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FED2K warlords


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(OOC: As per my post in Comments, I'm leaving.  I'm going to leave it open for a triumphant return, however, as per an agreement with our illustrious Moderator.  You will see more later.)

  Lord J grips his desk and yells into his mike, "Finish it!"

  The remaining Heroes flood through the gate into the arms of Exsplug's fighters.  Although the battle results almost immediatly in stalemate, the enemy forces eventually start to push in again.

  Lord J begins to despair of this battle.  True, under normal circumstances he could have easily squashed this pitiful infidel, but now...

  "Begin the charge for the Earthquake Tech," he yells in the mike, "It's time for the final action!"

  A somewhat shocked, but still accepting voice comes over the comm, "Un..Understood my Lord."

  As a power meter flashes on his wristband comm unit, he turns and leaves the Command Center heading for the Research Center.

  The ground shakes and rock sprays the air as Sabotours slam into the enemy forces, destroying as many as possible, but obviously not enough.

  Lord J climbs into the Guild Transport and orders the Werewolves and any non-fighting Heroes to attend him ASAP.

  When the final Hero climbs in, Lord J hits the controls, "We're going to save as many troops as possible before, before..."

  Didinidus nods, "The Klingons will not join us sire, they wish to, as they put it, 'die with honor.'"

  Lord J nods, "I've always found it much more efficient to kill with honor and live to kill again."

  The Transport flashes between bases, loading up as many Heroes, Sabotours, Orcs and Gobists as it can hold before flashing to My Angel.

  "Hit it." comes the order, and Lord J hits the control in the Transporter, flashing it away into the unknown spaces beyond FanFiction, Gaming or any other easily accessed board.

  As the lands of Fan Fiction shudder, the Transport appears on an empty plain.

  The troops exit, weapons at the ready.

  "Where are we?" asks Didinidus.

  "On a completely new continent, inaccessible by most other forum members."

  The Hero raises an eyebrow.

  Lord J grins, "The Landsraad."

  Meanwhile, the lands once held by Lord J are lost.  Thier very foundations are destroyed as they collapse in on themselves.  All troops left on those lands are lost, and the threads themselves become unconquerable.  They are less than worthless, they are dead.

  The aftershocks are greater than any earthquake in the history of the Forum.  All holdings are affected, especially those in Fan Fiction.  All FanFiction-based factions lose a large number of troops.

(OOC: I will be gone for a while, getting some well-deserved rest and recuperation.  What I have said in Comments is still true.  I am sick of the excesses of this thread.  Thank our Moderator if you are pleased with my descision to return, I was just as pleased to leave you all in a stew to yourselves.)

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This does not bode well for me at all. Each of you has a near infinite number of troops to throw at each other. And a lot of KBs on Gob's hard drive with which to do it. Great...  ::)

To DS::


DS, officially recruit me please! Tell me where to go and who to kill. I have several pre-prepared paragraphs waiting, all they need is the insertion of an enemy name or two! All sorts of good stuff about whoopass and throatcutting, and steath, and everything else, too.


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"-left Fanfiction, don't know-"


"-lands are uninhabitable-"


"-stop interrupting."


"Dust Scout-"


"Dust Scout, please-"


"Will you calm down?"


"He left Fanf-"

"He just left?!"

"Yes, an-"

"And destroyed everything?!" Dust Scout raged, gripping the table so hard that his hands ran white. "Every...single...thread..."

"Uninhabitable." Lillian finished. She noticed a tiny muscle near the Warlord's eye twitch repeatedly.

"AAAARRRRGGGGHHHHH!" Dust Scout screamed, throwing up his hands and stalking to the wall behind him. He stopped, and glared at the massive map of Fed2k set across it. "YAAAAHHHHRRRGGGHHHH!" He bellowed, slamming it with his fists. As he turned away, the bit labelled 'Fanfiction' burst into flames. "How dare he?! How dare he just up stakes and leave like that?!"

"Lord Johnsonius was a powerful Fanfiction Warlord." Darius intoned, "I would have thought that the removal of a threat would please you."

"WWWAAAAAARRRRGGGGHHHHH!" Dust Scout yelled back, blowing a hole in the wall with a swipe. "He left! He left and destroyed some of the most valuable threads in Fanfiction! AAAAAAAGGGGHHHHH!" He strode to the new hole in the throne room and glared out at a world that had offended him. "Kanly! Hell's Armada! Underwater War Three! Vampires: the Masquerade! My Angel! Gone! Gone gone gone gone gone gone gone gone gone! Gone! Waaaahhhh!" He clenched his fist, and lightning struck the the ground outside the thread.

"I didn't know he could do that..." J'invy muttered aside to Darius.

"He's Fanfiction, reinforced with magic from The Occult." Darius muttered back. "Not to mention Age of Wonders (2), Neverwinter Nights, and Dungeon Siege RPG."


"And then Ordos45!" Dust Scout thundered on, pointing at a building in front of him and frying it with a thunderbolt. "He's been giving me troops forever, he even gave me the last of his Inquisitors... And then he decides to bug off and leave everything to Dragoon Knight?! SPLEEEEEEE....." He pointed again, and another unfortunately tall building was zapped.

"You did get all of his Fanfiction holdings, not to mention those that has previously belonged to Rookie..." Lillian said, knowing it would do no good at all.

"Unrivalled... power... in... Fanfiction!" Dust Scout growled, firing lightning bolt after lightning bolt, "And my closest ally becomes a competitor!"


"I'm going to let off some steam. Do me a favour and fix everything as best you can, please?" Dust Scout looked at Lillian.

"Of course." She nodded.

"Good." Dust Scout snarled, turning back to the sky, which was now severely overcast. "And make sure someone puts out the fires in the fields."

"What fi- oh." Lillian watched as Dust Scout brought a Sentinal to the hole, and disappeared into the clouds. She turned back, casting a critical eye over the carnage that the Warlord's rage had caused. She sighed. There was a lot of work to do.

The earth-shattering *BOOM* was felt, if not heard, through all of Fed2k. The ground shook, the trees trembled. Shelves fell and weak buildings toppled. A great cloud of dust and debris rose into the sky from the crater in Fanfiction. KYA Setara War had come back home.

