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~Matrix Rising~


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"Cease all trade deals with Italy and Turkey. Allow whatever negotiations with the Vatican that need to take place."

"Yes, Emperor."

"You're fired."


"I'm tired of having yes-men at my side. I've found a replacement already, leave now Tchuevski, your pension awaits."

As Tchuevski shuffled from the room, new Emperor Ildvev of Imperial Russia sat back on his 'throne.' A shadowy figure slipped out from behind a statue behind him and stood to his left. A second detached itself from the darkness around the flag and moved to his right.

"We don't have a problem yet." The Emperor muttered. "I want all machines of Russian origin to be given protection while on or off our soil. Offer potential evacuation deals to 01."

"Personally." The black-haired woman on the left strode out of the room. Not that she used the door...

"I sense conflict." The Emperor frowned.

"Hardly surprising." The blonde man to his right rose an eyebrow. "The people aren't exactly pleased to find a new Imperial rule instated overnight."

"It's for their own good!"

"That's not how they see it."

"Well they'd better start learning. Quickly!"

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"The Russians have also ceased all trade with us President." Micheal leaned in and alerted Rodrigues

"Ask China and England if they wish to expand are current trade." Rodrigues said with disentrest.

"Its your time to speak." Another Aid said.

Rodrigues stood up and walked over to the podem the other deligates looked at him he noticed the Papal diplomat scratching something down as he begain.

"Fellow Humans we are at a fork in the road, Are existence depends on Trade, and money. Recently A machine, not man nation has taken over a large portion of the worlds trade, at the rate it is continuing The Econemy of the world will depend on 01 in three years. We must not allow that to happen."

"Why is that, I find the idea of not having to worry about money a good thing." The Popes Diplomat said.

"Becouse he who can destroy a thing, controls a thing. 01 would have the option of simplying destroying the human race and all the nations of the world would be weak enough not to stop them."

"Do you honestly belive the machines are hostile?"

"Explain their actions then? The fact that whenever a nation disagrees with 01, sanctions are put on it and machine workers withen protest and refuse to work, They have already destoyed whole econemys useing this option. We cant allow them to black mail the world." Rodrigues sipped his water and continued.

"That is why, I am asking the United nations to blockade 01 and cease all trade with the nation or face our own stagnation and destruction."

1....2...3 The battering ram slammed against the door and the Marines rushed in weapones ready scanners sensing any cybernetic life.

"Who the hell are you?!" A women asked before a rifle but renderd her un consious.

6 men went up stairs, 4 swept around the house and 10 hammerd a locked door that led to a celler.

They shot the lock off and rushed down stairs.

A explosion met the first man as he steped down the stairs his torso was blown in two.

"Fall back! Fall back!" The cry came out.

"What the helll is going on?" Sharpie asked.

"The machines, They fired apon us!" One screamed a peice of shrapnel lodged in his arm.

"Oh hell." Sharpie took a gernade off his belt and pitched it down the stairs he motioned for the others to do the same and soon the house was shaking from the explosions.

"Go, Go, Go!" He scremead as the men rushed down the stairs weapons spewing out.

Three men fell, the machines hitting them before they fell. 22 machines were killed in the basement, 5 men died. This was the first instance where machine fired apon their former masters.

Ryan walked over and picked up the women she was coming to.

"WHY?" He screamed in her face.

"They have souls." She said with fear."

"YOU GAVE THEM WEAPONS. YOU STARTED WAR!" He pulled his side arm out and cocked it.

"They only wanted to live." She said confused.

"You have conducted a act of treason against Turkey, And in the state of war that is punishable by death."

"Wha?" She babled confused.

The gun pressed against her temple and fired the brains splatterd against the floor and her body fell with a thud.

"Whats this mean boss?" Philoetius asked scratching his head.

"It means, We may all be doomed. The machines are willing to fight."

A Aid came up and whisperd in Rodrigues ear.

"A firefight has broken out between machine and Marine forces. 6 are confirmed dead."

Rodrigues speach changed instantly.

"I have just been informed that a group of machines has opened fire on Marine forces. We have confirmed 6 dead humans. The Machines are willing to fight." Gasps filled the room as the video played on the large screen behind Rodrigues, The camera's put on the heads of the soldiers showed the machines firing and killing two marines.

