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Girls too feminist nowadays?


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Be aware at school, Devastator, 1783 ;D

Also, about Exatreides' post. I haven't said they had started those wars. Their help for one side focused world press for it. But they do their "peace missions" only in countries, which can give them some kind of benefit, strategical or economical. Look for Africa, imagine how Bush bombs Zimbabwe to bring down Mugabe. Of course it's normal. Every big nation does it.

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Yes "peace mission", the Americans does those "missions" where there are oils found while the Australians does their "mission" in worthless places like East Timor, guess why. I'll like to know.

Whats so new about America bombing places? All the Allied countries have done that before, but some have stopped now while bombing the "undeveloped countries" is now American's habit.LOL :P

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I have been to several southern states. Unless you're talking about 100 years ago you're dead wrong. The area has undergone change of ideas at a very very rapid pace.

Well i dont take the 100 years u give me (at that point things were horrible), i take just 50 years. ok ?

50 years ago in Alabama or Missisipi :

Everybody could enter the University ?

Everybody could live in any neighborhood ?

Everybody could use Taxis ?

Everybody could walk in the streets ?

Everybody could be a police man ?

(All the questions, meaning that if everybody could do so, without getting beated, or gettin in trouble ?

Unless u re write history i know the answers already.

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In Romania gays are restricted of rights, not enforced anyways. So what is your point? Human beings are evil and have been that way for many many years. Categorizing people on the people's actions doesn't do anything except categorizing them in an unfair fashion. No group of people should be categorized unless it is certain they all act, believe, and think the same. Which isn't the case for anybody.

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So Zamboe, I take it you've been to the Southern States and seen the extreme racism in it? Wow, I didn't know you were over fifty years old!

You know, civil rights for all people have come a long way since fifty years ago, as I imagine they have in Argentina as well. You like to paint the US as the Big Bad Wolf, and occasionally it is, but so are other countries.

The Philippines kept fighting "American Oppression" when our country owned theirs. Then when the Americans moved out, the Japanese took it over. This wasn't your modern day Japanese government, this was the militarily expansionist one that wanted to conquer everything it could for resources.

The US has some of the best human rights, if not the best, in the world. We thank our sleazy lawyers and our Judges for that all the time. (Like if you lived in America and I fell on your sidewalk and broke my foot, I could sue you. That's how well we retain human rights. We can't violate them, or we get sued to death.)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, I of course have yet to read all 7 pages of this thread... But I feel confident that I may be add something that has not yet been said:

In South Africka, everything is getting a little to pro-black... First of all, I've all heard that a black person requires two less degrees than a white, for example, to become a doctor and im certain that a black can choose to go for a normal degree instead of a masters or something like, to go and get degrees... this is law/operation called ''black empowerment''... Anyay the idea is to give more jobs to black than to whites so as to give blacks a better chance and supposedly not to be racist... This would be most distressing... but the S.A goverment is always coming up with stupid ideas... If only we still had Nelson Mandela *sighs*

Also it's almost as if it appears they are starting to get some subliminal ''anti-white'' message in... Example: Weve recently got this foolish new education system called OBE... this isn't that bad because as I said earlier, ever since Nelson left things have been going downhill.. but anyway, we now have something called CTA ( continual assesment... though the only thing continual about it is it's stupidity), so we get these little booklets to finish here... for example we have a little rescource booklet for English... and in it we have some stuff on ''role models'', within there is only a single white role model... not for an example of the excerpts related to it: Mama tumisa blows out 70 candles, she has trully blessed S.A with her music...

Baby Jake bows out in style... baby jake is the lightest boxer known to be in his league, he has a stunning win/loss record and is a brilliant figure to promote safe sex (it only devotes a single line to rape and black mail allegations against him and basically says those allegations are rubbish and how he paid a million dollars to pay it off... funny how it forgets to mention how many millions he earns in a month among other things, but hey)

Then the single famous white person: Madonna... she is known for her promiscuity,blasphemy, lust and I can't even remember what else it had to say about her... (these are almost exact qoutes from my books by the way)


Then there's the fact that weve being learning about apartheid for about 4 years... but they never inform us about how Shaka, upon conquering other black tribes... would burn their kralls down to the ground and kill anybody not of his tribe... once he was mentioned... as a great and brave leader... those were shakas OWN people he mercilessly killed just because they weren't of his tribe! he even had developed a special method to make sure NONE of his enemys could escape one of his attacks... they would all die... If this is how he reacts to people who are just of a different tribe who knows how he would react if he were to sail across the ocean instead of the Europeans... but we never hear about that!

