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FED2K warlords


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"Diplomatic Quarters?" Sir Sard looks up at the voice from the ceiling. Dust Scout casually raises his glass from his vantage point in the middle of a particularly wide hallway ceiling.

"I assume there is such a place in this thread?" Sir Sard replies evenly, craning his neck slightly.

"Oddly enough, no." Dust Scout replies, beginning to walk down the wall. "This thread was never meant to play host to Warlords, it's only occupants are the Gobist monks. Though I'm sure if you want a spare room they'll be happy to rent you one."

"Is that what you are doing?"

"Oh no. I set up a hanging home of my own in one of the larger, but less used halls." Dust Scout answers. Sir Sard wonders how it is that his drink isn't spilling even though it is perpendicular to the floor. "The Dark Elves and a few Giant Spiders made very short work of it. It'll come down when we leave. I won't offer the same to you because for some reason I don't think you would find the notion of living in a giant spider's web quite so appealing."

"Then perhaps you might be able to tell me why it is that ExSPlug has called us here?" Sir Sard asks, as Dust Scout reaches the floor.

"I have a vague idea." He answers, swirling his drink. "But I am not at liberty to throw guesses around. Now if you'll excuse me, I have someone else I'd like to meet..."

"One more thing." Sard says, "How is it that you were standing on the ceiling just there?"

"A little inherant magic from Age of Wonders (2), Neverwinter Nights, and Dungeon Siege RPG to keep the drink in; coupled with stealth tech from Espionage." Dust Scout answers, fading from sight.

"Cardinal Bea, I assume?" The Cardinal sighs, long used to people creeping up on him after living in PRP.

"Dust Scout. The only Warlord who gets a kick out of sneaking up on people." He says dryly. "You were correct, am I?" He watches as the black-clad Warlord slips into view from behind him, carrying a glass of something red.

"Yes, well done." Dust Scout answers, slightly put out that the man didn't even jump. "According to my Dark Elves you've been wandering the corridors for hours, are you lost?"

"Bluntly speaking, yes." The Cardinal replies, his face impassive. Dust Scout sighs mentally. This was always so much easier with Fanfictioners.

"Take two lefts and then the second right down that corridor and you'll come to one of the monk's dormitories." He says, indicating the direction with his hand. "They'll be happy to give you a map and possibly lend you a room, since you're a religious man yourself."

"Thank you." Bea nods to Dust Scout, starting on his way. Left alone, the Warlord sighs. People from PRP were so unpredictable. He faded from view.

"Let's hope you're responsible enough for that kind of power." Lord J jumps at the voice over his shoulder, before recognising it and assuming an expression of annoyance.

"Dust Scout, do you really have to do that?" He growls, turning around to face his ally.

"It's part of my charm." Dust Scout answers, apparantly cheered by Lord J's reaction. "Seriously though, would it not be better to make sure that kind of power is destroyed rather than utilised?"

"You have your orders you know." Rai'guy said calmly to ExSPlug. "You're under contract. Leave General, take your forces, and sent them to attack Rookie."

"I am aware of my instructions." ExSPlug replied, not deigning to meet the Dark Elve's gaze. "And they are not your concern."

Time passes, blah blah, I'm posting again after a hiatus where I thought the thread was going to die. In the meantime, Cloned Baby Supposedly Born is now mine mine mine!

Tech gained - Cloning (well duh...).

This tech allows any units already produced to be cloned at a rate of 50% of the number of one unit in a single thread. E.g. If I had 10 Giant Spiders in a thread the tech would clone them and produce 50% of the total, which is 5, giving me 15 in total. If there were 20 Giant Spiders then the tech would produce an additional 10. The clones are of equal power and intelligence to the originals.

Recruited forces:

50 Fanfiction Highlanders

20 Sharders

20 Dark Elf Archers

20 Magii

20 Dragon Disciples

20 Sentinals

5 Giant spiders

20 BG Crossbreeds - doubled

1 Dust Imp

Current forces...

Garrisoned in The God Emperor's Dune:

1350 Fanfiction Highlanders - (850 + 50 + Cloning tech)

150 BG Crossbreeds

60 Giant spiders

160 Dark Elf Archers

160 Magii

160 Dragon Disciples

100 Sentinals

147 Sharders

7 Dust Imps

Garrisoned in Espionage:

50 Fanfiction Highlanders

20 Dark Elf Archers

20 Magii

20 Dragon Disciples

29 BG Crossbreeds

40 Sentinals

60 Sharders

1 Dust Imp

Garrisoned in Mountain War!!!:

10 Fanfiction Highlanders

5 Giant Spiders

40 Sharders

30 Sentinals

11 BG Crossbreeds

1 Dust Imp

Garrisoned in 'The List':

300 Fanfiction Highlanders

800 Setara Shock Troops

42 BG Crossbreeds

60 Sentinals

60 Sharders

3 Dust Imps

Garrisoned in ~Matrix Rising~:

28 BG Crossbreeds

20 Sentinals

1 Dust Imp

Garrisoned in Dungeon Siege RPG:

40 Fanfiction Highlanders

10 BG Crossbreeds

20 Magii

30 Sentinals

20 Sharders

1 Dust Imp

Garrisoned in The Occult:

10 Sentinals

40 Dark Elf Archers

10 Sharders

20 Dragon Disciples

Garrisoned in Age of Wonders (2):

70 Fanfiction Highlanders

214 Celtic Warriors

75 Sentinals

1 Dust Imp

Garrisoned in Neverwinter Nights:

80 Fanfiction Highlanders

150 Setara Shock troops

75 Sentinals

1 Dust Imp

Hell's Armada - Transferring to Lord J in 1 post:

700 Fanfiction Highlanders - Lord J's and Sard's, I've removed mine. Divided the total into thirds, took one of them...

150 Klingons

99 Orcs

60 New Scandinavians

35 Skjalds

6 Dust Imps

4 Jomsvikings

Far Cry:

30 BG Crossbreeds

20 Sharders

12 Sentinals

1 Dust Imp

In Fed2k Warlords:

25 Sentinals

40 Dark Elf Archers

1 Dust Imp

Dust Scout

Garrisoned in Cloned Baby Supposedly Born:

200 Sentinals - 20 lost

150 Dark Elf Archers - 0 lost

200 Magii - 16 lost

80 Sharders - 0 lost

70 Dragon Disciples - 5 lost

35 Giant spiders - 10 lost

130 BG Crossbreeds - 18 lost

5 Dust Imps - 0 lost

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Lord J turns his eyes away from Dustie's metallic image, and replies, "Perhaps.  Though I think of this technology as less powerful and more chaotic.  You never know where it will hit."

  Dust Scout's eyes narrow as he thinks, then replies, "So that makes it more dangerous to use, to yourself and you allies." He shrugs, "All the more reason to destroy it!"

  "Perhaps," replies Lord J, "But I see it as only one step in the future of warfare." He pauses, "Have you ever heard the concept of MAD, Mutually Assured Destruction?  It is the point where two warring factions have the technology to completely annihilate thier enemy with the push of a button, but only at the cost of thier own faction.  In this way peace is assured, as no one is willing to pay the ultimate sacrifice."

  "But what if someone is willing?"

  Lord J avoids the question with one of his own, "Yes, umm... When does this meeting officially begin?"

  Meanwhile, at Vampire: the Masquerade, a squad of Highlanders find a small clearing in the forested area.  It is littered with the bodies of dead sheep, some partly eaten, all ripped apart and bloody.

  "Ehh," says one Mexican recruit, "Iss El Chupacabra, the Goat-Sucker.  We should haff never come here!" and he starts to turn around to head back to the main force.

  "El Chupa-what?!" replies an American recruit, "Hell man, ain't no such thing, that's like aliens and vampires and were--!"

  He is cut off by a long, powerful howl.  The soldier's eyes grow big and he turns to follow the Mexican.  They all hear something in the grass coming towards then at a fast rate.  All of them, even the Orc in command turn and start to run.  Suddenly a straggler is caught at the knape of the neck by long, sharp teeth.  He falls to the ground and starts to writhe just as several more Highlanders are taken down.

  "Turn and fire!" comes the order as they reach a barely defendable hillside, and the commlink comes alive with, "We need reinforcements! DaH!"

  Still more Highlanders die, and the wolf-like creatures attacking them seem invincible to thier firepower.  Finally the Orc simply sets his Klingon disruptor to overload and sacrifices himself, the remaining members of the squad, and much of the forest to destroy thier attackers.

  It is, however, not enough to stop the were-wolves completely, and as the Heroes, Francisimus and Gavinicus sound the retreat, more wolves manage to overtake the men.  The only weapon that appears to have any effect are the Hovertanks' disruptor cannons, so Gavinicus orders all remaining troops into the tanks as he and Francisimus face the onslaught of were-kin.

