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~Matrix Rising~


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The Pope was calm as the two Cardinals finished reporting about the Cathedrals that were bombed. When they finished speaking, he finally whispered," We will not strike back. We will give them the opportunity to cease this violence. If they strike again, we will strike back so hard that it will make the atrocities of the Inquisition appear pale."

Military Mobilization: 75%, 25% per post.

Fortification of Italy: 25%, 25% per post.

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note to allies

[hide] spain has ridden itself of the machines, we're currently remobilizing our military, we have 100,000 troops and hope to have 500,000 soon (will get 50,000 per post) we are currently rebuilding our factories and are pumping out a mere 30 tanks per post, production will be 50 next post, our airforce is 800 strong, 150 valkyries, 100 thunderhawks, 200 bombers, and 350 fighters, we are producing 5 valkyries, 5 thunder hawks, 10 bombers and 15 fighters per post, we have about 150 tanks, 30 of which are apcs right now [/hide]

message to all:

Spain will not tolerate this hoard of machines ravaging country, we have forced them out of Spain so far. Spain denounces the vatican also, for the pope is a heretic spreading blasphemy and evil.

~~end of transmission~~

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=Airport, Rome=

It had been a day since CA-66 had crashed. No one in the plane survived, and the flames were put off long ago. The wreckage was still at where it is though, waiting for the inspection by the Italy military later. It is now midnight and only a few guards were on duty...

~Exterior damage...0%~

~Interior damage...0%~

~Performing system check...done~

~System online~

Two humanoid figure had risen from the wreckage of the plane, and before the guards could notice, they had each got a bullet in their head.

~Area cleared...proceed with command~

=Vatican City, St. Peter's Bascilica=

~Release probe...done~


A probe of the size of a fly is orbiting the two anaroids, fliming their actions, and transmitting them back to China at the same time...

"What are your business here? The area is prohibited of non-church personnals! Identif..."

Before the guards could finish the anaroids had opened fire. They rushed into the building, killing anyone in their way. Until they had sighted their target, the Pope. The anaroids raised their firearms and...

=Beijing, China=

"Premier, we've received transmittion from 'them'."

"Send it to every media available in the world available after the transmittion ends. Order the task force to open fire as soon as the recording is being broadcasted on GNN."

"And Premier, Turkey had accepted our offers."

"Order the men to move on then."

Message to Turkey:

[hide]We've got 'evidence' to go offensive against the machines. The assault on 01 would commence as soon as the 'evidence' is being broadcasted on GNN. The reinforcements are on their way to Turkey, and would arrive in 2 posts.[/hide]

Message to USA:

[hide]We're intrested in knowing about the project. Our main objective is to take 01 and it's facilities intact though.We've got 'evidence' to go offensive against the machines. The assault on 01 would commence as soon as the 'evidence' is being broadcasted on GNN.[/hide]

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King Philip II of Great Scadinavia was sitting on his throne, in his fortess in Copenhagen. He was thinking his father, but then again, it was only a few weeks since he had died in a car crash, and Philip crowend king of Great Scandinaiva, a realatively young nation, only a 100 years old. Back then, before his grandfather seized power, Great Scandinavia had been known as Denmark, Sweden and Norway. But thanks to 3 corrupt goverments and 3 unhappy populations, his grandfather had been able to carry out 3 seperate coups, unite Deanmark, Sweden and Norway and crown himself king of Great Scandinavia. A few years later Icaland had joined Great Scandinavia aswell.

(more will follow later on, but now I have to get some sleep)

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factrories now rebuilt

tanks : 200

airforce: total : 835

valkyries: 155

thunderhawks: 105

bombers: 210

fighters: 365

troops: 150,000

message to turkey:

[hide] troops sear saudi border waiting for word to attack currently have 5k troops, 20 apcs, 20 battle tanks, and 10 mobile artillery, sending 5 valkyries and 2 thunderhawks to turkey with 200 troops, also sending with em 5 battle tanks and 2 mobile artillery, 20 fighters will acompany them and also stay at turkey, take these troops are now yours, sorry we couldn't deliver more.[/hide]

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-Vatican City-

The two machines were in sight now of the remaining security forces. The security guards opened fire, rittling the two robots with bullets, destroying them.

