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Everything posted by Alia_of_the_Knife
Boys, did you really expect me to not comment on this, me being the only girl who POSTS on Fed2k? I agree that some women over do it. A lot. I think that we do have rights and that we should be thankful for it. But I don't think that women should pretend to be stupid sex objects if they're not. I don't think we should hide intelligence like some males want us to. I think that males are perfectly fine. In fact, I like males normally. But how would you guys feel if you were all considered macho, narcissistic males?
You boys are disgusting.
A girl that was about to be my girlfriend,
Alia_of_the_Knife replied to DUNEfan1983's topic in General
Just a joke people! Calm down! It's not worthy of looking up Ex and trying to kill him. JUST A JOKE! Anyways, what were you talking about in the first place? How evil and expensive girls are? -
A girl that was about to be my girlfriend,
Alia_of_the_Knife replied to DUNEfan1983's topic in General
You're right. No more insulting. Okay guys, I have a question for you. What if I said I was going out with Exatreides? What would you do? Purely hypothetical, of course. -
I didn't know I had a twin!
FF3/6 is the best! Ask anyone, I LOVE FF7, but in simple practical terms, FF3/6 outclasses it. The storyline is much more indepth, the magic is much more practical (you learn it as you go along naturally, or you can equip something called a Esper to learn it through expierience points), and the characters are much more interesting. They have much more twisted backgrounds to find out, and are extremelly mysterious. And now I'm done.
A girl that was about to be my girlfriend,
Alia_of_the_Knife replied to DUNEfan1983's topic in General
Boys, this got confusing fast. I was just defending my gender. Got a problem with that? Oh, by the way, on the kitchen knives comment, I'm not sure about that. I think that a butcher's knife would be much more useful. -
A girl that was about to be my girlfriend,
Alia_of_the_Knife replied to DUNEfan1983's topic in General
Hey! I'm not evil! -
Yes, I have all of them.
;D ;D I got a GOLD chocobo! They're so cute! Ok, now that's out of my system. As much as I hate to admit it, I do agree that the music is awful. I picked up that game expecting as good if not better than the wonderful symphony music in FF3/6, but I didn't get it. Oh well, it was ok, I guess. Maybe I'm just spoiled. But to talk about the graphics, they were REALLY good for their time period. Comparing that to any of the newer games is like comparing the ORIGINAL FF with FF7. It's just not fair. Rumors (Note: I do not make these up, I just report them. For all I know, they may work or they may not. I don't know, so don't shoot the messanger.) I heard that if you buy the house in Costa del Sol for 300,000 gil, stick a fully mastered Revive materia down the toliet (Note again, I did NOT make this up), use an item called the Plunger, unclog the toliet, and you will pull up a Reborn materia, master THAT, then take it to the City of the Ancients were you saw Aeris killed. Supposedly, this all revives Aeris somehow, though I don't know how. My favorite characters would have to be Tifa and Yuffie. Who wouldn't love that smart talking ninja and a girl whose limit break, if you get all eight of them and get yeahs, does about as much as the second highest summon? Cloud is ok, but he's kind of loserish. Now for my question: What's your favorite materia (other than Knights of the Round)? Thanks!
Ordos, you really made me think with that one. I never realized how much that series is true. Thank you for opening my eyes. For you people who have only watched Pokemon, Digimon, or DBZ, I highly recommend finding something else to watch. I'm not dissing those three, though my personal opinion is that Pokemon and Digimon are as stupid as they come. Anyway, if you want something like the Gundam series, but a little shorter, try Grave of the Fireflies. Grave of the Fireflies is a movie. It has English subtitles, and that may make it harder to watch, but it is worth it. It is available on DVD as well. Anyways, for a plot synopsys. Grave of the Fireflies is set in WW2 Japan. It starts with the ghost of a young teenager telling us the date that he died. Then it skips back a couple years, to where he was living happily with his mother and little sister, who is probably three or four. His father is at war, trying to save a country or two. Anyway, his mother is ill, but that doesn't matter really. They are living in a suberb of Tokyo, and the alarm for air raids goes off. The boy, whose name is Seito, runs to make sure that his mother is taken to the shelter, which she is. He looks after his little sister, but that time there are fire bombs dropping from the sky. He can't get to the shelter, so he runs out of the town and takes his little sister to a cave. They hide there, then head back to the ruin of the town. They find that the shelter was hit, and burned to the ground. They also found that Seito's mother is dead. That leaves a teenager and a three year old to fend for themselves in a world were everything is rationed, and you can't expect to live. Seito and sister move in with an aunt, but she is awful to them, so they move to an abandoned fishing house near a lake. Everything is fine for awhile, because they are selling everything they own for food. When Seito's little sister is as thin as a rail, and Seito is so weak that he can barely stand, Seito resorts to stealing food. He is caught, and taken to a jail, but is let out. Meanwhile, Seito's sister is growing insane. She is so hungry that she is sucking on rocks because she thinks that they are fruit drops. Seito takes her to a doctor, but he can't do anything for her, so Seito steals again. He comes back to the cave one day to find her sucking on a rock. He has some watermelon, but she won't eat. She lies down, and she never wakes again. Seito goes insane. He keeps the body next to him at all times, and still thinks that she is alive, just sleeping. The final push is that he finds out that Japan has lost the war, and that his dad is never coming back. He abandons the cave, and goes to the city. The final scene is of a sweeper in some office building with a floor COVERED with starved dead teenagers, muttering to himself: "here's another one. I can't believe it." That movie is true, and worse than that, it was common in Japan. Now, I know some of you think that the Japs deserved it, and all that good jazz, but those were innocents. It isn't fair. So, if you are tired of the boring, everyday, unmeaningfull anime, here's one for you. Another is Vampire Hunter D, though I don't think I'll get into that right now.
