Didn't ya wish you could have voted for someone other than Allison or Jun they are both Trailer trash! What was most enjoyable was that nobody hugged either Ali or Jun at the end For me it was a most dissapointing show "LONG LIVE THE DREAM TEAM!!"
Hey #6 you seem like a cool dude intelligent,interesting etc. and just like McDusty you are having a tough time right now.Well guess what ..You will get over it.That may be hard to visulise at this moment but you will(both of you)...I do think you are very mature in 'talking' this through with your 'friends'and i hope things work out for you (both)soon..And hopefully your 'skin' will be a little thicker because of it. :)
I agree with you I.9 Tom Petty has done a lot of brilliant stuff..the only commparison i can think of is Pink Floyd..I think that even more people aint heard of them :O
This is begining to sound like Manchester United last week denying that Veron was going to Chelsea.. and guess what(he did)Just have to wait and see i suppose :-
Just heard that the Canadian Grand Prix has been dropped from next years schedule this because of tobacco advertising laws that are coming into effect.(many F1 teams are sponsored by tobacco comps)So is it O.K. for race car teams to be sponsored by Breweries?as many are and other questionable partnerships.Besides has tobacco advertising made anyone here Smoke?I think Belgium picked up this race because they relaxed their rules on smoking.I just QUIT smoking and i watch ALL the F1 races...so go figure.
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