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Fed2k Heroes - A new beginning


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OK, the last one was a drive through a mountain range. Let's hope that this time it does not drive down the same path. Though this is a new thread, please remember that GoldEagle and Inoculator9 were the ones who started this mod, and released the BETA. This new thread was created because the old one was filled with spam and was getting off-topic at times. Here are some suggestive rules for how it should run this time through...

-If you want to be in the mod, then you supply the coding for it.

-If you do not know how to create your unit, then ask somebody who knows how, or post in this thread and myself, or another member of the Fed2k Heroes team will make it for you.

-All credit will be given where it is deserved, if you feel that you should be in the credit list, IM one of the team members.

I also would like to help to make this a team effort with older members of the modding community helping out the newer ones with their problems.

I also want to apologize to DukeLeto for starting this thread without telling him...

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I'd like to have my own unit, although i dont know how to make one. It would be the atriedies duke model, its cape black and clothing a greyish color like a stilsuit if possible. I like the idea of using a knife when within close range, is that possible? he'd be duncans ghola of course

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My code is third from bottom on the last page on the old thread.

My unit

Code for rules.txt:

Score = 3
House = Ix
StormDamage=10 //only damages is never picked up
PrimaryBuilding = IXResCentre
UnitGroup = FromIXResCentre
Terrain = Rock, Sand, NBRock, Ramp
Cost = 1200
BuildTime = 499
Size = 2
HeightOffset = 8
Speed = 24
TurnRate = 0.05 //radians per update
Armour = Aircraft
Health = 1600
CanFly = TRUE
TurretAttach = IXOrniGun
//SoundSelected = PilotSelected
//SoundOrdered = PilotOrdered
//SoundID = 41
ExplosionType = AerialExplosion
Debris = DebrisMedium
AiAir = TRUE
TechLevel = 5
Starportable = FALSE
//ReinforcementValue = 8
UpgradedPrimaryRequired = TRUE
DamageEffect = MediumDamageFX
ChaosEffect = MediumChaosFX
HawkEffect = MediumHawkFX
HitSlowDownAmount = 50 // Percent (100 = complete stop)
HitSlowDownDuration = 100 // ticks
ViewRange = 4, 8
ExcludeFromSkirmishLose = TRUE
GetsHeightAdvantage = FALSE
AIThreat = 80
// LEVEL 1 ----------------------------------
VeterancyLevel = 8 // Score required
ExtraDamage = 25

// LEVEL 2 ----------------------------------
VeterancyLevel = 18
Speed = 30 // Careful - don't go above 32!

// LEVEL 3 ----------------------------------
VeterancyLevel = 32
ExtraDamage = 50 // 50% more damage - applied to all weapons
ExtraArmour = 100 // Takes 50% less damage

TurretMinYRotation = -90.0
TurretMaxYRotation = 90.0
TurretYRotationAngle = 2.0
TurretBulletCount = 10
Bullet = IXOrni_B
ReloadCount = 30

MaxRange = 12
Speed = 20//10.0
ExplosionType = ShellHit
Debris = DebrisSmall
Damage = 850
Warhead = DevPlasma_W
ExplosionType = DevImpact
BlowUp = TRUE //infantry death anim
FriendlyDamageAmount = 50

Code for artini.txt:

Icon = "iconsIX_Ornithopter.tga"
IconGrey = "iconsgrey_IX_Ornithopter.tga"
Xaf = "IX_Ornithopter"
SideBarType = "Units"
ClipSphere = 60

Xaf = "devplasma.xaf"

Code for E_Output_Text_Pickup.txt:

IXOrni {nEwT's Ixian Thopter}

Code for GeneralSFX:

;dko ornithopter ascend

;dko ornithopter descend

Sounds = $44-UA00 ;"Firing sequence initiated."
Sounds = $44-UA01 ;"Open fire - all weapons."
Sounds = $44-UA06 ;"Weapons to maximum."

Sounds = $44-US01 ;"Reactors stable"
Sounds = $44-US03 ;"Radiation? Heh.. Whatever"
Sounds = $44-US06 ;"I feel sick."
Sounds = $44-US07 ;"Devastator on-line."
Sounds = $44-US08 ;"Radiation level high"

Sounds = $44-UM01 ;"Drives engaged."
Sounds = $44-UM05 ;"Control rods engaged."
Sounds = $44-UM06 ;"Reactor online."
Sounds = $44-UM09 ;"Reactor at maximum."