"He never liked the idea of the oldest thread being away from Fanfiction." Lillian said, watching the thread settle back into it's old foundations through a portal. "I'm rather glad we got it back myself."

"Yaaay. Attack Raptors." Dunenewt said unenthusiastically. Having just got back from the wreckage of Kanly, he was tired and irritable.

"Didn't Rookie hold another thread?" Darius asked curiously.

"Probably." Lillian sighed. "Frankly, nobody cares. Dust Scout certainly doesn't. Now, on to Ordos45's thread..."

"KYA Setara: Rebirth. Ooh, be still my beating heart." Dust Scout growled, as his storm spread out all over Fanfiction.

"Sorted." Lillian sighed. She looked up worriedly as thunder roared overhead.

"He's like some spoiled child." Latrodectus hissed, peering out into the storm.

"At least he's letting off steam up there and not in here." J'invy pointed out calmy, unfolding an umbrella.

"Don't you know it's bad luck to open one of those indoors?" Rai'guy said archly, smirking. His smirk faded, as a different kind of rumbling took ahold of the tower... and all of the windows blew inwards. The rain poured in.

"Ah." Said the Vampiric Dark Elf. Lillian put up her own umbrella.

"Have List links installed in both new threads!" She called through the portal, "Quickly!"

To Necroticon:

If you want to make yourself useful then find a thread to be base of opperations and start churning out the units! Finer points of diplomacy can be discussed once the... difficulties... are over with.

Lillian, in place of DS. For now.

To Dragoon Knight:

Suggest trade be dealt with over a more direct channel. When Dust Scout comes down, I mean calms down.

Lillian, in place of DS. For the moment.

To ExSPlug:

Don't do anything, we're waiting...

The aftershocks are greater than any earthquake in the history of the Forum.
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"What's that?" asked Ryu, pointing to the boiling black clouds hovering over Fan Fiction.

"Dust Scout." Dragoon Knight replied, blinking his blue within blue eyes.

"That's HIM doing that?!" Ryu exclaimed, blinking as yet another fork of lightning set fire to some crop field or other.

"Yeah..." came Dragoon Knight's nonchalant reply, "But you should see him when he's really angry at something."

"!" said Ryu, and then wondered how he pronounced it.

"Reinforce all of our threads, Ryu."

"Yes sir."

"Do it quickly.

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"Blue eyes.... how I love, blue eyes..." Dust Scout murmured softly under his breath. He was beginning to calm down now, stood on top of a Sentinal. He took a deep breath, and looked once again at his reflection in the Sentinal's metallic armour. Blue on blue. It was quite creepy.

Standing up straight again, he peered out across the lands of Fanfiction. The view was really great up here, he could see past the border into Gaming, and was that the distant spires of PRP in the distance? The Warlord sighed, and prepared to head for home. Then, as an afterthought, he dropped a penny.

The eleventh has arrived. Time to start with the violence...

Message to ExSPlug:

Alright, fine. Attack Dragoon Knight. There aren't any list links so you'll have to march.


Message to Sir Sard:

I know you're back. I've been looking after your forces, so time to take them back, maybe?


Recruited forces - Dust Scout:

50 Fanfiction Highlanders - upgraded

20 Sharders

20 Dark Elf Archers

20 Magii

20 Dragon Disciples

20 Sentinals

5 Giant spiders

20 Ornithopters

20 Setara Shock Troops

20 Attack Raptors

10 BG Crossbreeds

20 Ancient Vampires - Undead Upgrade

1 Dust Imp - mutated

Current forces - Dust Scout...


Garrisoned in The God Emperor's Dune <<Shielded>>:

13400 Celtic Warriors

980 BG Crossbreeds

200 Giant spiders

395 Young Vampires

125 Ancient Vampires

460 Dark Elf Archers

635 Magii

580 Dragon Disciples

1170 Sentinals

320 Sharders

220 Ornithopters

40 Attack Raptors

1200 Setara Shock Troops

7 Dust Imps

9 Mutated Dust Imps

2 Giant Salamanders

Garrisoned in Espionage:

125 Celtic Warriors

60 Dark Elf Archers

20 Magii

20 Dragon Disciples

29 BG Crossbreeds

60 Sharders

2 Dust Imps

Garrisoned in Mountain War!!!:

10 Celtic Warriors

40 Sharders

5 Sentinals

11 BG Crossbreeds

1 Dust Imp

Garrisoned in 'The List'  <<Shielded>>:

300 Celtic Warriors

110 Sentinals

60 Sharders

6 Dust Imps

1 Giant Salamander

Garrisoned in ~Matrix Rising~    <<Shielded>>:

28 BG Crossbreeds

30 Sentinals

1 Dust Imp

Garrisoned in Dungeon Siege RPG:

45 Celtic Warriors

20 BG Crossbreeds

20 Magii

30 Sentinals

40 Sharders

2 Dust Imps

Garrisoned in Fed2k RPG:

40 BG Crossbreeds

15 Magii

1 Dust Imp

Garrisoned in Battle Of The Line~HighLands~:

400 Celtic Warriors

100 Magii

30 Dragon Disciples

150 Sharders

2 Dust Imps

Garrisoned in The Evilness Withen:

50 Ancient Vampires

5 Giant Spiders

1 Dust Imp

Garrinsoned in KYA Setara War:

20 Attack Raptors

Garrisoned in KYA Setara: Rebirth:

100 Marines

15 Swiss Guards

780 Setara Shock Troops

4 Seraphim - Cloning Tech


Garrisoned in Age of Wonders (2):

70 Celtic Warriors

20 Magii

214 Celtic Warriors

75 Sentinals

1 Dust Imp

Garrisoned in Neverwinter Nights  <<Shielded>>:

80 Celtic Warriors

50 Setara Shock troops

75 Sentinals

1 Dust Imp

Garrisoned in Farcry:

10 BG Crossbreeds

10 Sharders

50 Dark Elf Archers

50 Magii

56 Sentinals

5 Dust Imps

Politics, Religion and Philosophy

Garrisoned in The Occult:

