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I have webspace, but I dont think I would be able to edit the map very well. well i do have a photo thingy that can put layers(so it doesnt screw up map), as long as i save it as that file type. It is called Arcsoft photostudio.


move army only one region per turn sounds good.

by that i meant, move whatever amount of armies in a country to attack or move to another country can move or attack only once?

also does each counrty require an army oneach country or not? if no then it would make map less crowded.


My role in the project is purely in an advisory capacity. :-)

As to the map, when I work on it, I intend to make certain that terrain types, continents and regional borders are clearly defined. Additionally, if you like, it would be no trouble to add sections within each region where the GM can update and display the number of armies and the controlling faction.

Please inform me, though, what size in pixels you would like the final map.

As to players, I would avoid expanding beyond six in total. This is the same maximum as in Risk! rules and also equates to the number of continents in the current map. If you are having trouble finding a sixth player for the trial run then I *may* join you but I have to warn you that I have too many projects on my hands right now to get creative.

A few words on Timenn's rules.

You will get 1 army per turn for every region that is connected to 2 other regions of your own

I strongly reccomend against this rule for the fact that it will make end-of-turn calculations more time-consuming for the GM than the the benefits of this rule warrent. I reccomend holding with the standard Risk! rule of 1 army per three regions, which while perhaps is not quite so interesting, is simpler.

Whenever you have conquered a region of the enemy, you will get a card

This will result in a *lot* of cards! Particularly so with hotly contested regions that trade hands two (or more) times each turn.

3 Sand Buggies = 8 units of spice

3 Ornithopters Buggies = 10 units of spice

When you don't attack in a turn, you will receive 1 unit of spice from every desert region

The first rule completely negates any benefit of the second. Because of the abundance of cards it is considerably more economical to gain spice through conquering than the benefits of pacifism will allow.

Frankly, because spice inevitably equates to armies anyhow, I'm not sure this should be included in the game at all. At least not in its present state. Perhaps adding a rule that allows players to "bribe" enemy armies in regions adjacent to his own to join his side at a cost of 2 spice per army will alleviate this problem and make for very wicked gameplay.

Eliminate, however, the 1-turn homeworld delay in purchasing armies. This game isn't complex enough to require the foresight in which a delay would have any great strategic impact and it serves to both further devalue spice and create more work for the GM.

Because you intend to play this via the message board, I strongly reccomend you write the rules so that each player need only post once per turn. This will greatly expedite the game so that it will not be so reliant on the convenience of the player's schedules. Additionally, you may wish to add a 24 or 48 hour cap after the previous player's post in which a person may post their orders before his turn is forfeit.

Turn orders can perhaps be written (and calculated) like this:

1) Expend Cards for Armies/Spice

2) Expend spice for armies

3) Place Armies

4) Bribe enemy armies (if this rule is adopted)

5) Attack Regions

6) Move Armies

A player should note in his attack orders the maximum number of casualties he is will to sustain before retreating.



true, simplier rules would make game easier..and we could always change them.

1 army per 3 countries sounds easy.


Whenever you have conquered a region of the enemy, you will get a card

This will result in a *lot* of cards! Particularly so with hotly contested regions that trade hands two (or more) times each turn.

maybe if you take control of an entire continent you get a card?(although if you lost one country and get it back you wouldnt get a card? maybe if its just the first time.)

OT - out of curiostity, how do you(as in whoever votes) vote on who get to be in the "Landsraad", and what is the benefit of it? I was just reading over the FAQ. O0 hehe

going home tomorrow at 3 eastern time, wont be back until saturday sometime.(in case you start game)


It isn't so hard to record if someone moved the armies correct. So we can stick to the other rule

The map should be big enough to put much armies in every territory while you are still able to view the map. But it has to be loadable for dial-up members

Yes, you are right. 4-6 players will need to join. We have 4 potential players (including me)

It is easy to calculate the amount of regions connected to 2 other regions. Just check every region if it applies to the conditions

Ok, one card per victory per turn


Maybe you should have to keep one army in a region as a ocupieng force. to get money from it.

you can maybe transfer one army at the end of ur turn to another spot to reinforce it?