-Vatican City, 20 minutes later-

"01 doesn't turn out worksmanship this shoddy," reported the Captain of the Swiss Guard, examining the wreckage of the machines," It definitely isn't their's."

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Meanwhile king Philip was talking to his jarl (chief advisor) in his personal chambers

"Milord the Turks and the machines have begun a real war, Turkey is backed by most of the world, except for the Russians and the Italians"

"Very well Karl (the jarl) prepare the 1st Hird division, the division and I will leave for Turkey as soon as possible"

“Milord, the 1st Hird division is a quarter of our standing forces”

“I know, but we must aid Turkey, if we can weaken or even better destroy, the machines for ever it will in the long run be good for our economy, and you know as well as I know that the warriors long for battle”

“Very well, is there anything else milord”

“Yes mobilize regular army, I think we might have need of it soon enough”

“Yes milord”

The jarl left the room, hurrying to carry out his lord’s orders

“I only hope I do what is best for my kingdom” the king said to the empty room and the walls

Great Scandinavian armed forces

1st Hird Division, preparing to leave for Turkey

2nd, 3ed and 4th Hird divisions, standing by.

The regular army (12 armour divisions) is still mobilizing, and will be done in 4 posts.

The Great Scandinavian navy (6 battleships, 12 destroyers, and 2 carriers) is also mobilizing and will likewise be done in 4 posts

The Great Scandinavian air force (1000 fighters, and 300 bombers) is also preparing for battle

diplomatic message to Turkey

[hide]I, king Philip II of Great Scandinavia have decided to aid you and seek glory in battle against the machines. Please accept the said myself and my 1st Hird division, they are my handpicked elite warriors[/hide]

Edit I've attached a pic of some Space Wolf Grey Hunters, the hirdmen are armed and armoured like them, and in general look like them.[attachment archived by Gobalopper]

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(Negotiations with the Turks have taken place over MSN Messenger. :) They were inconclusive).

"That great Northern twit." Tsar Mikhail grumbled as a little red light lit up over Copenhagen. "His father was always far more sensible."

"He's aiding Turkey, that much is clear." Vivienne said, "But to get there he'll have to travel by sea. Crossing over land is impossible, there are too many neutral or hostile countries in the way. Germany, Romania, etc. They won't just let an army through."

"Must we invade again?" The Tsar sighed. "It wasn't long ago we owned all of that..."

"It was several centuries." Vladimyr reminded him, "And it was only Finland that we really held on to."

"The buffer country." Vivienne sneered.

"A sovereign nation." Mikhail corrected her. "And a useful one too."

"Do we contact him?" Vladimyr asked, pointing at the file photo of the Scandenavian ruler.

"Warn him that if hostilities continue Russia will cease all trade, levy sanctions against him, evict all of his citizens from our territory and forbid all passage through our water or airspace. I assume all of this has already been carried out gainst Turkey?"

"Very successfully." Vivienne smiled.

"And the... other negotiations?"

"01 is being more than helpful and extremely generous." Vladimyr brought up a few figures. "Negotiations are complete, it is only deliveries and scientific organisation that needs to take place now."


"Philip is mobilising his forces already."

"Berk. I knew it was a bad thing when his father died. Ye Gods! Why couldn't his mother have had a daughter?! Advise him against it."

"Spain has also eliminated all machines."

"Any refugees?"

"A few dozen. Not many at all, too far a distance. Most headed into France." Vivienne noted.

"The same sanctions and stuff that we threw at 'Great Scandinavia' go to them." The Tsar ordered. "We are fortifying well?"

"The border is now strongest on the Southern and Western fronts." Vladimyr read, "Several new fortresses and airfields, properly concealed. Conscription is now in force. Even more so than already. All fit unemployed of either sex must join, all those in 'unecessary' occupations must join or file a request."

"How many of those?"

"Surprisingly few."

"Refugee movement into Turkey?"

"All but stopped."


