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The Descent Into Chaos: Corrino's Revenge 2


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OK, I've decided to go ahead and do this now, while I've still got a little energy left. ;)

Here are some unit ideas I have:


Will pretty much stay as they are in CR1.


House Advantage:

Since they are a biological House, every single unit and structure slowly self-repairs.


(Note: Since they are essentially a living species, the Tlelexu are very Infantry-heavy.)

Contaminator-Cheaper and faster building, uncrushable, well, much like in CR1.

FaceDancer-A cloaked-when-still sniper.

Scout-The same as everyone elses'.

Infester-A suicide unit, much like the old Ordos Sabateur, that casues enemy infantry in the blast radius to become more Infestors.

Ghola-A cheap, basic infantry unit, similar to the old Light Infantry.

ChemTrooper-Armed with a short-range chemical sprayer that turns targeted infantry into more ChemTroopers. (See a theme here? ;))


Leech-Builds a little faster, other than that the same.

Poison Artillery (Name?)-Similar to the old inkvine.

??? I obviosly need more, but? Any ideas?


In addition to the basics-

Living Turret-Much the same as in CR1.

Gas Turret-A short-range, chemical-spraying turret.

Infestor Missile-Similar to the Death Hand, but infantry in the blast radius well up and explode, releasing more toxins. Expect some fancy coding here, but I'm fairly certain it can be done. ;)

Ix soon, if you want it! :D

So how's it sound? Any unit ideas? Please? :)

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Infestor Missile-Similar to the Death Hand, but infantry in the blast radius well up and explode, releasing more toxins. Expect some fancy coding here, but I'm fairly certain it can be done. ;)

*cough* use your own ideas dont copy mine *cough*

EDIT: on second thought that sounds inflammatory, to rephrase: Please do not use this, it is identical to the Tempest superweapon in ITDG in case you never played that far.

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try investigating properly first. No its almost identical, the Temp SW fires a dethhand missile that deviates tanks and contaminates infantry=

but infantry in the blast radius well up and explode, releasing more toxins

and then they contaminate yet more infantry and deviate more tanks etc etc, im sorry but i thought of the contamination splat first and I used it, as for the deviation effect, I think credit for that goes to Frodo but he said I could use it.

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I'll help you with Ix:


Ixian Suboid - Can't be crushed otherwise the same

Ixian Scout

Ixian Engineer

Ixian Las-Trooper - Has a AA Laser

Ixian Scientist - Repairs vehicles , already in the game


Ixian Robot Scout - Same as Dust Scout

Ixian Fighting Mech - Like Mongoose but uses Lasers

Ixian Scientist - Repairs vehicles , already in the game

Ixian Projector Tank - Greater armour but otherwise the same

Ixian Infiltrator - Kepp the same


Ixian Windtrap - already in the game

Ixian Refinery - Already in game

Ixian Research Centre - Produces both Infantry and Vehicles (keep the same)

Ixian Mega Cannon - Already in game

Ixian textures should be grey

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I'll help you with Ix:


Ixian Suboid - Can't be crushed otherwise the same

^I'm going to make it a little faster and cheaper, but still let it be crushed.

Ixian Scout

Ixian Engineer

Ixian Las-Trooper - Has a AA Laser

^Isn't that a little too close to the Sard. Elite?

Ixian Scientist - Repairs vehicles , already in the game

^That would be good.


Ixian Robot Scout - Same as Dust Scout

^Good idea!

Ixian Fighting Mech - Like Mongoose but uses Lasers

^I had an Idea for an assault mech like that with a light cannon, but a laser might be better...

Ixian Scientist - Repairs vehicles , already in the game

^I thought this was an infantry. ???

Ixian Projector Tank - Greater armour but otherwise the same

Ixian Infiltrator - Kepp the same


Ixian Windtrap - already in the game

Ixian Refinery - Already in game

Ixian Research Centre - Produces both Infantry and Vehicles (keep the same)

^I'm going to use it as just a barracks.

Ixian Mega Cannon - Already in game

^Yup, this will be their "superweapon".

Ixian textures should be grey

^I was thinking off-white, kinda like the projector tank and House of Ix.

And to Apollyon: Sorry dude, I didn't know it did that...crud...Any ideas for a Tlelexu superweapon, then? Anyone?

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thats ok, it was an honest mistake to make :).

as for a substitute, im afraid ive begun to run out of ideas :-.

but you can use the Ixian Explosive sniper from guild wars if you want, I doubt anyone will even notice the fact its also in such a little played mod.

EDIT: by the little played mod, I meant Guild wars, not CR, lol.

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The races (semi-complete list):


-The same as CR1

Tleilexu (TL):

House Advantage:

-ALL Tleilexu units and structures slowly regenerate.


-Tleilexu Scout: Same as all the others.

