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And God commandeth, "Kill your mother."

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Hey, this is the first installation of curousity at its finest! I was wondering, for all monotheists, would you kill your mother if God commanded you to?

This explains it better than me:

If God told me to kill somebody, would I do it?

Now, this question requires a few disclaimers. First, no copping out and claiming that the God you believe in would never ask such a thing of you - this is hypothetical. Second, the person to be killed does, in fact, want to live: s/he did not request this, this is not euthanasia; nor does s/he deserve it for crimes committed. This is cold-blooded murder, with no mitigating circumstances or hidden aspects that will make it all right in the end.

So, would you do it?

This is getting to a theory that I have found rather interesting, so when a sufficient amount have answered, I will post it and see what everbody thinks, ok? Step in line, don't skip, don't push, and enjoy :)

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Would you kill your mother for your country acriku?

same kind of question. Your whole argument is to put christians in a negative spotlight right when they enter into the debate. It is debilitating and unfair.

Abraham was going to kill his son jacob as a sacrifice. An angel stopped him though. It was a test of faith. It shows though that abraham would have done what God told him no matter what.

Also, God wouldnt tell me to kill my mother because that is in direct conflict with his own standards.

Acriku you are becoming snide. I mean I can expect this from some people. but you? Geesh, grow up man.

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TMA, in the quote it said that this was purely hypothetical. Just a yes or no, with an explanation of why you chose either one if you want to. This is all for curiousity and to inform people of knowledge they may not have. It all will all have a purpose when I feel enough have answered. And no this is in no way attacking monotheism.

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There is no doubt in your mind that God himself is commanding you to kill somebody, for example your mother.

this is impossible to answer. If i hear some voice say "I am God" and in my mind I have no doubt that it is God then I am now insane.

you are asking basically:

"Lets pretend you have just become insane. Your ability to think rationally is gone. What would you do?"


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hmmm Acriku, the question is really immature. Its like asking, What if God didnt send christ to save us? God in the first place would never do such a thing. He sent us his son. So why would God want us to kill our moms? I mean that is abusing our faith in trying to make us seem immoral.

What if I asked you, since you are an athiest, Why dont you go out and rape every girl you think is attractive? I mean we are animals arent we?

Loaded questions are probably one oft he scummiest things I know.

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Jesus f*ing Christ does anybody understand what hypothetical mean? I mean for crying out loud some people are so uptight they can't answer a hypothetical question! It does not attack anybody, it is a question. If you can't handle answering it, or the question itself, then perhaps you need to take a chill pill, go to your respected church/temple/synagogue leader and talk with him about it, and perhaps he will find it not as hard to answer it, and perhaps you will then find it not as hard to answer it?

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I understand hypothetical. You are asking me to hypothetically assume that I am insane and have no ability to think clearly or rationally. Ok, fine. I will assume, hypothetically, that I lost all ability to think reasonably (lol, like I'm sure some of you probably think thats not a hypothetical....haha).

Ok, now that I am under this assumption...what next?

Well you are asking me that once I imagine myself as fully insane, what would I do given a certain circumstance?

Well since I would be fully insane at that point, it is really REALLY hard for me to answer you since I have no idea what kinds of decisions I would make if I had lost my sanity.

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