10 Sentinals

40 Dark Elf Archers

10 Sharders

20 Dragon Disciples


Garrisoned in Cloned Baby Supposedly Born  <<Shielded>>:

80 Sharders

70 Dragon Disciples

1 Dust Imp

Other Dune Games

Garrisoned in Frank Herbert's Dune:Ornithopter Assault:

40 Ornithopters

Garrisoned in Music and Sound:

7 Sharders

Tech List:

Espionage Stealth



Genetic Monstrosity

Undead Upgrade

List Tech

Spice Melange - 5th post - Eyes of the Ibad

House Shields

Units - Sir Sard

Troops available for production:

Jomsvikings (level 4)

New Scandinavians (level 3)

Skjalds (level 2)

Mexican Bandito Pirates (level 2)

Celtic warriors (upgraded level 1)

Garrisoned in Endless days:


760 Celtic warriors

770 New Scandinavians

670 Mexican bandito pirates

554 Skjalds

44 Jomsvikings

General Folke

Garrisoned in Fed2k RPG 3:

1st. Hird

900 Celtic warriors

230 New Scandinavian warriors

1 Jomsviking

150 Mexican Bandito Pirates

100 Skjalds

Garrisoned in The Celt

Celtic Glory

100 Celtic warriors

80 Mexican Bandito Pirates

Garrisoned at Dogs of War

The Dogs of War

100 Celtic warriors

50 New Scandinavians

Garrisoned at the Poems thread

The poetic guard.

30 Celtic warriors

Garrisoned at A Day in the Life of a Mexican Bandito Pirate

Homeguard A Day in the Life of a Mexican Bandito Pirate:

35 Celtic warriors

Garrisoned at War of the Rabbits

Homeguard War of the Rabbits:

30 Celtic warriors

Garrisoned at An Age of Chaos

The Chaotic band:

30 Celtic warriors

Tech List:

Rabbit reproduction

Argonian Timelapers

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Message to Dustie:

Yes I am back, I will assume control of my forces at once

New tech: The holes.

It is from the holes of Fanfic that all those who dwell there comes, it the holes there is everything and nothing, and there is no limit to what can be drawn from there.

Effect: Unit probuction doubbled


Troops available for production:

Jomsvikings (level 4)

New Scandinavians (level 3)

Skjalds (level 2)

Mexican Bandito Pirates (level 2)

Celtic warriors (upgraded level 1)

Garrisoned in Endless days:


840 Celtic warriors

770 New Scandinavians

670 Mexican bandito pirates

574 Skjalds

45 Jomsvikings

General Folke

Garrisoned in Fed2k RPG 3:

1st. Hird

900 Celtic warriors

230 New Scandinavian warriors

1 Jomsviking

150 Mexican Bandito Pirates

100 Skjalds

Garrisoned in The Celt

Celtic Glory

100 Celtic warriors

80 Mexican Bandito Pirates

Garrisoned at Dogs of War

The Dogs of War

100 Celtic warriors

50 New Scandinavians

Garrisoned at the Poems thread

The poetic guard.

30 Celtic warriors

Garrisoned at A Day in the Life of a Mexican Bandito Pirate

Homeguard A Day in the Life of a Mexican Bandito Pirate:

35 Celtic warriors

Garrisoned at War of the Rabbits

Homeguard War of the Rabbits:

30 Celtic warriors

Garrisoned at An Age of Chaos

The Chaotic band:

30 Celtic warriors

Tech List:

Rabbit reproduction

Argonian Timelapers

The holes

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  Lord J sits at the makeshift command table surrounded by his closest advisors.

  "I think it's time to return to Fed2k Warlords."

  Everyone at the table looks up, shocked.  But no one questions it.

  "Suggestions.  Now."

  "We could... Transport into TGED and vow an oath of fealty to Dust Scout."

  Everyone looks at the man like he's lost his mind.  Lord J raises his disruptor pistol and blows him away.


  "A combined force of Sabotours, Heroes and Orcs could transport directly into ExSPlug's HQ."

  "And vow fealty...?" asks Lord J, raising his disruptor.

  "No!  Claim the thread!"

  The entire advisory board bursts in laughter, culminating with Lord J catching his breath (barely) and saying, "As if that could ever work, we all know ExSPlug's forces are...According to the way he posts, invulnerable."  He continues giggling for a few seconds, "No, no, we need something new."

  A dark figure leans across the table, "Well, there is one thing no one has tried yet..."

  As the discussion grows deeper, the dead advisor's body stiffens and the sun slowly sets.  The hills of the Landsraad are filled with howling as the wolves claim more and more lives, and the smoke from the Orcish encampment virtually disappears in the darkness.

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OOC: Allow me to double post once, the 1st post deal with the assassination business(too late and lazy to edit the previous one), then the next post is the following IC post.

The IC content of the previous post could be ignored, but still the 26 rebelling assassins failed, according to the special abilities I've set down for them long long ago.



"My reply...? No." replied ExSplug calmly and tonelessly, dispite the dagger on his neck.

"Nevermind. After I kill you I might as well disguise as you then complete the task." chuckled the assassin, " Any last words?"

"Screw you."

"That's all? I expected you to give long bullshit!" jeered the assassin, " Now, prepare to die!"

The thread suddendly shooked fiecrely. This caused both ExSPlug and the assassins to lose their foothold, and they all stumbled to the ground. Even the flying monkey was unlucky enough to be struck by a falling piece of debries. Broke from the heldup, ExSPlug activated his cloak generator immediately.

"Where is he? Block the entrance!" sounted the flying monkey as it regain it's altitude, then moved to guard the windows.

By now the earthquake had ceased. ExSPlug remain cloaked and is now standing beside an assassin. He must think of someway to deal with the situation before his generator run out of power.

"I'll take this risk..." murmered ExSPlug to himself as he armed every single canister in his belt. He then commenced a countdown in his mind. 3...2...1...ExSPlug flungs out his belt.

