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Girls too feminist nowadays?


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Sorry, Dev, I had thought you were trying to oppose what Acricku said.

Pointybum, I should have said:

"Don't read too much about someone's personality, feelings or circumstances into a small amount of text, unless you know that person."

You don't have to look far to find holes where they exist.

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"the judge believes the female more than the male in general"

That was Acriku's point - that it was indeed unfair in that context.

errr.... I thought of that myself ......

Pointybum, does age matter?

lol of course it doesnt, but when offering thought, one likes to feel the weight of the opinion (which makes for a great debate) to come from a person of likewise mind of similar age and background. In the real world this conversation wouldnt exist, I cant visualise a 14 year old saying some of those things to me, he would simply get a clip round the ear. :O

And I know I wouldnt be alone on that one. ;D

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If this was a debate in real life (all of us in the coffee shop debating) I would probably not say most of the things I have said in fear of being judged for the rest of my life by people who don't know me. But it is fun to have live debates. In psychology we debate about ethics and morality a lot :) But anyways, what do you mean "get a clip round the ear"? Is that a threat of physical harm?

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oh dear, have I opened a can of worms? I knew I would get those replies, I guess I have to answer. The clip on the ear it is not a physical act, more of a metaphorical one. :)

And you are absolutely right about the debates, as lively as they become, they're healthy for the heart (and mind). We all have a little voice in us that likes to speak volumes when no one is listening.

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I meant racism.

First of all i dont believe ALL I see in TV.

If we could just make a list of how corrupt society (meaning racism, discrimination, corruption, etc.) in North America and Africa and Middle East, by far, North America is more corrupt.

What a joke. What an obscene joke. At least in North America minorities have rights. In muslim countries you're killed if you don't abide by their beliefs. Does that happen in North America? NOPE. In Africa, white farmers that don't move from their colonies are murded. Does that happen in North America? NOPE. If you think about it, no other areas in the WORLD have the diversity of North America. People here can co-exist without war. Yes, unfortuneately, there are occasionally extreme acts of racism committed - but those acts are condemned and punished, not condoned. Look at Nigeria - Muslims killing Christians (and sometimes vice versa). Look at Israel - Muslims killing Jews (and sometimes vice versa). This happens abroad, and the hatred is so deep that there will never be peace. In North America, no such wars exist.

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What a joke. What an obscene joke. At least in North America minorities have rights. In muslim countries you're killed if you don't abide by their beliefs. Does that happen in North America? NOPE. In Africa, white farmers that don't move from their colonies are murded. Does that happen in North America? NOPE. If you think about it, no other areas in the WORLD have the diversity of North America. People here can co-exist without war.

Having right doesn't mean they are applied.

I will extend my comments to all the western society (North America and western Europe)

You say that it doesn't happen in N.A., Can u prove it ?

In Africa just a few farmers have been killed because of not moving of their properties, how many people those farmers have killed ? A lot.

Does it happen in North America ? Yes.

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Yes, unfortuneately, there are occasionally extreme acts of racism committed - but those acts are condemned and punished, not condoned.

What place are u talking about ? Dreamland maybe ?

Occasionally ?, NO. Extreme acts of racism in N.A. are bread of every day, not always violent, but worst, the worst kind of racism doesn't involve physical violence, and there is plenty of that in N.A. And are not condemned neither punished, because it's practically impossible to prove it.

Have u ever been in Southern States of US ?.. take a trip and u will see.

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Look at Nigeria - Muslims killing Christians (and sometimes vice versa). Look at Israel - Muslims killing Jews (and sometimes vice versa). This happens abroad, and the hatred is so deep that there will never be peace. In North America, no such wars exist.


But why u point out the case of those poor countries ?

Why not better, the case of Irland ? catolics and protestand killing each other, burning their churchs and so.

Yes, Irland a developed state, the fastest growing economy in the last decade. Same problem.

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"Look at Nigeria - Muslims killing Christians (and sometimes vice versa). Look at Israel - Muslims killing Jews (and sometimes vice versa). This happens abroad, and the hatred is so deep that there will never be peace. In North America, no such wars exist."

So, you have Ku-Klux Klan, skinheads... There was no war since 19th century, but it's expected, that in 2015 will be 15% of US population Hispanic, and then we'll see, how they solve this problem. Maybe now it seems to be abroad, far from your homeland, but everything can spread fast. USA are now on rise, but after each rise comes fall, and people of country won't choose state's destiny. Difference is how deep state falls, what depends on people's mood, which is de facto uncontrolable by propaganda, even by themselves.