"Ah... sir?" Vivienne looked nervous for the first time. "Your... special request to 01, they have accepted. The delegation will be ready in eight hours. Are you sure-"

"I'm positive, Vivienne." Tsar Mikhail assured her. "What good is a leader that does not lead by example?"

"You never used to say that."

"I quote quotes when it suits me. Oh, that reminds me. I want L-X reactivated. In a military sense."

"That won't be popular."

"Try to keep it quiet. Not silent, I don't want any protests about freedom of speech, but as quiet as possible."

"China has tried to send 'evidence' to our media by the way." Vivienne scowled. "It was blocked but you know how it is. We've had to discredit it and rubbish it in public. You may have to give a speech."

"I hate speeches."


"We believe the 'evidence' was faked anyway." Vladimyr scowled, "And we'll release our own findings to the world's media later today. No time like the present."

Message to Italy;

That's two attacks on you. One an assassination attempt. I do not in any way advocate violence but if action of some form or another is not taken the papal power and respect will fall. Is there anything I can do to help?

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Message to all:

The United States is not taking part in the Machine Conflict. Our movement of material was under a banner of trade and is that. We seek to assist all sides in this so as to not be held against. We do not seek enemies. We seek friends.

The United States President

to Turkey and China:

[hide] Bullshit. Nuke the Machines to Hell! I'll provide the nukes if need be![/hide]

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-Vatican City-

"Not the machines," asked the Pope," Then who?"

"My guess would be China, but I am unsure. It did kill the guards around the crash site..."

"Very well Captain, please leave."

The Captain of the Swiss Guard ran from the Papal Audience Chamber. He shut the door behind him.

"Now Cardinal Rivelli, what do you suggest," asked The Pope.

"Sanctions on China."

"Agreed. Have you prepared our 'special' tape of the Spanish heretic that leads that nation," said the Pope.

"Indeed," replied Rivelli," We have created a video that makes it look like he is in bed with a machine whore that looked human."

"Good. Now as for the Russian offer, I have a reply..."

Message to Russia:


We will gladly accept any aid you wish to provide. However, it is an inevitability that we will both end up at war with Turkey. We will open our borders to Russia's military, you may position your forces in Italian bases and airfields if you wish.[/hide]

Fortification of Italy: 75%, complete next post.

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"Sir a 01 convoy full of military suplies is heading from Italy sir."

"How many ships?"

"About 60, no humans onboard, 25 0f them are carying iron ore and other such resources that could be vital in 01's war machine.

"Where are they?"

"They are passing just above northern Cyprus Admiral Selim has posistioned the 5th attack fleet infront of them, 5 Submarine attack vessels have moved in from behind, Bomber airfleets are moving in from airbases in Cyprus ETA 5 minutes."

"They are in Turkish controlled waters I take it?"

"Yes sir."

"Blow the piss out of em."

"Yes sir."

The Digital map came up on the wall, showing southern turkey and the island of cyprus represented by 60 small red ships was the machine merchent fleet. 80 larger ships waited for them, 5 submarines were closing in from behind, and the aircraft were moving at a fast rate.

One bye one the red dots vanished from the map. The last one vanished.

The presidents aid picked up the phone.

"Admiral Selim reports in that all Enemy ships have been sank surving machines are being eliminated."

A loud cheer went out in the war room.

"Have General Padishaw Mobilize all Aircraft in Nothern Turkey, Continue Fortifications of Northern Turkey and Mining of the Black Sea. Tell The Russians that the machines were in our water, with out permission, and we fired apon them for this. Which is the truth."

"President!" One of the other aids screemed from a phone," 01 was sending a fighter air fleet to aid their ships, They were flying over Isreal, and Isreali air batteries and aircraft shot them down. Isreal denined them the airspace and they went over anyway"

"Exelent! Isreal has just joined the good guys, Tell them they have all the suport we can possible give them."

A major blow had been down to 01's economic stregth today, and Another great ally has joined the war.

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message to Russia

[hide]you speak of my fathers wisdom, and you are right, he was great indeed, he both ensured peace and kept the machines out of the kingdom, I have changed my mind, I will remain neutral, but continue to build up my forces.