"I have matters to attend to." And Rodrigues stepped off stage.

Messege to the Peoples Republic of China.


We are sending 450 of our best Jannisaries to aid in the Take over of 01, due to recent activites air strikes may be used in assitence.


TaskForce ETA 1 post

Destruction of all machines in Turkey at 60% and proceding at 20% per post.

Turkish Military Personell on high alert

Fortifacation of Turkey at 55% proceding at 30% per post.

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The Pope stared at the man who had just run in during his audience with a set of orphans," What is important enough to justify this interruption?"

"We don't know who fired first," said the gasping Cardinal, obviously not used to running," But fighting between the machines and Turks has begun. The machines are fighting back."

The Pope closed his eyes,"Continue to have our ambassadors work out various deals for peace with every major power, especially 01. Seal Italy's borders...no one comes in or out...and make sure the project continues."

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"Italy has sealed her borders." The blonde-haired Vladimyr pointed at the map. The Tsar nodded.

"And we have confirmed reports of violence against humans here." Vivienne jabbed a finger down on Turkey, her black hair shining in the light.

"Who fired first?" Tsar Mikhail Ildvev asked.

"We don't know. The humans say it was the machines and the machines are in no condition to reply." Vladimyr replied.

"We do know that the humans were actively seeking to destroy the machines before they were fired upon though." Vivienne pointed out. "The logical choice of action for any sentient being is to defend itself. Machines included."

"I want a propaganda campaign spread all over Russia. The machines are to be depicted as the wounded and above all innocent party." The Tsar said. Vladimyr noted it down on a clipboard, and passed the note to an aide.

"At once." He smiled.

"This is not, however," Vivienne read her notes, "The first instance of machine violence. We all remember the domestic who lashed out against it's masters."

"A random occurance." The Tsar remembered. "Not faulty programming, but deliberate cruelty which the machine mind did not tolerate."

"What amuses me," Vladimyr grinned as he tapped a few keys on his laptop, "Is that the more the machines act like humans, the less the masses like them. They defend themselves against attack, they attempt to do well under their own initiative, they try to gain control wherever they can. All inherantly human traits."

"The problem is that they're better at it than we are." Vivienne said.

"Which is no doubt why so many people hate them." Tsar Mikhail mused, still looking at the map. "The Turks are making no move to stop their wanton hostility?"

"If anything it's getting worse." Vivienne frowned at the data.

"Block all Turkish visas and passports." The Tsar ordered. "Deport all those on holiday, or even working here. Give them time to pack and sort everything out though. No violence. I know it's extreme but I want to make it absolutely clear that we view this as a crime against a sentient mind and as such just as bad as an attack on humans."

"Segregating a group for being different is also an inherantly human trait..." Vivienne chewed the tip of a pen.

"One of our less admirable ones, yes." Tsar Mikhail sighed. "If this continues it will be just like-"

"The Nazis." Vladimyr clenched his fist.

"Indeed, the nazis." The Tsar frowned as he remembered his history lessons. "Violence against a group just because they are different. More successful, better off... Remind you of anything?"

"The Jews." Vivienne muttered, bringing up a new window on her own laptop. "Violence towards a group that is easy to blame and is in general successful. It's just like the nazi attitude to the Jews."

"Put that in the propaganda." Tsar Mikhail instructed, smiling slightly.

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Rodrigues looked over the Russian Propganda poster

Турки стали Нацистом, Они являются дестойеринг разумными существами! Как смеют они!

it read in bold letters the picture displaying a machine running from a Turk in the uniform of a world war two Nazi.

"This is not good." His aid said

"Not good at all." Rodrigues lifted the paper up and flicked his zipo to life the poster melted into a ball the trashcan a flame.

"They are deporting Turkish citizens. What shall we do?"

"Accept all Rusian refuges even those from chechneya and the Crimea."

"Shouldn't we deport the Russians?" The aid said confused.

"No, We can't be like them, public opinion is already against us."

"83% of the machines have been wiped out in Turkey Mr. President and fortifactions go well." A man said from a corner the darkness obsecring his figure.

"Any more resistance?" Rodrigues asked.

