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Emperor expansion pack


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I offer the following thoughts for you. Though us Emperor fans very much appreciate what you are doing, the appeal of your work will be severly limited due to the fact that there are no Atreides. It may be unfeasible from a technical point of view, but that makes all your hard work unappealing from a human perspective unfortunately. Do not think I am trying to undermine or demean what you are doing ghosty, as I said we all appreciate it, it's just that for you to reach a wide and substantial audience (which no doubt you would be hoping for after all that time spent on the product), Atreides must be included.

I offer the following considerations:

1. More people play Atreides more than any other House in my opinion.

2. Atreides are the "good guys" so they naturally attract huge masses of people who will only play as them.

3. Just look at the FMV in the singleplayer of Emperor. In my estimation (and this is prone to error and reproof) Atreides must have got *at least* 10 -12 more minutes of FMV than any other House. Why? Because Westwood knew most people would play as Atreides and put the big money into fleshing out the Atreides story the most, and hiring the most respected and reknowned actor, Micheal Dorn, for Atreides, and skimping on the other two houses because they were not as popular.

4. Many people who bought this game no doubt did so because of the books, in which Atreides are the heroes, hence the favorite by far of people playing Emperor. They will feel snubbed by not having Atreides and boycott even learning about your expansion pack.

I say perhaps you may wish to release what you can with no Atreides and see the reception it gets, but do not be surprised if it is cold. Though if you want to reach as many people as possible, maybe you should continue work after you had released the intial mod, and try to get Atreides in subsequent to that release by way of updates.

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Navaros, here's my opinion:


I demand my right of kanly against the Atreides for the brutal murders commited by Paul and Leto II

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qpklot, you might be a little too late with those suggestions... they're good anywayz. We might use them if we kick some unit out and need a replacement. I'm not sure the tornado tank is possible, though.

Just one question: If you set fire to the Inkvine tank's trail, won't it start burning like a fuse, eventually catching up to the tank and blowing it up? Muhahahahahahahaha! :D

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ok some unit ideas:

SSAM launcher.. Long range rocket launcher similar to the SAM battery in C&C. (Try editing a unit and place the SAM missle on it really devastating)

Some type of Ghola: Ordos spend alot of money on this unit and yet you really don't get too many opportinities to use it

Face Dancer Assassin. I like the name from the movie where the woman was trying to posison one of the sard generals.

Some type of Hark Trebuchet. They've got a inkinve one why not some type of fixed long ranged batter that lobs diseased humans over long distances that explode.

I want a trade make on this one.... Omnitank. A tank that can change form and look like other tanks as assumes the speed and armor of them but not the weapons load.

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Hello again. Qpklot ( I'm sorry if I didn't spell the name correctly) has a good idea about the tank that makes an inkvine trail. I hope you know Edric O that this fire doesn't affect vehicles. That fire-settings infantry I had proposed was just that. It will make whole territories inaccesible to infantry. An exceptional defense against stealthy foot units like Fremen or Bronso of Ix.

When we decided to kick Atreides, I knew some ppl would oppose us. But not that much. So let it be Corrinos vs Atreides. Vote now: wanna keep Atreides or get the Corrinos?

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Guest Stelman

I absolutely agree with NavarosX. The house Corrino idea is great, but we will all miss the atreides :(. Are you sure you cannot include 4 houses?

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Feast you eyes on this: THE UNIT DESCRIPTIONS!


Yes, I finally uploaded them. I've done them from memory. Besides, when I was talking to ghosty about them, I didn't exactly give him scientific descriptions... it was more like ideas. I think the ones I uploaded are better written. However, there are still some which I just can't remember, ESPECIALLY THE SUBHOUSE UNITS!! Ghosty, PLEASE email them to me!

Some units are marked with "top secret". That means I either couldn't remember what it does of I want to keep you in suspense. :D

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NavarosX, as long as all players who join the game have the mod installed, they can play all types of multiplayer games including clan games.

The only argument you had was the mino. In other words you 're telling me to keep what ruins the game, since all newbies turn into "experienced" 30kers. And all they do is pumping out minos which I don't think it's difficult. Don't you Atreides have other arguments? What you have just stated, more than proves that Atreides depend entirely on the mino and cannot use another house.

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Ghosty, NavarosX is speaking for himself and himself alone. He DOES NOT speak for the Atreides players.

