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Emperor expansion pack


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Alright here is some more healthy critiscm <as in don't flame me im just voicing my opinion and helping out :D>

First off Heros = gay in any game as tiberium sun showed us

The Atreides spy i thougt up admittedly seems overpowered at first glance however:

he only has a knife that does not do anything if he is detected

he is slow <about the same speed as flamethrower trooper

his is weak <scout health>

a sabotaged building can be fixed with an engineer however there is no indication of the buiding having anything wrong with it until of course the effect's take place

to steal anything he first has to infiltrtate a building once inside the building he can steal one tecknology eg:Kobra. or if in a refinery he can only take a certain amount of money let's say 500 max which he drains slowly and then has to leg it back to base to deliver the teck or cash......

yer expansion sounds a little biased in favour of Ordos coughEdricocough <jus jokig about it being Edricos doing>

The ordos units cover all their weakeness to thouroughly for example they now have strong airpower to go along with their strong ground force with units such as the missile and sabotage thopters and i would like to know what the gaurdian tank is...is it a Juggernaut/Kobra tank like tank? don't give the Kobra more range than the mino or the mino will have no chance<in case you were thinking of doing that> as well as getting the most renowned dune unit..the swordmaster <in Dune all fighting is done with swords>.

could you put a brief explanation of units cos i for one would like to know what a D-gas trooper is <and that D better not stand for deviator otherwise he atoumatically makes the hijacker obsolete cos he can take over units in one shot whilst a hijacker can only destroy them>

please keep in mind that the ability to take over something is the most powerful shot possible in a game <seeing as how taking over a unit in a single shot is the only thing more powerful than taking a unit out in a single shot

as for the hark could you please tell me the difference between a rocket chopper and a gunship <Gunship is the actual definition of a missile and gun armed chopper>

the new hark units just sound like more fat units that they don't really use..like the death ram for example sounds like the kirov if so.....well then at least the devestator can be picked up with a carryall

the plasma trooper is an anti vehicular unit and thus obsoletes the bazzoka trooper of course he can't shoot air like the bazooka trooper but hark have missile tanks and sard elite for that

bomber???im assuming this is a unit that run's into buildings and tanks and obliterates them but like the other units im not sure

[This message has been edited by sneakgab (edited 12-18-2001).]

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sounds like a really lame idea as a perminent means to playing emperor. If this mod were introduced it would have to be solely on single player. You cant just wipe out an entire house (I happen to like atreides!) and yes since it is just amateurs making the mod, i can see balance issues being a BIG problem. This one should definitely stick to the single player, then all you ppl so desperate for something new will be satisfied.

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Sorry but i have to agree with Razorox...

Edrico and Ghostysquare might be good developers but Edrico is biased in favour of Ordos which explains the dissapearance of Atreides when everyone one else would either pick no house to dissapear or pick the Ordos for dissapearance...<JUS JOKING>

But Edrico seriously you might be a good developer but remember Emperor balance is perfect....a first for WW games so pls be very...very careful

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Unit suggestion!

Worm Tank

A tank that can dig itself in like dust scouts can dig in dust bowl.

They have to be a little visible while in sand because else people dig the map full of W.T.

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a) I know... but it's the only way to get the Corrinos.

b) Hmmm... well, that depends (on whether we could keep it balanced or not, and whether it's worth the effort). Remember: BALANCE IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN REALISM

c) You mean a sort of special upgrades? Maybe. Ghosty will have to answer this...

d) Can't you just squish the critter? :D

Is that a problem? I thought the Harks loved Gunships.

I don't remember what the Death Ram does (I need my emails back...), but rest assured it's not like a Kirov. It has near-Gunship speed.

Plasma Troopers are much more powerful (and expensive) than regular troopers. And there are differences in speed and armour.

As for Sards Elite... uhhh, the Sards are not a subhouse any more, remember?

The Bomber blows up buildings much like SEALs from YR, but he has no other weapon to defend himself.


Okay... so what does it fire? How fast is it, how much armour does it have? Which House can build it? How do you balance it with other Houses' units?


I'm formatting today, so the email should work tomorrow (wish me luck!)