"500 Machines have baracadded themselfs in a shoping mall in downtown Keryina. A human wall of Catholic preists is stopping two divions from entering. Firing on them could cause a international incident." The man in the dark said.

"Tell the pope to get his people out of there or they will be moved with light force if neccisary."

Sharpie and his team kicked in another door screaming for them to stop and hit the floor, A robot worker started to raise a hand gun, his body was preferated with gun shots and it collasped, the human habering it was hiding in the bathtub he was shot and his body disposed, this was repeated elsewhare in the country, even machine symptithzers didnt risk harboring the machines

Taskforce has arived in the nearest Human city to 01 one Erebus, and is awaitng orders.

Destruction of all machines in Turkey at 80% and proceding at 20% per post.

Turkish Military Personell on high alert

Fortifacation of Turkey at 85% proceding at 30% per post

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Pope Innocent XVII looked down at the fifty commandos of the Italian army, as well as ten of his own Jesuits. They were his only option if the Turks carried out the threats.

"My fellow Catholics, there is a new evil rising in the East, and it is not the Machines. It is Turkey. They are threatening Priests standing in a line to protect 500 thinking machines from death.

"We will not stand for this. If one Priest is harmed, then we shall retaliate with covert actions, your covert actions. We must put the safety of the world before that of anything else, and if the Turks provoke the machines into a devestating war, the entire world will be in danger.

"You've all been given possible assignments. You'll recieve your orders the second the situation detonates," he finished.

Message to Turkey:

[hide] No they shall not move. Any attempt to move them will be met with force and considered an act of war by Italy.[/hide]

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"So they are threatneing war are they? How dare they! Do they do not remember the last the the ventiants and the turks were at full scale war?! Only the gates of Venice held us back! You send 100 Men at the preists with flame launchers, Burn them all!" He slammed his fist down on the table hard enough to nock a painting off the wall.

"Perhaps we can take a take a differnt course of action." The man in the black said cigerret smoke trailing into visabilite.

"What do you suggest?" Rodrigues said his face red with anger.

"Let me." He said

"Fine, just hurry."

The Presits were locked arm in arm and chanting Catholic hyms 100 men marched towards them in flame thrower uniforms the flames spit out but far enough not to harm the preists. some timed to turn but were held by the others.

Overhead 10 helicopters aproached the mall, Their missels were targetted to spefici parts of the mall.

The preists looked up at them confused, gun fire raced up at the helicotpers from the mall, small arms fire, didnt penitrate the choppers armor.

10 missels raced out and explosions gripped the mall, hitting spefic suport girders the mall begain to collapse, dozens of machines flodded out the main enterence but were cut down by the choppers anti tank gun fire.

Then it happend.

The mall collapsed in on itself plumes of smoke rose and minor explosions gripped it, but the line of presits half a mile out were not harmed, the heat of the explosion licked their faces, but not one was cut scratched or brusied.

The machine base had been destoyed and no Catholics were harmed in the making of this post.

The last few machines in Turkey fled into the country side their numbers to low to mount a effective resistence.

Turkey was machine free.

And Its fortifactions were up to protect it from all threats, forign and domesitc.

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"It seems that Turkey has won her little internal war." Vivienne scowled as another little bit of the map turned black, the colour indicating machine-free areas.

"She is also making moves towards 01." Vladimyr noted the position of the troops on the satellite system.

"01 is a sovereign nation and as such is to be respected." Tsar Mikhail stated. "She may not be in the UN, but nonetheless is deserving of respect and independance! How goes the feeling of the Russian people?"

"Most dislike the methods used against the Turks within our borders but just under half respect the decision." Vivienne smiled, "It has won popularity of the new regime. The propaganda is helping a great deal. Many are e-mailing it to friends, relatives and other contacts in Turkey. It's spreading nicely."

"Italy is not doing so well however." Vladimyr brought up nother window on the screen. "She has threatened war and though the priests were not harmed I don't see any way of avoiding the inevitable."

"That's what makes it inevitable." Vivienne pointed out.

"Make it clear to the international community that we shall side with Italy if any conflict does arise." Tsar Mikhail ordered. "We have the third-largest army in the world, including stand-bys possibly the largest."

"We're looking into that." Vladimyr examined the available figures. "Nobody's being very open with their numbers at the moment. Apart from 01 of course."

