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Who has won the World Cup?


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> Lol Nema, what you have against the USA, since

> you specifically named them? This team is

> finally succedding in the only sport that the

> US has had trouble with.

And that is exactly the reason why. Why should the USA succeed in EVERY sport? I hope they dont.

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I think Brazil will take the cup this year.

I am behind the US, but i don't think they will beat Germany tomorrow. If they do though, Brazil and England are both better teams, so they won't make it. I don't want Germany to win though, i don't think they play a very fair game.

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Every report that I've seen including the Americans seemed like the US as a country only cares about a sport if they won. Thus, thet do not deserve to win.

Is it me, or is there far too much misconduct in football? Pushing and shoving, somersaulting to appear that you've been pushed or shoved... I frankly don't care who wins, as long as it's fair and just.

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How is that a reason they shouldn't win Nema? Most people in USA are patriotic (especially post-09/11) and like to see our country win. But there are people who like football itself, and then there are people who like soccer itself (my point being is that there are people in USA who like the sport, and then some who like to see US win). Surveys don't mean a thing (till you come and be my baby yeaaah).

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Oh well... England are coming home allright but without football, :(

I felt we had a great side this time, but when it came to brazil, Well it was just like watching england wasn't it? .... Pathetic!

All game, 90 minutes, long ball after long ball after long ball, not one real passing movement, and that is why we didn't even get to shoot at goal, even owen's goal was a mistake, it was created for us by brazil... *sigh* can't believe how the team can work so well one minute and be so crap the next.

Oh Timmen m8.. it's every 4 years the world cup, :) So it's 2006 and 2010. And England have thier eyes on those, :P hehe

My respect for Rivaldo is completely nil now too, he kept diving and acting in that game, but he did such a bad job of it that it was obvious. Apart from that there was a bit of misconduct, all the pushing and everything, i just don't know why they have to do that, you don't see england pushing everyone. But it's besides the point, england were crap so they got beat, Brazil go through.. Oh well, Good luck USA, and if not Usa, then Senegal, and if not senegal, germany, :)

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1-0 Germany over US. They played quite well though, against a heavily favored Germany...a good sign for the future. And to who was talking about the US only caring about soccer cause the team was winning....your probbly right :P What can I say (I probably won't watch another game)? This is definitely true of every country. However, there is a core group (just a smaller version in the US than other countries) who like soccer anyway and who will watch games featuring other countries. These are the ones who are supporting Major League Soccer in the US for the last couple years, which will be the reason the talent in the US will eventually close the gap with other countries.

Predictions: South Korea is an underdog yet one of the best teams I've seen play. Their worst game so far was a 1-1 tie to the US...no losses. I look for them to move to the final.

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"English whiners" etc...

Excuse me? Who has whined?

And if someone is Dutch, then by definition, he can't live that far from your home, given the size of the country...

The thing about the US is that if they win, they cheer; if they don't, no-one in the US really notices much...

This is known as selective focus. They emphasize when they're strong, and ignore when they're not. THAT is what I really dislike.

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Yea Nema, you are right to a degree. But that is the nature of any country. I mean when was the last time I heard a big deal about Dutch basketball (no offense Dutch :) or the Korean hockey team. When you excel at something that you have struggled with, it is only natural to get excited.

On the other side, you have those countries who can't handle unexpected losses in their "strength" I'm not sure where your from Nema, but places like Italy who announced that the Korean who kicked the winning goal wouldn't be back to his Italian league team next season (causing an Asian association to get upset). I'm sure you can think of several examples. And no American, I am absolutely sure, has ever burned himself to help his team (like the South Korean).

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Now that South Korea has comethis far, I really think they have a chance against Germany. With all respect, but Germany ain't playing that well. If they keep up the way they played now, they will loose from South Korea (and Guus of course ;D).

They did have all the luck of the world though in thier game against Spain.. The goal that the Spanish made in extra time should have counted..

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