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When Atreides raise the Harkonnen flag,

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When Atreides raise the Harkonnen flag,

While the US government policy turn to be unkindest superheroes ever, the Zionist pursuing policy & politics to maintain its power is middle-east. The now Arabs hatred all over the world for their dreams just because themselves doing by Jeehad, (for holy war), yet it is never ended.


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You are right about the palestinians...

Most of them were raised in a climate of hatred against Israel, and now they won't know how to live in peace... I think war has become their way of living.

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You call for a Djihad against the sionism? Find something new, I don't know how you respect iranian and palestinian ayatollahs, but they yell it still since 1948. Until Arafat will act against his terrorrists (of course he won't, it would be like Elisabeth II. killing Charles), there will be no possibility of trusting him. Jews had terrorists too, after creation of their state there was a small group Ingur, but they had enough courage to send an army against them and set an order. From then, all arab countries are doing nothing else than waiting for a good time to attack. I believe (and hope) it's just problem of their rulers. But we'll see, if the generation after Kaddafi, Mubarak, Asad, Chatami and Hussain will be more peaceful.

And please, stop with posting antisemitists' links.

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i got a lot of respect for hardcore Muslims just like I do for hardcore Christians.

what i don't respect is half-baked "Muslims" who don't really believe or follow what the Koran says and yet still *call* themselves Muslims even tho they are not

I don't know all that much about the Koran, but it is very similar to the Bible in many ways and both Books state that you are to go to War for your God and smite the Infidels

I have way more respect for the Iraqi Muslims fighting for Saddam than I do for American "Muslims" who think that America has a "good" society; because according to the Koran, America is most definitely an debauched, immoral cesspool. At least Saddam's Muslims are not hypocrites and truly stand up for what they believe in

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While the US government policy turn to be unkindest superheroes ever, the Zionist pursuing policy & politics to maintain its power is middle-east. The now Arabs hatred all over the world for their dreams just because themselves doing by Jeehad, (for holy war), yet it is never ended.

I’m Moslem but I’ve no problems living peace with my Christian, Buddhist, Hindus in our beloved country; Malaysia. Misconception of Islam is ‘greatly planned’ since the age of masonry. Moslem was ‘scapegoat’ worse than the Anti-semitic policy at Nazis since 9-11. We were hated all over the world while the other blasphemy towards our teaching.

I understand your anger, but your post is spotted with little hints of bitterness and even racism. You blame the Jews for all of these problems. They have actually cultivated and restored israel into a lush land. It was controlled by the jews after they conquered canaan. Finally they were kicked out of the land by the romans and eventually the land was taken from the eastern roman empire by the turks. The turks had the land off and on throughout the european dark ages but were finally able to keep it. They had all the right to have the land because they conquered it. The british took it from them though and eventually gave it to israel. The muslims conquered the land from another nation, who says its wrong for the british, who conquered the land after the muslim turks, to give it to the jews? they have full entitlement to the land and have used it for great good. there are so many benefits to keeping israel a strong state.

and also, it is such a sliver of land. Why do so many people expect that the jewish people of the land will give away apart of it? There is not enough, just that simple. Sometimes ethics are impossible to keep.

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TMA-1 if we should take land back that was conquered several hundred of years ago we should be starting soon, cause we would have a hell of a task. the americas should be given back too don't you think? However the mistake has happened and if the US really want peace they should look to Israel, with out peace between Palestine and Israel, there wont be peace in the middle-east.

Yes I believe that many Iraqis like what the americans are doing but I don't believe they would like them to stay very long after the war. And from what I've heard the last few days with the US installing Garner as "ruler" I think we will see an uproar. I'm not saying that I believe the US will stay in Iraq but I believe that many arabs would get that feeling and that's what the US fail to see.

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I don't know all that much about the Koran, but it is very similar to the Bible in many ways and both Books state that you are to go to War for your God and smite the Infidels

That is THE most idiotic statement I've read today. You don't have a single damn clue what you're talking about. I can't speak for the Qur'an because I've never read it, but for your information that Bible says you should love all your fellow humans, including your enemies. In fact, loving even those who hate you is a major point of Christianity.