"And so very few trust them." Vivienne sighed. "They're machines! If they learned duplicity it could only be from one source."

"Us again." Tsar Mikhail sighed. "What have we done?"

"We've created a species that's far better at being human than we are." Vladimyr said.

"That gives me an idea..." The Tsar smiled for a moment, "Open direct negotiations with 01. I've got a plan..."

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Message to all countries:

China proposes that the summit be held. In order for the summit to be held, more then half of the counteries must agree so. The summit would be held after 8 post by any countries after half or more countries agrees.

Message to Russia:

We hope that a non-aggression pact be signed.

=Flight CA-66, Italy borders=

"Captain, Italy had just announced that they had sealed their borders. We would be out of fuel in 20 mintues, and there is no other airports that we could reach other than in Italy."

"Oh my god...Contact Italy and ask for landing permission..."

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"Flight CA-66," came a voice from Flight Control," we're giving you clearance for landing at the nearest airport."

The Pope looked at the report from Turkey," Masterful stroke of political and military genius. The inevitable has been staved off for the moment."

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Message to Italy;

Your Holiness, remember that the vast majority of men are not the paladins of innocence they claim to be. This flight you have allowed. Why was it so close to your borders? Why did it only have enough fuel to land in Italy? Why not any of the many countries surrounding your northern border? And if it was in the South, why did it only have enough fuel to land in Italy? Your borders were sealed! Something here smells dishonest. This is a friendly warning, I'd watch the contents of that aeroplane very carefully if I were you.

Tsar Mikhail Ildvev.


Russian propaganda was finally taking effect. The people were working closely with the machines that tavelled from 01. There were no Turks left for them to lash out at, which was fortunate, but the tension was building.

"How many media stations do we control that can broadcast into Turkey?" The Tsar asked his two closest assistants.

"Three radio,"

"One TV." Vivienne and Vladimyr answered one after the other. "All capable of broadcasting to inside the Turkish border, but not much further." Vivienne added.

"Are we broadcasting our new propaganda there?"

"No, we decided that wouldn't be approp-"

"Do it. Perhaps we can persuade a few to see the light."

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The Pope looked over the message from the Tsar. His eyes widened as he picked up a phone,"Have an armored division get to the airport before that flight lands. If it strays off course shoot it out of the sky!"

Message to Russia:

[hide] Thank you for the warning. We have troops en route to the airport to deal with any problems.[/hide]

Troops to Airport: ETA Next Post

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"Trade agreements with the united states are going well, we can expect 2500 exoskeletons withen the week, several hundred tanks and aircraft also." The man in the darkness said with joy.

"Hmm I still dont belive they responded to our request so willfully." Rodrigues says lighting the cigeret.

"They still mistrust the Russians, Speicaly the new reigme. its not as much to give us Tech its to tell the Russians that the americans are with us."

"We can still thank our grandfathers for letting them place missels in our country during the cold war."

A short laugh."Indeed."

Rodrigues flicked the ash's "How goes the Russian refuge movment into Turkey."

"Good news there also. Movment into Turkey from Chechnia and the Crimea is at all time high. Public opinion of us in those area's is quite high compared to the rest of Russia."

"They spit out propoganda faster then a machine gun spits bullets. We caught them broadcasting radio signels into Turkey trying to cause our people to rise up against us. We promplty jammed the signles and returned the favor."

"Perhaps we should send some diplomats to Russia, to try to ease tensions."

"Yes it will be done."

The diplomats left for Russia.

"INCOMING! WE HAVE INCOMING!" The loudspeaker shouted

"Come on! Come on!" Sharpie grabbed his gear throwing the LI-120 Rifle over his shoulder,"This isnt a drill! Machine attack!"

"The machines are dead, out of Turkey its just a drill." One of the men said half asleep.

A massive explosion could be felt in the distance the barracks shook with force.

"IS that a drill! Get up!" Sharpie shouted

"Hell no it isn't a drill!" The man shouted getting out of bed.

The other men in the platoon responded the same geting their gear and rushing out the door.

The blue skies above were filled with explosions and the white trails of jet aircraft. 01 transports and their escorts were intercepted by 6 sqadrons of the Turkish airforce.