-Tleilexu Ghola: Cheap, light infantry unit with a low-power machine gun.

-Tleilexu Contaminator: Same as before, except MUCH cheaper, VERY SLIGHTLY faster, faster to build, more durable, and uncrushable.

-TL ChemWarrior: An infantry unit that sends a jet of toxic, mutagenic chemicals towards enemy units. the spray turns affected infantry into more ChemWarroirs.

-TL FaceDancer: A stealthed-when-still sniper.

-TL Infestor: A unit similar to the old Ordos Saboteur, escept it turn any enemy infantry in the blast radius into more Infesters. (Notice a theme? ;D)

-TL Engineer: Guess. :P


-TL Leech: Same as before, only builds a LITTLE faster. It can also cross dust bowls, but not sink in.

-TL SandCrawler: Similar to the old Ordos Dust Scout, this light unit is armed with twin machine guns and skitters across the sand at surprising speeds. It does cross dust bowls, but it doesn't sink in.

-TL Posion Artillery: Very similar to the old InkVine catapult. Launches sacks of toxic gas over long distances.

- ??? I need more ideas for TL units.


-All the basics, of course. (Note: Their refinery can't be upgraded, but it costs less.)

-TL ChemTurret: A turret armed with a simple short-range chemical sprayer. Death to infantry.

-TL Living Turret: Hasn't changed a bit.

-Superweapon? ???

Ixians (IX):

House Advantage:

-Uh...??? Ideas?


-Ixian Scout: The same as everyone else's.

-Ixian Suboid: CHEAP! That's the big thing-CHEAP! About the same as CR1, but half the price and a little faster.

-Ixian Engineer: Guess. :P

-Ixian LasTrooper: Initially armed with only a pistol, it deploys (like the defunct Kindjal) into a heavy weapons platform, only this time around, it's a powerful Anit-Ground-only laser.

-Ixian Technician: Repairs vehicles. What more is there to say?

-Ixian BrainWash Trooper: Deviates infantry. (I don't know, if I can't do this AND the MindWave Tank, this gets scrapped.)


-Ixian Assault Bike: Guess! Very similar to the old Sand Bike.

-Ixian Infiltrator: Exactly the same as before.

-Ixian Projector Tank: Builds a LITTLE faster, other than that, the same.

-Ixian Assault Mech: A powerful 'mech armed with an equally powerful AG laser.

-Ixian Pummeler: The Mino returns! AKA a cheap way to fill. :P

-Ixian MindWave Tank: Deviates it all! Infantry and Vehicles alike!

-Ixian Plasma Tank: Whew! The big guns! This baby fries anything in it's path with a powerful plasma gun.

-Ixian APC: A mchine gun and speed! Plus, it hovers! What more could ya want?

-Ixian AA Tank: Just as it sounds, purely AntiAir. In fact, your ONLY AntiAir. Go figure. ;)


-The basics.

-Ixian MG Post: Ratta-tat-tat! BOOM! ;D

-Ixian Holtzman Turret: Projects a shield and fires a laser at it. (Use your imagination. :P) Big explosions here! The main benefit is the tremendous splash damage.

-Ixian Annihlator Cannon (Superweapon): This massive cannon has a map-spanning range and does tremendous amounts of damage. It's durable and deadly. The drawback is the prohibitively large price tag and ludicrous build time.

Subhouse: Arrakeen Militia

-The remainder of Atreides and Harkonnen forces on Arrakis have set aside their differences and banded together to form a powergul militia. They offer their services to the highest bidder.


-Militia: A simple infantry unit armed with a light machine gun, the militia is the heart of, well, the Arakeen Militia. Go figure. :P

-Rocket Trooper: Armed with a powerful Rocket Launcher, thse units are dealy to aircraft and vehicles alike.


-Assault Tank: A basic, medium-sized tank designed to combat enemy vehicles. Armed with a simple cannon.


-Militia Command Center: The command and construction center for the Arakeen Militia.

Phew, what a post! OK, there you go! That's pretty much how it stands. I need aircraft for the two sides and a couple more TL vehicles. If you notice, the Tleilexu have a lot of infantry, while the Ixians are more vehicle dependant. That's intentional.

OK, questions, comments, concerns, ideas for the other subhouse?

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How about the FREMEN, we rarely see them in emperor and it's a real shame... remeber in the novels the fremen were very organized... I think the fremen should gain some new structures and units... in the novels the fremen had ornithopters....

and there are probably many other applications for the fremen.

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What? ??? It's nothing like the Tempest Superweapon. Doesn't the Tempest Missile thing mind-control enemy units?

Jeez, I'm sick of people claiming I copy their stuff. First Edric, now you. it's different! Trsut me!

The Tempest SW looks suspiciocly like the Genetic Mutator in YR

Aw! you didn't use my Robot Scout...anyway how about Ginaz as a subhouse?

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