North America
Maps based in North America.
25 files
Goal: There's a new sort of ship down at the wharf, just arrived from Scotland. And now, after a lucky night's gambling, it's yours: one of the first steamships ever to participate in the Newfoundland seal hunt. You and your family hurriedly prepare it for the hectic months to come.
There are plentiful harvests of fish, seals and whales to be had, but you know it will not last. Sooner or later, you must diversify, and your neighbours will have to make a living some other way. Investors from 'round the bay and in St. John's put their hopes in you to make them prosperous.
BRONZE - Earn $20 M Industry Profit within 35 years.
SILVER - Earn $35 M Industry Profit, with $40 M Personal Net Worth.
GOLD - Earn $50 M Industry Profit and have at least $20 M Personal Cash.
- For victory, the industry profit must be earned by the navigation company with which you begin the scenario.
- No mergers.
- Because of a bug, all players must spend the first month without cash, allowing the stock price of AS&N to rise above zero.
Author's Comments: CONCEPTION BAY - 1862
There's a new sort of ship moored at the wharf, and now, after a lucky night's gambling, it's yours: the first steamship ever to participate in the Newfoundland seal hunt. You and your family hurriedly prepare it for the hectic months to come.
There are plentiful harvests of fish, seals and whales to be had, but you know it will not last. Sooner or later, you must diversify, and your neighbours will have to make a living some other way. Investors from 'round the bay and in St. John's put their hopes in you to make them prosperous.
BRONZE - Earn $20 M Industry Profit within 35 years.
SILVER - Earn $35 M Industry Profit, with $40 M Personal Net Worth.
GOLD - Earn $50 M Industry Profit and have at least $20 M Personal Cash.
- For victory, the industry profit must be earned by the navigation company with which you begin the scenario.
- No mergers.
- Because of a bug, all players must spend the first month without cash, allowing the stock price of AS&N to rise above zero.
- Your Navigation Company has access to the ocean, St. Lawrence River, islands, ports and Ice. Factories will not produce on the Ice.
- To work on land beyond the ports, you will need the cooperation of a separate railroad company, but use of port facilities may be shared between companies.
- Access to the ice is from January to the end of May. In case of bad weather, you have one month to leave the ice before the territory closes. As the ice is dangerous, it would be safest not to wait around too long to fill with cargo.
- You may have friends and relatives working on the ocean somewhere near Newfoundland.
- Your navigation company has a 20% industry purchase discount.
- Resource production on the Fishing Grounds and the Ice is slowly declining. It is a good place to start business, but at some point it becomes wiser to diversify.
- Sealskin prices are 30% above typical wool prices.
- A good year gets double oil and sealskin production (Green Bay Spring, triple), but the bonus is compressed into the first four months.
- There is only one weather event in effect at one time. If you see good news about the catch, the ice is safe for that year.
- Your ships do not require sand, and consume water and oil at half rate.
By Guest252 0 -
Goal: Bronze:
Connect 5 other Railroad Cities to Salt Lake city: Bonneville Salt Flats (SW), Daniel (NE), Fort Duchesne (SE), Logan (upper center), & Minidoka. (NW)
Complete bronze goals plus:
Haul 20 EACH of 3 military cargos Munitions, Equipment & Diesel to Bonneville Salt Flats from a military warehouse, One is north of Bear Lake. others are at different RR YARDS
Connection point labels are on the map.
There are no hidden territories.
Complete Silver Goals and haul:
FROM the INDUSTRY CENTER near Salt Lake City, 50 LOADS EACH of: FURNITURE, GOODS, AUTO and TOYS TO EACH of the Four Big City Warehouses (800 total loads, so start early)
TO: Near Big Burley (NW corner of map) Near Big Piney (NE corner of map) Near Big BlueBill (SE corner of map) Near Big HydePark (upper Center of map)
Author's Comments: Remake of RSH's Cache Valley Map by Gwizz. All Industries removed from starting in cities & some pre-planted. Modified win events. No time limit. Bronze Connect 5 cities. Silver haul 60 military loads. Gold haul 800 cargos to 4 warehouse cities.
By Gwizz230 0 -
Goal: The Union Pacific, Central Pacific, and Kansas Pacific are established but still financially struggling. Take advantage of them as much as you can. Denver Rail & Commerce have used their influence to get you the position of chairman of the upstart Denver and Western Railroad. Your contract conditions with DRC are in the
annual report/ledger and will be updated for you annually to evaluate your progress. Remember DRC is your real boss, so don't do anything to make them mad. Their real interest is in DRC not DAW but their desire for more railroads connections to Denver has overcome their pride.
