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Gob's Gone, what to do, what to do, what to do:)


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After drinking 2-3 Sprites Davidu is now fully awake and he can now enjoy the pizza and the mouvie, and the Police's way of bullying people around, thanx to Lowzeewee. His precious comments convinced the police that this was a fascist meeting. Therefore they tried to arrest everyone. The first sadistic fascist they layed hands on was Edric0. Hey, wait, he's a communist!!

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??? Talking to Sandwraith "You'll drink out of dirty shot glasses like the rest of these mongrels." narrowing my eyes "And you will like it." Fixes the Irish Car Bomb then walks away to the bathroom with a bottle of rice wine in hand.

Yells into the toilet "Hahaha Ordos45 you flushed yourself again huh well this time I have a little surprise for you. I switched the sewage system say Hello to Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi for me" tosses bottle of rice wine into toilet and flushes toilet.

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*Timenn enters*

Did someone see my anvil?

"It's somewhere close to Earth's smashed car :P.

I don't know if Earth has disposed of it yet, though."

*A policeman grabs Cyborg's shoulder.*

"Don't touch me, please, I have done nothing. Lowzeewee is the only fascist scum in this house at the moment. Go get him if you want.

And, by the way, do you have a good dvd with you? I forgot my films at home."

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*Sneakily switches DVD to "Resident Evil" in the hope of terrifying drunks.*

Hmmm... I wonder if that toilet-transport has been patented?

*Starts to weave net to catch Gob in, thus furthering hostile takover plans that all members of FED2K possess* Anyone got a needle?

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"Nyar will be furious at you undoing his repair of the roof."

*Stares at Davidu*



Yeah, you. Come here and fix the roof once again.


No, it was Davidu this time. He's in no state to defend himself, so you may punish him as you see fit.

And, by the way, thanks for repairing the roof."

*Jumping into the couch in the hope of catching the last half of whatever film running*

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