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Everything posted by Harkdawg

  1. Atreides APC + engineers > ? ? ? > Profit
  2. i play every know and then
  3. Can anyone help me with an email address, i need to talk to RA (about the emp server).
  4. Atreides ... the good guys ::) honorable,noble and all that other stuff :)
  5. i did get a feeling to play a few, but i have lost my disks. Maybe if i find somewhere to download emp ill play once in a while.
  6. Well im more of Buddist then if anything. We all have certain interests and hobbies, one of mine is to read about "God" , the universe, how we became to be ... etc. In the end, everyone will just accquire information and will choose what parts they find best for them to belive and base theyre views upon it. My view on how Christians define the World and "God" ...is rather unhealty . In the modern World ... the way people come up with such redicolous theories to support theyre world view (example Creationism). Its like people are putting together a Puzzle of many little pieces and some people force a wrong piece where it clearly shouldnt be, yet they say "It Fits" . The strict following of the Bible ... The Bible is just a book, one of wich origin i highly doubt is what Christians belive it to be. IMO "Bible" was originally a good story book with maybe some good philosophical ideas about our life, BUT through the ages its been interpretated by sooooo many various people that its originally message was long lost. Same about Jesus Christ, i belive such man walked this Earth, but rather he was a great scholar, an enlightened person, whos existance has been misinterpretated over the ages to our Savior and all that comes with it. But hey Guns ! :) I never ment to attack anyone with what ive said and i like you nonetheless of youre religious beliefs and views. Youre a good guy and i respect you :)
  7. First, i am more of a spiritual kind and not a religious person Second, i do belive in "God" , but what one means by God ... varies alot, what i think about God is very different from what a religious christian means by God Gods Moral Authority ... In my opinion, the christians have misunderstood what "God" is and my biggest beef is that they belive there is this allpowerful being who created all this , who is morally PERFECT !!!! And , get this now, he made it so that humans (made in the image of HIM ) are this bad grooked bunch and need to redeem themselves so they could be with him otherwise they are punished in hell of eternal suffering ........ i mean thats just LOL , seriously the Alpha and the Omega , the Origin of everything, the MORAL PERFECTNESS .... acts like a bully who had a tough childhood and is having hes vengenace upon us ???? Think about it for a second and realize, just how redicolous it sounds ... People .... Make Love - not War
  8. Harkonnen Inkvines are the only real annoyance to a Mino March, well it wasnt really in the old days when it wasnt taboo to use Guild. I had SardGuild as subhouses and NIAB's mowed all the Inkvines down with ezzz, but if you play without Guild and youre Ally isnt ordos to give you a Fac for lazertanks you can get annoyed by the Inkvines.
  9. Elsi, i agree with DelugeD here. Emp, or any other game for that matter is nothing compared to youre life. A wife or a woman is >>>>> any game . You have to let go of it and play every now and then when u get a chance not the other way around, that you live youre life every now and then. Im sure you can get new Emp fom ebay or download it from net, but think, you have to manage youre time and most importantly to live youre life. Now if you did not like the girl and delibarately wanted to get rid of her, then i guess it worked (but if she was about to be youre wife then things couldnt have gotten that far without realizeing if youd want her to be youre wife) After its all said and done, i hope everything works out for you Elsi !!
  10. Yep, still have it somewhere. A brownish colored shirt with a Emperor logo infront and Fremen Sniper on the back :)
  11. I have the OST, i won it back in the starting of emperor where there was Devs vs The PLayers evenings. However i dont think im gonna bother uploading it :( I hope someone else will though
  12. Hey guys! So im planing on buying new computer (well parts and then construct the thingy) and i wanted to ask about videocards. Well im definately going for ATI, and right now i think ill get X850XT, by the time i start buying the parts (DecembreJanuary) they are pretty low prices by then. But ive heard some "Crossfire" Thingy and Special Motherboards for it. Now as i understand the Crossfire is with 2 VideoCards, im not gonna buy 2 videocards. So i wanted to ask if i need to get a "Special" motherboard for the X850XT ? or can i just buy a regular one with a PCI-E slot and all is good ?
  13. Atreides are the Powerhouse. Sure, they require a different gameplay as opposed to Ordos or Harkonnen, but they are not weak by any means. Atreides are more defencive, atleast at start, but every minute the game lasts longer the scales start to tilt towards Atreides player, until u are faceing a heavy Mino March with a crapload of Support with them.
  14. Harkdawg

    Vanguard: SoH

    Well, you are in US and im in EU, dunno if we can play on same server
  15. Harkdawg

