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End of the World 2029


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Well, here's another judgement day theory:


The funny thing is, on CNN it says the chance of the meteor hitting Earth is 1 in 300, but in one of my local papers it said that the chance is 1 in 60.

Another funny thing to note - if the meteor would hit the Earth in a cathastrophic way (western world, etc), would they really tell us?

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Been there, done that. The world was supposed to end in July 2002. And the year 2000. And the year 1000. And any number of other dates including June this year. Depending on who you believe, armageddon will come (in some form or another) in 2008, 2014, 2016, 2020... When there's an immediate threat, then I'll be interested.

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I really wish you wouldn't do that.

I've not heard of any blood rituals associated with the Mayans (though the Aztecs were famous for them). You're right about their destrcution date, though. Of course some people around there at the time said 2012, some said 2014, and I decided to go for the latter...

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How immidiate is global warming for you ?

Oh shut the hell up with Global Warming.  The so called politicians global warming (ie. Greenhouse gases) are completly over played.  The Earth goes through natural cycles of hot and cold weather (why infact, in the 1500s there was a mini ice age) and this so called human glbal warming only effects this by no more than 5%.

Global warming immediate?  STFU fool!

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Oh shut the hell up with Global Warming.  The so called politicians global warming (ie. Greenhouse gases) are completly over played.

The atmosphere is warming, at an unusually fast pace, and that's a clear scientific fact. There is no question about the reality of Global Warming (go look at the temperature statistics if you don't believe me) - the only question is whether it's our fault or not. The evidence seems to suggest that it is, and in any case, it's always a good idea to reduce pollution.

And by the way, "Global Warming" is an incomplete phrase. It would be better called "Global Screwing-around-with-the-atmosphere", because that's what we are doing. The warming trend is just one aspect of it.

Global warming immediate?  STFU fool!

Here's an idea: Move down to sea level and see what happens over the next 30 years. Oh, and make sure you've got home insurance.

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Actually, I live just above sea level.  And infact, the reason why the sea level is rising is due to isostacy.  The world is just going through its natural phases of warming and cooling.  Sure, if we were to increase co2 emissions the world would heat up (alas not in all places though).  And the world is not warming at an unusually fast place, infact in some places its not even clear whether it is warming at all.  No, infact some places are cooling down.

There are many other factors related to why the world is warming up, and "politicians global warming", is just a tiny percentage.

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Actually, I live just above sea level.  And infact, the reason why the sea level is rising is due to isostacy.  The world is just going through its natural phases of warming and cooling.

Even if that were true, I don't see how it makes any practical difference. A natural catastrophe is still a catastrophe, and we should be doing everything in our power to prevent it anyway.

Sure, if we were to increase co2 emissions the world would heat up (alas not in all places though). And the world is not warming at an unusually fast place, infact in some places its not even clear whether it is warming at all. No, infact some places are cooling down.

The climate is changing; some places heat up, others cool down, but the overall trend is one of warming. And, perhaps most important of all, the ice caps are heating up - and melting in the process.

There are many other factors related to why the world is warming up, and "politicians global warming", is just a tiny percentage.

Don't you mean industrial global warming? And CO2 levels make a big difference in global temperatures, by the way.

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Oh shut the hell up with Global Warming.  The so called politicians global warming (ie. Greenhouse gases) are completly over played.  The Earth goes through natural cycles of hot and cold weather (why infact, in the 1500s there was a mini ice age) and this so called human glbal warming only effects this by no more than 5%.

Global warming immediate?  STFU fool!

Excuse me ? I will talk about whatever the "hell" I like. Personally, I dont give a shit about Global Warming, politions or not. I simply posed the question to Dante (note: not you) about how immediate he saw Global Warming. He replied. I left it at that.

But telling me what I can and cannot say ? Why dont you try Shutting The Fuck Up (it will be intereseting to see how the moderators take the way I have said it to your abbreviation seeing as it is known by virtually everyone).

How about learning some manners ?

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most of my country will be under water so what are you complaining about? :P

hm maybe this will be a good start for world domination, when most of the world is in rampage we will move and....

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what kind of artificial intelligence *is confused*

we will reach what is called singularity. the point where machines have the ability to produce even smarter machines, and when the technological development has gone out of control. It is when machines are able to take 1 million instructions per second. the same as humans.

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Now just because realistic SciFi has a way of coming true with time...is no reason to worry...


"The Time Machine" gives a summary of what we would consider a nuclear war, well over a decade before the atomic bomb was created.

"By the Shores of Babylon" one of my favorite short stories in high school reduces the world to religious tribes and only Priests can touch metal and not suffer the 'curse' (which is actually radiation).  When the truth about the Old Gods is revealed, we learn a war (with apparent nuclear weapons) destroyed the modern world.  This was written years before the atomic bomb was written.

"The Land Ironclads" was written a decade before Britain first developed the tank.

So we'll just hope Asimov, and the Matrix, and such are all wrong.

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