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Actually I'd like to make the UI very flexible first. Then I can simply use any resolution. Using higher res gfx could be implemented from specific resolutions. ie, when going > 1080p then use the current gfx times 2 or something. Or, perhaps even scale it with the ratio, though it might look ugly then.

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  • 2 weeks later...

hey stefan, just stopped by to ask how D2TM is going...

bluehappybyte, has recently asked me for permision to use my maps in Dune Legacy, I have ofcourse said yes :)

Which kinda got me wondering just how far off a new release of D2TM is...

FYI... i prefer D2TM to Dune Legacy ;) ;)

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  • 1 month later...

not sure if this is where I would post this, but I've found a repeatable glitch in which harvesters get stuck directly next to the refinery to the left. I'm playing with the D2TM-WIP-352 unstable release, I dont know if this is a known glitch, but it causes me to have to constantly build harvesters, despite light losses.

you're probably right... this may not be the place to report it... however most peeps are pretty friendly and care not about such things...

but yes... I am having the same issue too

incidently... stefan... loving the new res support... tho it behaves odd when more than one monitor are in use

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  • 2 weeks later...
but I've found a repeatable glitch in which harvesters get stuck directly next to the refinery to the left.

Fixed! :)

incidently... stefan... loving the new res support... tho it behaves odd when more than one monitor are in use

I have multiple monitors as well. However, perhaps you refer to the flickering at start? Its the 'resolution detection' progress. It works, but its infancy because it really allocates video mode and then releases it again. Now, it is possible to set resolution via an INI file, so you can specify whatever resolution you want :)

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Fixed! :)

I have multiple monitors as well. However, perhaps you refer to the flickering at start? Its the 'resolution detection' progress. It works, but its infancy because it really allocates video mode and then releases it again. Now, it is possible to set resolution via an INI file, so you can specify whatever resolution you want :)

perhaps i should have been more clear... the resolution detects a wide-screen mode... which is not displayed on a single monitor, but instead, across both monitors in a windowed mode :S

@ Mr Fibble... Demo4 is pretty old now, but there are 'unstable' releases that are available from stefans D2TM site, those release have better resolution support ;-)

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perhaps i should have been more clear... the resolution detects a wide-screen mode... which is not displayed on a single monitor, but instead, across both monitors in a windowed mode :S

Ah, well it makes sense sort off. BUt it shouldnt happen. With the ini file you can now control your resolution though.

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oh yes... obviously it makes sense :P (to some)

so do you understand why its happening ? or would you need more info to recreate this bug first?

I understand what is happening at your machine. And I do have a theory about why it goes into windowed mode and such. However, since the screen-detection code has been optimized, perhaps this issue is no longer valid. Could you please let me know if the next unstable release has this same problem?

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  • 8 months later...
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  • 8 months later...

Still following your project.

Good luck on the java stuff.

Once you get to a working version:

The success of starcraft was also due to a very easy, user friendly editor. Some missions made by blizzard actually came to live in this editor. Special situations/triggers where hand made after by the crew.

If you manage to make an user friendly editor, not only can other people make multi player maps for your game. You yourself can do it too in no time. See it as a time investment to get an easy time later on.

People also could submit their maps to you and you can read their unit designs as possible balances (or what they like to see if you ever add new units in an expansion pack).

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Hmm, I haven't followed the project in quite some time, seems that there's some active development going on :D

Yeah, the inclusion of a functional map/mission editor is something I had always advocated, having spent quite some time learning and then actively using StarEdit (and then also the community-built SCM editors) back in the day. Not that I've created anything noteworthy (apart from a few mildly interesting campaigns) but that sure was fun ^_^

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Indeed, a user friendly editor is a must have.

Don't go any further then the complexity like Starcraft 2 editor. If a player has to find out what every number does, even by looking it up elsewhere. Then they quickly decide to quit.

If you make an editor, follow the starcraft or warcraft2 example first. Add on later when people ask for it.

The first editor should only support changing units in statistics and a terrain editor. A basic trigger for each map should be installed for the player, yet you still might want to add starting resources for the parties individually.

For example;

Costs, Speed, Health, Range, Damage, etc.

Also, to prevent wrong numbers. Remove the usage of the - inside the editor.

You might want to add the possibilities for "new" or "hero" units.

If the editor is understandable and fast usable, people can be very creative. If people know the editor can do what they want, but they know they have to search for it, they don't want to. It's like you asking me to learn C++ or using open source, so that I can do the balancing, while I don't even understand any bits. :) (Joke, it's a joke)

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  • 1 month later...
  • 10 months later...

Dune 2 - The Maker is once again being rewritten. It is open source, from the ground up, using SDL, on Github so everybody can easily contribute. And it also works on Ubuntu/Mac OSX out of the box.


Check out the news: http://dune2themaker.fundynamic.com/


Or, just get to github: https://github.com/stefanhendriks/Dune-II---The-Maker

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  • 2 weeks later...

@Gob, I think it is the 6th or 7th attempt if you count them *all* ;)


@Spectral Paladin. Well, we now know how this played out. I am very happy you're helping us out and that we're writing the game using SFML now. I believe we have it up and running as it was (before SFML) in a few days, and then we can rock 'n roll the dune 2 scene ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 6 years later...
  • 1 month later...

I was on a holiday and worked from time to time on a zooming feature. Ie, where you can zoom in/out on the battle field using your scroll wheel. I found it a quite neat feature in C&C Remastered (and in the Golden Path dune remake).

I had to dive into real old rendering code, and I really had to restrain myself from rewriting stuff (pitfal!). The result so far is that I can zoom, but rendering is far from perfect. It also is unstable. Hence, see this github ticket: https://github.com/stefanhendriks/Dune-II---The-Maker/issues/65






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