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I have way more respect for the Iraqi Muslims fighting for Saddam than I do for American "Muslims" who think that America has a "good" society; because according to the Koran, America is most definitely an debauched, immoral cesspool. At least Saddam's Muslims are not hypocrites and truly stand up for what they believe in

Sadam is not a true muslim in the slightest. I'd label Bin Laden as a "true" muslim, because his faith is genuine, in contrast to Sadam who only says he's a muslim to keep fundamentalists from giving him more sh1t then they already are. Sadam probably kills of the visitors of a dozen mosques every year, so how could you possibly say that he's a muslim? Maybe his followers are "true" muslims, but why the hell they believe Sadam is beyond me.

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As the Koran is full of anti-jewish calls for war, I can say, that Saddam (who sponsored Hamas and other palestinian terrorist groups) is a good muslim. As they see USA aid Israel in their defense against arabian radicals, most hate is now pointed against the USA as secondary evil, last barrier blocking their Enemy's destruction.

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Though I agree emp, I also think that, to a certain extent, the most people belonging to the religion have somewhat evolved out of some of such things. I know it's written in the texts but some of it isn't practiced on a universal or even a general basis, as is the anti-homosexual violence referred to in the Bible or arranged marriages in India (except for Sikhs and they don't look like they're slowing down) And for every Saudi, there's a Turk.

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The crusades was the muslims own fault. it was them who was the evil part in this conflict.

It was the muslim aggression towards byzants which led to the crusades, which was a war to help the allies of the catholic countries.

THe muslims have only used war to spread their religion. Christians have too, but they gained a stronghold by making the Roman Empire christian without war-

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Byzantines were falling apart everywhare. Not just to the Muslims.

The crusades were the fault of the christains.

Each time they took the Holy land. Looted it. Then after a few years all the troops went back, only leaving a token force to defend it with. The Muslims moved in and defeated the token force. and re took control.

Then Another crusade begain and the same cycle was repeated over and over again. It was the Christians fault as much as it was the Muslims.

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When Atreides raise the Harkonnen flag,

I’m Moslem but I’ve no problems living peace with my Christian, Buddhist, Hindus in our beloved country; Malaysia. www.hoffman-info.com


yea well if you Moslem's could have it your way...there would BE NO Christians, Buddhists, or Hindus in your country. Your utlimate Holy Land...Saudi Arabia has ZERO churches...ZERO temples....and ZERO Synagogues. Islam is the most intolerant religion on earth. You build your mosques on the soils of free countries, yet you preach Islamic law that would FORBID you from taking Christians and Jews as friends" (Surah 5:50). Islamic law, as practiced my Muhammad outlaws non-compliance with Islam. if you have no problem living with Christians and Hindu's then you are not a Muslim like Muhammad who would have no part in such a thing!

And if you could have it your way, everyone would be happy little christians, there are different moslems not all are fanatics. The same goes with christians, but I guess that's perfectly ok, you preach about tolerance toward other religions yet you don't seem to show any yourself. Besides didn't Jesus preach to turn the other cheek? You are not a christian as Jesus preached.

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and there is nothing wrong with them attacking middle east for power, cus it was rightfully theirs.

it was pretty lame that they didn't have a larger force to defend Jerusalem. they left only a force of 2000 when they had re captured Jerusalem for Byzants during the first crusade. that force of 2000 re captured several more territories the muslims had taken from byzants during the following 40 years.

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yea well if you Moslem's could have it your way...there would BE NO Christians, Buddhists, or Hindus in your country. Your utlimate Holy Land...Saudi Arabia has ZERO churches...ZERO temples....and ZERO Synagogues. Islam is the most intolerant religion on earth. You build your mosques on the soils of free countries, yet you preach Islamic law that would FORBID you from taking Christians and Jews as friends" (Surah 5:50). Islamic law, as practiced my Muhammad outlaws non-compliance with Islam. if you have no problem living with Christians and Hindu's then you are not a Muslim like Muhammad who would have no part in such a thing!

Would you come out of the dark agaes not all muslims believe that some do have more mordern ideas about Islam and it's relation to the other faiths. Saudi Arabia could do alot better in it's representation of Islam that we will agree with you.

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