The men were running down the camp screeming and mass confusion was everywhere. Did the Machines finally strike against humanity? Did 01 finnaly start its war against humanity?

"Whats going on?" Philoetius screemed at another runnning soldier.

"01 dropped 2 divisions of troops! Were going to war!"

"Get on! We'll give you a ride!" The M-19 tank captain shouted beckoning the platoon.

They loaded on to two tanks and held on as they left the saftey of the base.

"They landed sometime in the past hour 16th company is still holding somewhere in the southest, 19th Armord collum is reinforcming them, so is the 18th Paratroopers they should hold, We got about 600 of em heading no stop in the east towards Elmali We got to stop them before they hit the city." The tank machine gunner screemed over the roar of the tank.

Sharpie nodded so it had finnaly happend 01 had finnaly launched a offensive the war had finnaly begain he cursed Allah for this.

A large hunk of metel landed 30 feet to the left of the tank, Sharpie looked up the battle above was raging he couldn't tell who was winning but it had to be the Turks 6 sqaudrons and more coming. They stopped the crest of a hill the vally bellow was filled with movment.

Machine movment the whole vally was crawling with it, Former machine workers armed with rifles of everysort and 4 Machine tanks lumbering infront of them.

Everyone hopped off the tanks and hit the ground the 5 human tanks opend fire the main targets the machine tanks two of them went up in balls of flame right away.

The Turkish soldiers hid in the high parie grace waist high they cocked their weapons and waited.

The machine infantry behind opened fire tracer rounds raced back and forth the machine gunners in the tanks spraying the area in 50 cailber rounds.

The Machine tanks turned and fired one tank went up taking the entire crew with it.

Infantry raced up the hill at the tanks but still the turkish marines waited.

Another machine tank exploded only one remainind.

30 or so rockets raced up the hill slamming into the allied armord collum two tanks were vaperized.

"Fire!" The order came out and a hailstorm raced down the hill. Rounds slammed into the droids armord plating vaperizing the circuits and memory cores the fell down destoyed.

The Machine tank exploded the human tank round slamming into its ammuniation center.

Screaming the marines raced down the hill their weapons spewing out death incarnet.

One fired his pistol the round zinging by Ryan's ear. He slammed the but of his rifle in the machines head the neck cracked and the machine went dead.

Tank shells begain to rain down on the charging machines decimating them.

The marines started to fall back in fear of getting hit by their own tanks.

The machine ranks broke and they retreted, running carelessly and abandoing thier dead and dying.

Cries of victory went along the Turkish line. 4 tanks of the machines had been destoyed and at least 60 infantry. 3 human tanks and 12 killed.

Orders came to Ryan and the tank commanders

Procede ASAP to the city of Elmali two machine tank collums and a estimated 500 infantry are hitting the city. Stop them at all costs.

Ryan was he sent a radio tranmission back to base.

"Two tanks and 40 men against 500 infantry and 40 tanks? Are you mad?"

"You have your orders." Was the only reply.

They started off towards the city practicly running the 6 miles to the endge of the city.

They stood on the crest of another hill looking down at the western edge of the city 10 machine tanks were throwing shells into the city carelessly while tracers raced back and forth between ground forces. They looked like ants from this height, the humans were hiding behind a hastily built line of sandbags and debree.

He looked through a pair of bionoculars just in time to watch a tank shell slam into a once massive Catolic cathredral, the stain glass windows shatterd and fell, another round slammed into the building and it started to collaspe.

"We will take the tanks into the city we got a better chance then out in the open, reinforce that line or head into the city." The tank commander said

Ryan nodded and signled for his troops to fallow

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The Pope gripped the handrailing of the balcony," Are you certain?"

"The Cathedral was destroyed Holy Father," confirmed an aide.

"Those hellspawned infidel Turks have placed our people in the firing lines by provoking 01 into war," sighed the Pope," Send 01 a message saying the Turks have gone too far."

"Yes Holy Father," said the aide moving to leave.

"One more thing," added the Pope from the balcony," Mobilize the military. If Turkey makes a possible move this way, we will hit them back...harder."

Meanwhile the armored division took up its place at the airport.

Evacuation of Catholic Clergy from Turkey to neighboring nations: 50% Complete next post

Mass Mobilization of Military: 25%, 25% per post.