The somke and sound from the explosion of the HE canisters and the blinding light of the optic flare engulfed the room. As the somke and fire clears out, all that remained in the room were a big hole in the ground, a dead flying monkey pinned to the wall by throwing knives, the mutliated cropse of the assassin leading the coup, obviously death from a chaisword slash, and a bunch of stunned assassins.

"He must have escaped from the hole! We'll give chase!"

The remaining assassins busted out of the door and into the hole, leaving  the cloaked ExSPlug in a corner of the room. He uncloaked and barred the door, and walked to the announcement system in his room.

"This is ExSPlug to all personnals! Any troops available for combat shall return to battle stations! Fenris Guards! You're ordered to comb down the thread for any assassins! Put them behind the bars, they'll know why. If any refuses, they shall be slain! Robots, rescue wounded troops due to the earthquake!"

Soon every single assassin in the thread, innocent or guilty, were locked in the dungeon. Except for those who refused to be captured, who were slain on the spot.

"I apologize for this. But before the matter is cleared, you all must remain in here."

Message to Dust Scout:

[hide]Thanks to EWS and Dragoon Knight, an accident had happened between my ranks. The flying monkey that EWS had sent to me had been executed. I'm sending back it's head, but not the body. I wish one to be cloned(it's reasonable?). I also wish that you send one of your psychics to interrogate the assassins, I myself don't have that talent to do so.

Please also allow me to send back the head by "The List". It would warm them of being assaulted by "The List" and greatly lower their morale.

I also wish that protection be provided if they attack "OOOH".

Please tighten your defence of your threads in Gaming, they might be heir next target. Gob Luck.




No one was prepared when the earthquake struck. The losses were far greater then usual as practically everyone was enguage in urban warfare. The toppling buildings had taken them.

"Survivors?" asked Vin.

"70 FRs."

"Any survivors from 00?"

"Except Akira, no one."

"We shall head to "The List"."

=Somewhere in Fan Fiction=

The earthquake erupted just as the task force starts landing and set up camp, so most of the task force remained intact, except for some APUs which had beed unloaded.

Total unit count update, due to 1/3 loss punishment, explaination...caused by "My Angel" MAD earthquake:

400 ST-->267 ST (133 lost)

121 As-->81 As (40 lost)

880 R-->587 R (293 lost)

8060 DP-->5374 DP (2686 lost)

944 FR-->630 FR (314 lost)

214 DS-->143 DS (71 lost)

3240 W-->2160 W (1080 lost)

1100 APU-->733 APU (366 lost)

Gaming(1 thread):

In "OOOh for anyone who LIKE ONLINE RPG'S READ HERE"(Botting, tech/ Soul Tramplers, unit): 267 ST/587 R/3209 DP/560 FR/143 DS/2160 W/ExSPlug

Jailed: 81 As

Killed: 1 As/1 FM

Fan Fiction(0 thread):

Task Force 01, in Kanly, heading to "The List" (1 post):

70 FR/Warmaster Vin/Siren(head only)/D.S. Akira

Task Force 02, heading to destination(3 posts):

2200 DP/733 APU/Twinkie the Redhair

Next botting takes effect in 6 posts.

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=The List=

The survivors arrived at "The List".

"Please convoy this to your lord." said Vin as he passes a message to the commander guarding the thread.

Message to Dust Scout:

[hide]We hope that you may allow us to return to "OOOH" through the list, and the head of Siren be sent to "Cloning baby supposed born". Her brain is intact due to the phase freezing, but her body is not.

Warmaster Vin[/hide]


With the robots, the rebuild of the order and the infrastructures of the thread is fast. Still, the men lost sdue to the disaster could not be replaced.

Now troops had enmassed in the courtyard.

"Your actions will decide the fate of us. Gobspeed to you all."

Total unit count:

307 ST

81 As

587 R

5374 DP

630 FR

143 DS

2160 W

733 APU

Gaming(1 thread):

In "OOOh for anyone who LIKE ONLINE RPG'S READ HERE"(Botting, tech/ Soul Tramplers, unit): 587 R/3209 DP/560 FR/133 DS/2160 W/ExSPlug

Jailed: 81 As

Killed: 1 As/1 FM

From "OOOH" to destination (3 posts):

307 ST/10 DS

Fan Fiction(0 thread):

Task Force 01, in "The List":

70 FR/Warmaster Vin/Siren(head only)/D.S. Akira

Task Force 02, heading to destination(2 posts):

2200 DP/733 APU/Twinkie the Redhair

Next botting takes effect in 5 posts.

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"Our forces are getting... out of control." Dust Scout muttered. Lillian glanced sideways at the Warlord. He was tense, still angry. His usually smug composure was absent, replaced instead with a constant frown, overshadowing his blue on blue eyes. She decided it was best not to say anything just yet, and turned back to her notes, letting Dust Scout continue.

"The variation in the units is quite amazing, but it is also becoming unmanagable. The Vampires, for example, have attempted at least three coups already. The Sentinals resent the Ornithopters, the Crossbreeds loathe the Attack Raptors, the Magii and Dragon Disciples simply refuse to get along and as for the Dark Elves..." Dust Scout shot a pointed look at Rai'guy, who stood slightly to one side. He grinned, nastily.

"It is not in our... nature, to be socialable." He said, bowing slightly.

"Yes, quite." Dust Scout agreed dryly. That is why I have decided to take over a new thread in Gaming, now that we don't have Sir Sard's troops to worry about."

"Again?" Darius raised an eyebrow.

"What good will this do, exactly?" Latrodectus growled. She had been as irritable as Dust Scout ever since her home thread of Hell's Armada had been destroyed.

"The thread I wish to take is called Neverwinter Nights." Dust Scout explained, pointing to a point on the singed map on the wall. "Not to be confused with the thusfar misnamed Never Winter nights, which we took over some time ago and currently share with Dragoon Knight."

"Why do we need another thread of similar build?" General Dunenewt asked curiously. "Surely anything we want from the new thread can be found in the old?"

"Not if we want a tech from it." Dust Scout pointed out. "I wish to activate something to keep the army in check. General, you will lead the assault." Dunenewt's face split into a wide grin, "Aye, sir!"

"So, Neverwinter Nights." The General murmured a few hours later, standing on the battlements of the older thread, Never Winter nights.

