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Everything posted by Stormwatch
okay it took me a while, but yep it worked, it's okay to use any install disk just make sure you use a valid serial number.
You HAVE to respect the original dune novels. but I say the prelude series 2nd, they were realy well written. Never read the encyclopedia, want it badly even though it's officially obsolete. I hated the butlerin jihad, it was a long hard slog to get through that one and it was predictable. But the machine crusade is really amazing... chock full o' action and plot. As for the new books being fan fiction, while brian herbert took some liberties with it, there still based on frank herberts own personal notes.
Ughh.... i bought emperor a way back, and i still have my copy. But the predicament i'm in is that the install disc has one scratch (rather large) and it wont install properly... it gets to the end(95%) and wont install anymore. I just got a new computer and want to install it on there. My question is how could i fix it... i got a few suggestions from friends: -Use white toothpaste on the scratch and gently wipe of the excess. - a friend said to use the Disk Doctor (not sure about that, dave chalk said it does more harm then good) - find a friends copy, and use that install disk (not sure about this either) Will any of these work? Any other suggestions? I loved emperor, so i'm desperate!
Quite frankly I loved the first three prequels... they were well written... but i agree with this cartoon. It (the butlerin jihad) has some of the crappiest writing i've ever scene. the style is like its written by c- high school student. the foreshadowing is just too obvious... when you foreshadow whats going to happen, you don't tell the reader what's going to happen! Example... when xavier goes to giedi prime to inspect security the last line in that chapter is something to the effect of "With his inspection tour behind him, Xavier left lovely giedi prime, confident that he had seen and done everything neccesary. And completly unaware of the vunerabilities he had not bothered to discover..." Like I said, C- student... he start off sooo many sentences with AND. you're never supposed to do that... it makes it sound tacked on. Sorry about that rant... if you'll excuse me a moment, i have to run out to buy a copy of the machine crusade
I started visiting fed2k when i bought a copy of dune 2, i actively played redalert and tiberium sun at the time and came here for more info on all the games, movies and books. it was really cool that there were also a lot of the book readers here as well. and after emperor came out and bought that one i was comming here daily for maps and info... And i didn't bother register till i wanted more interactivity and community.
I use a lot of deployed kobra's. (6-8) especialy since they heal themselves. this works better when their elevated. (4-5) I also mix in a few deviators and laser tanks. And if its charged, the chaos lightning. Use the rush against itself! How many palaces would i need to charge it once about every 2-3 minutes? anyone
I was wondering if any one knows if there's an escort function for emperor like in red alert?
Dumb question about stuff you see on arrakis
Stormwatch replied to Mr_Hangman's topic in Emperor: Battle for Dune
In the book series When pardot kynes first comes to arrakis he see's water merchants with cows that are wearing special stilsuits Some freman had these as well -
I would have loved to have seen jodorowskys dune. H.R. Giger was the art director and the coolest part Salvidor dali was playing shadham he would have been great, especially with that huge handlebar moustache. Why was it cancelled?
Sorry i pulled out my keyboard and realized my keyboards too old (1988 ) to do
yes ix is vernius
I know i like his music inspired by middle earth. I was suprised to find out he did the harkonnen music. it seemed like a departure. normally he's melodic but
It'm goiong to do it
Okay i get it. but that still means the humans in dune would at least have evolved one or twice. even now scientists claim were noticing a change in us. Now, more and more people are born without their wisdom teeth. these teeth were rendered useless by fire and cooking, as wisdom teeth were used for tearing meat from bones.
Im starting to write down the guitar parts of the house harkonnen themes in Emperor in tab form. I'll also try some keyboard for ordos. But Before i waste my time is any one remotely interested, cause if not i won't spend as much time on it I have one song already all i have to do is a couple of solos.
I like Gob, he seems to comes across as a true fan who knows what he is talking about, and always has something intelligent to say. Also this site is so complete and organized. this is the only site i check out at least two times a day
Does anyone think this this theory could explain the fremans "water sickness" ( a sick feeling when a freman is far from arrakis). But the freman have only been on arrakis for about 1500-500 years. is this enough time to adapt to conditions on arrakis. A freind suggested that my theory was flawed that in dune because of the advanced technology and medicine combined with the life extending spice people wouldn't need to evolve as they get detached from the enviroment ( Example: the mechanical sub terranian world of IX)
i noticed the Tleilaxu in the game movies were somewhat normal looking they didn't seem like they did in the book upturned noses, hairy and small. the only thing they did right was the pale skin
According to the dune encyclopedia time line the first atomic bomb was tested about 14,255 B.G (before guild) this means thats 1940's our time. which means dune is set over 40,000 years in the future. While i was reading the book i had the image of present day humans in my head. But recently in world history class they described the periods between past human evolutions. some were as short as 10,000 years apart Do you think the characters in dune would be different from us. How would they evolve, would they evolve different from each other like the Tleilaxu seem to have. (they look like goblins) I wanted to hear from other dune fans. What is your take on this?.
Why were Ordos put into the dune series of games?
Stormwatch replied to paul_of_arrakis's topic in Duniverse
I dont know exactly why, that was the question i submitted to ask joe bostic. But recently i learned that in the dune encyclopedia (a 3rd party book) there is a list of the houses of the landsraad and ordos is in there. Brian and frank herbert dont use the book as a reference instead using their own personal notes. And now for something completly different! according to the new dune prequel series the atreides were extremly loyal to the corrino family fighting along side them of the battle of corrin (when the corrinos became imperial) at this battle the harkonnen were considered traitors. what i dont understand is that the harkonnen are a member of the houses major and atreides are minor...I guess nice guys finish last -
I have read the entire dune series recently and there is no mention of a house ordos in them. Why was it decided to add third house. I'm not complaining . If it weren't for dune 2 I would have never read the books, I'm just interested I also loved the designs of the stillsuits/armor in dune 2. Why fall back on the movies weird glowing facemask design?
Can someone help out a newbie?
Stormwatch replied to bloodysmurf's topic in Emperor: Battle for Dune
I recently bought emperor and how do i get my units to ride the worms? it says to deploy a thumper but how? theres no thumper unti like in dune2k -
I recently bought the game (being a dune fanatic of course) and the controls are kind of odd. But I realized FH's Dune was not made for the PC instead the PS2. why I think this: - to start a new game you have to cycle through the letters to choose your name - You cant modify the controls - the controls are extremely basic all in all i love this game but feel personally that this version is merely testing the waters. Seeing who is buying the game. so they could aim there ads at us. This explains why the game itself was so cheap. Conspiracy? No, capitalism at work :O :O :O plus the box says based on the mini series its not really other then a bit of scenary. And the freman seem a lot more high tech then in the book