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"Come on you chumps! Lets show these machines who their dealing with! Lets give them a taste of Galipo!" Sharpie led them into the city deciding it was safer then facing the tank hoards.

They raced down the street the civilans rushing in the oposit direction, 5 or six men with rifles and decided to tag along, Sharpie decided he might as well use their help, he could use it as long as they did what he told them.

"Set up machine gun possitions here, here and here." Ryan pointed towards the two corners and into the buildings above, latest radio information confirmed the machines would be heading down this road in a matter of minutes, reinforcments were coming in from El Tora in 30 minutes, he hoped his men could hold out till then.

"Set up that morter their, I want that road mined damnit! hurry up!" He shouted the men scrambling to do his biddings the 7 rifle men set up behind a broken concrete wall.

Sharpie Waited and hoped for Allah's help.

"Basterd Romans!" Rodrigues cursed.

"We expected them to do this, they are machine sympathizers. I wouldn't be surpised if they actully allied them selfs with the basterided machines." The familer man in the darkness stated smoke trailing from his cigeret

"Indeed, They have orderd their preists out, most are staying not wanting to abanndon their churchs."

"They will probebly take this as a sigh of aggresion against them."

"Remind them that 5% of our population is catholic, Many of the Preists are Turkish citizens and do not have to do as Rome tells them."

"They wont like that either."

"Very well, Have all the preists who wish to stay, become Eastern Orthadox christans in name but remain Catholic in pracice. How many percent of the Preists and clergymen wish to stay?"


"Tell Rome that we did nothing to stop them from leaving. Which is the truth, and ask why they threaten us with hostile agression."

"I can awnser that for you, becouse they fear us."

"Probebly, But we dont need any more enemies, send them a olive branch perhaps we can still mend relations."


"And Perhaps i'm a chinease jet pioliot, but we must try none the less."


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I am spain.

character name: Jaq Draco

Spain is has a small yet elite military.

the Rhino APC rumbled across the ruined city, the apc was all black with white maltese crosses adorning the sides and a crest of the double headed eagle on the left side door.

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the lumbering beast came to a halt filling the sky with its black hot breath. The rear door swung down into a ramp as a sqaud of spanish marines exited the vehicle. "Commander Santesteven shall we leave you hear?" came the voice of the the APC's driver through the marines headset. "Yes, go through block IV of the city, resistance is low there" the hardened veteren replied. " as you wish, may god be with you"

the Rhino rumbled of in to the distance, the gunner peering out of the roof of the APC swiveling the massive machine gun each direct looking for the slightest glint of metal from enemy troops.

*heres a pic of the sqaud mentioned and the rhino*


the first guys not part of the sqaud and the 2nd guy with the big sword is my character in armor[attachment archived by Gobalopper]

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The sqaud ran from building to building searching for any signs of enemy troops. The sqaud was comprised of 10 Spanish special forces mariens code named the adeptus astartes. The 8 foot tall super humans were clad in black armor with gold rimmen shoulderpads and their gold fists the only color in them besides their gunmetal weapons and packs. Sergeant Santesteven was the only sqaud member without a helmet or filter mask. His chain sword was resting on his shoulder as he leveled his pistol and squeezed two shots off.


screamed his pistol as two massive bolts shot from his gun. the massive bolts ignited their small rockets in the back a split sencong from emerging from the weapons mouth propelling themselves at even greater speeds. The two shells hit the wall of an old apartment building blowing holes the size of a basketball as the shells exploded.

as the smoke cleared metallic objects could be seen moving behind the wall though the two massive holes. "Fire," whispered the sergeant to his men though their com-channel. RAAAAK RAAAAAAAK RAAAAK RAAAAK RAAAAK RAAAAK! MAssive bolts barraged the building creating massive creaters in the walls and foundataion. a missle was fired at the building creating a devastating explosion of metal pieces and concrete three of the robotic fiends where obliterated instantly and another seven were missing limbs. The Heavy Bolter manned by one the marines wearing an extra large pack holding thousands of bolter rounds, spewing out shells that would fall down in an arc spinning in mid-air, to bounce on the ground, smoke rising from the hot metal.