Denver Rail is the previously started but failed venture of DRC. Anything you can do to help them forget about it should be welcomed.
Author's Comments: Denver & Western version 2 has more random options that I hope will allow more than one play and maintain your interest. I have also incorporated many of the corrections and comments that I received in e-mails.
Map by Torontorch.
Paint, cities and rivers by Eric Larsen.
Scenario by Phil Remington
rev. 2.0
By Guest187 0 -
Goal: The west coast yearns for a scenic rail line running along the pacific coast. At the same time, California struggles to bring up a new power grid. Think you can please everyone at once?
Author's Comments: The west coast is itching for a new rail line to run along the western shore. The trek isn't easy, and involves some fancy trackwork around and through the mountains.
To make matters worse, California is desperately trying to enhance its lack-luster power grid. Electricity being in short supply means that the use of electric rail and trains is simply out of the question.
All that being said, the task has been put in your hands to make this new rail line happen. You won't have any trouble doing this and healping out in California's current energy shortage, right? Well, good luck!
BRONZE - Connect Los Angeles to San Francisco in 30 years.
SILVER - Meet the bronze requirements, and connect Seattle to Boise in 30 years.
GOLD - Connect Los Angeles to Seattle, and haul at least 20 loads of coal or 10 loads of uranium to California from the surrounding states, in 30 years or less.
By Guest172 0 -
Goal: A raw map of British North America with 1848 colony names and boundaries, suitable for any scenario commencing before Confederation.
Author's Comments: This is a raw map of British North America (BNA) with 1848 colony names and boundaries, suitable for any scenario commencing before Confederation.
I am working on a scenario for this region that runs from 1836 to 1867. In the meantime, make your own, if you like.
The principal exports during this period were wheat, lumber, food and coal, as well as what is left of a slowly declining fur trade. The primary imports were goods and an assortment of products from the Caribbean. Cattle and meat appearing in the maritimes represent fresh then processed fish ready for export. The sugar appearing near Montreal is maple syrup. Barracks occur only in BNA to avoid the complication of troops crossing peaceful borders. The shortage of tool & die factories in BNA relative to USA gives you goods for the backhaul.
By Guest168 0 -
Goal: The State of Alaska, not entirely pleased with the lack of expansion of the existing railroad companies, is encouraging you (George Train) to start a new rail line. The people and businesses of Alaska are hoping that you will provide for statewide travel and transportation of goods.
Build a rail line that will give Alaskans what they need, while remaining in control of your pride and joy, the Polar Moon Line.
Achieve score of 28 or greater within 35 years.
Negative Profits...-1/yr.
Not Accepting Challenge...-3/ea.
Not Meeting Year-end Goal...-1/yr.
Meeting Year-end Goal...+1/yr.
Connection Made in 2 Disasters...+1/ea.
Author's Comments: Alaska, the last frontier, is looking for a good RR to depend on, for its transportation of express and freight. Although there is always talk of eminent disaster, this does not deter you in becoming the foremost CEO of the transportation industry.
By Guest190 0 -
Goal: Singleplayer: Northern Utah and southern Idaho, with a touch of Wyoming.
Get the Gold by connecting five locatons... Bronze requires you to connect Minidoka in the northwest and Logan in the center and Fort Duchesne in the southeast. For Silver also connect to Ibapah in the southwest. Get the Gold by also connecting to Daniel in the northeast. To get the Gold you also need to make $100,000,000 in industry profits in any one year. You should be able to do this WITHOUT using any LONG tunnels.
Only the first 150 tunnel sections will be affordable. After that the price per tunnel section goes up 150,000,000%. The occasional short tunnel is what the pioneer railroad builders used, after all.
You should also be able to do it without any grade greater than 5 or 6%, not counting any weird and wonderful grades created by building a station or other facility. Only you will know how well you have done against this last target.
You have 100 year, whatever year you started in.
Multiplayer: The race is on...
Connect Minidoka to Fort Duchesne AND connect Ibapah to Daniel. It must be YOUR company's stations that are connected. If you do that first you win.
You also need to make $100,000,000 in industry profits in ONE calendar year.
Once you have built 150 tunnel sections, the cost will go up 150,000,000% for each additional tunnel section, so you need to go carefully up and down the mountains, diagonally.
