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Killing the Emperor Worm


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This has probably already been said, but I'll share my favourite way to kill the Emperor Worm in double-quick time. It works with any house, although Harkonnen is probably the easiest.

Here's your building order:


Factory. Upgrade it if you like, but there's little point.

Hangar. Upgrade it. Churn out Advanced Carryalls. You need a minimum of 3, about 5 is better.

Pick up your most powerful starting units and line them up at the large base entrance ramp.

Force move them, directly to the Worm. Don't bother trying to manouevre round the air defenses, because Living Turrets are way too slow turning to cause much damage to you, and there's little else that can attack your air units.

Deploy your units.

Kill it.

(Yes, you will probably lose 1 or at most 2 of the advanced carryalls, but the Guild and Tleilaxu NEVER send anything to actually DEFEND the worm once your remaining forces land)

In this way, you can finish the mission very, very quickly.

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i think it's too boring to kill the emperor worm three times with the same trick?? why u all make this level tooo boring, and miss all the action and the skills may u know in this level....

let's to try to face this level as they built for!

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thexorb i haven't played that mission in years but from what i remember i don't think your strat here will work

your ADVs are gonna get nailed by the turrets which are everywhere and anything you happen to get thru is gonna get nailed by the Guild Cannon shortly after you deploy.

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The Guild Mega cannon is pathetic against heavily armoured vehicles. However, I agree that if you moved directly towards the Emperor worm, your advanced carryalls would never make it, since it would overfly an entire base, full of AA units and turrets (Gun turrets).

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I can assure you, I've done this several times with all houses, and the most Adv Carryalls I've ever lost in one rush is 2.

And the Guild Mega Cannon won't such much as scratch a Kobra, Devastator or even an elite Sonic Tank.

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reason i didn't know about the Guild cannon being so weak is 'cause it was always destroyed before I killed the Emperor Worm but I've read on websites that it was really strong so I guess they gave me a false impression. Darn stupid websites! Tho I'm sure if I played that Mission today I'd own the Emperor Worm a lot easier than before.

still don't know how you get ADVs past the turrets that are everywhere w/o killing them first, unless there is some obscure, very specific path to avoid their line of fire... i never really bothered to look into that

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Yes, the Living Turrets are everywhere. No, you don't need to find an obscure way to get around them.

Why? 2 reasons.

1: Living Turrets turn slowly. Chances are, the majority of them won't even be able to shoot before the Carryalls have already passed over.

2: Living Turrets aren't very powerful. Even something as weak as an Advanced Carryall can withstand their fire.

And you don't actually pass over any Gun Turrets. The only real threat to your Carryalls is the odd Mongoose or Missile Tank that may be roaming about near the multiple Con yards.

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still don't know how you get ADVs past the turrets that are everywhere w/o killing them first, unless there is some obscure, very specific path to avoid their line of fire...

There is a weak point you can exploit. You only have to overfly several Tleilaxu living turrets, which won't be able to shoot down all your Advanced Carryalls.

Fly down the left side of the map (avoiding the base there, if you haven't already taken care of it), and fly straight down the left side of the map down to the back of the Emperor worm. From there, you can access the head of the Emperor worm with no problem, set down, and destroy it quickly. Just make sure you stay as close to the left side of the map as possible.

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What about the NIAP flyers? Dont those offer a threat.......

Well to me they dident but I could see that they could. Let me dig up my old pic of when I did it and show what I did. Really its simple....Devestator Drop.

Picked up like 10 devs sent them in and dropped and just fired at the worm. Ah theres that pic.[attachment archived by Gobalopper]

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Yeah, they're probably just for observation or something. The first time I played the worm mission I thought they were shooting at the Fremen, then I realised it was the Mega cannon.

You don't need 10 devastators by the way. The 3 Elite devs you start with are more than enough, but you will need more than 3 carryalls..... so you may as well take a coupla assault tanks with you.

Here's a thought.... take the Projector with you on the air raid. But i guess the mega cannon would instantly remove the projections....

Did you know projected units can get chevrons? :O

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In my personal opinion, i believe that ONLY ordos can kill the emperor worm in westwoods proper way of beating the level (Meaning build a base and kill everything before going for the worm.) Ordos have fast and powerful vehicles that have the ability to do this. They also have the quickest build speed for light vehicles.

House Harkonnen have slow units and take a while to build a suitable defensive and offensive force. This is where time is against you. After a while, the countdown will start. The most you will need as defense is the duplicator making copies to defend the back end of your base while your devestators and adp guard the front entrance. Doubtful that you will be able to wipe out everything on the map before time runs out.

House Atredies either have fast weak units or slow strong ones. You almost always have to rely on Minos, mongeese, snipers, kunjals, and the ix duplicator. If your lucky, you MIGHT be able to kill the worm in time.

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