"cease fire," was the message that came over the com-channel. Smake was clearing from the area that was an appartment reavealing piles of rubble and destroyed machines sparking on the grounds desperatly trying to reboot their systems only to shut-down due to massive power loss. " Sergeant Santesteven requesting thunderhawk pick up over?" "roger that commander, ETA is 12 minutes see you then"

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"Damnit! They're at our six!"

"Captain, we can't shake them off!"

"Lower altitude and increase to full speed. We're doomed, but we must make sure that 'they' would not."

CA-66 forced landing in Italy. The aircraft soon exploded after landing. No one survived, except 'them'...They would continue to follow their orders, and head towards Rome...

=Arab Penisula=

The Chinese T-130s had just flown over the border of 01. The machines performed a lock-on on them, and sent a message to order them to go away. They did, but had also deployed their cargos before leaving.


"Premier, the machines had gone offensive. And CA-66 had been shot down."

"So it had happened finally...sent a message to Turkey. And contact 'them' to check their status! "

Message to Turkey:

[hide]We could provide military assitance of 500 exo-skeletons in 2 posts time, if you request so. They would wear the paintjob of the Turkey infantry though.[/hide]

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Soldiers began to fire water cannons into the wreckage trying to put out the flames. Whoever was in there was most likely dead now.

=Vatican City, St. Peter's Bascilica=

"I want security around Rome increased," said the Pope warily," I think we've got assassins..."

"Yes Holiness," said the Cardinal and walked off.

"Make examples of those Priests who are 'converting' also," added the Pope.

=Ankarra, Turkey=

The 'Eastern Orthodox' Priest finished blessing the Eucharist when he fell backword, his chest bursting forth in a shower of blood.

=Istanbul, Turkey=

An explosion ripped through the now 'Eastern Orthodox' Cathedral. The stained glass windows burst out and then the entire building collapsed on the traitors to the Church.

=Vatican City=

"We have made two examples Holiness," said the Cardinal.

"Good, but you appear distressed my son, what is the problem," said the Pope.

"The Turk/Machine/Chinese War has begun..."

Priests that will leave Turkey Evac: Complete.

Military Mobilization: 50%, rising 25% per post.

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Patriarch Sullyman looked over the report, The basterdized Catholics had finally taken the fued to violence, destroyed two Churchs. Killed dozens, how dare they.

"Shall we strike back?" The Priest asked.

"Yes, have our agents in Venice plant the explosives. And in Rome."

"It will be done."

The Cathridral in Venice was suddenly shook by a massive explosion, the stain glass window's shatterd the explosive charges destroying the building in the middle of mass. A estimated 125 were killed in the explosion.

The Same happend in Rome only miles from Vatican City.

"Ahhh!" The wounded man cried out holding his arm. Rounds picked at the concret wall a seemingly wall of machines kept coming one after another.

The battle was caotic, the road was being held, but one after another the humans were falling.

Sharpie stuck another mag into the rifle and stuck his head up, another burst another basterd down.

"Sir we cant hold out much longer!" One of the troops shouted over the gun fire.

"Bullshit! Kill em all!" Sharpie hurled Gernade as far as he could and watched the explosion.

The machine guns in the windows above were firing at full capacity trying to keep the machines back from this crucial cross road.

The Three milia men stood up and fired their rifles, all of them were cut down their chests exploding in red spurts.

"Shit!" Ryan cursed

"Im out!" Philoetius spat he pulled out his side arm the rounds racing out as fast as he could pull the triger.

"Fix Bayonets!" Ryan Shouted Ataching the 8 inch blade to his Rifle, it was a last despret mesure they couldnt let the machines into the center of town, the result would be catostrophic.

The others looked at him for a moment but obliged

"Im out!" Another man screemed hurling a gernade towards the mass of metel infront of them.

"Charge my Jannisaries! Charge!" He stood up, and fired his last rounds leaping over the concret wall.

The others screemed joining him in the sucide charge.

They fell infront of him all of them collapsing into mettalic heaps. Sharpie looked behind him 30 Exo Skeletons had jumped onto the buildings around them. They had made it!

Sharpie Raised his rifle towards them and cheered! The reinforcements had arived.

Messege to China


We accept your offer


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"So much has happened and we've been so slow to react to it..." Tsar Mikhail sighed. "I want to avoid armed conflict at all costs though, war is expensive in more then one sense of the word."