It's obvious that the mod can't be perfect the way we release it. I think we should call the 10-January release a Beta. I'm sure we'll need to fix up balance issues, and maybe add campaigns.

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At last, I have some time in which to reply.

Forget about the spy sneakgab. As for your other questions, Edric O answered them.

To apollokiev:

b) This can be done, but balance remains the most important thing.

c)Hmmm. Let me find out if it's possible.

d)Unfortunately many things aren't realistic. If we fix something then we should made everything realistic. But remember this is a game and we 're aiming to keep it balanced.

e)Do you want that we make an entire new game or WHAT?

To worm13

I guess you mean that the tank doesn't dig in dustbowls only but in all sandy terrain (like worms). It can be made but supply us with more details.

To Edric O

Have you read my post at your message board? I doubt. We 'll rename the swordmaster back to slasher.

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Guest apollokiev

Thank you for your replies Edric0 and ghostysquare. I now remember something that a some guys brought up a few months back:

With the Ordos pop-up turret, is it possible to have that thing cloaked, so its a real "pop-up" turret. This would simulate it popping out the ground. The drawback for Ordos is that it would require a lot of power to operate them, obviously when firing it is uncloaked, and the cloaking will go away once the turret is damaged to a certain point.

Again, i know jack about programming, but if they can make certain units cloaked, i don't see why not a turret.

Thanks again.

~ Kiev

[This message has been edited by apollokiev (edited 12-19-2001).]

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Hey, you guys are talking about the units but don't forget the superweapons!

What do you get?

Like for the ordos, a giant lightning bolt that damages everything and melts every unit in range(heavely damages buildings) and for the Harkonen a rocket when hits explodes and makes a large area radioactive, infantrie gets poisened armer slowly melts and other devistaters that are near have a core meltdown and selfdestruct and the new house, house Corrino has the emperors revenge, every unit in range wil be loyel to house Corino for a short period and wil kill every enemy unit while they are under the control of the emperors revenge.

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WHEW! what a long post

ok the expansion idea is good except for some problems.

Will the game be balanced? also please describe all the units i've read the list but i have to imagine what they do:

Though I am against a large amount of new units it will make everything too complicated. Just remember how many units there were in tiberium sun i was starting to get confused which units were good and which ones I should not use.

If you are to inculde new units just keep em simple. So that it does not make one side imbalanced.

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I don't understand you guys: If you think the ex. pack is unbalanced, don't get it!

For the Worm Tank...

I think house Ordos should have it (its sneeky) the firepower should be a gun (not missles) and the armour around a Assault Tank!

As compesation to the armour it should have high worm attrac.

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Hello guys,

Razorox, sneakgab, Muad'Dib, aren't you interested in the idea that you 're finally going to be able to play House Corrino? Unfortunately, since there can't be four houses, one of them had to be eliminated. If you don't like it, then don't get the mod. Besides, if you get it, you can install it and unistall it whenever you want.

Sounds a brilliant idea appolokiev to make the pop-up turret stealthy. Keep it up.

Worm13 your idea sounds good. Instead of a tank we could do the following: a mobile mine that hides in the sand and explodes when units step on it.

Of course I 'll discuss those things with Edric O. He is the one who thinks about the new units etc. I just make 'em.

Gobalopper you can email me: loneindesert@mycosmos.gr

[This message has been edited by ghostysquare (edited 12-20-2001).]

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First off thanks for the agreement Maud'dib...perhaps with a few more debators we can get the Atreides back.<actually Gohstysquare sound's stubborn as hell on this matter so it probably won't make a difference :D>

i don't see why there can't be 4 houses...what a waste of several unit ideas jus disposing of Atreides is...you couldv'e at least have gave them a suitable and proper exit...i mean they were wiped out...that's not very creative is it

woudln't a mobile mine be a straight rip off the Starcraft's terran spider mine?

if there's gonna be a subterranean unit then there has to be sensor to detect it and you have to change game code to make it possible to shoot unit's undergroun

besides we all remember how ''sneaky'' coughnotcough the subterranean apc was for Nod in Tiberium sun...it was jus so creative how player's rid them straight past sensors knowing theyr'e invulnerable till they surface and jus depositing hell into people's bases with absolutely no thought process...darn that's so clever <sarcasm> it's a good idea but i say it's gonna take alot of work unless you wish for it to be unbalanced

hmmmm why would i want to play with corrino?sigh if this ex pack becomes overly popular im gonna miss my sneaky Atreides.....they were the only house that didn't rely on overwhelming number's right at the beggining like the Ordos and to a lesser extent the hark relied on to....

