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Everything posted by sycplayer

  1. yeah it is pretty rare to have all those game :O
  2. i wanna say 1 thing DONT QUIT WHEN ITS FOR FUN!!! ;D
  3. good to have ya!
  4. yeah great JOB FED2K!!!!!
  5. a laster tank is all i need...
  6. but only the right side shown
  7. WOW this is awesome is it out yet!?!?!?!?
  8. and 1 more thing when is the next tornement goin to be ??? and sry gob i didnt see the modify button till now
  9. y does every one keep doing the same discussion top player of emp...best player emp ect.
  10. good question because i am making my own clan i play and try to get noticed(make them think u r good)and ask them.they will wanna join a clan woth a good clan leader.
  11. lol like u can afford that without any refs...thats just wierd :-
  12. i think that..........brennq will win ;D
  13. hmmmmmmmmmmmm... ???
  14. jeez i knew u were good but it shows for ppl that havent played u KNOW u now! :)
  15. Congrats brennq! jeez u always win :O :O :O :O :O :O
  16. its ok i dont mind :)
  17. ummm i am not so sure bout zilents he is good but not that good
  18. exactly i am glad u see my piont and yes the chem inf is very good too
  19. u know i put AA troopers in my base and i have a group of 5 apc and chase around the spice with them :)
  21. yeah but DH isnt used for inf its used for buildings in the first place
  22. it depends ho u use each house
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