  The Hovertanks blockade the gates as first Gavinicus, then Francisimus dies.  Finally an Ordos Sabotour runs in and destroys a good number of the remaining wolves.  Once the troops are inside the Hovertanks, a Klingon named Maergh takes command of the mission.

  "Report!" he yells at the Orcish driver.

  "The wolves appear to be leaving the general area, as there is no more... Umm... Food."

  Maergh nods, "Target and snipe the closest ones, then we will collect as many of the bodies as possible in an empty Hovertank and send it back to Kanly for analysis."

  "Aye sir."

  Maergh turns to the communications console and taps in the code for Kanly, as Andrews slowly materializes, Maergh reports, "Sir, we have a problem."

Recruited forces:

100 Highlanders (H)

40 Klingons (K)

20 Orcs (O)

20 Gobists (G)

10 Hovertanks (T)

2 Ordos Sabotour (S)

2 Hero (He)

Claimed Threads:

Kanly (HQ) (Anti-List Device) (Heroes 1/post) - 400H, 150K, 90O, 40G, 40T, 15S, 14He.

Kanly: Revisited (Orcs 10/post) - 300H, 100K, 30O, 5T, 8S, 8He.

Dune: A New Beginning (Ordos Sabotours 1/post) - 200H, 80K, 40O.

FED2K Trek (Klingons 20/post) - 200H, 50K, 20O.

FED2K Survivor Four (Network (Double Unit Production)) - 100H, 29K, 20O.

Modern Pirates (Network) (Hovertanks 5/post) - 75H, 39K, 11O.

Underwater War Three (Network) - 78H, 39K, 21O.

Short Horror Fic Contest (Network) - 106H, 40K, 20O 20G, 10T, 2S, 2He.

Short Story Contest (Network) - 106H 40K, 20O, 20G, 10T, 2S, 2He.

My Angel (Earthquake Technology)(Gobist 10/post) - 47H, 32K, 15O, 20G, 4T, 2S, 1He

Secret Mission Corps (Settled in Hell's Armada) - 485H, 150K, 99O, 8He

Troops attacking Vampires: the Masquerade - 24H, 9K, 4O, 6T.

Total Deployed Forces:

2176 Highlanders

759 Klingons

413 Orcs

100 Gobists

75 Hovertanks

28 Sabotours

35 Heroes

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"It was supposed to begin a long time ago." Dust Scout sighs, rolling his eyes. "But of course the Warlords took so long getting here, and ExSPlug is still in the meeting chamber... Personally I think he's sulking."

"That as may be, you're his ah... 'boss.' Shouldn't you know?"

"Yes, actually; I should. Good point. If the meeting ever starts I will definately bring that up."

"Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit."

"And viruses are the smallest form of life. You don't see them complaining."

"Do you ever talk sense?"

"Would you like it if I did?"





Lord J takes a deep breath, and glares at Dust Scout.

"You do that deliberately, don't you?"

"I do nearly everything deliberately."

"You didn't answer the question."

"No, I didn't. Now this mutually assured destruction thing, what exactly can challenge an earthquake-causing tech?"

"Never you mind. Is Hell's Armada ready for transfer?"

"Yes, it's yours now. I've left a few units in it for defence but I can withdraw them just as you could withdraw yours."


"You do realise I'm giving up my Spider Laying tech? Latrodectus was most displeased. She ate her chambermaid again. Come to think of it, that's the third this month and she never says they're doing anything wrong..."

"I'm sure you'll work something out." Lord J mutters, keeping all thoughts of spider women firmly at the back of his mind.

"Yes, I'm sure we shall..." Dust Scout murmurs. "Cake? The party's going down but there's still plenty left."

Tech lost- Spider Laying

Recruited forces:

50 Fanfiction Highlanders

20 Sharders

20 Dark Elf Archers

20 Magii

20 Dragon Disciples

20 Sentinals

5 Giant spiders

10 BG Crossbreeds

1 Dust Imp

Current forces...

Garrisoned in The God Emperor's Dune:

1400 Fanfiction Highlanders

160 BG Crossbreeds

65 Giant spiders

180 Dark Elf Archers

180 Magii

180 Dragon Disciples

120 Sentinals

167 Sharders

8 Dust Imps

Garrisoned in Espionage:

50 Fanfiction Highlanders

20 Dark Elf Archers

20 Magii

20 Dragon Disciples

29 BG Crossbreeds

40 Sentinals

60 Sharders

1 Dust Imp

Garrisoned in Mountain War!!!:

10 Fanfiction Highlanders

5 Giant Spiders

40 Sharders

30 Sentinals

11 BG Crossbreeds

1 Dust Imp

Garrisoned in 'The List':

300 Fanfiction Highlanders

1200 Setara Shock Troops - Cloning tech

42 BG Crossbreeds

60 Sentinals

60 Sharders

3 Dust Imps

Garrisoned in ~Matrix Rising~:

28 BG Crossbreeds

20 Sentinals

1 Dust Imp

Garrisoned in Dungeon Siege RPG:

40 Fanfiction Highlanders

10 BG Crossbreeds

20 Magii

30 Sentinals

20 Sharders

1 Dust Imp

Garrisoned in The Occult:

10 Sentinals

40 Dark Elf Archers

10 Sharders

20 Dragon Disciples

Garrisoned in Age of Wonders (2):

70 Fanfiction Highlanders

214 Celtic Warriors

75 Sentinals

1 Dust Imp

Garrisoned in Neverwinter Nights:

80 Fanfiction Highlanders

150 Setara Shock troops

75 Sentinals

1 Dust Imp

Hell's Armada - Under Lord J's control just as soon as he says so:

700 Fanfiction Highlanders - Lord J's and Sard's, I've removed mine. Divided the total into thirds, took one of them...

150 Klingons

99 Orcs

60 New Scandinavians

35 Skjalds

6 Dust Imps

4 Jomsvikings

Far Cry:

30 BG Crossbreeds

20 Sharders

12 Sentinals

1 Dust Imp

In Fed2k Warlords:

25 Sentinals

40 Dark Elf Archers

1 Dust Imp

Dust Scout

Garrisoned in Cloned Baby Supposedly Born:

200 Sentinals

150 Dark Elf Archers

200 Magii

80 Sharders

70 Dragon Disciples

35 Giant spiders

130 BG Crossbreeds

5 Dust Imps

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Sard stood still and thought the situation through, he could either hope that the monks would allow him to rent a room, and then hope they wouldn't find out that he was a pagan, or he could seek out Dustie and ask if he could get one of a spider web of his own to dwell in for as long as the meeting would last.

"By Allfather Ex, I think I'll try something new" he mumbled, as he rushed off to find Dustie

"Dustie, do you have a spare spider web" he yelled as he headed in the same direction as the sound of Dustie's footsteps had taken just moments before.


Troops available for production:

Jomsvikings (level 4)

New Scandinavians (level 3)

Skjalds (level 2)

Mexican Bandito Pirates (level 2)

Celtic warriors (upgraded level 1)

Garrisoned in Endless days:


850 Celtic warriors

160 New Scandinavians

100 Mexican bandito pirates

135 Skjalds

9 Jomsviking

Somewhere in gaming:

1st. Hird

1986 Celtic warriors

437 New Scandinavian warriors

22 Jomsviking

291 Mexican Bandito Pirates

200 Skjalds

FED2K Warlords:

I, myself and no one else

Garrisoned in The Celt

Celtic Glory

100 Celtic warriors

80 Mexican Bandito Pirates

Garrisoned at Dogs of War

The Dogs of War

100 Celtic warriors

50 New Scandinavians

Garrisoned at the Poems thread

The poetic guard.

30 Celtic warriors

Garrisoned at A Day in the Life of a Mexican Bandito Pirate

Homeguard A Day in the Life of a Mexican Bandito Pirate:

35 Celtic warriors

Garrisoned at War of the Rabbits

Homeguard War of the Rabbits:

30 Celtic warriors

Garrisoned at An Age of Chaos

The Chaotic band:

30 Celtic warriors

Tech List:

Rabbit reproduction

Argonian Timelapers

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"Master, King Sard and Cardinal Bea had arrived." reported Siren.

"Good. The other warlords?"

"No sign of them attending. Espically for the Gaming warlords."

"EWS too?I thought you've said that his illness won't be that bad?"

"I'm afraid that I've made a great mistake, master..." stammered Siren,"I forgot to count that EWS hadn't had assassin training when I predicted his situation."

"Oh my...We must send him the cure now."

Meanwhile, ExSPlug sent his men to inform the warlords to attend the meeting.