"You can't actually see it from here." Dragoon Knight's image said helpfully, flickering in the starlight. "This thread is constructed above ground, as you can see. It's deceptively powerful for it's size. That thread is younger, but bigger. It has fewer units, but it's more difficult to find."

"So... no dragons?" General Dunenewt asked, trying to keep the apprehension from his voice. Dragoon's hologram flickered even more as he chuckled.

"No, I doubt there are any Dragons. There might be some Shifters though, and the most powerful of those can turn themselves into dragons, so be careful."

"Er... you had to deal with those last time, didn't you?" The General asked.

"Yes, yes we did. Fortunately when Dust Scout and I took these two threads together we were able to engender some inside help. It won the battles for us."

"Ah." Dunenewt's heart sank. He thought for a moment. "Two threads?"

"Never Winter nights and Age of Wonders (2)." Dragoon answered, indicating the sister thread behind them. "The Dark Elves helped him, the Dwarves aided me. It worked out very well." He folded his arms, gazing out at the expanse of land underneath them, though it wasn't clear if his image could actually see anything or not. If not he looked very silly.

Behind the two, a flickering of light made itself known. General Dunenewt turned around to see the portal finally opening, with Lillian's face looking through.

"All ready, General?" She asked, examining the scene.

"Ready." General Dunewnewt said confidently.

"Good." Lillian replied, "List connection opening... now." She finished, and looked up again. "Good luck Dunenewt." And with that, the portal winked out of existance.

"Nice girl." Dragoon Knight muttered, before he too vanished. The General stood alone. But not for long. A door opened nearby, and the units began to emerge...

"Necroticon." Dust Scout raised an eyebrow at the new entrant, who was not fazed.

"Yes." He answered blankly. Dust Scout stared for a few more long seconds, before looking back at his paperwork. There wasn't actually anything written on it, but he wanted to appear as if he knew what he was doing.

"Says here that you want to join up like General Dunenewt." Dust Scout said, leaning back in his throne.

"That is, correct." Necroticon agreed, after studying the sentance for hidden meanings.

"People don't usually want to serve, generally they prefer to lead." Dust Scout said calmly.

"Serve you, lead others." Was the reply. Dust Scout seemed to consider this.

"Tell you what," he said, leaning forward again, "There is a thread in PRP that I'm interested in but can't currently spare the time or attention to deal with." He began writing on another piece of paper, "These are your orders...

Necroticon's orders:

Proceed to the barracks of TGED. By the time you get there Darius will have assembled a force for you to command. They will already have their instructions, you need only lead them.

You will take this force through The List to my thread The Occult in PRP. From there it is only a short journey North-West to The Psychology of War. This is the thread I want you to attack and take in my name. When this is done, install a List link and then await further instructions.

Dust Scout.

"Any questions?" Dust Scout asked after Necroticon had read the note. The former Warlord shook his head. "Good. Have fun in PRP."

General Dunenewt marched out of Never Winter nights with an army at his back...

Dust Scout sighed, viewing the message from ExSPlug. "So, the assassins failed. Whatever next, I wonder?" He scanned the note one more time. "Hmm, seems I'll have to clarify a few matters..."

To ExSPlug:

I can't clone dead things. It shouldn't work that way, but it does. You shouldn't have killed the monkey. I'm afraid that works for Siren as well. Also, much as I'm sure we'd appreciate the thought of sending a head into an enemy thread, I don't want to open any doors that might be used to travel the other way. I suggest you burn it.

'Psychic' is a tech, not a unit. If you want me to read the Assassin's minds they'll have to be brought into or near a thread of mine.

Don't worry about defence, I have... plans... Also, your troops can go home.


General Dunenewt had reached the gates of Neverwinter Nights. They loomed, dark and sinister in the moonlight. They looked deserted.

"I don't like this..." He muttered to himself. But this was his first command on his own, the first time he had been left in charge of an army without anyome more experienced like Rai'guy breathing down his neck.

"Anyone there?!" He called out into the darkness. He had been advised to do this, just in case the thread's occupants wanted to join peacefully. There was no response.

"I represent the Warlord Dust Scout!" He tried again. Still no answer. And then, his eyes caught movement. The gates were beginning to open, and behind them... was an army.

"Vampires to the front, move, move!" The General yelled, drawing his sword and swinging it forward. "Don't press the gates, attack! Sentinals, from behind!"

The battle was short, and bloody. The defenders were clearly ill-prepared from an assault of this magnitude, and fell to the vampires and Sentinals as they swooped overhead. It didn't help that most of them were swordsmen, and not archers. Those that were mistakenly aimed for the larger targets, the Sentinals, and did minimal damage. It was over by dawn.

The General walked through the carnage. A few lucky hits had brought down a Vampire or two, and even one or two Sentinals, but casualties overall were at minimum. He looked up at a movement, to see a beautiful woman standing in the doorway to the keep.

"How, how did you-" Dunenewt began. She sileneced him with a wave.

"I know what you want." She said, "And I will not bring about more deaths by trying to prevent you having it. My name is Aribeth de Tylmerande, I will journey alongside you."

Tech gained- Magical Splicing.

This is a magic tech that allows me to bring units together in order to save space and complexity. For example, the Dragon Disciples and Magii are now combined to form Sorcerers, whose description is below. The tech is powerful, and it is using the power of three others to function (I'm doing this partly to slow the weapons race and partly because I'm getting confused). An Edit: Should I choose, I can reverse this process on an individual or larger scale. For example, I might turn one Sorcerer into one Dragon Disciple and one Magus... but it's unlikely.

Techs powering-

Genetic Monstrosity

Undead Upgrade

Music Box

Units lost-

Fanfiction Highlanders, Celtic Warriors, Sharders, Magii, Dragon Disciples, Sentinals, Ornithopters, Setara Shock Troops, Attack Raptors, BG Crossbreeds, Ancient Vampires, Young Vampires, Dust Imps, Salamanders, Seraphim, Marines, Swiss Guards

Units gained-

Highland Claymore Militia

Formed from the Celtic Warriors, Fanfiction Highlanders, Marines and Swiss Guards; these troops wield a massive claymore as tall as they are with fearsome power and accuracy. They are stronger than all of their original parts, and wear hide armour. Seventy recruited per post, due to a mix of power and the fact that had I combined all of the originals to keep the numbers up I would have been recruiting and upgrading 90 per post.