BTW tell your inhuman friends that if they enter my realm they will be dealt with as enemies

Philip king of Great Scandinavia[/hide]

message to Turkey

[hide]I, king of Great Scandinavia hereby withdraws my offer of military support.[/hide]

Great Scandinavian armed forces

1st Hird Division, preparing to leave for Turkey

2nd, 3ed and 4th Hird divisions, standing by.

The regular army (12 armour divisions) is still mobilizing, and will be done in 3 posts.

4 armour divisons moblized

The Great Scandinavian navy (6 battleships, 12 destroyers, and 2 carriers) is also mobilizing and will likewise be done in 3 posts

3 battleships and 12 destoyers are now moblized.

The Great Scandinavian air force (1000 fighters, and 300 bombers) is also preparing for battle (will be done in 3 posts)

250 fighters are currently prepared for battle

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"GO! GO! GO!" screamed the Spanish marine commander. Spanish marines were loading into into 20 of the 100 thunderhawks preparing to head to turkey.

the 100 massive thunderhawks took flight and shortly were landing at the base camp in Kuwait near the saudi border

about 15,000 troops were already staioned there including 1,000 spanish gaurd. also at the base camp are 30 leman russ battletanks, 50 chimera apcs, 10 rhino apcs, 10 mobile artillery.

countries status:


380 fighters, 220 bombers, 160 valkryies, and 110 thunderhawks

250 tanks

200,000 troops

military reconstruction complete, pumping out 25 tanks, 10 fighters & 5 bombers per post now.

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(OOC: Post done at Ex's request as a response to the sinking of 01 ships.)

-Vatican City-

"Do nothing," replied the Pope," The ore was theirs once it was loaded onto their ships. Once they were out of italian waters they were supposed to be providing their own security."

"Yes Holiness," replied a Cardinal.

Fortification of Italy: Complete

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To Turkey and China:

[hide]Project Eternal Twilight is going to deactivate all solar powered machines because it will block out the sun. However, it is a weapon of LAST resort.[/hide]

At the White House

The two people walked down the corridors of the White House as part of the tour but at one point they broke off from everybody and went on their own. Soon they found the doors leading to the oval office and both threw off their trenchcoats.

Underneath the trenchcoats were Machine assassins that opened fire, shredding the doors and killing everone inside before an electromagnetic counter-charge deactivated them both. The death toll was 56 dead, 0 wounded.

Luckily the President was at Camp David at the time.

Status of Project Eternal Twilight: 10% (10% per post)

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"This is GNN morning news. At midnight, an assassination attempted against the Pope had been stopped. The assassins were anaroids of unknown origin, and had been destoryed at the scene. There is still no offical reply from Italy and 01, but the footage of the assassination attempt is now widespread on the internet and had created an anti-machine tide worldwide."

=01, Arab peninsula=

"All units, commence operation!"

Flames erupted from the outer regions of 01. Under the artillary fire from the S-Type exoskeletons, the Chinese forces assault 01. As the machines were taken by surprise, the Chinese forces soon break through their lines and entered the city.

"Charge! For the party, for the people!"

"First my job, then my family! You shall repay now!"

"18, 19, 20! Die! Die you metal scums!" yelled private Fenriss, mowing a group of machine workers that had surrendered with the four miniguns on his exoskeleton. He is in one of the squads leading the assault.

"Don't get overexcited and get your asses back to formation!" cried the major over the squad's channel.

"Major, incoming! From 020 and 180, no matching signature from scan! It's of new design!"

The military models of the machines had come into contact with the Chinese forces. This si the first time when humans contact with those called "sentinals"...

10% of 01 is now under control of the Chinese forces, which is the east outer region of 01, with an airstrip and storage facilities. Casualties: 96 exoskeletons, 330 infantries.

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"01 has been attacked!" Vivienne pointed to movements of red across the giant computerised map.

"How much of China's forces is there?" The Tsar asked.

"Enough to keep going but there's still some left over to defend themselves, albeit not as strongly as they would have done before." Vladimyr listed what figures he had gathered.

