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50 million people were killed by the nazis, Earthnuker, 50 million... There is no horror greater than that.

Imagine your closest, dearest loved one dying 50 million times, in inhumane agony. That is the scope of the slaughter. If I were a Jew (6 million dead, most in Death Camps), or a Russian (30 million dead), and I met a nazi, I would probably want to kill him with my bare hands.

I normaly abhore revenge and violence, but 50 million voices cry out for justice.

only 12-13 million soviets died in the war.

soilders that is...i dont know about civialns

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Why death penalty? We have no right to punish others like this. 50 years in prison would give them more exercise than quick death. That for leaders. For followers, best is to persuade them about their mistakes. We must show them perversion and abomination, not brutality of nazism. Most today's nazis are primitives, which see only the power and order of it. Mass execution would make them martyrs and Nazi plague would remain. You see it, skinheads.

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Caid consider this. The people set up a government to serve and protect the people. That is their function. When the government allows a person to be a citizen of the United States, that person is given certain laws to follow, along with certain rights he has as a citizen. If he does break those laws he forfeits his citizenship for the time being and all rights are dropped. Whatever we do with that criminal is based on what the criminal did. The government does have all the right to impose whatever actions within all the Acts and Laws it deems appropriate. If I kill somebody, I should expect to have thus my life ruined as I did to my victim and MANY OTHERS. I have broken the laws of the country that has granted me citizenship, and thus have stripped myself of my rights as a citizen, which I am no more. The death penalty is cheap, effective, and sets an example to all the other potential criminals. Morality does not stand stable within the wall of politics and government. Serve the people.

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But even worst criminal must have a right to their regretion over their act. If someone was jailed for long time, but he recidived, then is death penalty more acceptable. State is ruling over your rights, but right to life is ruled only by God. Also, if someone is justifiely jailed he will be soon forgotten by public. But execution makes too much loud. In example, slovak fascist president in 1939-1945 mons.J.Tiso was executed. Now he is seen by skinheads and nationalists as hero of nation, Church leaders see him as martyr of communists. But what about V.Tuka, A.Mach and other fascistic leaders of old slovak state? There were jailed and no skinhead knows now they even existed.

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Caid, our country doesn't serve under God. It's principles are, but now it is a matter of which will spend more money, and time, and resources. Would you still feel this way if your mom was killed in the US and the killer spent a few years, and escaped from a temporary medium-security prison, when he could have been executed for his crime?

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It is not a question of retribution or vengeance. Punishments should be servere in dealing with criminals guilty of serious offences, to deter others, and to make the criminal more aware of the suffering he has caused.

Where possible, criminals shoud repay debts to the community, not by suffering needlessly, but by performing needed jobs like cleaning sewers. Incarceration in the meantime to protect the public is a good idea.

Execution, while it does protect the public, is a bad idea because there is so much margin for error within a court case.

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Bah, Acriku, you are telling like what we call "zidak", what I won't translate, because it would insult whole nation. It would be best if we would kill all people over 61 years old, because they must receive rent! Death for death? That's evil in principe. Evil for evil. And it will be strenghtened. Especially, if there was a court error - like Fakei said. Deliquent must suffer longer time, pay partially for his act. But also, at the end human must show mercy.

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Would you still feel this way if your mom was killed in the US and the killer spent a few years, and escaped from a temporary medium-security prison, when he could have been executed for his crime?

Yes. As much as I would hate that killer, I do not have the right to take his life away. I would only want him jailed for life, and I trust God to give him the punishment he deserves afterwards.

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If you jail all the criminals that committed murder for life, that would cause a serious hole in the government's pockets. It simply is no use to keep them alive if they are going to die in their anyways, let alone the possibility of parole or escaping.

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Edric, not only because they take taxpayer's money away (in the billions), but because they are going to die anyway, and it henders any chance of escaping. They are going to die anyways, so if the judge sends the prisoner to deathrow, why not? You have to remember that some are sentenced to life in prison, and I am not talking about them. That is a different matter.

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The death penalty is one of the most unethical and unnecessary practices in America. The American government can certainly afford to keep convicts in prison. And if the government can't afford it, then raise the taxes. A couple bucks a person wouldn't hurt anyone. Price tags can't be put on a living person, this supposedly stopped at slave auctions.

And to put it in a more political view, murderers are sometimes executed for murder. Murdering someone for murdering someone is called cruel and unusual punishement in the constitution.

So not only is it unethical, it's against the constitution.

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Inoc, raise the taxes? Right now the taxes are high enough, with people barely holding on to their dreams and hopes, and with people who are just on the border hanging on! If you raise the taxes just so right-stricken criminals can live all their lives in a jail then you will never go high in politics. In fact people will egg you on the street for raising their taxes, and making them give more money they worked hard for to the government. And you better hide when they find out why it was raised!

The thing is, if you kill one or more people willingly and intentionally, in America (only this country for sake of argument) you are stripped of your rights, and according to the legal system will be jailed for life or executed. It is necessary for this practice, and should stay forever. People who don't want to get executed just plead insanity and go for life ::)

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You think you have high taxes? I live in the country with the highest taxes in the world. I fI wanna buy a car I'll have to pay three times the price for the damn car. when I earn 100 DKK I'll keep about 20 for myself if I take all the inderictly taxes in mind. And having high taxes doesn't mean that you health care nor you prisons are in a good state, our prisons are falling down the prisoners can dig the way out with a spoon.

However I agree I'm against the death penalty, for one reason. I'ld rather set 10 murderes free than killing an innocent for anothers crime.

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We don't have the highest taxes, but we certainly have high prices, and if the wages aren't high to balance it out, people are left on the streets. Poverty is growing, and yet some people still want to raise taxes. Yes, namp, it is sad for some executed but they were innocent, it happens, but sometimes we have to hold faith in the lawyers, jury, and judge, to convict and try the person correctly, but sometimes it doesn't happen that way.

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The problem with Americans is that they're so pompous that they think they are the only ones with problems. Americans should count themselves among the luckiest people on Earth that we have it as well as we do. And what about the murderers who regret what they've done? Would you kill someone, try to repent or make up for it and be denied??? Everyone has that RIGHT. 600 million dollars would be made if peoples taxes were raised two dollars each. You can't put a pricetag on a life, no matter how far they've sunken into the depths of evil. France and England make money and can still afford to ban the death penalty, we can too. Everyone deserves the chance to repent, atleast in their thoughts before their deaths. And then on the note of innocence. What if you were to execute someone who was innocent, but could never prove their innocence? If you knew of such a case and could only prevent it by changing the policy permanently would you still agree that they be executed?

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Yes, exactly Inoc, we do think we have all the problems, and just think of what American organizations are doing now! It's rediculous with the fact that there are organizations that, ignoring their own (many) problems, are focusing on the poverty-ridden countries, such as Red Cross (hate those traitors), United Way (I'd execute them if I could), and the traitor list goes on... </sarcasm>

Get my point? I'll edit it if you are offended in any way, it seems a little heated.

If a person is at the wrong place at the wrong time, and has no chance of getting out, then I hope his lawyer is good enough to get him life, instead of death penalty. It is possible you know.

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What is bad on Red Cross? How can you name it as traitor group? It's from Switzerland, officialy over state boundaries. Is that true, that all americans think only about money? What are you saying is only materialistic primitivity. Human life has a value unpayable buy no money. RC wasn't created for money, but with most humane things, helping those, who are ignored by their state!

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