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Everything posted by NHJ BV

  1. That is true, but there would have been a Dune 7 by Frank Herbert anyway, so the couple also needed to have some real function in the storyline. If it was the last book in the series I'd agree, but there has to have been more to them than that.
  2. You could try. Or call the guy and speak really really loud.
  3. By chance I came across this advert; someone is selling a 1978 Dune Calendar on the Dutch site Marktplaats, and while I'm not really interested in it myself (I think it's kind of ugly, except one or two pages), I thought maybe someone else here was interested. The advert was placed only an hour ago so if you're quick you might grab it first. Since on this site it's usually not about bidding but more about calling/mailing the seller and making him an offer, it's kind of hard for non-Dutch speaking people to contact the author I'm afraid. You could try calling him and ask if he's willing to ship it internationally though. http://koopjes.marktplaats.nl/boeken_en_tijdschriften/science_fiction_en_fantasie/46615900.html This site http://encyklopedie.dune.cz/Duneart/js/cal0.htm has all the pages listed.
  4. Kari Wuhrer...ugh. I don't think she's that hot, and Tanya from Red Alert 1 was much better looking :) Concerning the movie, the discovery of Tiberium and the First Tiberium War could make a decent movie if done right.
  5. I'll read it once my local library has it, but I'm not buying it.
  6. I have those words underlined as well, so it'in the .pdf itself. No idea why they did it, it would make sense to make Ithaca cursive, for example, but underlining it is weird. Anyway, I don't really see why a Reverend Mother would allow herself to be needlessly tortured; they could stop their own hearts after all.
  7. Okay, but still, there's no reason why a heighliner would not be in space except for construction and maybe maintenance.
  8. Why would a heighliner not be in space? Except for construction on Ix.
  9. Wouldn't it be possible for a BG to gain a Letoworm's Other Memories the same way BG's can share memories? Like Taraza and Odrade. I guess it's difficult when the other doesn't cooperate though.
  10. The originals said quite clearly that Leto II's consciousness was in a sort of dream-like state, I didn't take it as a metaphor myself.
  11. Chapter four is up as well: http://www.dunenovels.com/dune7blog/chapters/Hunters-Chapter04.pdf It's an okay read, and seems to hint at a possible re-awakening of Leto II.
  12. Chapter three is up. Not bad.
  13. I thought the writing was OK until the Oracle of Time came out of ****ing nowhere. Seriously, what?
  14. I wrote a very small article on gholas. I don't own the books, so it's from my head only. I figured that once there is something in place it will probably get expanded or corrected faster than someone writing a complete article from scratch.
  15. And the Honored Matres, I suppose.
  16. NHJ BV

    Road to Dune

    My library is getting it at the end of the month. The "lost" chapters seemed interesting when I skimmed through the book in the bookstore.
  17. Eh, I can't blame them for retelling some of the events from Heretics and Chapterhouse in the first sequel of a series of books of which the last one appeared some 20+ year ago. A lot of people buying it probably only vaguely know the name "Dune". Some of those people will probably (re)read the originals after reading the new ones.
  18. The one thing that bugged me was that according to this chapter Teg knew that Odrade collected some cells from him. From Heretics I got the impression that Teg didn't know. Overall, however, the book could turn out decently. If they can get back to the (relative) quality of the House series I'll be content. It's probably the best to hope for.
  19. I once got the Encyclopedia off Emule, but it was one big .txt file full of typos, so I never read it. Thanks for the PDF :)
  20. The UK version was also posted at http://www.dunenovels.com/dune7blog/images/HuntersDune_UKArt.jpg
  21. I too would like people to note that it was Frank Herbert himself who wrote about our Tleilaxu friend with his tube full of "Team Atreides, **** yeah!" cells. I'd like them to be a bit more conservative in using said cells, but the general concept if Franks'.
  22. Well, Chapterhouse states that the Honored Matres were formed under great pressure (indeed between Bene Gesserit and Fish Speakers). My guess is that they had no other choice than to become violent and destructive or they wouldn't have had survived at all. Whether the great pressure came from the Scattered Facedancers or the Thinking Machines (Omnius/Erasmus, if you consider the prequels as canon) I don't know. Maybe they allied. The Tleilaxu scientist helping Omnius in the Jihad prequels could be foreshadowing of the freelance Facedancers of the scattering allying with Omnius. Again, only if you consider the prequels canon, but since Dune 7 and 8 are also written by BH and KJA it doesn't make sense not to when discussing these new books.
  23. So, uh, does your boss like you leaking information about to-be-published books out or what?
  24. I've just finished reading the series for the third time now, and noticed some things I haven't noticed before, didn't pay much attention to before or things I see in a different light now that we know that Dune 7 and 8 are being written. They are mostly about Heretics and Chapterhouse. For one, how no one is really sure for how far Leto II saw into the future, and if it stopped at the Scattering or if he's still holding humanities' hands. And does him being asleep inside the sandworms' minds have anything to do with Sheeana's control over the worms? Did he know about the thinking machines still being out there somewhere? Another thing I now noticed is that it is literally said in Chapterhouse that the (a?) war in the Scattering is being fought with biological weapons, and that that is why the Honored Matres were so interested in the Bene Gesserit powers (like controlling bodily functions such as the immune system). I guess that makes Omnius' biological warfare in The Battle of Corrin another hint at things to come in Dune 7 and 8. Third, the two people Duncan sees in his visions are definately independent Facedancers, they almost say so literally. What their affiliation is in the Scattering remains unknown, however. They seemed to want to help Duncan et al. ("I found them a nice planet") before they changed plans and jumped into unknown space. That seems to imply they are enemies of Omnius, but at the same time they seem terribly disinterested in Galactical politics and just want to cherish their roses. Then there's the realization that the Bene Gesserit were down to only the Chapterhouse planet and just a handful of other planets. They were really on the edge of extermination, much more that I realized previously. And ofcourse futars. Aparently designed by enemies of the Honored Matres (maybe Erasmus?) to hunt them down. They won't usually hurt them without orders, but the HM are very frightened by them even locked up in cages (the futars, not the HM's ;) ). Note that Duncan and his group have some futars with them in their no-ship.
  25. Ah, thank you! The most interesting part:
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