Can't you see what he's saying? He's speaking for people who turtle and use lame build-large-one-unit-army strategies to win! Well, if they are gonna boycott the mod, I don't see any problem... ::)

Besides, I have many ways to counter your lovely Mino, Navaros. Of course I won't be able to stop a HUGE army of them, but I won't need to, because I won't let you build that army in the first place! The kind of strategies that you describe are lame and annoying for most other players and it's a good thing if we manage to remove them.

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There have been already two topics about the ghey tactics atreides turtles like you Navaros use, and I just created the 3rd. The only thing you do is ruin the game.

Now I start to think it should be better to eliminate the atreides and deprive the turtles of the mino. If all good player get the mod, then turtle newbies will be isolated.

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F!@#! F!@#! F!@#! F!@#! F!@#! F!@#! F!@#! F!@#! F!@#! F!@#! F!@#! F!@#! F!@#! F!@#! F!@#! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!



F!@#!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you you F!@#!ing b@stard F!@#! you all the way to F!@#! hell!!!!!!!!!!!!

NOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAARGGHHHHHH!!!!!!


well so much for counting up to 10 and breathing in and out

it's just i posted some defense for Atreides and it did not appear for no good reason what so ever and this has happened several times!!!


ah well never mind i'll jus retype what i can remember of it <which is very little due to the long time ago i posted it>

qoute from Edrico:

Can't you see what he's saying? He's speaking for people who turtle and use lame build-large-one-unit-army strategies to win! Well, if they are gonna boycott the mod, I don't see any problem...

Can't you see what Edrico's saying? he's speaking for people who rush and use lame build large army strategies <the average rush:a beggining Kobra, dozens of lazers and dozens of dusties...a good player might implement a few inf>

as you cann see and has been discussed and agreed upon before rushing is just as lame as turtling <ie: not lame at all or very lame>

And as for the mino:

qoute from Edrico:Besides, I have many ways to counter your lovely Mino, Navaros

you said it yourself

qoute from Edrico:

Of course I won't be able to stop a HUGE army of them,

If you one of the great Ordos players cannot stop a simple mino group then that just proves that all Ordos players are lame and newbish <of course they arent ALL im just saying that if you p!ss on some atreides players and call them newbs cos they playing with 30k cos they can't stop a rush it is also saying Ordos players are newbs cos they playing with qm settings cos they cant stop a mino group>

there are a HUGE amount of ways to stop a mino group

need i make a list?

as a matter of fact a mino group has more weaknesses that most other units in the game

<no flames or provocations intended>

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Good idea krazypig about keeping Atreides as a subgroup, although the unit you suggested isn't the best unit someone could think of.

Sneak, post these in the ghey settings forum, not here...

And Nyar, thank you for your support

Edric O, when are these icons you 'll paint going to be ready?

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Guest krazypig

Het guys, I have an idea. Now I realy don't like Atreides but alot of people do. Maybe you could put some Atreides survivors as a sub-group! They could of been on another planet, neogotianting an alliance with a secret sub-house or something. They could have the Minotaurus and another great. If you don't use my idea I don't care, because like I said I don't like the Atredies I prfer the Ordos. Good Luck!

A unit Idea:

Name: Worm Breeder

Description: It can make worms, which you can control for a price.

Cost: Expensive

Health: Low

Speed: Fast

Weapon: None

Armor: High

House: A sub-house (Perhaps the secret one I mentioned.)

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Unless I am mistaken, you cannot have four houses because the game can only have three campaigns. Am I mistaken? If I am, then what I write here won't be helpful.

Will the campaign be like the official one, where you could choose where to fight, or will it be s RA style series of missions? If it is a series of missions, then maybe you CAN have 4 houses without much programming. Years ago I made RA1 missions for fun, and if I remember correctly there was a "skip to level #" option instead of just going to the next number level. Is this the same in whatever you are using to make the missions? If it is, then you can have one massive campaign, and a level 1 you have 1 man and 4 barracks, one for each house, and to finish the level you can walk to one of these barracks. So then, if there are 10 levels in each side's campaign, then walking to the Atredies barracks will take you to level 2 (first Atredies level), walking to the Harkonnen barracks will take you to level 12 (first Harkonnen level), and so on. Problem solved!

Is this helpful, or am I making no sense at all?

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