Gaming(3 threads):

In "OOOh for anyone who LIKE ONLINE RPG'S READ HERE"(botting, tech): 1890 DP/320 FR/380 APU/60 DS/300 W/D.S. Akira/Twinkie the Redhair

In "Go play Go!"(Warmasters, unit): 200 DP/50 APU/8 DS/323 W

In "Amber - JOIN NOW": 50 W/100 APU/200 DP/5 DS

Fan Fiction(Holding nothing= =):

In Fed2k Warlords:The Khan/Siren/Warmaster Vin/58 As/575 DP/160 R

General Board(2 threads):

In The Animatrix(APU, unit):2 DS/50 DP/100 W/20 APU

In "Czarist Russia Timeline": 20 W/30 DP/1 DS/20 FR

Techinical Issues(6 threads):

In "Multiple OS"(Bootmagic, tech):25 W/25 DP

In "Overclocking CPUs"(Production Overdrive+, tech):10 W/25 DP

In "Cooling Problems"(Production Overdrive+, tech):10 W/25 DP

In "Hardware News!!"(Production Overdrive+, tech):50 DP/12 W

In "Trojan Questions"(Trojan, tech): 25 DP/10 W

In "Firewalls"(Firewall, tech): 25 DP/60 R

Next botting takes effect in 4 posts.

Firewall actviation halted.

The deadly Great Russian Winter halts.

Troop producion halts.

EDIT: Forget to add the troopp list...

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"My thanks, Dustie," says Lord J as he scribbles his signature on the paper signifying his ownership of Hell's Armada.

  A single Hovertank leaves Vampires as the sun slowly rises over the bloody plain.  It contains the bodies of Gavinicus, Francisimus and several Highlanders along with the bodies of several werewolves.

  With daylight, Maergh orders the troops into action and a hightech campsite is constructed there at the gate.  It has automatic disruptor gunners and force fields to protect against more attacks. 

  When the Hovertank arrives at Kanly, scientists begin research on the bodies immediatly.

  As Gavinicus' gurney is pushed in through the laboritory doors, his eyes slowly open...

Recruited forces:

100 Highlanders (H)

40 Klingons (K)

20 Orcs (O)

20 Gobists (G)

10 Hovertanks (T)

2 Ordos Sabotour (S)

2 Hero (He)

Claimed Threads:

Kanly (HQ) (Anti-List Device) (Heroes 1/post) - 400H, 150K, 90O, 40G, 40T, 15S, 14He.

Kanly: Revisited (Orcs 10/post) - 300H, 100K, 30O, 5T, 8S, 8He.

Dune: A New Beginning (Ordos Sabotours 1/post) - 200H, 80K, 40O.

FED2K Trek (Klingons 20/post) - 200H, 50K, 20O.

FED2K Survivor Four (Network (Double Unit Production)) - 100H, 29K, 20O.

Modern Pirates (Network) (Hovertanks 5/post) - 75H, 39K, 11O.

Underwater War Three (Network) - 178H, 79K, 41O, 20G, 10T, 2S, 2He.

Short Horror Fic Contest (Network) - 106H, 40K, 20O 20G, 10T, 2S, 2He.

Short Story Contest (Network) - 106H 40K, 20O, 20G, 10T, 2S, 2He.

My Angel (Earthquake Technology)(Gobist 10/post) - 47H, 32K, 15O, 20G, 4T, 2S, 1He

Hell's Armada - 485H, 150K, 99O, 8He

Troops camping at Vampires: the Masquerade - 24H, 9K, 4O, 6T.

Total Deployed Forces:

2276 Highlanders

799 Klingons

433 Orcs

120 Gobists

85 Hovertanks

30 Sabotours

37 Heroes

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Ordos45 overlooked the message Bea had sent about his arrival and chuckled," Dust Scout sneaked up on him.  Just when I thought Bea couldn't be snuck up on...I must ask him sometime how to do that."

Total Units:

3248 Marines

725 Swiss Guards

1400 Mossad Agents

354 Reporters

300 Setara Shock Troops

385 Tanks

240 Warthogs

42 Seraphim

Total Garrison Countries Pros/Cons:

1080 Marines

360 Swiss Guards

200 Mossad Agents

120 Tanks

120 Warthogs

14 Seraphim

Total Garrison HI2:

203 Marines

60 Swiss Guards

500 Mossad Agents

20 Tanks

5 Seraphim

Total Garrison News Bulletin:

70 Marines

90 Mossad Agents

120 Reporters

1 Seraphim

Total Garrison KYA/Setara War: Rebirth:

100 Marines

15 Swiss Guards

300 Setara Shock Troops

1 Seraphim

Total Garrison Fallujah:

350 Marines

105 Swiss Guards 

220 Mossad Agents

5 Seraphim

Garrisoned At Pound North Korea Into Oblivion:

70 Marines

20 Swiss Guards

20 Reporters

80 Mossad Agents

1 Seraphim

Garrison At SU Vs US

50 Marines

30 Swiss Guards

60 Mossad Agents

40 Tanks

3 Seraphim

Garrisoned At Angelic Creation:

1 Seraphim

100 marines

20 Swiss Guards

40 Mossad Agents

Garrisoned At HALO2!!!:

700 Marines

5 Tanks

10 Mossad Agents

1 Seraphim

Assembled in center of Ordos45 Kingdom for deployment whenever needed:

550 Marines

110 Swiss Guards

170 Mossad Agents

220 Reporters

200 Tanks

120 Warthogs

9 Seraphim

Tech Tree:

Mass Transit/Super Highways

Marine Upgrade


Seraphim Upgrade

(Unit skipped this turn in production-Reporters again)

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Sard was wandering about the halls of FED2K Warlords looking for Dust Scout.

Meanwhile, a potion of the Rigshird marched out from Endless Days. There was only one problem, they were not acting on orders from King Sard or jarl Erik...


Troops available for production:

Jomsvikings (level 4)

New Scandinavians (level 3)

Skjalds (level 2)

Mexican Bandito Pirates (level 2)

Celtic warriors (upgraded level 1)

Garrisoned in Endless days:


430 Celtic warriors

80 New Scandinavians

60 Mexican bandito pirates

55 Skjalds

Renegade band

500 Celtic warriors

100 New Scandinavians

60 Mexican bandito pirates

100 Skjalds

10 Jomsvikings

General Folke

Somewhere in gaming:

1st. Hird

1986 Celtic warriors

437 New Scandinavian warriors

22 Jomsviking

291 Mexican Bandito Pirates

200 Skjalds

FED2K Warlords:

I, myself and no one else

Garrisoned in The Celt

Celtic Glory

100 Celtic warriors

80 Mexican Bandito Pirates

Garrisoned at Dogs of War

The Dogs of War

100 Celtic warriors

50 New Scandinavians

Garrisoned at the Poems thread

The poetic guard.

30 Celtic warriors

Garrisoned at A Day in the Life of a Mexican Bandito Pirate

Homeguard A Day in the Life of a Mexican Bandito Pirate:

35 Celtic warriors

Garrisoned at War of the Rabbits

Homeguard War of the Rabbits:

30 Celtic warriors

Garrisoned at An Age of Chaos

The Chaotic band:

30 Celtic warriors

Tech List:

Rabbit reproduction

Argonian Timelapers

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The warlords now gathered at the meeting hall.

"I requested all warlords to meet is that I want to abandon my status of a warlord. I wish that any resident in threads I held who are willing to leave go with my troops to "OOOH", and that you all promise to not attack them. I state this issue as not every warlord is honorable like you all sitting here, espically one Gaming warlord that I don't want to mention his name."

"Another thing is that I wish to state the rules of hiring us."

1)Standard hiring rate is to provide resources to recruit every post under hiring, and 3 more post after contract breaks.

2)Extra 3 posts per thread taken with aid of my troops.

3)My troops will accept hiring by multiple warlords.

4)Should the warlords that hired me go hostile against each other, my service would be offered to the warlord that hired me first. The troops hired by the other warlord would return to OOOH.

5)Rule 4 could be overloked if the warlord provide a better offer. In such situations, my troops hired by both sides would return to OOOH, then return to help the warlord that give a better offer.

5)I myself would not enter Fan Faction again even under hiring. The troops that service in Fan Fiction would be ruled by my commanders. Should I show myself again in Fan Fiction, that means I'm coming back to retake my threads and my status of warlord, and that would not be announced in advance.

Gaming(3 threads):

In "OOOh for anyone who LIKE ONLINE RPG'S READ HERE"(botting, tech): 1890 DP/320 FR/380 APU/60 DS/300 W/D.S. Akira/Twinkie the Redhair

In "Go play Go!"(Warmasters, unit): 200 DP/50 APU/8 DS/323 W

In "Amber - JOIN NOW": 50 W/100 APU/200 DP/5 DS

Fan Fiction(Holding nothing= =):

In Fed2k Warlords:The Khan/Siren/Warmaster Vin/58 As/575 DP/160 R

General Board(2 threads):

In The Animatrix(APU, unit):2 DS/50 DP/100 W/20 APU

In "Czarist Russia Timeline": 20 W/30 DP/1 DS/20 FR

Techinical Issues(6 threads):

In "Multiple OS"(Bootmagic, tech):25 W/25 DP

In "Overclocking CPUs"(Production Overdrive+, tech):10 W/25 DP

In "Cooling Problems"(Production Overdrive+, tech):10 W/25 DP

In "Hardware News!!"(Production Overdrive+, tech):50 DP/12 W

In "Trojan Questions"(Trojan, tech): 25 DP/10 W

In "Firewalls"(Firewall, tech): 25 DP/60 R

Next botting takes effect in 3 posts.