Other than that, anything goes, and you have 100 years from whatever year you have agreed to start in for your multi-player game.
Author's Comments: Warehouses and ports are far more restricted in number and location than before. There will now be no more than 1 where before there might have been 5 or more.
You can follow the original path of the Transcontinental Railroad by connecting, from west to east [or east to west], those towns and cities with a * after their name. The western point is made up and named CP W Exit. The list is as follows, from there east to Granger, Wyoming:
CP W Exit, Lucin, Bovine, Terrace, Matlin, Ombey, Kelton, Seco, Lake, Rozel, Kolmar, Balfour, Corrine, Bonneville, Ogden, Peterson, Morgan, Croydon, Echo, Emory, Wasatch, Evanston, Millis, Hilliard, Aspin, Tapioca, Piedmont, Leroy, Bridger, Carter, Hampton, Church Buttes, Garrett, Granger
The majority of these locations are very small as they were little more than junction or service points for the original railroad, and some no longer exist.
The winning conditions have been fixed up so that they work correctly, and the reporting in the newspaper and annual report have been fixed so that they too work correctly. You can now start anytime between 1830 and 2000, and have 100 years to win the Gold whenever you start.
In multiplayer mode, it is similar but NOT identical. The first to connect two cities from the south-west to the north-east and another two cities from the north-west to the south-east and also meet the other requirements as stated will win the game. Logan is NOT a required connection in multiplayer mode.
It will play differently every time you play it, and will play differently depending on which version of Railroad Tycoon 3 you are using. I suspect that version 1.04 with its changes to the way the elevations change and where you can build are handled, when it comes out in a few weeks, will also make the game play very differently again.
To quote Kriss from Sussex, England
"Played CV starting 3 different dates & got 3 completely different games.
My advice, bottle & sell it, I am impressed.... thanks for hours of fun."
By RSH784 0 -
Goal: All these settlers have brought their dreams of a better life in a free place. However, nothing is free and they'll have to work hard, so will you! These towns are growing fast and they're going to need supplies and transportation if they are going to succeed. You're just the tycoon they're looking for!
Bronze - Connect St. Louis to Cleveland and have a Company Book Value of $10 million by the end of 1880.
Silver - Connect St. Louis to Cleveland, plus a Company Book Value of $25 million and own earn at least $5 million from industry profits.
Gold - Connect St. Louis to Cleveland, a Company Book Value of at least $40 million, earn at least $10 million from industry profits and you must be the only railroad in business by the end of 1880.
Good Luck!
- You may only start one company
Author's Comments: A BUILDERS MAP no lose event. Designed to reduce Wagon flow of cargo. All 12 PORT-WAREHOUSES ACTIVATED. CARGO SUPPLY & PLAYER CASH INCREASED. Costs of building industries reduced by 80%. AGGRESSIVE AIs.
This map is different. It is a builders and/or stock with almost no demand industries, but lots of supply industries. You will build the industries needed. This causes the wagon and boat flow to be greatly deduced until you build your industries.(Then they will come off their strike) Cost of industries are reduced by 80% and they will be called lease businesses on the land for which you will pay a lease amount at the end of each year. This lease amount will be charged against the company you control at the end of the year. (The stock market part of this map, allowing you to pass off this charge to some other AI RR) There are some powerful AI chairmen you might want to pick on early before they bury you.
By Gwizz376 0 -
By Gwizz355 0 -
Goal: To win, gain control of an existing company. Expand by either building new track, or buying other companies (mergers will get you access to all territories to which the company with which you merged had access).
To gain points, provide better passenger service to the main cities than your competitors.
Points will be awarded at the end of every year, based on the record of the company you own at that time. When you switch companies, you will keep the points you earned.
Points are awarded yearly ...
... to the company that has hauled the most passengers TO a city in the current year (2 for New York Metro, and 1 each for Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Washington).
... to the company that has hauled the most passengers FROM a city in the current year (2 for New York Metro, and 1 each for Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Washington).
... to the company with the highest average express speed in the current year (2 points).
multi-player only:
... to the company that has hauled the most passengers overall (2 points).
In single player, up to 12 points will be awarded per year; in multi-player, up to 14 points per year.
Author's Comments: This map recreates the fierce competition between U.S. railroads for a share of the passenger market in the densely settled North-East. It is mostly designed for multi-player matches, but can also be played in single-player mode.