"Refugee momement into Turkey-"

"Don't tell me, it's getting worse?"

"Actually, it's slowed to a trickle." Vladimyr smiled. "It seems the new outbreak of violence has changed a few minds."

"Are we letting anyone in?"

"Only non-Turks and machines. Speaking of which, we do have several hundred machines who escaped from Turkey during the ah... heh heh... Holocaust."

"I like it." Vivienne grinned nastily, "Is that in the propaganda?"

"It is now."

"Speaking of which, we caught Turkish signals trying to copy our techniques. They've been jammed with static output, they can't broadcast into Russia now. And on certain wavelengths, into Turkey either."

"How goes things in China?" The Tsar pointed to a large question mark on the map.

"Strange." Vladimyr raised an eyebrow. "They are hostile towards all of our allies and yet wish to sign a non-agression pact with us."

"If they agree to cease hostilities, I'll sign it. If not, forget it." The Tsar ordered. "Either way, strengthen the border, a few new fortresses."

"There also seems to be a form of jihad raging through Italy and Turkey. Churches destroyed on either side. Priests converting and running..." Vladimyr listed.

"Milan, Turin, and Naples are all under closer guard." Vivienne pointed to little red dots on the map. "Rome and Venice have already been hit."

"I took a holiday in Venice once..." The Tsar mused, "It was a nice place..."


"Call for UN sanctions against Turkey, annoy the americans as much as possible, say they're helping the new nazis."

"I'm sure they'll love that..."

"Idea. How many catholics are in Russia?"

"Countless thousands. To be absolutely certain we're not sure. Records from most of the twentieth century have either been destroyed or lost and that makes organising all the records that came after them extremely difficult."

"Make sure they're happy. Oh, and stick something inthe progaganda campaign for them. Something about a 'holy alliance' with Rome against the infidel Turks, that'll do nicely."

"Speaking of infidel Turks..." Vivienne brought up a new document on her laptop, "They sent a diplomatic delegation to us some time ago, the only Turkish group we've allowed into the country."

"I assume they we thourghly searched?"


"Still, no chances. Where are they?"

"In a hotel about two miles outside of Moscow, surrounded by Russian armed guards." Vivienne took a small device out of a leather pouch. "Will you speak to them now?"

"Yes, I might as well." The Tsar sighed. "Turn the camera on." There was a pause while electrical and human organisation took place, and then a face appeared on the screen.

"I'd appologise for keeping you waiting," The Tsar began calmly, "But frankly compared with what I'd like to do with you it's a walk in the park for you at the moment. Now tell me, what is it you could possibly have to discuss with me?"

Negatiations with 01 over Projects 1 and 2. Status: 33%.

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The Turkish diplomat started.

"Turkey has expressed its interests in mending relations with its former friends the Russians. Their is no reason why such feelings should be felt between our two great nations, What would it take to mend relations between our natiotns?"

"The machine offensive was launched in order for them to form a beach head, here, here, and here." General Padasha pointed to the digital map on the wall.

"So they planed on launching a full scale military invasion?" Rodrgiues stated.

"Yes if it wasnt for the swift action of our airforce in managing to shoot down 60% of the force before it deployed and the ground forces in stoping it from seizing the town and the vally. We would have been unable to relive our forces on the beach head."

"So we narrowly avoided disaster." Rodrigues stated

"Yes, We lost 620 Soldiers, The machines lost 3,500. Most were taken out in the air."

"Has 01 made anymore hostile actions?"

"No. What do you suggest we do now mr President?"

"Srike back."

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" 3...2...1... GO GO GO!" Screamed the sergeant over the loud rumbling of the valkries engines. SPanish gaurd jump out of the planes side doors as gunner's sprayed the black sandy landscape below. Tiny pairs of orage glow pilled the night sky as hundreds Spanish paratroops jumped from valkyrie and thunderhawk gunships. several thunderhawk gunships were carrying leman russ battletanks underbelly. The massive thunder hawks rained down on enemy emplacements with heavy bolter fire and missles, occasionally firing their massive battle cannons.

transmission to Turkey:

[hide] We have dropped off 2,500 spanish gaurd abnd 20 leman russ battle tanks near northen saudi arabia. [/hide]

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