Firewall actviation halted.

The deadly Great Russian Winter halts.

Troop producion halts.

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"Er... Ahem?" The cough is less to clear the throat but more to announce the presence of the cougher. Dust Scout stands. "ExSPlug, we have already laid out the terms and conditions of your employment. They were written down here if there is any confusion and I remind you that they are binding. Points two, three, and five are not in the original contract and are therefore in error, they are void. Furthermore, why call anyone here? I announced the deal already. And also, while I get the chance to speak to you, why aren't your units heading for the Gaming board now? I am your employer now and this is a direct order, move your troops back to their base now."

Recruited forces:

50 Fanfiction Highlanders

20 Sharders

20 Dark Elf Archers

20 Magii

20 Dragon Disciples

20 Sentinals

5 Giant spiders

10 BG Crossbreeds

1 Dust Imp

Current forces...

Garrisoned in The God Emperor's Dune:

1450 Fanfiction Highlanders

170 BG Crossbreeds

70 Giant spiders

200 Dark Elf Archers

200 Magii

200 Dragon Disciples

630 Sentinals - Cloning tech

187 Sharders

9 Dust Imps

Garrisoned in Espionage:

50 Fanfiction Highlanders

20 Dark Elf Archers

20 Magii

20 Dragon Disciples

29 BG Crossbreeds

60 Sharders

1 Dust Imp

Garrisoned in Mountain War!!!:

10 Fanfiction Highlanders

5 Giant Spiders

40 Sharders

11 BG Crossbreeds

1 Dust Imp

Garrisoned in 'The List':

300 Fanfiction Highlanders

1200 Setara Shock Troops

42 BG Crossbreeds

60 Sentinals

60 Sharders

3 Dust Imps

Garrisoned in ~Matrix Rising~:

28 BG Crossbreeds

30 Sentinals

1 Dust Imp

Garrisoned in Dungeon Siege RPG:

40 Fanfiction Highlanders

10 BG Crossbreeds

20 Magii

10 Sentinals

20 Sharders

7 Dust Imps

Garrisoned in The Occult:

10 Sentinals

40 Dark Elf Archers

10 Sharders

20 Dragon Disciples

Garrisoned in Age of Wonders (2):

70 Fanfiction Highlanders

214 Celtic Warriors

75 Sentinals

1 Dust Imp

Garrisoned in Neverwinter Nights:

80 Fanfiction Highlanders

150 Setara Shock troops

75 Sentinals

1 Dust Imp

Far Cry:

30 BG Crossbreeds

20 Sharders

12 Sentinals

1 Dust Imp

In Fed2k Warlords:

25 Sentinals

40 Dark Elf Archers

1 Dust Imp

Dust Scout

Garrisoned in Cloned Baby Supposedly Born:

150 Dark Elf Archers

200 Magii

80 Sharders

70 Dragon Disciples

35 Giant spiders

130 BG Crossbreeds

5 Dust Imps

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"I've been instructed to mention Ordos45 supports any motion put forward by Dust Scout," said Cardinal Bea with a quiet yet solid voice.

Total Units:

3348 Marines

745 Swiss Guards

1440 Mossad Agents

354 Reporters

340 Setara Shock Troops

405 Tanks

280 Warthogs

45 Seraphim

Total Garrison Countries Pros/Cons:

1080 Marines

360 Swiss Guards

200 Mossad Agents

120 Tanks

120 Warthogs

14 Seraphim

Total Garrison HI2:

203 Marines

60 Swiss Guards

500 Mossad Agents

20 Tanks

5 Seraphim

Total Garrison News Bulletin:

70 Marines

90 Mossad Agents

120 Reporters

1 Seraphim

Total Garrison KYA/Setara War: Rebirth:

100 Marines

15 Swiss Guards

340 Setara Shock Troops

1 Seraphim

Total Garrison Fallujah:

350 Marines

105 Swiss Guards 

220 Mossad Agents

5 Seraphim

Garrisoned At Pound North Korea Into Oblivion:

70 Marines

20 Swiss Guards

20 Reporters

80 Mossad Agents

1 Seraphim

Garrison At SU Vs US

50 Marines

30 Swiss Guards

60 Mossad Agents

40 Tanks

3 Seraphim

Garrisoned At Angelic Creation:

1 Seraphim

100 marines

20 Swiss Guards

40 Mossad Agents

Garrisoned At HALO2!!!:

700 Marines

5 Tanks

10 Mossad Agents

1 Seraphim

Assembled in center of Ordos45 Kingdom for deployment whenever needed:

650 Marines

130 Swiss Guards

210 Mossad Agents

220 Reporters

220 Tanks

160 Warthogs

11 Seraphim

Tech Tree:

Mass Transit/Super Highways

Marine Upgrade


Seraphim Upgrade

(Unit skipped this turn in production-Reporters again)

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Lord J yawns, this meeting is of the least importance to his busy schedule.

  When Dust Scout stands and delivers his reply to ExSPlug's "conditions", Lord J taps into the control booth of Hell's Armada and starts issuing orders for rebuilding and research.

  "What do you think, Lord J?" asks Dustie.

  "Hmm...Ah?" Lord J looks up, a quick review of the meeting flashes through his mind.  He flicks his wrist dismissivly, "Whatever you decide, ally," he smiles a ExSPlug, "I'm sure we can all work something out."

  Meanwhile the research on the bodies from Vampire has turned some incredible results.  Many of the "bodies" turn out to be still alive, including that of Gavinicus, who is given free rein of the base once his injuries are healed...Which is a strangely short amount of time.

  The recovered soldiers seem to have accelorated healing, incredible strength and agility.  The most strange development came from the psychological research: though many of the men were known as loyal, devoted and honest men, they became self-serving, often to the point of violence. 

  Strangest of all, in the recovered Hovertank no wolf bodies were found.  Most of the non-faction bodies look like normal humans... both male and female, nude, with strange scratches and cuts.

  Research continues.

Recruited forces:

100 Highlanders (H)

40 Klingons (K)

20 Orcs (O)

20 Gobists (G)

10 Hovertanks (T)

2 Ordos Sabotour (S)

2 Hero (He)

Claimed Threads:

Kanly (HQ) (Anti-List Device) (Heroes 1/post) - 400H, 150K, 90O, 40G, 40T, 15S, 14He.

Kanly: Revisited (Orcs 10/post) - 300H, 100K, 30O, 5T, 8S, 8He.

Dune: A New Beginning (Ordos Sabotours 1/post) - 200H, 80K, 40O.

FED2K Trek (Klingons 20/post) - 200H, 50K, 20O.

FED2K Survivor Four (Network (Double Unit Production)) - 100H, 29K, 20O.

Modern Pirates (Network) (Hovertanks 5/post) - 75H, 39K, 11O.

Underwater War Three (Network) - 178H, 79K, 41O, 20G, 10T, 2S, 2He.

Short Horror Fic Contest (Network) - 106H, 40K, 20O 20G, 10T, 2S, 2He.

Short Story Contest (Network) - 106H 40K, 20O, 20G, 10T, 2S, 2He.

My Angel (Earthquake Technology)(Gobist 10/post) - 47H, 32K, 15O, 20G, 4T, 2S, 1He

Hell's Armada - 485H, 150K, 99O, 8He

Troops camping at Vampires: the Masquerade - 24H, 9K, 4O, 6T + Reinforcements (1 post): 100H, 40K, 20O, 20G, 10T, 2S, 2He.

Total Deployed Forces:

2376 Highlanders

839 Klingons

453 Orcs

140 Gobists

95 Hovertanks

32 Sabotours

39 Heroes

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(O.O.C. --> Sorry that I haven't posted in a while.  I am apt to taking unexpected, unplanned and unexplained absences.  Back now though... but for how long? :O  Oh, and ExSPlug?  If you are going to call me 'dishonourable', do it to my face.  Doing so behind my back is, um... dishonourable :D)

"You aren't attending the meeting, sir?" asked one of Dragoon Knight's increasing number of aides.  They just kept coming...

"No, I'm not.  I don't intend to hire him unless I must, and I don't believe he would welcome it anyway." Dragoon Knight replied.

"I see." responded the aide.  "I have been asked by Commanders Inon and Mideel to, um... ask you a question."

"Is there a problem?"