The scenario has two components: a stock-market game, and a railroad-operating game. First, take over an existing company; then, capture the greatest share of the passenger market in the major urban centers along the North-East Corridor (New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Washington, DC). To do so, expand your network to all these cities, either by buying access to more states and extending your own routes, or by taking over companies that already have access and track in these areas.
You can choose one of three fast engines with high passenger appeal: the GG1, the Mallard, or the Zephyr to win a competition for the fastest passenger service. You can also implement a number of new technologies and service improvements, like air-conditioning, Pullman service, and track water-pans that allow moving steam trains to take on water.
Your performance is measured in a point system: You will get points if your company has carried the most passengers into and out of any of the major urban centers in any given year. The railroad that offered the fastest express trains in a given year will receive additional points.
You will need the expansion pack and patch 1.04 to play this map in single player; and patch 1.05 (forthcoming) to play in multi-player.
By Guest365 0 -
Goal: Hawaii has stood for many years and has never been united by any railways. This is your chance to do what no other business owner has ever done for this state.
You must connect all islands to the island of O'ahu within 70 years for a BRONZE medal.
You must connect all islands to the island of O'ahu within 40 years and have a company book value of $30 million for a SILVER medal.
You must connect all islands to the island of O'ahu within 20 years, haul over 2500 loads, and have a company book value of $40 million for a GOLD medal.
Author's Comments: I spent a while making this map as accurate as I could. It's tough, but if done correctly it will be easy as coconuts to get the gold. If you have any suggestions, comments, or even corrections please let me know. Have a great day and Aloha from the Islands!
By Semmy344 0 -
Goal: Singleplayer: Behold the industrial might of 19th Century America. An industrial empire unmatched in size and strength. But it will take more than a mere rail baron to conquer this land.
It will take...
The Prince of Steel.
Game Length: 30 years
Medals: Personal Net Worth (PNW)
GOLD: $100 million
SILVER: $64 million
BRONZE: $32 million
Early Gold Medal:
3 years in a row with PNW of $100 million.
Instant Gold Medal:
$64 million in Personal Cash.
Limited to 600 track sections a year.
Multiplayer: $10 million PNW and
the Highest Personal Net Worth after 20 years wins.
Or if any player can acquire $64 million in personal cash they will win instantly.
Author's Comments: Industrial strength scenario.
The original Prince of Steel for RRT2 won first place in the only official
Pop Top sponsored map contest.
In this remake the goal remain the same. Amass great personal net worth.
Bakeries do also represent the need of grain to feed horses.
Breweries also represent mills. Since there is no food alcohol is used instead.
Toys represent various consumer goods.
By Guest276 0 -
Goal: All these settlers have brought their dreams of a better life in a free place. However, nothing is free and they'll have to work hard, so will you! These towns are growing fast and they're going to need supplies and transportation if they are going to succeed. You're just the tycoon they're looking for!
Bronze - Connect St. Louis to Cleveland and have a Company Book Value of $10 million by the end of 1880.
Silver - Connect St. Louis to Cleveland, plus a Company Book Value of $25 million and own earn at least $5 million from industry profits.
Gold - Connect St. Louis to Cleveland, a Company Book Value of at least $40 million, earn at least $10 million from industry profits and you must be the only railroad in business by the end of 1880.
Good Luck!
- You may only start one company.
Author's Comments: It is a Railroad owner map. Your Railroad must be the best to win and it runs for 50 years. I found that it took about 48 to 49 years to takeover the other Railroads to be the only one still around. It is all about making money with rail transportation. So have fun.
By Guest238 0 -
Goal: Single-player:
Bronze - Connect the four beach resorts (Rehoboth Beach, Bethany Beach, Ocean City and Assateague) to Baltimore and Philadelphia. Haul 20 loads of tourists to each beach resort.
Silver - Also haul 100 loads of tourists to, and have $1,000,000 revenue in, three of the four beach resorts.
Gold - Also haul 150 loads of tourists to, and have $2,000,000 revenue in, two of the four beach resorts. In addition, have an average express train speed (all trains that carry any passengers, mail, or tourists) of 25mph or more.
Gold - At the end of 25 years, own the company that hauled the most tourists.
Author's Comments: Historical Background:
People took trains for travel almost from the beginning, but tourism as a mass phenomenon, as opposed to a handful of individual travelers, only began in the 1860s. Starting in the 1880s, railroads began to put much more of an effort into attracting vacationers to their routes, often building their own resort hotels in remote towns, among beautiful but sparsely populated landscape, to increase passenger traffic.
