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Everything posted by s2

  1. s2


    Hey X welcome
  2. I pledge my alliegiance to House Sardaukar ( I mean give me a break.)
  3. yah i realy dont like to play games that are simalar
  4. * A pack of minos shoot* then mine like 20 mixed Sardaukar get up there by the mino and kill it, Sardaukar are tough mutha f@#$ers. A pack of minos wuold die in the hands of the Sardaukar. Anyway the mino is a anoying little fly the Sardaukar would be happy to "remove" it.
  5. s2


    Another reson i dont like the atradies is wene you fight them the rush like 40 mino's.
  6. type [ color=red ] what you want to say then [ /color ] without the space between the [ and ] like this. like this
  7. I prefere Draconis IV becuse the ice is cool and then arakis;temple vally .
  8. When you post there is a line of faces atop the message box
  9. s2


    This may sound wierd but in the Mummy 2 the Medgi sound alot like the fremen in a way." Till Death", they say. And whats with the tribes? And all this in Eygept, on sand . To me this sounds alot like the fremen, but it does sounds like a quinscdentsce? what do you say?
  10. s2


    I didnt go on often, it was s2s0202s but know its just s2.
  11. I live in the desert,Mesa Arizona.
  12. I also get 5 apc's and 5 adv. carryalls and pack them full of Sardaukar, then find a open spot in the enemy base and deploy the apc's, then all hell breaks lose.
  13. I build 10 ornis and split them up into groups of 2 and seed them at some targets( remember ordos are weak aa defenders.
  14. fremen Sardaukar 8 8
  15. harrkonen poison snooper?
  16. Well ya you can have more than 4 players but anymore and it does lag.
  17. When it says join refused that means they kicked you
  18. Correct me if im wrong but dosn't a kobra need to hit a Sardaukar 3-4 times ???
  19. * Sardaukar*
  20. I think he said as harkonnen timenn. ::)
  21. You know that fremen can't take out Sardaukar in one shot. fremen can cloak ohh my god, so what. As sone as fremen pop up Sardaukars will creamate them. Long live the Sardaukar!!!!!
  22. Sardaukar are the best flat out the freman are good but would get slautered be Sardaukar.
  23. Name: Lightning Trooper House: Smugglers Cost: $600 Speed: Engineer Armer: Heavy Reload Rate: slow Description: The Lightning Trooper has a deployable rocket launcher that sits upright, wene fired the area turns dark and the lightning comes out of the deployed rocket launcher and kills( if it hits ) any targate chosen within its blast radius. Dose masive damage to tanks and medium damage to inf. Cheer: dosnt
  24. For defence I use kobras,apcs,lastanks, and some chem inf. For offence lots of lastanks and apcs filled with chem inf.
  25. "Loualty is an illusion." "My bloods boiling." "This may change there minds."
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