"No... well, it's just that they ordered that I ask you in a very particular way.  To quote them, in fact."

"Very well... what is it?"

"They wonder 'what the hell is taking so long with the expansion orders'..." the aide blushed, eyes to the ground.  Dragoon Knight smiled.

"Tell them that we are to make for the Duniverse board... I have begun to read certain manuscripts that suggest considerable benefit could be achieved through establishing ourselves there."

"And what of our plans for Gaming?" the aide asked, taking notes.

"We will expand to the limits of our capabilites.  The trek to Duniverse will not be a short one..." Dragoon Knight said, thinking upon his reading thus far.  "That will be all."

"Yes, sir." the aide said, and left the room.

New Forces

Increased Due To Inactivity

150 Gamers

96 Spawned Gamers

30 Freelancers

30 Paladins

30 Ruby Weapons

30 Jedi Knights

30 Downloaders

30 Teleporters

30 Dwarven Defenders

30 Vampires

60 Red Guards

03 Dragoons

Current Forces: Freelancer City

550 Gamers

350 Spawned Gamers

150 Freelancers

130 Paladins

120 Ruby Weapons

130 Jedi Knights

140 Downloaders

130 Teleporters

080 Dwarven Defenders

070 Vampires

160 Red Guards (includes Jin's Force)

019 Dragoons

Current Tech's: Freelancer City

Nationalism - Doubled Red Guard Production Rate

Research: Freelancer City

Subliminal Messaging - 2 Posts Remaining

Current Forces: Warcraft 3

50 Gamers

10 Jedi Knights

10 Dwarven Defenders

Current Forces: Final Fantasy VII

30 Gamers

10 Ruby Weapons

10 Dwarven Defenders

Current Forces: Jedi Knight 3

10 Gamers

05 Paladins

10 Jedi Knights (Remnant Forces)

05 Dwarven Defenders

Current Forces: Downloading Games

10 Freelancers

10 Ruby Weapons

10 Jedi Knights

05 Downloaders (Remnant Forces)

05 Dwarven Defenders

01 Dragoon

Current Forces: Age of Wonders 2

50 Gamers

20 Freelancers

15 Paladins

08 Ruby Weapons

10 Jedi Knights

10 Teleporters (Remnant Forces)

10 Dwarven Defenders

01 Dragoon

Current Forces: Neverwinter Nights

30 Gamers

20 Freelancers

20 Paladins

10 Jedi Knights

10 Dwarven Defenders

01 Dragoon

Current Forces: Vampire, The Masquerade: Redemption

20 Gamers

01 Vampire (First Summoned)

Current Forces: C&C Generals

400 Red Guards

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The pale and frail looking EWS stumbled into the chamber where the meeting was held.  As he fell through the door, a silence fell.  He was helped up by two aides either side of him.  With short breath, and rather weakily he said,

"I am here, i apologise for my lateness, however my illness seems to have slowed me down.  God has shined upon me and allowed me to live longer.  I have already heard the transcript of the meeting and I hope that ExSPlug was not speaking about me.  I trust you will give me the cure now that I am here?"

With that he slumped into the chair and shut his eyes, he drifted in and out of reality and was breathing heavily.  His eyes had large black circles around them and his face had no colour, he was sweating heavily.

He awaited a reply

Recruited Troops

50 Milita Troops

20 Demons

1 Flying Monkey


750 Milita Troops

340 Farcry Demons

15 Flying Monkey's (1 with ExSPlug)

"Hair Dyeing thingie"

200 Militia Troops

100 Farcry Demons

5 Flying Monkey's

Marching Back to FarCry (arrive in 5 posts)

150 Milita Troops

120 FarCry Demons

6 Flying Monkeys

Garrisoned at FarCry HQ

350 Militia Troops

140 Farcry Demons

3 Flying Monkey's (Severus, acting commander)

New Thread Revealed in 1 of my posts.


Decoder - Bypasses the special feature of the Sound Ninja

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OOC: Have did it to your face long ago, it's just that you hadn't noticed ;)

"Fair enough...point 3, 4 and 5 will be void until we've break the contract." sighed ExSPlug. "I'll now order my troops to move with whatever civilians willing to go, and remember...if any of them gets attacked I will assure MAD with whoever did so."

As ExSPlug rises from his seat EWS stumbled in.

"I am here, I apologise for my lateness, however my illness seems to have slowed me down.  God has shined upon me and allowed me to live longer.  I have already heard the transcript of the meeting and I hope that ExSPlug was not speaking about me.  I trust you will give me the cure now that I am here?"

"Do you have a spare room and medical equipments?" asked ExSPlug to one of the Gobist monk.

"Yes, at the 2nd floor."

"Please carry EWS up there then." ExSPlug then gestured for Siren, then turned to the other warlords,"The meeting is now over. I apologise if you all find that to be a waste of time, as I didn't expect Dust Scout to declare the contract so fast."

Before he leaves, ExSPlug leaves a note to Dust Scout.

Message to Dust Scout:

[hide]How do you wish my troops in boards other then Gaming be moved? To "OOOH", "The List" or one of Rookie's threads, to attack him as stated before?[/hide]

EWS and Siren is now lying on two parallel beds. ExSPlug was observing, while a few assassins were busy handling the medical equipments.

"Master, are you sure you're willing to do this?" asked Siren

"I have considered carefully enough. I put trust in both of you." replied ExSPlug, then he moved to whisper something to EWS.

Message to EWS:

[hide]Your syntomps is due to long term poisoning. It is a mild one, but it effects will accumulate, which you won't notice before your last few months. The long years of assassin training that Siren received since her birth had given her immunity to every type of poison known in the world. Now she will transplant her blood to you. This does not only mean that you'll be cured, but also means that you'll have control of the assassins as your blood is now bonded with Sirens. Use that to your advantage...[/hide]

"Sir, we're ready. Are you sure?" asked one of the assassins.

"Green light."

Gaming(1 thread):

In "OOOh for anyone who LIKE ONLINE RPG'S READ HERE"(botting, tech): 1890 DP/320 FR/380 APU/60 DS/300 W/D.S. Akira/Twinkie the Redhair

From "Go play Go!" to "OOOH"(1 post): 200 DP/50 APU/8 DS/323 W

From "Amber - JOIN NOW" to "OOOH"(1 post): 50 W/100 APU/200 DP/5 DS

Fan Fiction(Holding nothing= =):

In Fed2k Warlords:The Khan/Siren/Warmaster Vin/58 As/575 DP/160 R

From General Board to "OOOH"(2 post):80 DP/120 W/20 FR/20 APU/3 DS

From Techinical Issues to "OOOH"(2 posts):67 W/60 R/175 DP

Next botting takes effect in 2 posts.

Troop producion halts.

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Lord J blinks.

  "Well, alright then," he stretches then rises to his feet, "That was very, uhh, productive."

  As darkness falls over the face of Fan Fiction, a howl is heard on the busy streets of Kanly.  Suddenly a magnificent beast leaps from the top of the quarantined hospital.  The beast lands on top of a crowd of people, killing a few instantly, and ripping others to shreds as soon as it regains its balance.

  The wolf howls again, and a stream of wolves stream out and join the Great Wolf on the sidewalk.  Howling, snarling and killing, the wolves carry on a night of bloodshed and death unmatched in the history of Kanly.

  The next day, Gavinicus and many of the others are discovered whole among the bloodshed.  A review of the video in the hospital confirms it: Gavinicus is the leader of a werewolf pack.  The men are arrested and sent to holding cells... But not before a commlink is established with Lord J.

  Lord J reviews the message, "These will be mighty fighters for our faction, we will include them in future campaigns."

  The werewolf unit is easily a match to the greatest fighters of Fed2k.  They are killers, plain and simple, so must be handled carefully: Thus, they will be only used in the largest campaigns.  One of the biggest strengths for the werewolf unit is the were disease, although all aliens and ancient races (Orcs, Elves, etc.) are immune to the disease, 10% of human enemy casualties will rise again to fight as werewolves if the werewolves are used in battle.  Werewolves are not built or trained, so they do not grow in numbers without battle.

Recruited forces:

100 Highlanders (H)

40 Klingons (K)

20 Orcs (O)

20 Gobists (G)

10 Hovertanks (T)

2 Ordos Sabotour (S)

2 Hero (He)

Claimed Threads:

Kanly (HQ) (Anti-List Device) (Heroes 1/post) - 500H, 190K, 100O, 50G, 50T, 15S, 15He, 45W.

Kanly: Revisited (Orcs 10/post) - 300H, 100K, 40O, 5T, 10S, 9He.

Dune: A New Beginning (Ordos Sabotours 1/post) - 200H, 80K, 40O, 10G.

FED2K Trek (Klingons 20/post) - 200H, 50K, 20O.

FED2K Survivor Four (Network (Double Unit Production)) - 100H, 29K, 20O.

