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Everything posted by House_Corrino

  1. The mino's better than both at that.
  2. True. 4 assault tanks can probably take 8 deployed kobras easy. Their only weakness is range.
  3. But a deployed kobra will get the first shot off, and many projections wil die in 1 hit.
  4. Or kill his base before he builds a palace. It's better to prevent something than to have to fight it off.
  5. Not really. They're pretty easy to notice and even easier to counter. I've tested, and NIABs have longer range than pop-up turrets. I still (and probably will always) rank pop-up turrets as the worst turret for any major house.
  6. they're too slow to make it off the map, but I guess other units can kill them while they run. As for superweapons, the most effective is the death hand, although the chaos lightning's effect is fun to watch. As for the hawk strike, it's effective against the ordos, but is the worst superweapon.
  7. No. The dev can hit it with the plasma guns, then finish it with the rockets.
  8. Don't know. Maybe they hate rocks er something.
  9. Anyways, titanium is stronger than steel.
  10. I love it even more if the death hand does it.
  11. You can't. All you can do is hope it hits your con yard. The death hand won't kill it, but you'll be able to repair it so it doesn't die.
  12. Oops! I meant fully upgraded refineries.
  13. The kobra's the only one that doesn't have to do that.
  14. Are you suggeting a sniper bullet can penetrate tank armor?
  15. Also, turrets do have powerful attacks that can make unprepared attackers pay.
  16. They wanted another mass-destructive weapon.
  17. The solution: attack quickley.
  18. They still have their title as the game's fastest unit.
  19. It takes forever for contaminaters to kill 1 chem trooper.
  20. If you kill an upgraded building, it will cost the enemy more to rebuild it.
  21. Harkonnen units all have the best sayings.
  22. It seemed like the AI only used ornies with the Atriedes, even though they were available to the Ords.
  23. True. A pack of kindjals would own a dev any day.
  24. They love seeing things blow up.
  25. I probably win that mission the hard way, but I use the 2 Advanced carryall/2 dev tactic.
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