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Girls too feminist nowadays?


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Hehe, I'm no bio expert, but I have common sense. Testosterone comes from (guess what) your balls! Now, think back to SexEd. Do women have balls? Hmmm...My memory says not...Also, did you ever think that maybe it reacts slightly differently with their bodies?

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Hehe, I wouldn't doubt that test decreases life expectancy, but 15 years is probably exaggerated.

Dj, back in ancient Japan, when women weren't allowed to do anything, they ACTUALLY DID THAT. Talented young choral singers went under the knife before they hit puberty so they could sing soprano...disturbing, aint it?

We're no better, though...we have the Beegees :O :O :O! j/k ;)

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what about that one guy Freddie Murcury- singer for Queen he had a very high faltismo. ;D O0

"Fat bottom girls make the rocking world go round!"

Q: Whats the similarity between fat bottom girls and a moped?

A: They are both fun to ride till your friends catch you on one :P ;D O0

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I know what you're getting at that their brain can adapt to produce more test, but so can mens! Plus they have the test that their body normally produces. So, on average, Men will always produce more test. I should've just said that sooner...

Zam, trust me it does. You can compare specifics all you want, but on an average scale, test promotes violence and aggression...like I said before just about everyone can control the impulses but it doesn't mean they don't feel it...

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Women on a whole sometimes feel the aggresion and possesiveness, they just have other ways of showing it. If they feel possesive (At least when I do) I do something nice for the person, or take could care of the item.

Ok guys, I'm about to go off on a rant. I take serious offence to the comment about "that time of the month." I do admit that women can get pissy before and during, but that is NOT always the reason. Sometimes we're just angry. Why is it that if we aren't perfect, happy little willing tools we are called teases and b****** and pissy. If a guy says no, he is normally honored in the girl world, and sometimes thought better of. But no, girls are obviously "PMSing." Sorry. I just had to get that out. I still think you guys are probably some of the best out there. I was just slightly pissed, and fyi, not pmsing.

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Ace, a man/woman behavior is not 100% bio. So in general there is a relation between test and violence, but not only test produces that. Besides in extraordinary situations you can see terrible acts (violence and agression) no matter if it's a woman or man.

I was thinking that in sports you can see just as an example what u say, i mean just as an example not as a general rule, like in Taekwondo tournaments, I know because I practice it since a few years I saw it many times that generally man/man matches get out of control very fast (first round), but in woman/woman matches it usually gets the hot point usually in the 3rd round.

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I know males that are girly..

and females that are manly....

it all depends on situation. you can have the most estrogen filled woman in the world and put her on a pirite ship in the 1800s then go look at her a year later.

she would be as cut throt and agressive as the rest of the males.

envirement is more often more importent then bio.

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Zam and Ex, I concur. Humans are the only species where our intelligence almost completely dominates our instinct. The points I was making were complete generalizations. Like I said specifics can be very different, but the generalization I was making is true. There'll always be the extremes of either end.

Alia, I actually didn't mean it like that...Sorry if I offended you or anyone else. If you look in the context I was referring to the different hormones associated with different points in ths cycle ie depending on the time something that'd normally make a woman really angry might make her cry...The point I was making was that emotional reactions to various situations are more dynamic for women then they are for men. Men are the same way, but it's completely environment-responsive instead of mostly environment but partially biologicial. Ie when I come on here and see Nav making some arse-hole remark about someone I'd usually tell him to can it, but if I'm in a laughing mood that day I might throw it back at him with a humorous twist. ;D

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Caid, actually there are things called chromosomes, which contain things called genes, which contain things called DNA which is just a bunch of hydrogen bonds, nitrogen bases, etc, and the DNA holds codes for yourself. Your hair isn't changing due to the environment, it's the way it is because of your genes. But as you grow (refer to my previous theory about how environments evolve your body with what you have already, genes), it can change. For example you can grow more hair with Rogaine or something. I state my point again, your genes are the foundation of the building that is your body, and the environment is the weather eroding that building away, or adding minerals picked up in the wind to the building. Hope this clears anything up.

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"Alia, girls look up to guys who say no to what? Sex? A date?"

I would love to speak for my entire gender, but unfortunatly I can't. I can only say what I would respect, and I hope that's enough. I would respect a guy who nows what he's ready for. I realize that most guys are ready for things at earlier ages than girls, but if he's not, I would respect that. I would also respect a guy who's honest about that kind of thing, like he doesn't go into the locker room with the guys the day after your first date and brag about how you got to "3rd base" even if you didn't. And I guess that I can respect a guy who would say no to a date, though it would hurt me at the time. As I thought about it later, I would probably respect him all the more for not leading me on. So yeah, a list of things I repect.

Oh, by the way, I wasn't really offended. I just saw the words "pms" and assumed. I'm sorry for the rant that I did. I didn't really read to context, and you're right, girls are MUCH more sensitive at that time. Don't worry about it.

I still think you guys are wonderful, even if you sometimes act like sexist pigs. ;D ;D

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