Modern Pirates (Network) (Hovertanks 5/post) - 75H, 39K, 11O.

Underwater War Three (Network) - 178H, 79K, 41O, 20G, 10T, 2S, 2He.

Short Horror Fic Contest (Network) - 106H, 40K, 20O 20G, 10T, 2S, 2He.

Short Story Contest (Network) - 106H 40K, 20O, 20G, 10T, 2S, 2He.

My Angel (Earthquake Technology)(Gobist 10/post) - 47H, 32K, 15O, 20G, 4T, 2S, 1He

Hell's Armada - 485H, 150K, 99O, 8He

Vampires: the Masquerade (Werewolves) - 124H, 49K, 24O, 20G, 16T, 2S, 2He, 5W.

Total Deployed Forces:

2476 Highlanders

879 Klingons

473 Orcs

160 Gobists

105 Hovertanks

34 Sabotours

41 Heroes

50 Werewolves

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EWS drifted into unconciousness after being administered the antidote.  On the bed he squirmed and writhed on the bed, as if having a bad dream.......

[EWS' Dream]

Lots of voices circled the head

"Can we trust him?"

"What was that"



"Look there he is"

"Full house guys, give me the money"

He could see trees, animals, birds, people and blood.  What was it that he was seeing?  Was it something to do with what ExSPlug had said?  Was EWS now in a position so powerful, that he could start attacking.  Suddenly......

EWS woke up, he sat bolt right up in the bed, eyes wide open and alert.  A smile crept accross his face and he turned to ExSPlug.  He started laughing, and then looked down at Siren who was curiously smiling as well.

"It is time, brother," Said EWS, "for what we all knew was going to happen all along.  Come, I have stuff to discuss with you before the next meeting."

Recruited Troops

50 Milita Troops

20 Demons

1 Flying Monkey


800 Milita Troops

360 Farcry Demons

16 Flying Monkey's (1 with ExSPlug)

"Hair Dyeing thingie"

200 Militia Troops

100 Farcry Demons

5 Flying Monkey's

Marching Back to FarCry (arrive in 5 posts)

150 Milita Troops

120 FarCry Demons

6 Flying Monkeys

Garrisoned at FarCry HQ

400 Militia Troops

160 Farcry Demons

4 Flying Monkey's (Severus, acting commander)

Revelation of new thread postponed for now.


Decoder - Bypasses the special feature of the Sound Ninja

New tech in progress.  Revelation in 5 posts, completion in 10.

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To ExSPlug:

Not points 3,4 and 5; points 2, 3, and 5. These are the ones that are null. As for your orders, take all troops back to your base. I will have a link to The List established there (which incidentally can only be opened from The List itself) once this has been done and using that you will proceed on the attack at my order.


OOC, to Lord J: When you say that 10% of all human casualties become werewolves, which side do they fight on? I mean presumably their loyalties wouldn't change but you never know...

Recruited forces:

50 Fanfiction Highlanders

20 Sharders

20 Dark Elf Archers

20 Magii

20 Dragon Disciples

20 Sentinals

5 Giant spiders

10 BG Crossbreeds

1 Dust Imp

Current forces...

Garrisoned in The God Emperor's Dune:

1500 Fanfiction Highlanders

180 BG Crossbreeds

75 Giant spiders

220 Dark Elf Archers

220 Magii

220 Dragon Disciples

965 Sentinals - Cloning tech

207 Sharders

10 Dust Imps

Garrisoned in Espionage:

50 Fanfiction Highlanders

20 Dark Elf Archers

20 Magii

20 Dragon Disciples

29 BG Crossbreeds

60 Sharders

1 Dust Imp

Garrisoned in Mountain War!!!:

10 Fanfiction Highlanders

5 Giant Spiders

40 Sharders

11 BG Crossbreeds

1 Dust Imp

Garrisoned in 'The List':

300 Fanfiction Highlanders

1200 Setara Shock Troops

42 BG Crossbreeds

60 Sentinals

60 Sharders

3 Dust Imps

Garrisoned in ~Matrix Rising~:

28 BG Crossbreeds

30 Sentinals

1 Dust Imp

Garrisoned in Dungeon Siege RPG:

40 Fanfiction Highlanders

10 BG Crossbreeds

20 Magii

10 Sentinals

20 Sharders

7 Dust Imps

Garrisoned in The Occult:

10 Sentinals

40 Dark Elf Archers

10 Sharders

20 Dragon Disciples

Garrisoned in Age of Wonders (2):

70 Fanfiction Highlanders

214 Celtic Warriors

75 Sentinals

1 Dust Imp

Garrisoned in Neverwinter Nights:

80 Fanfiction Highlanders

150 Setara Shock troops

75 Sentinals

1 Dust Imp

Far Cry:

30 BG Crossbreeds

20 Sharders

12 Sentinals

1 Dust Imp

In Fed2k Warlords:

25 Sentinals

40 Dark Elf Archers

1 Dust Imp

Dust Scout

Garrisoned in Cloned Baby Supposedly Born:

150 Dark Elf Archers

200 Magii

80 Sharders

70 Dragon Disciples

35 Giant spiders

130 BG Crossbreeds

5 Dust Imps

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(OOC: You caught that eh?  Well, I think they would probably just fight for themselves... i.e., kill on both sides, causing sufficient confusion.)

Recruited forces:

100 Highlanders (H)

40 Klingons (K)

20 Orcs (O)

20 Gobists (G)

10 Hovertanks (T)

2 Ordos Sabotour (S)

2 Hero (He)

Claimed Threads:

Kanly (HQ) (Anti-List Device) (Heroes 1/post) - 500H, 200K, 100O, 70G, 60T, 17S, 17He, 45W.

Kanly: Revisited (Orcs 10/post) - 300H, 100K, 60O, 5T, 10S, 9He.

Dune: A New Beginning (Ordos Sabotours 1/post) - 200H, 100K, 40O, 10G.

FED2K Trek (Klingons 20/post) - 200H, 60K, 20O.

FED2K Survivor Four (Network (Double Unit Production)) - 100H, 29K, 20O.

Modern Pirates (Network) (Hovertanks 5/post) - 75H, 39K, 11O.

Underwater War Three (Network) - 178H, 79K, 41O, 20G, 10T, 2S, 2He.

Short Horror Fic Contest (Network) - 106H, 40K, 20O 20G, 10T, 2S, 2He.

Short Story Contest (Network) - 106H 40K, 20O, 20G, 10T, 2S, 2He.

My Angel (Earthquake Technology)(Gobist 10/post) - 47H, 32K, 15O, 20G, 4T, 2S, 1He

Hell's Armada - 485H, 150K, 99O, 8He

Vampires: the Masquerade (Werewolves) - 124H, 49K, 24O, 20G, 16T, 2S, 2He, 5W.

Total Deployed Forces:

2576 Highlanders

919 Klingons

493 Orcs

180 Gobists

115 Hovertanks

36 Sabotours

43 Heroes

50 Werewolves

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Dust Scout sat in a small room in Neverwinter Nights, muttering to himself and rearranging dyes and bones on the stone floor. Another spectral image of Dragoon Knight looked on with idle curiosity while various Dust Imps flittered to and fro, apparantly making preparations of their own.

"And what exactly is he up to this time?" Dragoon asked a passing Dust Imp.

"Necromantic ritual." The Imp answered, its tiny teeth gleaming. "He's bringing something back to life. Or more accurately a state of undeath."

"This wouldn't be one of those 'man was never meant to tamper with such things' scenarios, would it?"

"Not really. As spells go it's a very weak one, designed to bring one small being back to unlife for a period not more than a few hours."

"Really? Well good luck with that. Might I ask what exactly the target is?"

"I'm not authorised to answer that question."

"Somehow I am completely failing to be surprised. Oh alright. Let me know how it turns out." And with that, Dragoon Knight disappeared with a flash of blue light.

"...Is he gone?" Dust Scout looked up cautiously.

"Yes boss."

"Thank god, my knees are killing me." Dust Scout got up stiffly, kicking aside the fingerbones he had been arranging. "I don't like doing this but I doubt he would approve."

"No, boss."

The Dust Imp handed Dust Scout a small bag, which he dropped onto the floor. It exploded with a puff of bone dust.

"Well, that was easy."

"Yes boss."

A dramatic camera angle sweeps down over the lands of Gaming. Soaring o'er hill and dale, it focuses on a thread in the distance, and makes a beeline for it. Swooping around the various high points of the thread, it dives through a window to show a small room...

"He should have cleared that up." Dust Scout smiles, peering at the room though a portal.

The room is part of a diplomatic suite in the thread of Far Cry. The image floats for a second, before diving into a corner to show... a rotting pile of bones and flesh.

"Sard really didn't know just how useful that rage would be..." Dust Scout comments.