A combination of the Magii and Dragon Disciples. These can still resurrect the fallen, and they can still breathe fire. They are stronger, smarter, and more agile than their old parts. They can still cast spells. Additionally, their wings now function.

Shard Sentinals

A combination of the Sentinals, Sharders, and Ornithopters. These look just like the old Sentinals, but they are now equipped with a Sharder ice gun as well as their own laser and fearsome tentacles. They function as per normal, but performance is increased 150% in cold conditions. They can now also carry a small payload of explosives.

Black Angels

The Seraphim combined with the Vampires are deadly indeed. Greyish-green skin and coal black hair make these otherwise beuatiful winged creatures terrible to behold. Their wings are feathered and black; they wear no armour, for they do not need it. They wield fearsome scythes that drain the life away from foes.

Genetic Shock Troops

BG Crossbreeds, Setara Shock Troops, and mutated dust Imps. These guys are genetic power at its best. They are tough through breeding, training, more breeding, more training, and the very ultimate in Ixian technology. They are encased in full body armour, and armed with nearly everything going including flamethrowers, machineguns, darts, knives, cattle prods... Unsurprisingly they are slow, but who needs speed when you have that much defence? These replace my old thread unit, and so are stronger and recruited in a smaller number.

Dust Dragon.

Bye bye goes the Dust Imp, the Attack Raptor, and the Salamander. In their place, the awesome Dust Dragon. Bigger than any Sentinal, huge and powerful. Their scales are a dirty yellow, their eyes bright orange. They possess all of the powers of the Dust Imp but on a much larger scale. Their wings are huge, their dust breath devastating. All in all, a deadly piece of work.

Recruited forces - Dust Scout:

70 Highland Claymore Militia

20 Dark Elf Archers

30 Sorcerers

5 Giant spiders

30 Shard Sentinals

30 Black Angels

20 Genetic Shock Troops

3 Dust Dragons

Current forces - Dust Scout...


Garrisoned in The God Emperor's Dune <<Shielded>>:

12000 Highland Claymore Militia

2209 Genetic Shock Troops

200 Giant spiders

300 Black Angels

480 Dark Elf Archers

1000 Sorcerers

1000 Shard Sentinals

30 Dust Dragons

Necroticon's Troops:

1470 Highland Claymore Militia

240 Sorcerers

Garrisoned in Espionage:

125 Highland Claymore Militia

60 Dark Elf Archers

40 Sorcerers

29 Genetic Shock Troops

60 Shard Sentinals

4 Dust Dragons

Garrisoned in Mountain War!!!:

10 Highland Claymore Militia

45 Shard Sentinals

11 Genetic Shock Troops

1 Dust Dragon

Garrisoned in 'The List'  <<Shielded>>:

300 Highland Claymore Militia

170 Shard Sentinals

7 Dust Dragons

Garrisoned in ~Matrix Rising~    <<Shielded>>:

28 Genetic Shock Troops

30 Shard Sentinals

1 Dust Dragon

Garrisoned in Dungeon Siege RPG:

45 Highland Claymore Militia

20 Genetic Shock Troops

20 Sorcerers

50 Shard Sentinals

2 Dust Dragons

Garrisoned in Fed2k RPG:

40 Genetic Shock Troops

20 Sorcerers

1 Dust Dragon

Garrisoned in Battle Of The Line~HighLands~:

400 Highland Claymore Militia

130 Sorcerers

150 Shard Sentinals

2 Dust Dragons

Garrisoned in The Evilness Withen:

50 Black Angels

5 Giant Spiders

1 Dust Dragon

Garrinsoned in KYA Setara War:

20 Dust Dragons

Garrisoned in KYA Setara: Rebirth:

115 Highland Claymore Militia

780 Genetic Shock Troops

4 Black Angels


Garrisoned in Age of Wonders (2):

284 Highland Claymore Militia

20 Sorcerers

75 Shard Sentinals

1 Dust Dragon

Garrisoned in Never Winter nights  <<Shielded>>:

80 Highland Claymore Militia

50 Genetic Shock Troops

75 Shard Sentinals

1 Dust Dragon

Garrisoned in Neverwinter Nights  <<Shielded>>:

700 Shard Sentinals - 10 old lost

230 Black Angels - 20 old lost

20 Dust Dragons - 0 old lost

General Dunenewt

Garrisoned in Farcry:

10 Genetic Shock Troops

50 Dark Elf Archers

50 Sorcerers

66 Shard Sentinals

5 Dust Dragons

Politics, Religion and Philosophy

Garrisoned in The Occult:

20 Shard Sentinals

40 Dark Elf Archers

20 Sorcerers


Garrisoned in Cloned Baby Supposedly Born  <<Shielded>>:

80 Shard Sentinals

70 Sorcerers

1 Dust Dragon

Other Dune Games

Garrisoned in Frank Herbert's Dune:Ornithopter Assault:

40 Shard Sentinals

Garrisoned in Music and Sound:

7 Shard Sentinals

Tech List:

Espionage Stealth



Genetic Monstrosity - Powering

Undead Upgrade - Powering

Music Box - Powering

List Tech

Spice Melange - 6th post

House Shields

Magical Splicing

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OOC:  It occurred to me, despite DK getting the troops, threads, and techs...I never gave post detailing my characters leaving, other than in the comments.  So here is the exodus.


"Where are we," murmurred Cardinal Bea in awe.

"The Admin Page of Fed2k," said ordos45," By exiling here we're under Gob's rule though."

Everyone looked at the yeti, and decided never to revolt, and to just help him make sure the servers that made up the world ran right.

OOC:  There you go.  The last appearance in this thread of Ordos45, Cardinal Bea, General Irani, General Talsir, and Gob.

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"Dust Scout obviously got some plans going on..." ExSPlug pointed out as he reads the reports from his scouts.