In this scenario map, you will be in charge of a railroad that aims at developing seaside resorts as destinations for tourists. The cost of buying into the beach resorts reflects the efforts involved in developing a place as a tourist location.
Strategy Hints:
When building track on the sandbanks along the shore, consider placing maintenance sheds and water-towers first, then connect them with track. Often you won't be able to place these support structures alongside existing track in locations where the ocean is nearby.
To keep your express speed up, separate freight from express trains, as soon as there is enough express traffic volume. Consider running Eight-Wheelers with two-car trains, and replace them with Atlantics as soon as they become available, since their faster acceleration makes up for their lower nominal top speed.
Don't ignore those tourists who decide to travel between different beach resorts, perhaps because they want to find out whether the ocean is bluer elsewhere - they may not pay much, but help you increase the number of tourists hauled.
By Guest704 0 -
Goal: British North America 1836-1867
Bind this group of colonies in a ribbon of steel, bring prosperity and a sense of patriotic pride to a young nation.
Author's Comments: After years in the grip of oligarchies the people of British North America are angry at the lack of economic and political progress. They are about to take to the streets as the Family Compact of Toronto and the Chateau Clique in Montreal finally begin to crumble.
It is your role to assist progress, shaping your vision for the future of the region. There are 6 annual haul missions, worth 1 point each, assigned either when you lay track in certain territories, or at certain dates. You will have 6 opportunities to change the course of history, worth 1 point each.
By the end of 1867:
BRONZE - Earn 30 haul, 1 political points.
SILVER- Earn 50 haul, 3 political points.
GOLD - Earn 70 haul, 5 political points.
-Disable news of economic change. In general, you can expect recession before Responsible Government, prosperity when the Reciprocation Agreement is in effect, and normal otherwise.
- Track construction is limited.
- You start with -2 credit rating.
By JayEff245 0 -
Goal: In the year 1675 King Phillip Chief of the Wampanoag tribe attacked the English settlements in New England. In June of that year the Mohegans, instead of joining with the colonists, joined forces with King Phillip. Together they drove the English and the French back into the sea. Now after 200 years of successfully defending their lands, Chief Red Cloud of the Lakota has sent word to you. He asks for your help building a rail system to unite the newly formed nations in America.
Are you up to the task?
You have 40 years to complete the following:
__) BRONZE (__
Connect the national capitol in Kansas City to Waukegan and Iroquois City. And collect $200 million in industry profits.
__) SILVER (__
Along with the above connect your rails to Geronimo and Lakota. And make $300 million profit from your industries.
__) GOLD (__
Also connect to Osseolia. And make $400 Million in industry profits.
__) NOTES (__
You may only start one company. And no unconnected track building allowed.
Author's Comments: What if history had been just a little bit different?
By IsiOwatta242 0 -
Goal: We have twenty one years to rebuild our countries decrepit railways and make our sugar industry prosperous once more. Comrade Mao I ask you, in fraternal friendship, to aid the great Cuban revolution to the best of your abilities. By the end of 1980 we must connect every city and earn an industrial revenue of $10million.
This will earn you a Gold Medal and the grateful thanks of the people of Cuba. Failure will, as you would expect, get you nothing. You must also commence building from our Havana rail, and cannot build any discontinuous track. Oh, and one other little thing. We cannot afford electricity so it's steam or diesel only I'm afraid.
Author's Comments: Fidel has taken Cuba over removing Batista and the Yanqui capitalists and their vice empire. Now he is calling on Chairman Mao to help in rebuilding the railroads and sugar industry.
By belbincolne209 0 -
Goal: This is on PopTop's so-called Eastern Canada map, starting between 1850 and 1860. There has been about a 60 year cold spell following the battle for Quebec. After the War of 1812, the British, Americans and the Hudson Bay Company packed it in leaving the region to the Indians, some hardy British settlers and les Habitants. With HBC gone, La Compagnie Nord-Ouest is the only corporate entity in the region. Now that the world is getting warmer, the various groups are reaching out again to trade. They now seem less inclined to war given that most of their attention has been focused on simple survival.
As CEO of La Compagnie Nord-Ouest, you have 30 years to achieve the following:
Single player only:
Bronze - $40 million CBV.
Silver - $60 million CBV.
Gold - $80 million CBV and earn $6 million in revenue for deliveries to 5 of the 6 territories.