The bones are quick to rearrange themselves, the flesh slower. A messy few minutes later however, a workable zombie lurches across the floor...

"Boss? They're ready." A Dust Imp reports. With a sigh, Dust Scout closes the portal and turns to the doorway leading to The List.

"Fine give me a moment..." He holds out a hand to the wall opposite the doorway, which is mostly taken up with a large window. The window spontaneously smashes. "Now we're ready. Let them in."

The List opens, and beyond is... a room full of glowing red eyes.

A metallic tendril reaches through the doorway, followed by two others, which scan the area. And then with a flurry of movement, the first Sentinal is through the doorway, out the window, and powering out into the sky. It is followed by another, and another, and another. With mechanical precision they follow each other in a metallic blur, their red eyes blending into one long, red line.

The wind picks up as the speed at which the Sentinals are travelling increases. Dust Scout's robes billow. The Dust Imps are long gone, following the Sentinals out into the sky. Only after several minutes does the pace slow, to allow the last two hundred Sentinals to enter more slowly with their human passengers. And then finally, the dark elves stride through, nodding curtly to Dust Scout before leaping through the broken window, to levitate up to the swarm of Sentinals. Dust Scout walks over to the window, peering with pride up at his force.

"You have your orders!" He shouts, his voice magically enhanced to reach his troops. "Make me proud!"

The army, like some great black cloud, turns away.

The zombie lurches down various corridors. It doesn't have far to go, Dust Scout made sure of that during his stay in Far Cry not long before. The place the zombie searches for is found.

It doesn't look like much, just an empty space of stone between two pillars. Leering, the zombie makes the vital few claw marks to open it. The door to The List opens immediately, allowing the Shock Troops to enter...

As the Setara Shock Troops pour into the keep of Far Cry, the great army from Neverwinter Nights passes overhead. The troops already in Fry Cry recieve their signal, and start the busy business of slaughter.

"Setara Shock troops attacking from the inside, a massive Sentinal and Dark Elven army attacking from the air, two hundred Magii as support and ten Dust Imps." Dust Scout grins as Fry Cry descends into death and destruction.

"I thought you were going to have ExSPlug attack EWS?" Lillian says, "The irony would be somewhat wonderful, as well as providing an interesting spectacle. The outcome could have beem very enlightening."

"I'm not willing to risk insubordination." Dust Scout mutters. "ExSPlug will continue to attack Rookie, as originally planned. Perhaps that will keep him occupied for a while."

"Sard wishes us to babysit his HQ while he attends to business elsewhere." J'invy states, examining a crude letter.

"We've negotiated a deal from him?" Dust Scout checks.

"Yes. In exchange for looking after his thread we can upgrade all of our Highlanders to Celtic Warriors."


Recruited forces:

50 Fanfiction Highlanders

20 Sharders

20 Dark Elf Archers

20 Magii

20 Dragon Disciples

20 Sentinals

5 Giant spiders

10 BG Crossbreeds

1 Dust Imp

Current forces...

Garrisoned in The God Emperor's Dune:

2325 Fanfiction Highlanders - Cloning tech

120 BG Crossbreeds

80 Giant spiders

40 Dark Elf Archers

240 Magii

240 Dragon Disciples

85 Sentinals

227 Sharders

2 Dust Imps

Garrisoned in Espionage:

50 Fanfiction Highlanders

20 Dark Elf Archers

20 Magii

20 Dragon Disciples

29 BG Crossbreeds

60 Sharders

1 Dust Imp

Garrisoned in Mountain War!!!:

10 Fanfiction Highlanders

5 Giant Spiders

40 Sharders

11 BG Crossbreeds

1 Dust Imp

Garrisoned in 'The List':

300 Fanfiction Highlanders

142 BG Crossbreeds

60 Sentinals

60 Sharders

3 Dust Imps

Garrisoned in ~Matrix Rising~:

28 BG Crossbreeds

30 Sentinals

1 Dust Imp

Garrisoned in Dungeon Siege RPG:

40 Fanfiction Highlanders

10 BG Crossbreeds

20 Magii

10 Sentinals

20 Sharders

7 Dust Imps

Garrisoned in The Occult:

10 Sentinals

40 Dark Elf Archers

10 Sharders

20 Dragon Disciples

Garrisoned in Age of Wonders (2):

70 Fanfiction Highlanders

214 Celtic Warriors

75 Sentinals

1 Dust Imp

Garrisoned in Neverwinter Nights:

80 Fanfiction Highlanders

150 Setara Shock troops

75 Sentinals

1 Dust Imp

Attacking Far Cry:

30 BG Crossbreeds

20 Sharders

200 Dark Elf Archers

200 Magii

912 Sentinals

1200 Setara Shock Troops

10 Dust Imps

In Fed2k Warlords:

25 Sentinals

40 Dark Elf Archers

1 Dust Imp

Garrisoned in Cloned Baby Supposedly Born:

150 Dark Elf Archers

80 Sharders

70 Dragon Disciples

35 Giant spiders

30 BG Crossbreeds

5 Dust Imps

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OOC: I hereby confirm that Dustie is in control of my forces until I return from Vietnam. He has my permission use my forces as he wish, and in return he may upgrade his highlanders to Celtic warriors.

The meeting had ended, before Sard even thought it had begun. As he was mounting his horse and preparing for the ride home to Endless Days, a vortex opened above him, It began to suck him in, and suddenly he was in another world, the one it's denizens called Reality.


Troops available for production:

Jomsvikings (level 4)

New Scandinavians (level 3)

Skjalds (level 2)

Mexican Bandito Pirates (level 2)

Celtic warriors (upgraded level 1)

Garrisoned in Endless days:


510 Celtic warriors

100 New Scandinavians

80 Mexican bandito pirates

75 Skjalds

ONLY Dustie may read this

[hide] this group isn't really renegades, they are just acting of their own accord, they are heading for Kaitan's war[/hide]

Renegade band

500 Celtic warriors

100 New Scandinavians

60 Mexican bandito pirates

100 Skjalds

10 Jomsvikings

General Folke

Somewhere in gaming:

1st. Hird

1986 Celtic warriors

437 New Scandinavian warriors

22 Jomsviking

291 Mexican Bandito Pirates

200 Skjalds

FED2K Warlords:

I, myself and no one else

Garrisoned in The Celt

Celtic Glory

100 Celtic warriors

80 Mexican Bandito Pirates

Garrisoned at Dogs of War

The Dogs of War

100 Celtic warriors

50 New Scandinavians

Garrisoned at the Poems thread

The poetic guard.

30 Celtic warriors

Garrisoned at A Day in the Life of a Mexican Bandito Pirate

Homeguard A Day in the Life of a Mexican Bandito Pirate:

35 Celtic warriors

Garrisoned at War of the Rabbits

Homeguard War of the Rabbits:

30 Celtic warriors

Garrisoned at An Age of Chaos

The Chaotic band:

30 Celtic warriors

Tech List:

Rabbit reproduction

Argonian Timelapers

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With the meeting over, Bea was ready to head home.  He walked out to his Warthog, the driver opening the passenger door for him.  Once he was secured they began the ride home.

Total Units:

3448 Marines

765 Swiss Guards

1480 Mossad Agents

354 Reporters

380 Setara Shock Troops

425 Tanks

320 Warthogs

47 Seraphim

Total Garrison Countries Pros/Cons:

1080 Marines

360 Swiss Guards

200 Mossad Agents

120 Tanks

120 Warthogs

14 Seraphim

Total Garrison HI2:

203 Marines

60 Swiss Guards

500 Mossad Agents

20 Tanks

5 Seraphim

Total Garrison News Bulletin:

70 Marines

90 Mossad Agents

120 Reporters

1 Seraphim

Total Garrison KYA/Setara War: Rebirth:

100 Marines

15 Swiss Guards

380 Setara Shock Troops

1 Seraphim

Total Garrison Fallujah:

350 Marines

105 Swiss Guards 

220 Mossad Agents

5 Seraphim

Garrisoned At Pound North Korea Into Oblivion:

70 Marines

20 Swiss Guards

20 Reporters

80 Mossad Agents

1 Seraphim

Garrison At SU Vs US

50 Marines

30 Swiss Guards

60 Mossad Agents

40 Tanks

3 Seraphim

Garrisoned At Angelic Creation:

1 Seraphim

100 marines

20 Swiss Guards

40 Mossad Agents

Garrisoned At HALO2!!!:

700 Marines

5 Tanks

10 Mossad Agents

1 Seraphim

Assembled in center of Ordos45 Kingdom for deployment whenever needed:

750 Marines

150 Swiss Guards

250 Mossad Agents

220 Reporters

240 Tanks

200 Warthogs

13 Seraphim

Tech Tree:

Mass Transit/Super Highways

Marine Upgrade


Seraphim Upgrade

(Unit skipped this turn in production-Reporters again)

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Alright, I waited for a few days to see if anyone tried to do something about this... I'll wait a few more but inaction will cost you...