"Most likely. He is reforming his army and remains allied with DK, even he is the last threat prevent him from dominating Fed2k." commented Vin.

"It would be revealed sooner or later. But now, we shall follow his orders, and still proceed with our own plans, as good mercenaries should do." said ExSPlug.

"Indeed, sir. How about the mess that EWS had left to us?"

"Preserve both heads, make sure that they're both kept "alive"."

Message to Dust Scout:

[hide]I'll bring the assassins to one of your threads personally then. I wish that it be "The List", as carrying prisoners and marching through the lands of Fed2k now is too much of a risk.



"What does ExSPlug have in mind to sent us to such desolate lands?" grumbled one of the troops.

"Yeah, and in stealth and slowly! This just doesn't suit our usual tactics!" added another troop

"He had gone wacko after he serve under Dust Scout!" joked another troop.

"Watch your mouth, soldiers." Twinkie suddendly jammed into the vid-conference of the troops. "Remember who's giving you everything, including the suit you're now piloting."

The troops fell into silence.

"Radio silence will apply from now. We would commence the assault in the next post."

Total unit count:

347 ST

81 As

587 R

5374 DP

630 FR

143 DS

2160 W

733 APU

Gaming(1 thread):

In "OOOh for anyone who LIKE ONLINE RPG'S READ HERE"(Botting, tech/ Soul Tramplers, unit): 40 ST/587 R/3209 DP/630 FR/133 DS/2160 W/ExSPlug/Warmaster Vin/Siren(head only)/D.S. Akira

Jailed: 81 As

Killed: 1 As/1 FM

From "OOOH" to destination (2 posts):

307 ST/10 DS

Fan Fiction(0 thread):

Task Force 02, heading to destination(1 post):

2200 DP/733 APU/Twinkie the Redhair

Next botting takes effect in 4 posts.

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To ExSPlug:[hide]

Transfer the Assassins to TGED, the tech will be strong there. 'The List' is not a large thread, I would prefer to keep it used as a gateway rather than a destination.


"So close... and yet so bloody far!" Dust Scout growled. "When are those two going to start beating the crap out of each other? I'm so sick of waiting for this!"

"You have a lot riding on this battle...?" Dunenewt asked.

"In a manner of speaking." Dust Scout sighed. "Put it this way, there was a reason I reformed the army to make it tougher..."

Recruited forces - Dust Scout:

70 Highland Claymore Militia

20 Dark Elf Archers

30 Sorcerers

5 Giant spiders

30 Shard Sentinals

30 Black Angels

20 Genetic Shock Troops

3 Dust Dragons

Current forces - Dust Scout...


Garrisoned in The God Emperor's Dune <<Shielded>>:

12000 Highland Claymore Militia

2209 Genetic Shock Troops

200 Giant spiders

320 Black Angels

750 Dark Elf Archers - Cloning Tech

1000 Sorcerers

1000 Shard Sentinals

33 Dust Dragons

Necroticon's Troops:

1540 Highland Claymore Militia

240 Sorcerers

Garrisoned in Espionage:

125 Highland Claymore Militia

60 Dark Elf Archers

40 Sorcerers

49 Genetic Shock Troops

60 Shard Sentinals

4 Dust Dragons

Garrisoned in Mountain War!!!:

10 Highland Claymore Militia

45 Shard Sentinals

11 Genetic Shock Troops

1 Dust Dragon

Garrisoned in 'The List'  <<Shielded>>:

300 Highland Claymore Militia

30 Sorcerers

200 Shard Sentinals

7 Dust Dragons

Garrisoned in ~Matrix Rising~    <<Shielded>>:

28 Genetic Shock Troops

30 Shard Sentinals

1 Dust Dragon

Garrisoned in Dungeon Siege RPG:

45 Highland Claymore Militia

20 Genetic Shock Troops

20 Sorcerers

50 Shard Sentinals

2 Dust Dragons

Garrisoned in Fed2k RPG:

40 Genetic Shock Troops

20 Sorcerers

1 Dust Dragon

Garrisoned in Battle Of The Line~HighLands~:

400 Highland Claymore Militia

130 Sorcerers

150 Shard Sentinals

2 Dust Dragons

Garrisoned in The Evilness Withen:

50 Black Angels

5 Giant Spiders

1 Dust Dragon

Garrinsoned in KYA Setara War:

20 Dust Dragons

Garrisoned in KYA Setara: Rebirth:

115 Highland Claymore Militia

780 Genetic Shock Troops

4 Black Angels


Garrisoned in Age of Wonders (2) <<Shielded>>:

284 Highland Claymore Militia

20 Sorcerers

75 Shard Sentinals

1 Dust Dragon

Garrisoned in Never Winter nights  <<Shielded>>:

80 Highland Claymore Militia

50 Genetic Shock Troops

75 Shard Sentinals

1 Dust Dragon

Garrisoned in Neverwinter Nights  <<Shielded>>:

700 Shard Sentinals

230 Black Angels

20 Dust Dragons

Garrisoned in Farcry:

10 Genetic Shock Troops

50 Dark Elf Archers

50 Sorcerers

66 Shard Sentinals

5 Dust Dragons

Politics, Religion and Philosophy

Garrisoned in The Occult:

20 Shard Sentinals

40 Dark Elf Archers

20 Sorcerers


Garrisoned in Cloned Baby Supposedly Born  <<Shielded>>:

80 Shard Sentinals

70 Sorcerers

1 Dust Dragon

Other Dune Games

Garrisoned in Frank Herbert's Dune:Ornithopter Assault:

40 Shard Sentinals

Garrisoned in Music and Sound:

7 Shard Sentinals

Tech List:

Espionage Stealth



Genetic Monstrosity - Powering

Undead Upgrade - Powering

Music Box - Powering

List Tech

Neo Gobism

Spice Melange - 7th post

House Shields

Magical Splicing

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With the power of The List, ExSPlug and the assassins arrived in the blink of the eye.

"Anyone of you wish to confess before we interrogate you by psychic means?" asked ExSPlug to the group of assassins for one final time. They all remained in silence.