Author's Comments: This is a beta, so a lot of these comments are directed at fellow mapmakers.
The scenario was inspired by Voltaire's comments regarding France's loss of Canada that the region is 'nothing but a few acres of snow', and I started thinking, what if that were so?
The map has been recoloured. I am hoping to give an impression of the Canadian Shield being granite with a thin layer of soil. I would like to put a bit of snow on it but am still searching for a good technique.
Major tribes have their traditional areas. USA is east of the 1763 Royal Proclamation line. There was a mix of tribes in the Detroit area which I gave to the Potawatami on account of Pontiac's prominence in the early 1800s. Many cities were placed on the basis of 1740 and 1823 native population data. Since in this reality the Haudenosaunee (Iroquois) were able to keep their homeland, Brantford is considered non-existent, but the population was redistributed in Iroquois territory. Some sites are named after tribes. Where I did not know the tribe, I put the name of a river or a present day town.
Events include 1) famines caused by the brief return of cold weather, 2) a request to help arrange a peace / trade conference.
The people around the Great Lakes grew a lot of grain and produce, and there is potential to pickle the entire map in alcohol. I am hoping the famine events will help save some food from fermentation. Chiefs in this era where quite hostile to alcohol, so I may write some events in to limit booze. Loss of productivity or angry chiefs (loss of rights) or a failed conference are possibilities.
For hunting - gathering societies, I have towns with corn and meatpacker industries, with cattle in the hinterland. The corn serves as 'gathered' food and makes 'hunts' close to home more successful. For agrarian societies, I have a people-only region at a very high density, in a checkerboard pattern with a farm region, then setting the whole map at high density.
Enjoy, and please get back to me with comments!
By Guest296 0 -
Goal: Singleplayer: Between St. Paul and the Pacific Coast there existed a vast undeveloped territory. Such that the western territories had varing degrees of allegiance to their governments in the east. A railroad link was essential to bind the two together. This was no small task as determined men were needed to build it.
James J. Hill was one of those determined men who took up the challenge to build a railroad across this land. The Great Northern Railroad was James Hill's "great adventure".
Length : 28 years
1. Haul 10 loads of coffee to the Duluth/Superior ports or the Port Arthur rail link.
2. Haul 10 loads of cotton to the ports on the West Coast.
In addition have a Company Book Value of $25 million and a Personal Net Worth of $15 million.
1. Haul 30 loads of coffee to the Duluth/Superior ports or Port Arthur rail link.
2. Haul 30 loads of cotton to the ports on the West Coast.
3. Have a Company Book Value of $50 million and Personal Cash of $20 million.
Restrictions: Only 500 sections of track can be built in a year.
Multiplayer: To win you must aquire $10 million in personal net worth and also have the highest personal net worth of any player.
Game length is 20 years.
Author's Comments: In 1879 between the eastern most cities of United States and Canada and those of the
Pacific Coast existed a vast undeveloped and untamed land. Several railroads conquered this land,
none was greater than the Great Northern.
The Great Northern was founded by James Hill, known and remembered as "The Empire Builder."
Throughout his years of creating, encouraging and directing, Mr. Hill's creed was development of
the resources of the region the railway served.
The game can be played as either American or Canadian railroads. Some limited over the border rail
building is tolerated, but too much will be taxed.
Historic passes have marked by lighter ground to help negotiate the narrow valleys.
Bakeries do also represent the need of grain to feed horses.
Breweries also represent mills. Since there is no food cargo alcohol is used instead.
Livestock arrives at Pacific ports as this represents the fishing industry.
By Guest195 0 -
Author's Comments: Easy Map to play.
By Gwizz180 0 -
Goal: 1900:
Fred Flodder wird zum neuen Praesidenten der Vereinigten Staaten gewaehlt.
Als erste Amtshandlung beauftragt er Sie,
das Land durch Ihre Eisenbahngesellschaft von Grund auf neu zu erschliessen. Sie haben vom Praesidenten volle Handlungsfreiheit und brauchen sich um die Zugangs- und
Streckenrechte nicht zu kuemmern.
"Umsonst ist der Tod !", meint der Praesi.
"Ich will am Gewinn beteiligt werden und mache daher zur Bedingung, dass Ihre Gesellschaft bis Ende 1935 einen Firmenbuchwert von $ 300.000.000 erwirtschaftet."
" Schafft Ihre Gesellschaft das nicht, werde ich diese Ende 1935 zu einer Konventional-strafe von $100.000.000 verdonnern !"
