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Ex, you might as well burn your money. Generals will be a piece of sh!t about America saving the day, blah blah blah... And we all know it will be abandoned after only a few months.

I'm getting the warez version. Take THAT, Westwood!

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i dont care....

i enjoyed the emperor singel player and skirmish. i also enjoyed ra2s and yuries. so chances are i am going to enjoy this one to.....

even if westwood abandons it...i will still have the singel player to hold.

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1. Read the rules. Discussion of pirating software is not allowed.

2. I will get it honestly, by BUYING it. WestWood's fine products may have poor support, but at least they are FINE PRODUCTS. Not that sh*t-in-a-box put out by Blizzard. I'm not buying any more Blizzard cr*p until SCII. I'm sick and freakin' tired of WarCraft! I'm WarCrafted out!

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1. ) Stop bringing up how in your opinion Blizzard sucks. Stay on topic.

2. ) If it is such a lousy game how did almost all the gaming magazines/reviews give it 9-10 stars our of ten? Why was it nominated more than 4 times as Game of the year? Why did it get over a million copies sold after the first weekend it was released? :)

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Do you see any guns in WarIII? DO YOU?! i didn't think so.

And the OFFICIAL polls, World of WarCraft lost to SCII. Which do they do? World of WarCraft!!

what does any of that have to do with WC3 being sh|t in a box? absolutely NOTHING. Listen to all the reviews from ANYWHERE they all say the game rocks - you say it sucks. Now which side do you think has the mental problem? ;D

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Stop all of the flaming everyone, please...do you want to discuss this or have the first staff member to see it send it into the depths of Gob's Dungeon?

As for myself, I haven't given it much thought. I know if I get it, I'll buy it legally, because warez programs are illegal and are a felony to possess within the United States of America. I recently read an article where the FBI may let up on terrorists to hunt down those who download programs illegally.

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Do you see any guns in WarIII? DO YOU?! i didn't think so.

And the OFFICIAL polls, World of WarCraft lost to SCII. Which do they do? World of WarCraft!!

THEY DO BOTH!!! they have already told that they will make SC2 but probably it will take a while. But it will come, it has been anounced by Blizzard's Bill Roper

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Back on topic now...

You do realize that Genrals will be an American flag-waver, don't you? Oh look, the freedom-loving, law-enforcing, pretzel-choking US saves the day! They finally got the big bad terrorists! ::)

Long live the GLA...

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Who the hell is the GLA? Some terrorist faction again? None of the C&C games could beat the original, though Ra came close.

And no, I am not going to buy C&C generals. I'll buy Earth 2160 and FA: War over Europe- wich will have exellent graphics.

Question: will C&C g. have the same camera mode as Emperor, or can you also change view angles?

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Who the hell is the GLA? Some terrorist faction again? None of the C&C games could beat the original, though Ra came close.

And no, I am not going to buy C&C generals. I'll buy Earth 2160 and FA: War over Europe- wich will have exellent graphics.

Question: will C&C g. have the same camera mode as Emperor, or can you also change view angles?

1. OK, have you SEEN the screenies from Generals? No one has, have they? the graphics are AWESOME!!! You WILL be afforded excellent camera control, DIFFICULTY SETTINGS *gasp :O*, and *gasp again :O* a much higher group cap. They have relized "hey, if we make these icons smaller, we can fit more in the little box!!!"

2.About the view angles, at least you COULD rotate in Emporer, as opposed to WarIII's 180 degree thing. ::)

3. The GLA IS a terrorist faction, so Edric, comments like that would get you arrested in America these days. Why don't run into the streets yelling "Al Queda all the way!!!" or something equally stupid.

4. Terror, are you dilusional? There are no real guns in WarIII. I don't really think that little musket-thingy counts as a gun.

5. Hey look, each side has UNIQUE units in Generals. Not the same unit as all the other sides with only slightly different stats. :O

6. Yes, people, IT IS a felony to pirate software, so, um, that's what Edric has turned this thread into.

7. The topic should be in English.

My vote is for Dungeon. This has turned into a thread of nothing but how bad WestWood is. How ironic, seeing as this is now the OFFICIAL WestWood Board for Emporer. Yes, they do watch it. Some people watch it for them. *Hint, Hint*

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Who the hell is the GLA? Some terrorist faction again? None of the C&C games could beat the original, though Ra came close.

And no, I am not going to buy C&C generals. I'll buy Earth 2160 and FA: War over Europe- wich will have exellent graphics.

Question: will C&C g. have the same camera mode as Emperor, or can you also change view angles?

1. OK, have you SEEN the screenies from Generals? No one has, have they? the graphics are AWESOME!!! You WILL be afforded excellent camera control, DIFFICULTY SETTINGS *gasp :O*, and *gasp again :O* a much higher group cap. They have relized "hey, if we make these icons smaller, we can fit more in the little box!!!"

2.About the view angles, at least you COULD rotate in Emporer, as opposed to WarIII's 180 degree thing. ::)

3. The GLA IS a terrorist faction, so Edric, comments like that would get you arrested in America these days. Why don't run into the streets yelling "Al Queda all the way!!!" or something equally stupid.

4. Terror, are you dilusional? There are no real guns in WarIII. I don't really think that little musket-thingy counts as a gun.

5. Hey look, each side has UNIQUE units in Generals. Not the same unit as all the other sides with only slightly different stats. :O

6. Yes, people, IT IS a felony to pirate software, so, um, that's what Edric has turned this thread into.

7. The topic should be in English.

My vote is for Dungeon. This has turned into a thread of nothing but how bad WestWood is. How ironic, seeing as this is now the OFFICIAL WestWood Board for Emporer. Yes, they do watch it. Some people watch it for them. *Hint, Hint*

with they do both i mean they make both world of warcraft and starcraft 2. I didn't mean that war3 has guns cuz it doesn't. But i am also a sword and bow lover :)

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