    Vanguard: SoH

    Meh, ive been watching some small Vanguard clips latewly and getting more info on the game and i must say im pretty interested, its looking really SOLID ! I think ill acctually get it, heck, there is still a year or more to Warhammer anyway and Vanguard is due to Release at worst in February !!!! I like how its not soooo effin childish like WoW and the complexity of the customisation for the Charachter you can do is incredible!!!! Though i havent seen much of the actual combat system and Class specific abilites, but the much they have on the video clips looks good.
  16. Like Rebirth here i also quit WoW after playing it for about 8 months. I had my reasons and i posted them in the V:SoH Thread. But i like the Genre and i am also awaiting another MMORPG , im waiting for WARHAMMER:Online
  17. Harkdawg

    Vanguard: SoH

    I at some point was also really looking forward to SoH, however ... it really has no PvP, nor is it at any focus in the Game. And me being a hungry PvP person i discarded V:SoH. Having played WoW for past 7-8 months i finally gave it up, closed my subscription. I got to say i liked WoW, but there are also sooooo many BEEFS i have with it and Blizzard is not takeing theyre game towards the direction i was hoping. WoW is too goofy, its too "Controlled" , too instanced and too cartoonish most of the time. Hell, i wanted WoW to be more of a FFA style PvP game, Big raids to major Citys and good rewards in PvP. THe PvE part should be a minor sidekick in the game, however its all PvE and only PvP in instaces ... i did play on PvP server, but the world PvP is basically nonexistent. I wanted to raid Citys and kill everything on the Opposite faction, like in previous Warcraft games, its PvP , races fight eachother, not a Dungeon Monsters to get new items.... In an Instance As i said, WoW is too "Controlled" by Blizzard, they dont allow razeing a City to the Ground or kill all the opposite faction members. Too "Instanced" ... Raid or Die ... people just raid Instances. Too "Childish" ,its soo friggen contained enviroment that no real War could wage, its too Emo, like little children playing .... But i have to say, i do like RPGMMORPG Genre, its quite fun i must admit and thats why im waiting certain another MMORPG to come wich is by the looks exactly what i want, im talking about WARHAMMER:Online ofcourse. Since my computer is sooo outdated i cant play anything really on it anymore, but i wont buy new one until Warhammer is close to release sometime in 2007 so i can buy better computer cheaper ! :)
  18. Atreides will have an edge over Ordos due to Mino fireing range, thats about it. Ofcourse this wont mean immediately that an Ordos will lose, it boils down to players and other tactics they can come up with, but yes, Atreides > Ordos Ordos > Harkonnen Harkonnen > Atreides By Default they have edge
  19. Depends on map and the enemie House. You can try, windtrap > Fac > Barracks > Ref > Ref > Sard > Sard > Sard > Ref After building Fac and Barracks start pumping Bikes and Light Infantry, but scout the map first and then u can see what the enemie is up to. If he rushes keep pumping units and slowly try to keep building the economoy up. After second Ref dont build sards immediately but rather upgrade the 2 first to max then make sards or youll be out of money fast enough. But there are more things to do about beating a rush than just BO, like *try to fight in ure spice field *Good timing when to use ure units for offence and when to retreat a little *When in deep trouble run to base and once he follows deploy turret and fight around it *If the enemie has more units, that doesnt mean a loss to you. Mind over Matter :)
  20. Ill give a late replay. Like Erjin said it would be xtreme timing, wich is practically impossible to accomplish. AND the "circle of warriors" are mostly Dupes themselves and when u make Dupes to defend duplicators you have like 5-6 duplicators minimum , u will pump out about 30 units very fast. So the "circle of warriors" isnt a few hidden Fremens but a rather large number of Duped fremen warriors or any other unit /sard etc. And finally, when things are about to go down it will take again very little time to duplicate defence from 5-6 duplicators and u can choose variety of units to duplicate for any situation. Like u can see the thing with duplicators is Power in Numbers. 10 Duplicators pumping in a corner of the map , you will have about 100 units in 10 seconds, click 1 press T and cntrl + shift click them to enemie , Repeat. In a mere minute or two whole map should be crawling with little dots of youre color, not easy to defend this.
  21. The Forsaken Section .... good times :) ...
  22. I got oblivion and i have to say, it must be made for high end computers. While im sure the graphics shine beautiful on the high end comps... i have more of a low end comp, Athlon 2800+ , 768 MB ram , Radeon 9600 pro, i play it on 1024*768 and additional stuff all OFF , the game runs smooth HOWEVER it looks like Gothic 1 even lot inferior than WoW . So if one wants to see the graphical beauty u better get the highest machines out there :
  23. Harkdawg

    Dark and Light

    Hey guys! What u think about it ? It will be released on 27/04 . I canceld my subscription today to WoW and looking for other past times .Almost got Oblivion to play some single player, but i like MMO's and Vanguard is i predict still few-several months away. http://www.darkandlight.net/ http://www.darkandlight.net/IMG/jpg/Shot027_redimensionner.jpg
  24. i had same problem on my laptop, only at 79 % with a *.bik file. On one die i tryed again and it worked , dont know what was wrong
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