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With a little bit of help from Salvatore, I managed to make my own unit! :)

Thank you for your help, Salvatore!

The unit is called Cyborg Titan.

It is a unit with very low damage, fast refire rate, and very, very thick hull.

It is good against infantry, and about acceptable against more heavy enemies.

Its range give it a good advantage, and its ability to detect stealth in a nice radius is a good reason to always have at least one in your army.

It is a quite balanced unit, which fits into the unmodded game without being too good or bad. It requires a portion of tactic to make the best use of it, though.

Main unit code:

Score = 15
House = Atreides
StormDamage=1 //only damages is never picked up
PrimaryBuilding = ATFactory
UpgradedPrimaryRequired = TRUE
UnitGroup = FromFactory
Terrain = Rock, Sand, NBRock, Ramp
Cost = 4500
BuildTime = 900
Size = 2
Speed = 10 //4.0 pontential problem for mechs //game coord per update
MechSpeed = 3
TurnRate = 0.4  //radians per update
Mech = 1
TurretAttach = ATCyborgMissile //MLF:BUG , ATMongooseLight
Armour = Heavy
Health = 20000
UnstealthRange = 10
//SoundSelected = Selected
//SoundOrdered = Ordered
//SoundID = 28
ExplosionType = Explosion
ViewRange = 10,20,InfRock
Debris = DebrisMedium
AiTank = TRUE
TechLevel = 3
Starportable = TRUE //order from starport (if atreides)
ReinforcementValue = 10
Crushes = TRUE
DamageEffect = SmallDamageFX
ChaosEffect = SmallChaosFX
HawkEffect = SmallHawkFX
TastyToWorms = True
WormAttraction = 4
CanMoveAnyDirection = TRUE
HitSlowDownAmount = 5  // Percent (100 = complete stop)
HitSlowDownDuration = 100 // ticks
AIThreat = 80
RoofHeight = 45

// LEVEL 1 ----------------------------------
VeterancyLevel = 16  // Score required
ExtraArmour = 10
Health = 21000

// LEVEL 2 ----------------------------------
VeterancyLevel = 32
ExtraArmour = 20 // Takes 50% less damage
CanselfRepair = 1
Health = 22000

// LEVEL 3 ----------------------------------
VeterancyLevel = 64
CanselfRepair = 2
ExtraArmour = 30
Health = 23000

// LEVEL 4 ----------------------------------
VeterancyLevel = 128
CanselfRepair = 3
ExtraArmour = 40
Health = 25000

// LEVEL 5 ----------------------------------
VeterancyLevel = 256
CanselfRepair = 5
ExtraRange = 50
ExtraArmour = 80
Health = 30000

Weapon code:

TurretMinYRotation  = -190.0
TurretMaxYRotation  = 190.0
TurretYRotationAngle  = 3.0
TurretMuzzleFlash  = Muzzle3
Bullet = CYBORG_B
ReloadCount = 5

Bullet code:

MaxRange = 20
Homing = true
Speed = 40//14.0
TurnRate = 0.6 //radians per tick
ExplosionType = MissileHit
Debris = DebrisSmall
Damage = 200
AntiAircraft = true
Warhead = CYBORG_W
BlowUp = TRUE //infantry death anim
MissileTrailWiggleFreq = 80
MissileTrailLength = 7
MissileTrailDelta = 0.8

Warhead Code:

None = 80
Earplugs = 80
BPV = 80
Light = 80
Medium = 90
Heavy = 100
Concrete = 80
Walls = 10
Building = 10
CY = 10
Harvester = 1
Invulnerable = 0
Aircraft = 100

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Glad someone finally got around to making a new topic. This is the unit I've created, under the belief that only one of each 'hero' can be built at a time.

Feel free to check it, after all I've never made a mod and there's most likely something wrong. Just tell me if you want something changed, yes?

