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Ok, just because I'm slightly insane doesn't mean that my opinions don't matter!Anyway, the graphics may be bad wherever you come from, but they were really good to me. Maybe I'm sheltered.Second: I want to talk about some great rumors, but I won't until I get permission because things could a little crazy.Third: Favorite characters. I myself perfer Tifa. Thank you.


Let's see, rumors rumors rumors. ;D

Aeris revival: One is that if you get one hundred tissues, drop them off a cliff, Aeris will come running up to you crying, and she will join again. Another is that if you master five revive materias, take them to this place where there is this HUGE blue materia, and give them as an offering to it. Aeris appears out of thin air floating above it.

Clones: Supposedly you can get Zack, Sephiroth, and Deak (a Sephiroth clone) though I have no idea how. You have to choose inbetween them to fill Aeris' place. If you find out how, let me know!



i remember hearing how you could use a gameshark (or was it game genie back then ;D) to bring her, Aeris, back or something like that ;D


Both those rumors are false. You can put Aeris in your party with a gameshark but she's not supposed to be there so the game starts to freeze. Items like the tissue have NO use at all.

  • 3 weeks later...

Only way there is to get characters is to use gameshark.. sephiroth and such. never freezes opn me.. put in code. save restart and then u have sephy!


I just borrowed my friend's PS1 and played FF7 for the first time ever today.

After playing for about 30 mins, I can say that I am horribly disappointed.

The music is utterly horrendous. I can't stand the music. The graphics are even worse. The graphics in the battle are nothing but a jumbled mess of poorly-detailed, extremely blocky and completely *ugly* polygons.

I expected so much more. FF, FF2 and FF3 all had beautiful graphics and brilliant symphonic music that was among the best in any games ever. FF7 does not even compare. The graphics are *painful* to look at, and listening to the music hurts my head.

The uber-babyishness of the graphics don't help things either. And Cloud isn't even drawn holding his sword like the image used to market the game, so running around the gameworld and looking at him is another big disappointment. He looks like a 4 yr old kid. At least he might look a *bit* cool if he was drawn with his sword showing like in *every* image ever used to market the game.


hmm. thansk for the comment.. i have never seen the game this way . i find the game perfect along the lines of sound and graphics.. i actually have a cd with all the in game songs.. and tons of pics in my room.. thanks for commenting though!.


"After playing for about 30 mins, I can say that I am horribly disappointed."

so... after playing the game for 30 minutes you are judging the whole game? kinda immature man.lol The music gets a lot better by the way. but you woudlnt know because you only played it for 30 minutes.

That would be so funny if reviewers only played a role playing game for a few minutes to judge it. or like if a movie reviewer reviewed a movie for only 5 minutes then say it all sucks. nav could do it. couldnt ya you old navie wavie.


Every other FF game (that came before, guess they all turned to crap starting at part 7) has great music from the get-go, not once you get far into it.

You are telling me I should have to listen to poorly-recorded syntheisized noise pollution which is a combination of babyish lullaby chimes like you'd buy for a 6 month old baby, along with the lovely farting noises thrown in to the sound track, farting noises which play at least 3 times every 20 seconds until I get far enough in the game until it gets decent? No. It should be great or at least *tolerable* right from the start.

Do the baby chimes and farting noises *ever* stop? I don't think I can stand playing long enough to find out.

The graphics are truly horrible for the reasons I've mentioned above. Plus the characters don't even have mouths FFS! Just as bad as the music. It's a great brain teaser trying to figure which is worse, because both the graphics and music are among the very lowest form of sludge imaginable on any scale.

I loved FF, FF2, and FF3 but FF7 is pure crap. I know others must agree with this assessment because FF7 is not worthy of the FF name.


nah i cant remember the sound, but i know i loved the Sephiroth music, and the graphics were great at the time, i remember the reviews 'Amazing graphics' i thought that too, looking back now sure they look blocky, i mean their arms are like sausages stuck on the end, but the stories great, the graphics i loved when i got it, along with the cut scenes i thought they were great, and as i said i cant really remember the sound (and cant put it on, my bro took the Playstation to hiss girlfriends about a year ago and still hasnt brought it back) but i loved the Sephiroth music.

(hehe i like breeding chocobo's too :D )


did anyone here get Gold, Green, Blue, Black chocobos? i did, but it was extremely frustrating and it took forever. not to mention frickin expensive. but it was worth it! :D


I didn't play with volume up enough to hear music, as for the graphics, its so old, what did you expect? Ever like anything you've played Nav? If so tell me, I want to try it.


