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a Fun Mod! - "Fed2k Heroes"


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oh, woops.


AdvancedFremen = TRUE

House = Fremen

PrimaryBuilding = FRCamp

SecondaryBuilding = ATPalace, HKPalace, ORPalace

UnitGroup = FromFRCamp

UpgradedPrimaryRequired = TRUE

Terrain = Rock, Sand, NBRock, InfRock, Ramp

SpecialGround = Sand //only deploy thumper on sand

Cost = 750

BuildTime = 750

Stealthed = TRUE

Size = 1

Speed = 8.0 //game coord per update

TurnRate = 0.2  //radians per update

TurretAttach = FRADVFremenGun

Armour = Earplugs, 50, InfRock

Health = 4000

Infantry = true

//SoundSelected = Selected

//SoundOrdered = Ordered

//SoundID = 47

ViewRange = 24

AiFoot = TRUE

TechLevel = 5

Resource = WormRider

ObjectTypeWhenGone = WormSign0

ChaosEffect = SmallChaosFX

HawkEffect = SmallHawkFX

TastyToWorms = True

WormAttraction = -20

Crushable = FALSE

CanMoveAnyDirection = TRUE

CrateGift = FALSE

CanBeDeviated = FALSE

AIThreat = 70

CanBeRepaired = FALSE

// LEVEL 1 ----------------------------------

VeterancyLevel = 20  // Score required

ExtraDamage = 50 // 50% more damage - applied to all weapons

CanSelfRepair = 1

// LEVEL 2 ----------------------------------

VeterancyLevel = 40

ExtraArmour = 50 // Takes 50% less damage

// LEVEL 3 ----------------------------------

VeterancyLevel = 60

ExtraDamage = 50

ExtraArmour = 50

just copy everything from Feds and rename it to mine and use these rules ^ .

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yea i noticed ^-^ anyway ethan 1 thing i cant make ya a worm rifer coz then it will crash some stuff like when youll be catching a worm when its disapird you will be a fadaykin :- and ethan why dont try making your own unit? with your own weapon?

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yea i noticed ^-^ anyway ethan 1 thing i cant make ya a worm rifer coz then it will crash some stuff like when youll be catching a worm when its disapird you will be a fadaykin :- and ethan why dont try making your own unit? with your own weapon?

just make a new worm rider specially for ethan.

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Hey! I like the look of this! Damn, someone's already a Dust Scout. *Inaudible grumbling* Hmmm, Well I'll try anyway. Could I be in it please? Some kind of purple Dustie with an AA Sardaukar minigun. Plus all normal Dust Scout stuff, sinking in dust bowls, self repair, etc. House Ordos only.

Which gives me an idea, how about some of these units are only available for certain houses or sub-houses, Edric = Ordos, Dunenewt = Ix, that kind of thing. Or for all houses to make it fair if you prefer...

I'll see if I can fix the gun and unit myself if you like, (give me time, I'm busy and it may take a week or something) but I'm afraid someone else will have to either change the colour of the Dust Scout and make the icon or give me a program that will do it because my paint etc programs are rather feeble.

Are you going to ask people if they want to be in it or just take requests? Just curious.

So can I be in it? Pleeeeeeease? ::)

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oh, can I be a Ninja, like in the BETA of my mod? I can give you all the codings, textures, and xbfs.

You could also make it like the 3 main houses could be the Modders, the Landsraad, and Something else, then make the subhouses like the mods of all the boards. But I think I like your idea better.

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Hey! I like the look of this! Damn, someone's already a Dust Scout. *Inaudible grumbling* Hmmm, Well I'll try anyway. Could I be in it please? Some kind of purple Dustie with an AA Sardaukar minigun. Plus all normal Dust Scout stuff, sinking in dust bowls, self repair, etc. House Ordos only.

Which gives me an idea, how about some of these units are only available for certain houses or sub-houses, Edric = Ordos, Dunenewt = Ix, that kind of thing. Or for all houses to make it fair if you prefer...

I'll see if I can fix the gun and unit myself if you like, (give me time, I'm busy and it may take a week or something) but I'm afraid someone else will have to either change the colour of the Dust Scout and make the icon or give me a program that will do it because my paint etc programs are rather feeble.

Are you going to ask people if they want to be in it or just take requests? Just curious.

So can I be in it? Pleeeeeeease? ::)

dont worry about being a dustscout too, as my dustscout XBF is noticably different to the regular one.

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Heres my initial idea.


Score = 1

House = Atreides


Terrain = Rock, Sand, NBRock, Ramp

PrimaryBuilding = ATFactory //only built in ATFactory

UnitGroup = FromFactory

Cost = 850

BuildTime = 500

Size = 2

Speed = 3.0 //game coord per update

TurnRate = 0.05  //radians per update

Armour = Heavy

Health = 4000

//SoundSelected = Selected

//SoundOrdered = Ordered

ExplosionType = Explosion

ViewRange = 4,8,InfRock

Debris = DebrisMedium

AiTank = TRUE

TechLevel = 1  

Starportable = FALSE //order from starport (if atreides)

ReinforcementValue = 6

Crushes = FALSE

ChaosEffect = MediumChaosFX

HawkEffect = MediumHawkFX

TastyToWorms = True

WormAttraction = 4

CanMoveAnyDirection = TRUE

HitSlowDownAmount = 10  // Percent (100 = complete stop)

HitSlowDownDuration = 100 // ticks

AIThreat = 99

RoofHeight = 45



Icon = "iconsOR_APC.tga"

 IconGrey  = "iconsgrey_OR_APC.tga"

Xaf = "IN_IX_Transport"

SideBarType = "Units"

There is atill alot I will change

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