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I just got the good news of Omega thru MSN, if this is right, Nav must have been permanantly banned ... :D :D :D ;D I'm just on my way to open this bottle or Martini I got as a present the other day, and listen to some high quality tunes at full volume, what are U guys doing??

Meanwhile, enjoy this small picture, dedicated specially for him:

(gob if u think its unnapropriate just remove it :)


he has called everyone a cheater and i wanna know why when he calls emprworm one then he bans him?

You mean when Navaros calls emprworm a cheater then Gob bans Navaros when Navaros has called everyone else a cheater and Gob has done nothing about it? So you are implying that Gob favours emprworm then are you? :P

IMO Navaros calling emprworm a hobbtz cheater would probably have been the last straw as far as Navaros's insults were concerned. It was probably just a coincidence that emprworm was the subject of Navaros's insults when Gob finally got tired of Navaros.


I think it's not a reason to party :-

I mean, something bad has happened to somebody, and u are all happy, u should be :-[

It's just sad it had to come this far :'(


I think it's not a reason to party :-

I mean, something bad has happened to somebody, and u are all happy, u should be :-[

It's just sad it had to come this far :'(

I kinda agree. A lot of you people lowered yourselfs to the same level Nav did. There are some of you who are (or were) just as bad as Nav IMHO.

I truely hope the flame wars and accusations have ended...


he has called everyone a cheater and i wanna know why when he calls emprworm one then he bans him?

IMO I think that one of the reasons that Navaros' bashing of emprworm was the last straw was because emprworm is obviously such a good emporer player. if any of you have not seen his site its www.songwave.com/dune I think its underconstruction right now, but the old site has loads of good strategy and revealed an actual bug that people were abusing, not just putting cheaters down like navaros did.

If Navaros had insulted someone fairly unknown, then Gob may not have known for sure that it wasn't true. His dissing of emprworm was blatantly false.


Earedil, I'm not arguing if he should, or shouldn't be banned. What I'm saying is that also other people behaved in a similar way Nav did. If Nav is banned for reasons, others should be warned IMHO...


heh I didn't say u were, Im just posting my reasons of drinking that Martini lol

cheers gob

btw, don't know what has been going on this board, but if anyone has behaved in any way, even close to similar as Nav, then yes, I can't agree with u more on getting warned/banned


Nav's nasty statements in Emprworm's post was simply his last stupid act of many. Right after he posted it, I posted a message to Gob asking for Nav to be banned for good because Nav has ruined or attempted to ruin every decent post in this forum. Right after I posted that message, Gob removed all of Nav's crap on the post as well as my request that Nav be banned for good. I know I wasn't alone in that request. Gob simply did what had to be done. Remember, Gob was very patient with Nav by giving him another chance after a lot of us wanted Nav banished forever.


Earedil, I'm not arguing if he should, or shouldn't be banned. What I'm saying is that also other people behaved in a similar way Nav did. If Nav is banned for reasons, others should be warned IMHO...

Well there were quite a few people that thought "hey, if I flame Nav, I get popular!" while most of them barely knew him and didn't even play him.

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