Already Far Cry was gripped by battle. The Setara Shock Troops had teamed up with the units already in the thread, and were overwhelming the defenders from behind, taking advantage of every defensive trick of building that had been designed to aid the very people they were killing.

While the Shock Troops, Sharders and Crossbreeds fought on the ground; the Dust Imps and Sentinals swept through the air above, battling the Flying Monkeys and picking off units from the ground wherever possible. The Dark Elves were everywhere, in every dark place and filling the air. Their poisoned arrows rained down with precise accuracy. Frankly things were not going very well for the defenders of Far Cry. They had already sustained heavy losses and the battle showed no signs of turning.

And then, just as it seemed that things could get not worse...

...they got worse. Out of the dramatically well-timed mists of Gaming came a fearsome force, under the banner of King Sard. The First Hird had arrived to bring down Far Cry...

Recruited forces - Dust Scout:

50 Fanfiction Highlanders

20 Sharders

20 Dark Elf Archers

20 Magii

20 Dragon Disciples

20 Sentinals

5 Giant spiders

10 BG Crossbreeds

1 Dust Imp

Current forces - Dust Scout...

Garrisoned in The God Emperor's Dune:

2375 Fanfiction Highlanders

130 BG Crossbreeds

85 Giant spiders

60 Dark Elf Archers

260 Magii

390 Dragon Disciples - Cloning Tech

105 Sentinals

247 Sharders

3 Dust Imps

Garrisoned in Espionage:

50 Fanfiction Highlanders

20 Dark Elf Archers

20 Magii

20 Dragon Disciples

29 BG Crossbreeds

60 Sharders

1 Dust Imp

Garrisoned in Mountain War!!!:

10 Fanfiction Highlanders

5 Giant Spiders

40 Sharders

11 BG Crossbreeds

1 Dust Imp

Garrisoned in 'The List':

300 Fanfiction Highlanders

142 BG Crossbreeds

60 Sentinals

60 Sharders

3 Dust Imps

Garrisoned in ~Matrix Rising~:

28 BG Crossbreeds

30 Sentinals

1 Dust Imp

Garrisoned in Dungeon Siege RPG:

40 Fanfiction Highlanders

10 BG Crossbreeds

20 Magii

10 Sentinals

20 Sharders

7 Dust Imps

Garrisoned in The Occult:

10 Sentinals

40 Dark Elf Archers

10 Sharders

20 Dragon Disciples

Garrisoned in Age of Wonders (2):

70 Fanfiction Highlanders

214 Celtic Warriors

75 Sentinals

1 Dust Imp

Garrisoned in Neverwinter Nights:

80 Fanfiction Highlanders

150 Setara Shock troops

75 Sentinals

1 Dust Imp

Attacking Far Cry:

30 BG Crossbreeds - 0 lost

19 Sharders - 1 lost

198 Dark Elf Archers - 2 lost

200 Magii - 0 lost

900 Sentinals - 12 lost

1025 Setara Shock Troops - 175 lost

10 Dust Imps - 0 lost

In Fed2k Warlords:

25 Sentinals

40 Dark Elf Archers

1 Dust Imp

Garrisoned in Cloned Baby Supposedly Born:

150 Dark Elf Archers

80 Sharders

70 Dragon Disciples

35 Giant spiders

30 BG Crossbreeds

5 Dust Imps

Units - Sir Sard

Troops available for production:

Jomsvikings (level 4)

New Scandinavians (level 3)

Skjalds (level 2)

Mexican Bandito Pirates (level 2)

Celtic warriors (upgraded level 1)

Garrisoned in Endless days:


560 Celtic warriors

110 New Scandinavians

100 Mexican bandito pirates

95 Skjalds

1 Jomsviking

Renegade band

500 Celtic warriors

100 New Scandinavians

60 Mexican bandito pirates

100 Skjalds

10 Jomsvikings

General Folke

Attacking Far Cry:

1st. Hird

1986 Celtic warriors

437 New Scandinavian warriors

22 Jomsviking

291 Mexican Bandito Pirates

200 Skjalds

Garrisoned in The Celt

Celtic Glory

100 Celtic warriors

80 Mexican Bandito Pirates

Garrisoned at Dogs of War

The Dogs of War

100 Celtic warriors

50 New Scandinavians

Garrisoned at the Poems thread

The poetic guard.

30 Celtic warriors

Garrisoned at A Day in the Life of a Mexican Bandito Pirate

Homeguard A Day in the Life of a Mexican Bandito Pirate:

35 Celtic warriors

Garrisoned at War of the Rabbits

Homeguard War of the Rabbits:

30 Celtic warriors

Garrisoned at An Age of Chaos

The Chaotic band:

30 Celtic warriors

Tech List:

Rabbit reproduction

Argonian Timelapers

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Lord J walks through the "holy sanctum," the floor of Kanly Keep kept free of all but the highest advisors and officers.

  A communications officer runs up, "Sir!"


  "Intellegence reports a double-pronged attack on Far Cry by Dustie and Sard Forces!"

  "Interesting," replies Lord J, then, "Thank you."

  The officer walks away, and Andrews comes up to Lord J.

  "Yet another surprise attack by Dust Scout against a weaker warlord," says Andrews.

  "I know.  And I was not informed."

  "Not even invited to join this glorious bloodbath."

  "Maybe it's time to send a message to our...Dear allies."

  The next day an awesome force leaves Kanly, headed for the outskirts of Dungeon Siege RPG.

Recruited forces:

100 Highlanders (H)

40 Klingons (K)

20 Orcs (O)

20 Gobists (G)

10 Hovertanks (T)

2 Ordos Sabotour (S)

2 Hero (He)

Claimed Threads:

Kanly (HQ) (Anti-List Device) (Heroes 1/post) - 200H, 40K, 50O, 10G, 20T, 17He.

Kanly: Revisited (Orcs 10/post) - 100H, 10O, 5T, 9S.

Dune: A New Beginning (Ordos Sabotours 1/post) - 100H, 40O.

FED2K Trek (Klingons 20/post) - 100H, 60K, 20O.

FED2K Survivor Four (Network (Double Unit Production)) - 100H, 29K, 20O.

Modern Pirates (Network) (Hovertanks 5/post) - 75H, 39K, 21O.

Underwater War Three (Network) - 178H, 79K, 11O, 20G, 10T, 2S.

Short Horror Fic Contest (Network) - 106H, 40K, 20G, 10T, 2S.

Short Story Contest (Network) - 106H 40K, 20G, 10T, 2S, 2He.

My Angel (Earthquake Technology)(Gobist 10/post) - 47H, 32K, 15O, 4T, 2S, 1He

Hell's Armada - 205H, 50K, 99O, 3He

Vampires: the Masquerade (Werewolves) - 104H, 49K, 24O, 20G, 16T, 2S, 2He.

En Route to Dungeon Siege RPG: 1000H, 500K, 200O, 100G, 50T, 20S, 20He, 50W.

Total Deployed Forces:

2676 Highlanders

959 Klingons

513 Orcs

200 Gobists

125 Hovertanks

38 Sabotours

45 Heroes

50 Werewolves

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[Deep in the bowels of Far Cry]

"How are the troops doing?"

"They are withdrawing to the caves."

"And the weapon?"

"Ready sir"

"Excellent, set it off."

"But sir, that would mean..."

"That we all die.  Except those in the caves."

"Yessir, how many shall I wait for?"

"Do it now, no more time can wait."


The soldier ran down the system of caves and into a large room.  In the middle sat a giant metallic object.  Demons surrounded it.

"Set it off!"

The machine started to whir and hum and the cave shook at an alarming rate.  Giant cracks appeared in the ceiling and the island began to sink.  Water poured from everywhere as on the surface the land opened swallowing everything.  Within minutes, the place would not exist.


"Yes, I imagined this would happen.  They are cowards, but I would have expected more from Sir Sard.  He is gutless for attacking a peaceful nation.  Honour my fucking arse.  I did not want to do this, but now I must.  Let us announce our second HQ."

"No, we must not."

"But sir, it is the sensible thing to do."

"If we announce the second HQ then they will do what they did to ExSPlug."

"True sir."

"I take it all the troops that were there are dead."

"Yes sir"

"And his troops?"



"And our tech?"


"Our new tech?"

"We managed to get it to the new HQ in time."

"Excellent.  Continue production of it."

"Yes sir."

"Now, get me ExSPlug, I wish to speak to him."

"Yes sir."

[OOC, since when was FarCry connected to the list?]

Heading to new HQ (as yet unrevealed)

350 Militia Troops

320 Farcry Demons

10 Flying Monkey's

Screwing Dust Scout

1 Flying Monkey ;D ;D ;D

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