Message to 01 (allowed to be intercepted by other forces):

Attack as you see fit, you have been invaded wrongfully. Should non-combat citizens wish to evacuate Russia shall provide a safe haven for refugees. The air trip will have to be taken East and South first, over international waters. Then East and North of Japan to a Russian airbase of your choice. Any attack on these open convoys will be viewed as an act of terrorism against unarmed civilians and an act of war against Russia and shall be dealt with as such.

Message to the UN:

Russia calls for the immediate expulsion of China and Spain from the UN for crimes against sentient life.

Message to G. Scandinavia:

Your actions are wise. Though your economy will doubtless collapse without 01 your non-violent choice of action is admired.

Message to China:

Pull out now. 01 will not fight alone if you continue your assult. You may have disregarded the boons they offered to humanity but we have not.

Message to the USA:

Don't think I don't know what you're up to. Do you have any idea what damage Eternal Twilight will do to the enviroment? To the world? To humans as well as machines? Don't shoot yourself in the foot. If you want rid of the machines, send them to us. Attempting to destroy them will not work.

Message to Italy:

Russian forces are travelling for you and will arrive soon. They are mostly aircraft coming through the arctic circle and over Western Europe to avoid Turkey. If possible we would like them stationed on the East coast.

P.S. A large number of Catholics are travelling for Italy to join your forces. Russia has several thousand. Those that are choosing to leave to join you are being given free flights. Could you arrange training?

"Russian negotiations and deliveries with 01 are now complete. Two nasty surprises now lurk for those who attack either party..."

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I am the president of Finland, Heikki Lehti.

Heikki was anxious. He wasn't sure about anything. Luckily there were thing called Parliament.

"Sir, Parliament has voted to join the Great Scandinavian as colony." Jukka Lipponen said.

"Good. Let the King Phillip know." Heikki replied.

"And oh. People has not voted about this, thus we don't know how they react. They hate us enough already." He continued.

"What mister president means?"

"Make him sure that we still want to keep our independence."

"Will do, sir."

General Mira Lehto was in her office worrying about things. She wasn't sure if the army of Finland will take the machines. Then her assistant came in.

"S... Miss, the scientists are raedy with the new weapon." He said.

"The new flamer?" She asked.

"Yes, si... Miss."

"I want to see it in action."




Come on, I have never ever fan ficced before.. :)

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(OOC: Welcome Jack leaf.)

Message to Russia:


We will glady train them, and thank you for sending your forces through nuetral territory to our humble nation.


The Pope sat in the Bunker underneath Rome tracking events on wallscreens.

Training of Russian Catholics: 20%, 20% per post.

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The king, his marsk (chief military advisor) (Arn Magnusson), his chief advisor on foreign (Jens Peterson) affairs and his jarl (Karl Folkeson) were (as now a days almost always) in the King’s Counsel chamber.

"Milord the Chinese have begun an invasion of 01" Jens said

“I know, Arn what do you think we should do?”

“Stay away from that war for the moment”

“So do I think” the jarl added “but I do think we should do something about this “Eternal Twilight” programme the yanks are running”

“What do you propose my good jarl?”

“Ask them what they are planning to do with it”

“Ok see to that it is done“

“As you command milord”

The jarl turned to the communications panel on the wall

Message to the Americans

[hide]Mr President, what are you intentions with this “Eternal Twilight”, and what will its effects be? [/hide]


“Yes milord”

“You will go to the Tsar of Russia, and bring him this message, personally”

“As you command milord”

Karl left the room, walked out of the palace, and headed for the royal airport in a royal armoured car.

Message for the Tsar

[hide] I greet you mighty Tsar, you should know that that we’ve build our economy up from scratch, without the aid of non-humans, and we are now completely self sufficient, so we do not fear for our economy. Anyway I’m sending you my jarl, to be your hostage, he will be your guarantee that I will not make any aggressive moves against you. [/hide]

“Milord” Jens said “I think you should read this, it came in from Finland just now”

“So they want to join us, eh”

“It seems so”

“How large is their standing army”

“One infantry division”

“Offer to upgrade it to an armour division”

Very well

Message to Finland


We welcome you into Great Scandinavia, here are our terms for letting you joins us

1.  You will no longer have an independent foreign policy

2.  You will provide armed forces to fight for Great Scandinavia if need be.

3.  You will expel all Machines from your country

Apart from that, you are free to do as you wish, but please allow us to upgrade your infantry division to an armour division [/hide]

King Philip turned to his marsk

“I have once last thing for today, you will raise an additional 2 Hird divisions from the best of our regulars, and raise 8 more amour divisions”

“Of course milord”

Great Scandinavian armed forces

1st, 2nd, 3ed and 4th Hird divisions, standing by.