;D ;D I got a GOLD chocobo! They're so cute! Ok, now that's out of my system.

As much as I hate to admit it, I do agree that the music is awful. I picked up that game expecting as good if not better than the wonderful symphony music in FF3/6, but I didn't get it. Oh well, it was ok, I guess. Maybe I'm just spoiled. But to talk about the graphics, they were REALLY good for their time period. Comparing that to any of the newer games is like comparing the ORIGINAL FF with FF7. It's just not fair.

Rumors (Note: I do not make these up, I just report them. For all I know, they may work or they may not. I don't know, so don't shoot the messanger.) I heard that if you buy the house in Costa del Sol for 300,000 gil, stick a fully mastered Revive materia down the toliet (Note again, I did NOT make this up), use an item called the Plunger, unclog the toliet, and you will pull up a Reborn materia, master THAT, then take it to the City of the Ancients were you saw Aeris killed. Supposedly, this all revives Aeris somehow, though I don't know how.

My favorite characters would have to be Tifa and Yuffie. Who wouldn't love that smart talking ninja and a girl whose limit break, if you get all eight of them and get yeahs, does about as much as the second highest summon? Cloud is ok, but he's kind of loserish.

Now for my question: What's your favorite materia (other than Knights of the Round)?



;D ;D I got a GOLD chocobo! They're so cute! Ok, now that's out of my system.

As much as I hate to admit it, I do agree that the music is awful. I picked up that game expecting as good if not better than the wonderful symphony music in FF3/6, but I didn't get it. Oh well, it was ok, I guess. Maybe I'm just spoiled. But to talk about the graphics, they were REALLY good for their time period. Comparing that to any of the newer games is like comparing the ORIGINAL FF with FF7. It's just not fair.

Rumors (Note: I do not make these up, I just report them. For all I know, they may work or they may not. I don't know, so don't shoot the messanger.) I heard that if you buy the house in Costa del Sol for 300,000 gil, stick a fully mastered Revive materia down the toliet (Note again, I did NOT make this up), use an item called the Plunger, unclog the toliet, and you will pull up a Reborn materia, master THAT, then take it to the City of the Ancients were you saw Aeris killed. Supposedly, this all revives Aeris somehow, though I don't know how.

My favorite characters would have to be Tifa and Yuffie. Who wouldn't love that smart talking ninja and a girl whose limit break, if you get all eight of them and get yeahs, does about as much as the second highest summon? Cloud is ok, but he's kind of loserish.

Now for my question: What's your favorite materia (other than Knights of the Round)?


i would say whoever told you is full of crap and its impossible without using a gameshark that implements throwing materia and items at things......

btw, did you have all the special chocobos?


Both those rumors are false. You can put Aeris in your party with a gameshark but she's not supposed to be there so the game starts to freeze. Items like the tissue have NO use at all.

Aeris can be in your party anyway but she sucks.


yeah it wasnt hard (stamina cheat), but frustrating.

that stuff needs a GS to do it....

stamina cheat?

i got them al l normally, and for whoever asked someone if they got them all when they just said they got the gold, U have to get them all to get the gold

u have to breed certain ones like 2 normal ones of a certain class 2gether, for blue and the same for green, then breed them get black, then u breed that with a wonderful to get gold.


i Have had all the Chocobo's.. thanks to long nights in the dark playing while my mom yelled at me to go to sleep.. the game seems different when u are sneaking out of bed to play it!.. yeah looking back the graphics look goofy, but hey what RPG has the best graphicsw anyway.. ITS ABOUT THE STORYLINE!

anyway... That Aerith thing Is only a rumor.. ive never got that to work.. I like The ALL magic.. when u master abotu 12 of them and sell 6.. you are set for life.. Quad Magic is cool also..

and for the music COME ONE! i love it..

sephys theme.. awesome.. turks theme,..awesome..

and as for the cutscenes.. i have them as my screensaver!

and for NAV. you dont expirence the ture game until u get out of midgar.. then u will think that ff3 and such are mere... well yeah.. u can picture it.. FF7's world rulez!


FF3/6 is the best! Ask anyone, I LOVE FF7, but in simple practical terms, FF3/6 outclasses it. The storyline is much more indepth, the magic is much more practical (you learn it as you go along naturally, or you can equip something called a Esper to learn it through expierience points), and the characters are much more interesting. They have much more twisted backgrounds to find out, and are extremelly mysterious.

And now I'm done.

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