Yes, you are allowed to move armies. Check the rules on how you can move them

Yes, one occupying army per region minimal. I forgot to implement that in the rules. Thanks


Timenn in reply earlier about moving. I think that you should be allowed to attack as many as you like BUT you can only move 7 armies so if you attack a region with 3 armies, and then afterward moves two of them back to protect the other region you've used 5 moves.


wow, this process, has slowed considerably. Hope it doesnt die, or take forever to complete.

We could just use the risk rules for the first game. unless we can come up with and agree on rules.


Hmmm, it looks like all is getting slow.

Where are we waiting for, and otherwise we could begin?

Andrew, can you post the rules you have on your site here, then we discuss it for the last time and then play the game.

Who is gonna be the game-master?


Okay, Timenn, look over the past several posts and make a revision of the rules incorperating various suggestions people have made. You can't please everyone, of course, so while making changes, always keep an eye towards better gameplay. Once that's done, we should be able to start the trial run and our observations from that will let us come up with a final draft.

Andrew, since you were sort of the back bone of the project, I'm nominating you as GM. If you would rather be a player, though, that's understandable.

I'm going to start on the map overlay this evening and I expect it should be done in a day or so. I just thought you'd like to have a nice board to look at while you play-test. :-)



I could be GM. I do have enough webspace(at least 2mb-3mb) which should be more than enough for a pictures and text.(but may not have webspace after May until september) I could update daily except on friday after 11AM eastern time - saturday between 9AM-5PM.

so I would not really be able to update in that time period.

This project could work, just need more specifics as what would need to be done(would I update the map, etc. or could someone do that and send to me to update site alone.)

My website curruntly hosts Sedermia, a world I created, dune risk and a site to sell books(UPEI books only)

My books part only takes up 100kb now, but could be more as more people send in books.

Dune risk takes up 3 mb rigt now...but that is because of all the different map versions(which can be removed).

Sedermia can be taken off completely if it doesnt go anywhere in the fanfic board in this forum. 300kb

Mahdi said he could put an announcent about this game in the "news" (read back a couple pages) but i dont think he will do that until our first game is over. So if I am GM I guess I wont be playing, since I would have too many "calcualtions" to do if i do that part.(would be much funner for me if I just update the site with stuff people send me :) )

Also(soon done writing ;) ) before we start the game when rules and map is done I could put up the website and then see what recommendations I could do to make it better.

Might make new e-mail directly for the game if needed(I can have 5 accounts, currently have 2)

looks like Dune risk is underway again.

My suggestion for rules would be to make them simpler, so less calculations, but whatever work good.

just a thought.. could DuneRisk be a hosted site on Fed2K? just a thought, not sure if it would make things easier or not.


Well I figured I better reply so you all know that something new happened. there is an "almost" finished map at my website, by Bashar, and it looks very good and promising.

click on link at bottom of page to go the directory its on.

link also in my signiture.

Also I think there should be spots on the "board" that show how many armies you get for holding a continent, and maybe the # of cards passed in or maybe some stats. (maybe in the corners? or just on a webpage or seperate board? will have to figure other stuff first) Just an idea. I am working on just plain Risk rules right now(not on website yet), but if Timenn comes up with his rules, we shall see.

I think the "other board" option would be good for all the info, so not to clutter the map with the countries. or maybe just text would work(but not as pretty)

A set of original Risk rules can be found at this adress.(not my website)

This is the first one I came across.

also bashar I noticed the map seemed to get smaller, I hope this doesnt effect the putting armies on board or too cluttered or whatever it is we do with it.

Maybe we just use Risk rules, but change some words to fit in with dune. But the 3 different cards wont have the different countries on them. We can divide the land randomly, or pick the land one by one.


- All territories will be divided to all players.

When there still remain some regions which cannot be given to any player

in order to let every player have the same amount of territories,

then those regions will be neutral, with 2 neutral armies

- Each player may choose his/her own capitol region. Only on a rock region though.

- The Capitol will be destroyed when the region where the capitol stands is conquered.

