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I can see Bush now:

"For too long has this self-proclaimed Emperor oppressed his people! Under his evil regime, freedom of speech is prohibited, and thousands die every day. For 5000 years, Leto II has defied UN resolutions and the united will of the world. Foor too long have the voices of his people gone unanswered! The game is over. We give him 44 hours to leave the Imperium, or suffer the consequences."


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Then sooner or later, the dictator would die of natural causes, and the opportunity for a more or less violent change of regime would arise.

Unless he's the God-Emperor Leto II, in which case I would approve US intervention.

Would it? Take a look on Iraq, surely one of Saddam's sons would claim power once his father dies. And then, Saddam's grand son would claim power, and so on.

ok, i think so too.. but afterall this means, that this war is done only because of this reason:

there is a dictator, ignoring human rights (killing opposition and so on)

and where is my problem than?

its just, why does bush want to attack iraq only, and not china for example?

in china there is a "dictatorship" as well (i.e. people are killed because of their political view) ..

so why not attack china?

btw - they have weapons of mass destruction as well

Because China does not murder people everyday like Saddam does. You have more freedom in China than in Iraq, for now. China does also not threathen any nearby countries. China does not test VX gas and other bombs on its own people. China does not hate Jews, nor any other religion, you can believe in whatever you want there. If you would have been a Jew in Iraq now, you'd be dead, or wanted dead. And I am sure everybody (except the neo-nazis :P ) wants that the racial hate dissapears from the face of Earth as soon as possible, because how else would we be able to build a world where everyone is equal? Besides these reasons, there are more, and one could go on like this forever.

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China doesn't hate non-state religions? Wow, that's news to me! I could've sworn they executed people for believing in the wrong belief system. Oh well...

Btw, since some of you seem so good at UN Charters and such, can anyone tell me how it was legal for the UN as a whole, to invade Haiti years ago. Haiti is the only nation ever to have been invaded by the United Nations.

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Learn your history, Caid.

1. Lenin overthrew Kerenskij's "democratic" (no elections had actually taken place, *cough* *cough*) government in the famous October Revolution and formed a new government, with a much more clear and practical agenda. The Revolution was almost bloodless, and the soldiers guarding Kerenskij actually opened the doors to Lenin, which shows how much they loved their *democratic* ruler...

2. AFTERWARDS, the Mensheviks revolted against Lenin's new government.

Lenin gave the people Peace, Land, and Bread. (that was his slogan, and he kept to it) Why do you hate communism so much as to twist history to make them look bad?

Bloodless? Then should you learn some history. This, what you talk about, is written in my book of marxism for schools ;D

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Learn your history, Caid.

1. Lenin overthrew Kerenskij's "democratic" (no elections had actually taken place, *cough* *cough*) government in the famous October Revolution and formed a new government, with a much more clear and practical agenda. The Revolution was almost bloodless, and the soldiers guarding Kerenskij actually opened the doors to Lenin, which shows how much they loved their *democratic* ruler...

2. AFTERWARDS, the Mensheviks revolted against Lenin's new government.

Lenin gave the people Peace, Land, and Bread. (that was his slogan, and he kept to it) Why do you hate communism so much as to twist history to make them look bad?

Bloodless? Then should you learn some history. This, what you talk about, is written in my book of marxism for schools ;D

yes, almost bloodless. Not all the soviet revolution, but the October one, yes. Why? Pretty simple. The ones who made the revolution were about the only one having guns... So they just entered, no one asked question and TADA!!!

Source: Britanica Encyclopedia 2002, "Union of Soviet Socialist Republics" ;D

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Almost doesn't mean fully. 6 soldiers died in defense of the Winter Palace. Not much, but it's a fact. But in Russia there were more towns to conquer. Armed conflicts between bolsheviks and opposers to SET the soviet rule (not to defend it) where in: Moscow, Smolensk, Pskov (here was a final battle were Lenin's army defeated Kerenskij retreating after unsuccesful counterstrike on Petersburg on 14th november), Kyjev (also centre of "contrarevolutionar" forces), Dnepropetrovsk, Kazan, Saratov, Penza, Novocerkassk, Simferopol, Odessa, Cherson, Krasnodar... We can say the war was started by "counters". But then you agree that opposition isn't possible in socialistic state. Lenin knew that.


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Now back on topic:

1. Indeed, the UNITED NATIONS was created for this sort of thing. But it is NOT the United Nations who want to invade Iraq! The United States have NO right whatsoever to be the "policeman of the world".

Tell me, Caid, what if one day the US decided to invade Slovakia simply because they felt like it? The UN would try to stop them, but by your logic they should ignore the UN and go ahead anyway.

If the citizens of Slovakia were being horrifically murdered and oppressed by their dictator, and the UN opposed our intervention, then yes, to hell with the UN.

2. And many more innocent Iraqis will continue to be slaughtered by the US-appointed dictator AFTER the war. There will be no difference to Saddam's rule, except that a few additional thousands will die in the war itself.

I suppose I'll let your idiotic nonsense stand for now, I'm tired of debating it. In about a month or so, we will get an idea of what the situation is in Iraq.

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There are sources shown at CNN that the Iraqi people are stocking up on food and safety materials, and are happy to have the Saddam Hussein regime overthrown. Also, once they see US forces enter the country, an immediate revolt will erupt among the populace to aid in the overthrowing of the Hussein regime. Right now, Iraqi government officials are harshly treating the citizens, throwing many in jail that are suspect to aiding the foreign nations. The people want Hussein gone.

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Now back on topic:

1. Indeed, the UNITED NATIONS was created for this sort of thing. But it is NOT the United Nations who want to invade Iraq! The United States have NO right whatsoever to be the "policeman of the world".

Tell me, Caid, what if one day the US decided to invade Slovakia simply because they felt like it? The UN would try to stop them, but by your logic they should ignore the UN and go ahead anyway.

If the citizens of Slovakia were being horrifically murdered and oppressed by their dictator, and the UN opposed our intervention, then yes, to hell with the UN.

2. And many more innocent Iraqis will continue to be slaughtered by the US-appointed dictator AFTER the war. There will be no difference to Saddam's rule, except that a few additional thousands will die in the war itself.

I suppose I'll let your idiotic nonsense stand for now, I'm tired of debating it. In about a month or so, we will get an idea of what the situation is in Iraq.

I'm not sure we'll get an idea about what is going on in Iraq except by alternative news source... They will still say that all is great on American (and Canadian, most probably) mass medias, as they were doing same about Saddam's regime when he was friendly to US (before 1991).

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There are sources shown at CNN that the Iraqi people are stocking up on food and safety materials, and are happy to have the Saddam Hussein regime overthrown. Also, once they see US forces enter the country, an immediate revolt will erupt among the populace to aid in the overthrowing of the Hussein regime. Right now, Iraqi government officials are harshly treating the citizens, throwing many in jail that are suspect to aiding the foreign nations. The people want Hussein gone.

yes, all the war protestors are going to have smelly egg on their face.

already Iraqi's have surrendered this morning. they can't WAIT for the US to topple Hussein. They will be helping us. There will be great joy in Iraq.

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Israel didn't even signed the treaty of non-proliferation, so I wonder if they will attack Israel (which is their ally) ::)

They also have bio and chemical and while Iraq has a destroyed army, Israel is second military power on Earth.

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