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When you say south, do elaborate because I am in Florida and no cases of the racism that are not common everywhere do not happen. Maybe in Upper South, but not in Lower South. And state which states please, generalizing is bad mmkay.

Mech, I hope you can see past your obstructed views of NA.

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Zam you seem to be asking me to prove that there aren't these acts of extreme racism committed every day in North America, but can you prove to me that there ARE? Hmm? I didn't think so. I have eyes and ears you know. I LIVE in North America. Acts of racism are blown up my the media into huge circuses, and I almost never see them in the media, so that shows you they have nothing to over-cover! If you mean that society tends to divide itself, then yes I would have to agree with you. But it's not impossible or even difficult to move, change your status and start a new life. That's what the nation is designed to do. Allow people to start a new life. That's why many people who don't like their lives tend to move there.

I have been to several southern states. Unless you're talking about 100 years ago you're dead wrong. The area has undergone change of ideas at a very very rapid pace.

Like Caid said there is a very small number of idiots like the KKK, but like I said it's a rarity. The KKK and all other white supremacy groups are absolutely puny compared to any of a number of minority rights groups.

Racism is a very individual thing. If you choose to be a bigot, that is a personal choice you make and it is your loss. It is not condoned by the government, it's condemned. You can be arrested in the US for making racist comments and for having racial biases.

Dev_mech, what the HELL is with you calling everything in sight a fag? Do you even realize you're being bigoted when you say that? Jeez. Expand your vocabulary or something. I'm getting tired of seeing "Fag this, fag that, ur all fags, fags fags fags"

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I have to agree with you there ACE. I live in West Virginia, you know seceded from the Confederacy during the Civil War? Anyhow, I take a lot of trips on vacation along the eastern seaboard of the United States, and I have not seen much in the way of racism in the Southern States, if anything I usually end up in towns where the African American population is greater than almost any other group's.

Now if you want racism, you just hop down to West Virginia, to Clarksburg. KKK had so much fun in our town a few years ago, showed up, chanted white supremacy slogans against the mayor, and then left. It only cost the county $126,000 dollars to protect them from the riots beginning in the streets between the bigots and the people outraged the KKK was there.

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There was no war since 19th century

You must be dreaming for the last 200 years. Although the American didn't participate in all of them, but they're really trying to create conflicts between country and create war for to make money by selling their weapon to either side. China & Taiwan is an extremely good example and so is North Korea & South Korea.
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Devastator, I ment wars on USA area. There were none. Significant, at least. They just add oil to fire in other regions. They just make more and more enemies, waiting for showman like Bush who then name them "axis of evil". Inner conflicts of USA are also laughable when I see what is here in Europe. Balkan, Ireland, Spain, also in 1989 rebellions spread whole euro east. Altough some were peaceful (likein CSSR), some turned bloody (Romania).

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::) i guess he's never heard of the Civil war North vs South '61 - '65

dont refer to my county (or its ppl) as a fag you dont see me calling your county a cunt now do ya....

If your going to debate be civil about it name calling is for chlidren and ppl with a low-end vocabulary

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There was no war since 19th century

You must be dreaming for the last 200 years. Although the American didn't participate in all of them, but they're really trying to create conflicts between country and create war for to make money by selling their weapon to either side. China & Taiwan is an extremely good example and so is North Korea & South Korea.

America did not start the war in Korea.

The north Koreans launched a surprise invasion of south korea. Seoul was captured withen two weeks. American and south korean forces were pushed back to the Pusan perimiter whare they held out for quite awhile untill they broke through.

if we new about it. they why would we alow are forces to be almost pushed into the sea?

if you mean curently. Relations with North and South Korea have been there best for quite awhile. We are surely not antaganizing them...maybe its the fact that we have 10,000 survice men in the nation to protect. and to protect the nation.

"course there's no war in American area. Americans are fags, they won't be so dumb and fight in their own land. They always create conflicts between OTHER countries, not themselves."

How is america a engish school boy? (check ya dictionaries)

We are not english we are American.

We decalred independce quite awhile ago......

I doubt that the whole nation is nothing but "school boys"

Also. Why do you call america a Cigeret? I dont sea how a entire nation could be one...(check ya dictionaries..)

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How many years ago was that?? ???

Use your brain, what there's benefit American's do and Australian aren't allow to do, whats there's no benefit, the Americans won't do while the Australians do. The Gulf War is a good example for benefit while the East Timor is a good example for no benefits. Thats why I say Australians is nothing more than for flattering.

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