The Capitol will provide 1 army per turn in the Capitol region and it counts as 1 army

on it's own. A capitol can't be rebuild

- All neutral regions are defended by 2 neutral armies. Neutral regions can be captured

- Whenever you have conquered a region of the enemy, you will get a card with 2 cards per turn maximum

- You have 3 different types of cards. The Ornithopter, the Sand Buggy,

and the Dune Soldier.

You can exchange the cards for armies or spice based on the following scheme:

3 Dune Soldiers = 7 armies

3 Sand Buggies = 8 units of spice

3 Ornithopters = 10 units of spice

1 Dune Soldier + 1 Sand Buggy + 1 Ornithopter = 12 units of spice, or 12 armies

- You will get 1 army per turn for every region that is connected to 2 other regions of

your own.

- When receiving armies by the last 2 rules, you can place them anywhere you want

- Each unit of spice can be used to buy transport of 1 army from your homeworld

=> You can buy armies and place them in any of your regions.

Bought armies will arive the next turn

- When you don't attack in a turn, you will receive 1 unit of spice from every

desert region

- You win when you have completed your objective, which is given at the start

- At the end of a turn you may move your armies.

Each army may move to 1 region at the time. With a maximum of 10 armies. Including attacking armies...

Movement is only allowed through territories of your own.

You can exchange a Sand Buggy card for a 4 steps movement of up to 3 armies

(of 1 region only, they must all move to the same spots).

You can exchange an Ornothopter for a 4 steps movement of up to 4 armies

(1 region only, they must all move to the same spots)

but you can travel through enemy territorie as long as you end in a territory

of your own.

I made my changes bold. Please post all suggestions. Also suggestions for objectives.

Nice map. :)


- When you don't attack in a turn, you will receive 1 unit of spice from every

desert region

these are desert regions you own.

- The Capitol will provide 1 army per turn in the Capitol region and it counts as 1 army

on it's own. A capitol can't be rebuild.

Does this one army have to be put in the capital country or is just added to the rest of armies you get?

- Each unit of spice can be used to buy transport of 1 army from your homeworld

=> You can buy armies and place them in any of your regions.

Bought armies will arive the next turn

so should the person have to show others that he is using spice cards?(before he gives up his turn?)(i think so make it easier)

- At the end of a turn you may move your armies.

Each army may move to 1 region at the time. With a maximum of 10 armies. Including attacking armies...Movement is only allowed through territories of your own. You can exchange a Sand Buggy card for a 4 steps movement of up to 3 armies (of 1 region only, they must all move to the same spots). You can exchange an Ornothopter for a 4 steps movement of up to 4 armies

(1 region only, they must all move to the same spots)

but you can travel through enemy territorie as long as you end in a territory of your own.

shouldnt the attacking be over with? or do you mean they can use the movement cards when attacking?(although i dont think that would be fair) so maybe just use movement cards at end of turn to move a maximum of 10 armies. also if movement is only allowedthrough territories you own, how can you be allowed to travel through enemy territories to get to your own?

Also there should be a limit of 5 or 6 cards a person can have at any given time(so that they cant stockpile) and has to trade them in(in order to recieve another card)

when deploying armies at first(not sure how we are basing that yet or the number) everyone puts the armies where they want(with one on each territory) and once that is done it is revealed to others where everyone elses armies are.

1. At the first of a turn a person uses the cards they wish to use(if any). this is added to the armies already counted and this happens before they attack.

2. attack

3. uses cards(if any) to transport units on board

And the attacking rules shall be the same as Risk?

I am currently making a "map" that has some of these rules(graphical representation for quick reference) will put it up on website when i get done with part of it.(so you can see what it looks like) I am using the desert backround you provided timenn for the backround and the pics of soldier, buggy and orni.


- Control 2 continents(since six there could be three different objectives for this type)but these continents would be opposite sides(farther away?)

- Capture 2 players capital. etc.

- Control all desert type regions

- Control all rock type regions

- Control all the minirock regions(refer to new map)

as for number of armies for continents owned(if that is incorporated), (according to territories on last map with them)could be:

The number of countries on the continent - 2 = number of armies.

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