ? :O


It's at you retard and I see you once a week?  Yea if there are different setts then I'd be glade to play but when it's still 10k fishers I'm not gonna argue. 

O yea moving your mcv is something I haven't seen in a long time, only mcv drops.


About the time ppl stopped playing for fun and started playing for the title of "I pawned you all" is about the same time I stopped playing. I felt ppl were taking the game too serious. You can't always have a 100% winning streak, especially with me as an ally ^-^. Stop playing to show off your skill and start playing for the love of the game. Learn how to take a loss without it chipping your ego. Accept a partner (handicap) that you know is a lot worse than you, your ego wont bruise that much from one loss.

And about moving your MVC, I remember having this done to me one time. My ally had warned me he was coming for me. But to my luck a create spawned right in the path out my scouts as they came out of the Barracks. *pop* Theres a brand new Deviatior all for me. Waited for the MVC, gassed it, deployed it and now I had Hark and Ordos to play with. To bad he dc'd cause his plan didn't work.

Bring back the old days of playing for the hell of it, not caring for that 100% winning streak. We know your good, you don't have to crush us every time with the same BO with little variation. Have fun, play to loose, do tactics that are just plan dumb. Build 20 Devastators and drop em into your enemy base just to self destruct them. See how many worms you can get a ride on at the same time. Use FOW, LW, Non-Spice Maps and Creates. Stop playing on skill and trying it. See if you can make a come back from a game where your enemies first scout out the gate *pops* a Guild and the first place it warps to gets it an invisible create. Stop playing games with the same 6 ppl, invite the noobies in. I know you want to win, but they want to play too. Stop kicking them out of a room they were waiting in for 45 mins for a game just because someone else you know joined and you and now you have one to many ppl. Stop caring about the wins and start caring about the community! *presidential music plays in the back ground* Cause this is the only one we've got. And when it's gone how are you gonna remember the game, how are you going to be remembered? I for one want to be able to reminisce on the fun I had playing not oh yeah I pawned every one that ever stepped up to me. You cant win all the time, and if you think you can, take me as a partner. Long live Emperor Battle for Dune and Long live Fed2k! Ya Hya Chouhada!!

err, umm.... I guess I'm done ranting now.

Djcid you only say this because you havent tasted the fruits of the Gods.

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