5th and 6th Hird divisions being formed (1 post left)

the regular army (12 armour divisions) is still mobilizing, and will be done in 1 posts.

8 armour divisions mobilized

8 more armour divisions being formed (1 post left)

The Great Scandinavian navy (6 battleships, 12 destroyers, and 2 carriers) is also mobilizing and will likewise be done in 2 posts

6 battleships and 12 destroyers are now mobilized.

The Great Scandinavian air force (1000 fighters, and 300 bombers) is also preparing for battle (will be done in 2 posts)

500 fighters and 100 bombers are currently prepared for battle

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"Mr. President, Philip answered. He wants us to upgrade our infantry division into armour division. General Lehto isn't very happy, but she agreed. She wants us to declare state of war and call men to arms."

"And, sir, we have to destroy all the Artifictial Inteligent machines we have. This will be no problem, as we only have only some old engineer robots. They also have third condition; we have to desist from our independet policy. But we still have word in the King's concel chamber."

President Heikki Lehti thought. It was now about big things. Happened what happened, Finland will not watch when Machines rumble the world. Americans had some odd project going on. Russia appeared larger as before. Hopefully they had no aggressive acts against Finland.

"Lipponen, send this message to the Great Scandinavia:"

[hide]We agree your conditions.[/hide]

"And now it's time to break some laws. Finland will construct submarines, said Russia what said. Locate some smuggler group, some who will catch good quality stuff. This trade must be hided, I don't want the Mother Russia to knock our door with nuclear weapons." Heikki said.

"But sir, it will take ages to construct submarines and plus, Russia denied them from us..."

"Who own that artillery?"

Lipponen fell in silent.

"One thing more; tell to my wife and kids that I will be late."

~Military testing area, Hamina~

"See? It melts metal and is bloody deadly." Sampsa Lehti, the master scientist engineer said.

"I'm glad that you didn't become a politican like your father did." Mira said.

"Then you want to see the plans of the new cannon."

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Message to Finland:

A foolish move. Your choice; an alliance with a powerful and large nation with the moral high ground, or joining a rural backwater with a trembling economy and a hostile monarch as a powerless colony. Just in case this sarcasm hasn't penetrated through to you, you have made the wrong decision. We advise a change in foreign policy before things get out of hand and you lose all independence.

Russia owned Finland before. Unlike G. Scandinavia we have no plans of doing so again. Join us on an equal basis with his Holiness the Pope in Italy. We will survive and we are right.

Reply to G. Scandinavia;

Without 01 your economy is weak and feeble. It may be superficially strong but that's all it is. Superficial. One major crisis; like a crash or a war, and you will plunge. Take the best way out. Accept 01. It is the wisest decision you can make. As for the 'hostage' you send, am I to treat him as that? To be fed when necessary and kept chained in a dark cellar? A prisoner of war or an ambassador, to be treated honourably? Or an assassin, to be immediately executed? I do not know what you wish with this and I do not trust your intentions. Not until you accept the machines anyway. He is returning with this message.

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Message to Russia:

"We choosed to join the Great Scandinavian with reason. We made our choice, and so it is. We have the most professional infantry squads trained to move in rough terrain and spot enemies kilometres away. We can defense what we want with force. If Great Scandinavian appears to be blood sucking leech we can leave it and endure the results.

We did this choice in independence and it may be the last effort we did in it, but at least oh' so great and mighty Mother Russia didn't conclude it.

Suffering endures human race. You made us suffer enough long ago.

We are tearing old scars again.

I hope you can make an agreement with Great Scandinavian, regards Heikki Lehti"

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