Who where your favorite characters on Dune?
Alia_of_the_Knife replied to DUNEfan1983's topic in Duniverse
As you can probably tell be my name, I love Alia BEFORE she was possesed by the Baron Harkonnen. I also love Paul, and Gahilmina (Please forgive spelling). -
I love I can only imagine too! That's a great song.
Does anyone like Fushigi Yuugi? One of my favs I forgot to mention earlier.
Let's see, rumors rumors rumors. ;D Aeris revival: One is that if you get one hundred tissues, drop them off a cliff, Aeris will come running up to you crying, and she will join again. Another is that if you master five revive materias, take them to this place where there is this HUGE blue materia, and give them as an offering to it. Aeris appears out of thin air floating above it. Clones: Supposedly you can get Zack, Sephiroth, and Deak (a Sephiroth clone) though I have no idea how. You have to choose inbetween them to fill Aeris' place. If you find out how, let me know! Alia
omigosh! Like, Briteny Spears, people like that, you know. JK! I love LInkin Park because they are the only rock band I can think off that doesn't swear. I also love Cristian groups like Avalon, Rebecca St. James, Plus One, and FFH.
Hallelujah! Another DBZ fan! YEAH! I love DBZ. I have a shrine in my room. Anyway, some other favorites: Outlaw Star, Yu yu hakusho, Cowboy Bebop, Gundams, ummm Vampire Hunter D, Princess Mononoke, Grave of the Fireflies and the like.
Ok, just because I'm slightly insane doesn't mean that my opinions don't matter!Anyway, the graphics may be bad wherever you come from, but they were really good to me. Maybe I'm sheltered.Second: I want to talk about some great rumors, but I won't until I get permission because things could a little crazy.Third: Favorite characters. I myself perfer Tifa. Thank you.
Alright boys, time for my opinion on my favorite game of all time. First of all: Aeris dying sucks. I have tried every rumor out there and there is no way to get her back. Give up. It's easier. Second of all: the movie was awesome. I loved every second of it.
OK, OK, I have to admit, I voted before I knew enough about either to actually make an educated vote. I have now read farther into the Dune series, and have determined that after all I do think Irulan is better. She is intelligent, a great writer, much more sympathetic than I actually thought she would be, and she is, of course, a wrecked up Bene Gesserit! I love those! ;)
Contrary to my character, I love the Bene Gesserit. I think that their training is really cool, and I think that, if they really wanted to, they could take over the Imperium. But they would rather be devious and less sutle. I would just like to prove their powers by refering to the first book, in which Jessica kicks the crap out of Stilgar, who was supposedly the strongest Fremen of them all. Alia
I say you do what I did, which was to read the first book first. The prequals are very good books, but if you expect all of them to be that way, you would be very suprised at how many people would turn away from Dune and Dune Messiah. Also, if you started with Dune Messiah, you wouldn't know the background as well as you would know it if you read Dune. Another thing is, though I'm sorry to say it, you would think that Paul Muad'dib is a tyrant, because you would have nothing to compare him to! If I sat down to read them again, I would definetely do what I did again. Alia
One word: OUCH!
;D ;D ;D I'll keep that last one in mind, and try to avoid the pig one. EEWW!
The late Pan1234, whom I used to know quite well ;), would wish that I post on this board so that her legacy of anime control would continue on. Anyway, in answer to Ordos' questions: 1. Sagas? Probably the Trunks saga, but only because Trunks is AWESOME! 2. SAILOR MOON?? How dare you?? 3.Does anyone in here watch the late night Saturday animes like Yu yu Hakusho and Cowboy Bebop? Thanks! Pan oh oh wait, I mean Alia!