They distort S.A history at my school so badly, that at one point, one of my freinds said: Mam, Apartheid is then kind of like the holocaust rights (lol)

Apartheid was just taking away some black rights, which isn't a nice thing to do... but the Holocaust was taking out jews FULL STOP... besides Apartheid was just a step to giving blacks full rights and was a far cry from what Shaka would do if he somehow managed to live another few centuries and conquer S.A:D

Also, though Nelson is a great man, were always hearing about his political ''struggle'' and how he was thrown into to prison for 50 years... yet it never mentions why he was imprisoned! he was imprisoned for blowing up whole friggin building! though this a heinous act, Nelson is still a good guy... never the less however, we should be taught ALL the facts at our school not just the ones they feel like handing out

And lets not forget about Zimbabwe, that place is living proof that blacks can also be rascist

And also, im getting tired of being called a racist for the slightest of anything against a black person:

Once at my old school, there was the rugby team... 2 or three of the white members of that team were currently waiting there... a black person approached them and continously insulted the rugby team... the 2 or three white people threatened that if the black guy person didn't stop, they would retaliate... the black person didn't stop and they retaliated... (I know thhis because my big brother, and a BLACK freind of his, a good fellow by the name of prince were both surveying the scene and told me all about it)

The next day, the headline for the front page article on the newspaper read:

Black person severly injured by a rascist white gang...

First off... 2 or 3 people is not a gang and the black person had his own freindes there as well... of course they didn't mention that just like they didn't mention his provocations... second of all there was absolutely nothing ''racial'' about it... it was simply one person insulting another and the other person retaliating...)

Then there's the occasion where I was waiting outside the front gate of my school... I hear cries of ''White people are rascists!'' ''White people get better things!'' ''This school is completly rascist!''... so I step in to start a debate with them

Fortunately there was one reasonable black person within the little hut... with whom I debated for quite some time... then she pointed out a mistake on my behalf... I said the ultimate goal of terrorism was a coup de' etat and she pointed out that it was actually self realization... fromt that point onwards I was considered a fool by almost all within despite the fact they couldn't even begin to debate against anything I had said nor did they have any grasp of history... the only people who listened to anything I said were that one reasonable black person and the only white bystander...

Then a well known and proud of it, drug addict who had failed just last year stepped in and lo and behold all ears became wide open!... (this drug addict is a nice person and only takes weed... well he calls it a ''herb''... and he's right that it's not bad in some ways... but that doesn't negate the fact he failed last year, and im known to be a history wiz for some reason but he still was listened to and I was just some fool...''

Oh and by the way... there was never a time where black people alone were ever enslaved... the only time black people were ever actually enslaved was when the dutch, british, e.t.c started to sail the seven seas... and those people enslaved ANYONE, even those of their own kind! and I when say their ''own kind'' I don't mean people of their own colour... oh no... they didn't even have second thoughts about enslaving someone of their own color... im speaking about people from NEIGHBOURING countries and the like

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Ah, thanks Acelethal... most people don't care about South Africka but if you ask me the country is almost like the level under... one the more poor German cities... (it's got some 1rst 3rd world country attributes)

And yes I definetly agree, it is a shame he still isn't the leader... I know the ANC would rather have him as their leader and the country wishes the same... but unfortunately I guess Nelson thought he had already done what needed to be done... true but theres alot of room for improvement in this country, especially now that Thabo's the president *sigh* what a pity

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Oh and by the way who ever said that countries $h!t on Americka despite receiving their health is TOTALLY right...

The country I live in right now is a living testament to that... were soon going to receive a massive pay check from Americka to start some African Renaissance rubbish... the name itself suggets that it will take forever to change anything which thus is not a big step and therefore the naming itself implies the stupidity of the people starting it... but anyway the point is at the same time our whole country is saying Americka is a warmonger! Americka is making the world a mono cultural place! And we say the latter whilst wearing our nike shoes, listening to eminenem and eating Mc donalds... So seriously I wish my country would stop being so stupid...

Oh and by the way, if you want to see some real rascism why not stop by Alexandria or Soweto:D if a white person were to ever enter that town or city they'd probably be hanged up in a pucblic place naked to have things thrown at them and have other disgusting sexual related deeds done to them and this would all happen as soon as the white man sets his first foot in that city without him ever actually doing anything...

Now THAT is racism but you never see anyone outcries about that...


Oh and by the way, I'm attempting to spread the word on this topic at the unoffivial Warcraft 3 forums, of course im being called a sexist immediately and must point out that any assistance would be of great value:D

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  • 3 weeks later...


Check out this link! This is perfect evidence about over-feminism! for goodness sake they're even prejudiced about beind prejudiced!

To describe the post in a nutshell: Some woman makes a thread advertising her clan... in this thread she states only women are allowed and that men $u(k (for search of a better word)

Then some guy says women $u(k and he is IMMEDIATELY branded a small immature little kid...

Tell me what you think... Im just displaying the evidence as it is unlike the news:D:D:D:D:D:D

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