"Bis Ende 1940 haben Sie dann noch Zeit und Gelegenheit, alles ins rechte Lot zu ruecken.
Danach werde ich Ihre Gesellschaft wegen Unfaehigkeit konfiszieren !"
"Anschliessend werde ich Sie mit Vergnuegen hoechstpersoenlich am naechsten Baum aufknoepfen und einen faehigeren Manager suchen !"
Siegbedingungen (Schwierigkeit=Normal):
Bronze: Zeigen Sie es dem Kerl und erwirtschaften Sie bis Ende 1935 einen Firmenbuchwert von $ 300.000.000 !
Silber: Wie Bronze, jedoch bis Anfang 1935. Plus ein persoenliches Vermoegen von $ 50.000.000 !
Gold: Wie Silder, das ganze aber bis 1930 !!
Author's Comments: I've especially made this Scenario for German fans of RT3 and written it in German language therefore.
You can take it in the goal.
The map shows all of the United States.
(1024 x 448, 256 MB RAM recommended).
I've tested the game in the Level "standard" repeatedly.I succeeded in winning with gold in the last game year only, so that I think that the Scenario satisfies also higher claims.
By Guest195 0 -
Goal: This scenario is premised on the concept that wars need cargo and troops moved, while at the same time those who supply services to the military make considerable profits.
During the Second World War, Canada supplied Britain with a lot of materiel so this map is premised on that concept. You begin by buying cheap stock and taking over a railroad. It has a line running from Montreal to Ottawa, a maintenance facility and a water tower. You will have to by an engine. You will have $300k to get things going.
You only start out with 500 pieces of track. You will need to haul lumber and steel to buy get new track. Industries have been placed on this map and are an accurate representation of the industries in those areas. For example, the auto plants at Oakville, Oshawa, Windsor, and Ste. Therese have real life counter parts. So too do 99% of the other industries. In some cases modifications were made for game play, ie. Hagersville (near Niagara Falls) has a tire dump and in its place is a tire factory. Barracks have been placed only where major armouries or bases existed at the time the map started.
The map should be a reasonable challenge, and it should provide the player with some different options for game play. Watch out for the stock market crash in 29.
By nedfumpkin214 0 -
Goal: Lakes. Great Lakes. Build a railroad to span this industrial and agricultural heartland of America.
Author's Comments: You have been given the opportunity of a lifetime: develop the industrially and agriculturally rich Great Lakes region. Your task is to build a great railroad.
BRONZE - Connect Chicago to Philadelphia within 25 years.
SILVER - Same as Bronze, except you must also have a book value exceeding $75,000,000
GOLD - Same as both of the above, except you must also have a personal net worth over $35,000,000 AND you have to do it all within 15 years.
Good Luck!
By DarthVeda178 0 -
Goal: Replicate the construction and operation of the Florida East Coast Railroad from Miami to Key West.
Author's Comments: In March 1896, the FEC Railroad reached Miami Florida. Henry Flagler then used his personal wealth to extend the line to Key West by January, 1912. You are Flagler's chief engineer and must oversee the construction of the line.
There are no stock or bond activities. Ignore messages about stock splits.
A program bug causes buildings on the west side of Key West to be invisible. They are there and they do function in the scenario.
The city of Hollywood did not exist in 1895. It is on the map to provide traffic between south Florida and the north.
Move 125 loads of passengers to Key West by the end of June, 1920.
Connect Miami to Key West by the end of (GOLD) January, 1912, or
(SILVER) January 1914, or
(BRONZE) January 1916.
Recommended reading:
"Last Train To Paradise"
by Les Standifor
By Guest175 0 -
Goal: A rich map with such people in't! Will you be one of them? Connect northern Alberta to the nation's two mainlines and find out.
Author's Comments: ATHABASCA, where oil is sticky, gold is grainy, and land isn't always what you think. This is a land of opportunity, and can offer a great lifestyle if you don't work too hard. So your mission is to get stinkin' rich and bring some joy to the hard working people of Fort McMurray. Within 35 years:
BRONZE - Have $30M Player Net Worth.
SILVER - Have $60M Player Net Worth, and haul 25 loads of toys to the Athabasca Tar Sands.
GOLD - Have $90M Player Net Worth, $10M Player Stash, haul 50 loads of toys earning $20M in Revenues to the Athabasca Tar Sands.
By JayEff200 0