I believe Salvatore was working on the model etc, yes? Thanks. :)


Score = 2

DustScout = TRUE

House = Ordos

StormDamage=10 //only damages is never picked up

PrimaryBuilding = ORFactory //only built in ORFactory

UnitGroup = FromFactory

Terrain = Rock, Sand, NBRock, Ramp, DustBowl

Cost = 1350

BuildTime = 150 //was 260

Size = 2

Speed = 18.2 //game coord per update

TurnRate = 1.3 //0.05 //radians per update

Armour = Light

Health = 2800 //was 900

StealthedWhenStill = TRUE

TurretAttach = ORDustGun

SpecialGround = DustBowl //should be DustBowl

CanSelfRepair = 3 //per model tick

//SoundSelected = Selected

//SoundOrdered = Ordered

ExplosionType = SmExplosion

ViewRange = 16,8,InfRock

Debris = DebrisSmall

AiTank = TRUE

TechLevel = 2

Starportable = TRUE //order from starport (if ordos)

ReinforcementValue = 5

crushes = TRUE

DamageEffect = MediumDamageFX

ChaosEffect = SmallChaosFX

HawkEffect = MediumHawkFX

TastyToWorms = True

WormAttraction = 4

CanMoveAnyDirection = TRUE

UnstealthRange = 7

HitSlowDownAmount = 87 // Percent (100 = complete stop)

HitSlowDownDuration = 40 // ticks

GetsHeightAdvantage = FALSE

Roofheight = 10

AIThreat = 50

// LEVEL 1 ----------------------------------

VeterancyLevel = 8 // Score required

ExtraArmour = 50 // Takes 50% less damage

// LEVEL 2 ----------------------------------

VeterancyLevel = 20

ExtraArmour = 75 // Takes 75% less damage

// LEVEL 3 ----------------------------------

VeterancyLevel = 40

ExtraDamage = 50 // 50% more damage - applied to all weapons

ExtraRange = 50 // 50% extra range


TurretMuzzleFlash = Muzzle1

Bullet = MMG_B

ReloadCount = 50

[MMG_B]//Data taken from straight bomb

Speed = -1 // Conceptual (was 20)

MaxRange = 9

Debris = DebrisSmall

Damage = 700 //was 313

Warhead = LMG_W

ExplosionType = mghit

Shot = TRUE //infantry death anim


None = 100

Earplugs = 100

BPV = 790

Light = 320

Medium = 300

Heavy = 700

Concrete = 100

Walls = 120

Building = 20 //was 20

CY = 15 //was 15

Harvester = 27 //was 25

Invulnerable = 1

Aircraft = 800

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WormRider = TRUE

House = Fremen

Terrain = Sand, infrock

Cost = 150

Size = 3

Speed = 10.0 //game coord per update

TurnRate = 0.05 //radians per update

Armour = BPV

Health = 10000

//SoundSelected = Selected

//SoundOrdered = Ordered

ViewRange = 24

Resource = FRandrew

TurretAttach = WormRiderGun

ChaosEffect = LargeChaosFX

HawkEffect = LargeHawkFX

AiFoot = TRUE

CanBeDeviated = FALSE


AdvancedFremen = TRUE

House = Fremen

PrimaryBuilding = FRCamp

UnitGroup = FromFRCamp

UpgradedPrimaryRequired = TRUE

Terrain = Rock, Sand, NBRock, InfRock, Ramp

SpecialGround = Sand //only deploy thumper on sand

Cost = 600

BuildTime = 589

Stealthed = TRUE

Size = 1

Speed = 8.0 //game coord per update

TurnRate = 0.2 //radians per update

Armour = BPV, 50, InfRock

Health = 4000

Infantry = true

//SoundSelected = Selected

//SoundOrdered = Ordered

//SoundID = 47

ViewRange = 12

Aispecial = TRUE

TechLevel = 5

Resource = FRandrewworm

ObjectTypeWhenGone = WormSign0

ChaosEffect = SmallChaosFX

HawkEffect = SmallHawkFX

TastyToWorms = True

WormAttraction = 0

Crushable = False

CanMoveAnyDirection = TRUE

CrateGift = TRUE

CanBeDeviated = FALSE

AIThreat = 70

CanBeRepaired = FALSE


Icon = "iconsworm.tga"

IconGrey = "iconsGrey_worm.tga"

Xaf = "WORM"

SideBarType = "Infantry"

CrapShadowSize = 0


Icon = "iconsFR_ADVFremen.tga"

IconGrey = "iconsgrey_FR_ADVFremen.tga"

Xaf = "FR_ADVFremen"

SideBarType = "Infantry"

Theres mine again.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Can I be a Superweapon? Something called "The Procyon Storm", which is basically the coriolis whirlwind, but with a better damage to buildings and vehicles. I love to see the HK light infantry firing from inside the whirlwind while they are flying!! ;D

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