"Well then...I will observe the wole interrogation, and deal with those who I found guilty on the spot by my own hands then."

=In the lands of Dune 2000=

Below the airborne invasion force is a giant blue dome surrounding a huge portion of the desert. Around the rims of the shield you could see sandworms going berserk, and keep crashing into the house shield and one another. It would be suicide to enter from there, but escaping too. Inside the house shield, is a harvesting operation, along with the defending troops.

The airborne assault force is now closing to the top of the house shield.

"Sir, we're at position."

"You be sure that we won't met the terminal velocity and bounce out?"

"Very sure, sir!"

"We're going in! For Fed2k!" shouted Twinkie through the radio.

Ever since the house shield had been set up in this thread, the defending force had concentrated more on spice harvesting then on a lookout for invaders. They assumed that the house shields would be enough. A fatal assumption.

"First priority is the fremens! We don't want them escaping and bring reinforcements from other threads!" ordered Twinkie to his troops.

The defending force were slaughtered under the gatling guns and chainsaws of the APUs. They frantically tried to scramble to arms. By the time they could do so, only about 1/4 of them remained, and no fermen were among the ranks, all killed.

"Move forward! We'll kill them to their last as we tighten the ring of troops that surround them!"

Meanwhile most of the Dragon-Panzers had landed on some rock basins nearby, incase one of those deadly static storms blew to their position. The exceptions is a small group of Dragon-Panzers, patrolling above the house shield, looking for enemy reinforcements from other threads.

Total unit count:

347 ST

81 As

587 R

5374 DP

630 FR

143 DS

2160 W

733 APU-->691 APU(Lost 42)

Gaming(1 thread):

In "OOOh for anyone who LIKE ONLINE RPG'S READ HERE"(Botting, tech/ Soul Tramplers, unit): 80 ST/587 R/3209 DP/630 FR/133 DS/2160 W/Warmaster Vin/Siren(head only)/D.S. Akira

Preserved by cryogenics: 1 As/1 FM

From "OOOH" to destination (1 post):

307 ST/10 DS

Fan Fiction(0 thread):

In TGED: 81 As/ExSPlug

Dune 2000(0 thread):

Task Force 02, attacking "Spice", taken in next post:

2200 DP/691 APU/Twinkie the Redhair

Losses: 42 APU

Next botting takes effect in 3 posts.

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King Sard was back in his hall in Endless Days

"So Dustie has upgraded his forces, eh?"

"It seems so" was the reply from Jarl Erik

"Very well, me must do something similar then, prepare to send some forces the the general board, I have something in mind, and while you are at it, recall the 1. Hird from the FED2K RPG 3"

"Very well my king"


Troops available for production:

Jomsvikings (level 4)

New Scandinavians (level 3)

Skjalds (level 2)

Mexican Bandito Pirates (level 2)

Celtic warriors (upgraded level 1)

Garrisoned in Endless days:


500 Celtic warriors

610 New Scandinavians

10 Mexican bandito pirates

414 Skjalds

47 Jomsvikings

General Folke

Garrisoned in Fed2k RPG 3:

1. Guard

200 Celtic warriors

50 New Scandinavian warriors

Heading to Endless Days

1st. Hird

700 Celtic warriors

180 New Scandinavian warriors

1 Jomsviking

150 Mexican Bandito Pirates

100 Skjalds

Garrisoned in The Celt

Celtic Glory

100 Celtic warriors

80 Mexican Bandito Pirates

Garrisoned at Dogs of War

The Dogs of War

100 Celtic warriors

50 New Scandinavians

Garrisoned at the Poems thread

The poetic guard.

30 Celtic warriors

Garrisoned at A Day in the Life of a Mexican Bandito Pirate

Homeguard A Day in the Life of a Mexican Bandito Pirate:

35 Celtic warriors

Garrisoned at War of the Rabbits

Homeguard War of the Rabbits:

30 Celtic warriors

Garrisoned at An Age of Chaos

The Chaotic band:

30 Celtic warriors

Heading to the General board.

200 Skjalds

500 Celtic Warriors

200 New Scandinavians

700 Mexican Bandito Pirates

Tech List:

Rabbit reproduction

Argonian Timelapers

The holes

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  Chani or Irulan?, Duniverse.

  The attack began before any knew it had started.

  The Guild Transport warped into the center of the marketplace and began disgorging troops.  The Orcs ran out first, joined by a disencouragingly low-numbered company of Highlanders.  Most people simply stood and stared, unsure of what to do.  A few men approached, but were quickly dispatched by the bloodlusting Orcs.

  Finally, a Hero stepped out, "I, Hancicus of Kanly claim this thread in the name of Lord Johnsonius!"  He looked around, "Any objections?"

  At that moment the city guards appeared, Sardaukar, but with thier lean faces and wild eyes, these were not the heavily trained and disciplined Sardaukar the Orcs had been prepared for.  With a disjointed scream of fury, the men attacked, and the first line of Orcs were cut down almost immediatly.

  As the rest of the Heroes stepped out of the Transport and joined the fray, the Sardaukar pressed forward, briefly, but then began to be pushed back.  The Heroes were better equipped to deal with the individualist Sardaukar soldiers.

  The end of the first post sees the ground littered with many bodies, human and Orc, but as the fighting rages on, a new threat steps from the shadows led by a Tleilaxu Master, "Forward, Face Dancers!"

  At that moment Lord J himself steps down from the Transport with the last of the troops.  Things begin to get really interesting, and really deadly, and the Transport warps away, leaving the troops alone in the hostile thread.

  "For Kanly!!!"

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Ships :O? They are dragon riders. Anyway...for the shield problem, I suggest you go read how a holtzman shield works again.

The attack force had been moving for 3 posts already. With Dust Scout's "Stealth" tech in use, I didn't reveal destination.

Hmm...not next post then. Might as well take a few more post to eliminate the draven defenders.

Previous post not ignored, you might as well post something to counter it.

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Seems that I wasn't needed here to create a problem.  Oh and Rookie, Ghost already will not have an anyerism, he will most likely have a full body hernia.....then it will be most likely met with flame and locking!

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