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First off thanks for the agreement Maud'dib...perhaps with a few more debators we can get the Atreides back.<actually Gohstysquare sound's stubborn as hell on this matter so it probably won't make a difference :D>

i don't see why there can't be 4 houses...what a waste of several unit ideas jus disposing of Atreides is...you couldv'e at least have gave them a suitable and proper exit...i mean they were wiped out...that's not very creative is it

woudln't a mobile mine be a straight rip off the Starcraft's terran spider mine?

if there's gonna be a subterranean unit then there has to be sensor to detect it and you have to change game code to make it possible to shoot unit's undergroun

besides we all remember how ''sneaky'' coughnotcough the subterranean apc was for Nod in Tiberium sun...it was jus so creative how player's rid them straight past sensors knowing theyr'e invulnerable till they surface and jus depositing hell into people's bases with absolutely no thought process...darn that's so clever <sarcasm> it's a good idea but i say it's gonna take alot of work unless you wish for it to be unbalanced

hmmmm why would i want to play with corrino?sigh if this ex pack becomes overly popular im gonna miss my sneaky Atreides.....they were the only house that didn't rely on overwhelming number's right at the beggining like the Ordos and to a lesser extent the hark relied on to....

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Sorry about posting twice

alright...as long as you don't give it to Ordos im happy

you meant to say the mine CAN only be used once right?

That's still the same as the spider mine though! unless you build from a fac which i assume is impossible since the mine must be in the sand and the fac must be on the rock...lest of course the mine can also move on rock before burrowing into the sand......

what's the word on the AtreidesCorrino spy?

and the Worm tank idea?

iv'e got a good idea...maybe if you do implement the worm tank is should belong to a subhouse...like the smugglers for instance

also im assuming yer bringing in old unit's that were unbuildable but usable in the game such as the smuggler's quad cars

in which case i presume you make the quad expensive at becuase although very weak it could shoot airunits and vehicles effectively and it was fast...and we all know speed infact keeps a unit alive longer in direct combat than armour...<unless of course the fast unit doesn't have a rotating turret>

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Hey sneak,

The mobile mine will not be stealthy. . It can only hide in sand and is therefore visible in rock. So it makes little difference if the mine can travel on rock. As for the spider mine u 're saying, i 've no idea, i haven't ever played Starcraft. It can only hide in sand and is therefore useless in rock.

More ideas would be welcome.

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Despite the kicking of my sneaky Atreides the expansion pack still sound's pretty cool

weve all expressed our issues on the rather delicate yet perfect balance of the game so make sure the balance is kept....<good luck of that case>

Maybe make the Corrino's the sneakiest? <for all those peeps looking for a house after getting Atreides kicked and for all those people wanting to use house Corrino>

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Guest apollokiev

Instead of a Chaos Spy, why not be truer to the Dune universe and call it a Face Dancer? These guys can disguise themselves into looking like the enemy units, and like in the book House Atreides by Frank Herbert's son Brian Herbert and Kevin J. Anderson, instigate uprisings. You can send them in among groups, and in time they will cause those enemy units to rebel against their own team.

Just a thought.

~ Kiev

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It feels good to be back on my own computer! Oh yeah!

Anyway, before I answer any posts, I have to make something clear about balance:

We won't just decide on our own whether something is balanced in the mod or not! We'll ask YOU about it. I understand your concerns that I might *accidentaly* overpower the Ordos ( :D ), but they're unfounded. Besides, you'll be the ones deciding on the balance anyway. Random whining won't be taken into consideration, though. If you feel that something is not balanced, use the unit stats to support your claim.

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