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I don't think it ever actually says what happened to earth in the Dune chronicals, however in the DE its a park.

As for why bad stuff often happens to Earth such as polution in sci-fi, there are 2 reasons.

1) It makes things seem worse, so the hero seems better

2) Because Earth will most likley suck in 100-200 years.

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Ever think about how many light years Dune is away from earth? I mean it is in another galaxy a different solor system didn't Arrakis have aleast 2 moons? Just wondering. Pulls out his literjohn to ponder his own questions once again.......

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  • 1 month later...

Maybe, with the several transformations and advances in the society, the human forgotten the Earth for the old history... for shame.

Np, because there many mentions of the old terra people and ways, you have the Odrade mention o House of Cordeville,in ChoD you have Ghanima remembering about an ancient babylonian Priestess, but is true that the only ones who mentions that things are the ones who have another memories, not the common people.

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  • 2 weeks later...

um i dont think that could happen. the guild ship would just be burned to a crsip.  i dont think it would make the sun go boooom. and by  nova i mean expand not go boom. the only way to do that is to somehow burn all its fuel or remove the fuel.  if a guild ship landed in a sun it dose not remove all the fuel there for it cant go boom.

Easy as eating pancakes.

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Depends. Obviously a navigator wouldn't fold into it directly, but may have gone through 'in passing' - not literally, but managed to displace a load of sun fuel when only partially inside a fold-space (errr... what's the word for it...) road (?).

At a guess.

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That is kinda what I thought you trying to say Nema. I know the Guild uses points throught space and time to make their trips and the way you have presented it made me wonder if it could be possible. That is unless there is something I'm not understanding about the way the Guild travels completely. I understand what you are saying Ex but Nema's idea intrigues to a certain extent.

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umm, well i think it's with da computers, and the people of the future in Dune, trying to forget about them seeming they were evil or something like that. But it's like the year 10,000, it's a long time away...so they probably forgot the real name of our planet, that being Earth. Earth was probably over populated or somethin' just like in every other Sci-fi..even though it's a good estimation of what earth will really be like in a few thousand years. All in all, Earth=Evil Computers=Evil. That's why they got rid of them, and now have Mentats.

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Also Timsvs humans were too depended apon the computers. There were those who felt that humankind were threaten by this dependence towards "thinking machines". And the end result was the Butlerian Jihad but even as Maud'Dib says in Dune Messiah it (the Butlerian Jihad) also destroyed vital information needed by destroying some computers.

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currently i am reading Dune:Messiah, and i came over a passage in the book, where Skytale is talking about the "golden" age on Earth. Page 42, or 32 something like that. It's only for one sentence or two, however it's still cool.

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The Great Convention followed the Butlerian Jihad, yes? And it banned Nuclear weapons use on people. Perhaps this ban was in retrospect of an event in the Jihad which involved a lot of deaths by nuking... Which would probably have happened on Earth.

Although I think that not even FH decided what really happened... so there cannot be a 'correct' answer anyway.

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